School Council President: Mrs Levi H: 9876 5522 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2015 APRIL Fri 17 Mon 20 Tues 21 Wed 22 Thurs 23 Fri 24 Sun 26 Mon 27 School Tennis Trial AOM Assembly - 2.45pm Y1 Excursion to Coopers Settlement School Council Meeting – 7.30pm Snack Shack Closed Y6 Anzac Ceremony Snack Shack Closed Walk to School Snack Shack Closed Storytime - Rainbows Anzac Assembly - 2.30pm POPS Bunnings BBQ Y5/6 Old Melbourne Goal Excursion MAY Fri 1 Wed 6 Fri 8 Mon 11 Tues 12-14 Fri 15 Hats no longer required POPS Cross Country Mothers Day Stall AOM Assembly - 2.45pm NAPLAN Storytime - Toys School Tours are held on Tuesdays at 9.30am PRINCIPAL’S LETTER Welcome back to POPS for term two, we have a wonderful term of learning ahead planned. A warm welcome is extended to Lachlan M in 5 Owen and his parents, Kim and Michael. STUDENT LEARNING This Monday the teachers spent a day working with Lisa Keskinen on the teaching of reading. Reading is the gateway to all knowledge and it is crucial that we to discover how we can engage every child in this wonderful journey. An important part of engaging children is to model the joy of reading, whether it is a book, a newspaper or a magazine. Reading aloud to, and with children are very powerful ways to engage them and I would encourage 16th April 2015 Volume 43, No 10 parents to not stop doing this once children are able to read independently. It is also fun to discover fabulous phrases and wonderful words together. I encourage parents to think about their favourite childhood books and share them with their children. This week as part of the reporting process students will bring their learning journals home to share. These journals contain samples of learning tasks completed in term one in the areas of reading, writing, spelling, mathematics and science. Each sample has a description of the task, a reflection from the student and an assessment from the teacher. I encourage parents to spend time with their children looking through the learning journals discussing the tasks and celebrating achievements. Learning journals are to be returned to school by Friday April 24. STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Congratulations to Tessa K and Edward L who presented to the Parents’ Association meeting on Tuesday evening about the Young Leaders Conference they attended. They spoke confidently and clearly articulated the benefits of the conference and thanked the PA for their generosity in enabling all year six students to attend the conference. Next Monday, April 20 the SRC will conduct an Aussie of the Month assembly at 2.45pm. On Friday, April 24 at 2.30pm we will hold our annual ANZAC DAY ceremony. This has been a tradition since 2003 and is even more special this year with the centenary celebration of the landing at Gallipoli. The ceremony will be led by students and we invite members of our community, students, parents and teachers to share their special memories and memorabilia. We will have a guest speaker who will share his journey to Gallipoli. I look forward to a very special ceremony and encourage parents to join us for the ceremony. STAFF NEWS Mr Martin will be on leave until April 29 and we look forward to hearing of his adventures on the Kokoda Trail when he returns. Georgina Daniel PRINCIPAL 16/04/15_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Park Orchards Primary School SNACK SHACK TERM DATES 2015 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 29/01/15 - 27/03/15 13/04/15 - 26/06/15 13/07/15 - 18/09/15 05/10/15 - 18/12/15 NEXT WEEK CURRICULUM DAYS Monday, 13th July CURRENT NOTICES Year 1 excursion reminder Year 3 Camp proposal Year 5/6 Melbourne Goal, State library, Shrine Excursion Year 6 Anzac Day Service Permission Snack Shack Closed Next week - 22-24th April CANTEEN ROSTER APRIL COMMUNITY NEWS ANZAC BADGES We are currently selling a variety of Anzac badges, wrist bands and bag tags in support of Anzac Day on Saturday the 25th April. Prices start from $1 - $5 although any donation is much appreciated. Thank-you support. HATS AWAY 1st OF MAY Reminder, please ensure you child has a hat until the 1st of May. Children who are not wearing hats will be required to play in the undercover areas. for your Fri 17 Mrs Schaper Wed 22 CLOSED Thurs 23 CLOSED Fri 24 CLOSED Wed 29 Mrs Miles Thurs 23 Mrs Hamilton MAY Fri 1 Mrs Martin Wed 6 Mrs Baker Thurs 7 Mrs Williams Fri 8 Mrs Nguyen INTERSCHOOL SPORT Interschool Sport - Term 2 Interschool begins for Term 2 next Friday the 24th of April at 11.30am against St Annes Primary. 16/04/15__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Park Orchards Primary School MUSIC TUITION Keyboard, Voice and Piano Mrs Hunt is taking students for private Keyboard, Voice and Piano tuition. If you’re interested in enrolling in one of these lessons please pick up an enrolment form from the school office. Wonnies School of Music Wonnies music are currently taking enrolments at POPS. ENROLMENT FORMS AT SCHOOL OFFICE OR EMAIL: p. 9812 2568 Learning the piano improves educational outcomes! Would you like to give your child the opportunity to learn the piano? Private Lessons (1 on 1) are available for P.O.P.S students during school hours or at your home. Limited places are available this year. For further information: Joanne Siegersma (B.Mus.Ed, Melb) Ph: 94310555 Email: WISE ONES 16/04/15__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Park Orchards Primary School 16/04/15__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Park Orchards Primary School 16/04/15__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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