PORTAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT GETTING TOGETHER, MOVING FORWARD MAY 2015 T In This Issue DEMOCRAT • Burning the Mortgage • Chair Election • Convention Info • TRIVIA • Budget Listening Sessions • Walk Wisconsin • MREA • PCDP Picnic • Brat Sale May 29 • Parking • Meeting Program • Thanks • Pics from the Party Karyn Tank reports there were 2 meetings at the PCDP’s Headquarters in March with approx. 90 persons attending. Thanks again to all the persons who made the building ownership possible. Photo by Jerry Ugland “Burn The Mortgage” A grand occasion and a remarkable accomplishment. By Nichole Lysne The Capital Campaign Committee is proud to announce that the “Burn the Mortgage” party with Art Stevenson and Highwater was a huge success! The evening of the event we raised over $4,000 with over 200 people attending, including students that were sponsored by people who could not attend that evening. The funds gathered that evening did not include the money that was sent in prior to the event by those that had provided sponsorship. In total the event collected $10,550 not including our minor expenses. What a Success! The event was held at Smiley’s Bar and Grill in Plover, WI on Thursday, April 9, 2015. The Committee thanks Smiley’s for their friendly and willing staff and for the use of their great facility. We also thank Art Stevenson and Highwater for the high-energy music that they played which made the evening one to remember. Continued on following page Success continued… The evening’s event was sponsored by Jack & Leigh Allgaier, Cindy Eagon, Char Figge, Kent & Sue Hall, Wes & Karen Halverson, Bernie & Mitzi Hlavac, Congressman Ron Kind, Lois Lawler, David & Trudy Pederson, Earl & Lillian Spangenberg, Jerry Ugland and Jan & Dave Way. Thank you! Senator Julie Lassa and Representative Katrina Shankland attended the event and provided their perspective about recent events in the state and nation. At the event, two names were drawn to actually burn copies of the mortgage. The lucky two chosen independently, ended up being the married couple of Larry & Anne Graham. After a bit of difficulty, Larry and Anne were able to burn the copies. At the April 14th meeting of the Portage County Democratic Party after the “Burn The Mortgage” event, a motion was passed to pay off the building land contract. The final decision for payment will be made at the next Executive board meeting. Efforts to raise funds to pay off the mortgage began in 2011 with the creation of the Capital Campaign Committee (CCC). Through the years the CCC included Michelle Bjella, Cindy Chelcun, Kent Hall, Sue Hall, Wes Halverson, Tim Hanley, Lois Lawler, Nichole Lysne and Jan Way. The goal of the CCC was to pay off the land contract that the PCDP signed with the Teamsters for $60,000 plus interest. The CCC’s first fund raising event highlighted Senator Russ Feingold at Smiley’s in November 2012. It was a great evening with about 200 persons attending. The event netted $14,000 towards the purchase of the PCDP Headquarters. The CCC held a couple rummage sales to raise funds in 2013. The first sale was held in May in Park Ridge at Ray Cal’s home and raised $560. The second rummage sale was held in September in Darlene Todd’s yard and raised $900. In November 2013, the CCC held a fund raising event that was titled “An Evening With Kelly Jackson”. Kelly is a member of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians and a gifted musician. Just prior to our event, Kelly had won the Native American Music Award for “Best Folk/Americana Recording” for her debut album, “Spirit of a Woman”. It was a lovely evening and successfully raised $6,700 toward the mortgage payment. The CCC also held two more rummage sales in 2014. The first was held in May in Park Ridge and raised $870. The second was in September, again at Darlene Todd’s home, and raised another $700. A lesson learned is “never under-estimate the value of your rummage”. The CCC thanks all the people that helped through the years, including sponsors of the events, donors at the events, attendees of the events, volunteers at the various events and those that provided monthly donations. The CCC would also like to thank the PCDP treasurers, Jerry Ugland, and Jack Allgaier who acted as treasurer while Jerry was on vacation, for managing the PCDP money over the last four years as the CCC worked to raise the $60,000. Jerry Ugland is commended for the hours he spent recalculating the land contract after each payment was made to the Teamsters. In the weeks to come, the CCC will hold final meeting to finish sending thank you notes to sponsors of the “Burn The Mortgage” event and clean–up items that the committee created through the years of fund raising. Page 2 Elections For Democratic Party State Chair By Jack Allgaier The future direction of the Democratic Party in Wisconsin will depend on who is elected Chair in June. The current chair, Mike Tate is not seeking re-election. There are five candidates vying for the position, some of whom have visited PCDP already. The five candidates are: Martha Laning, Jason Rae, Jeff Smith, Stephen Smith, Joe Wineke. The election will be held at the State Convention June 5 & 6th at the Potowatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee. This is where YOU come in. To vote for state chair, one must be a member of the State Democratic Party, must be elected as a delegate by the County party and must be registered to attend the Convention. Contact Gary Hawley (715-321-0111) if you are interested in a delegate position. Portage County is eligible for many delegate positions because the number of delegates is based on the number of Democrats in the County Party and how many votes the county casts for Democrats. We are a strong Democratic County and Party. Please plan on attending if you wish to have an impact on the future of the Party. As a personal comment, it is unfortunate that this essential election occurs far from Portage County at a hotel that is probably the most expensive for a room in the history of the Party elections. I am sure that Portage County would take it’s full compliment of delegates were the convention being held closer to Middle Wisconsin – say Stevens Point?! At our next general meeting, May 12, the delegates to the 3rd CD Convention (May 2nd – LaCrosse) will share their observations about the State Chair candidates they will have heard speak at the CD Convention and perhaps share their opinion as to which one would best serve Portage County. More State Convention (June 5 & 6) Information: You may register in advance for $25 by going to the DPW Website: www.wisdems.org/convention. After May 15th, the registration cost is $35. The final day to register is May 22nd. Rooms at the Casino may be sold out. There are less expensive motels in the area, but you will need to research on your own. Convention “kick-off” begins at 2 PM on Friday (June 5) with the Democratic Unity Fair. Registration and Caucus meetings follow at 3 PM. The day and evening events planned include several dynamic and inspiring speeches by candidates, officials and future Democratic leaders. Saturday’s scheduled events begin with the Platform and Resolutions Debate followed by the Election for State Party Officers. The Convention is scheduled to conclude at 2:30 PM. Page 3 BUSY APRIL In addition to the “Burn The Mortgage” event, PCDP members participated in other events throughout the month. TRIVIA 46 Leigh Allgaier and Jan Way reported on PCDP’s members answering phones for TRIVIA 46 recently. Leigh wrote: “Trivia was both fun and gratifying. This year we felt so at home because the student in charge of the phone room was a member of the University Young Democratic Party. Jim Oliva came over and talked to quite a few of us and then gave us a big thank you on the air. It’s a good chance to both be active in the community and get a little positive publicity for the party and our elected officials”. Jan thanked the phone volunteers by saying “They were amazing. We had a blast and we look forward to next year”. Also a thank you to Ned Grossnickle, Dan Halloway and Nancy & Konrad Cjojnacki for being on my call list and even though I didn’t need them, it was really nice to know they were there if I did. “Thank You” to Jack & Lee Allgaier, George and Miriam Weeks, Dave Blado, Jan Doxtator, Sue Hall, Trish Baker, Earl Spangenberg, Corey Ladick, Carie & Scott Winn, Eric Way, Shaun & Julie Morrow, Keaton Schultz, Mary Kneebone and Jan Way”. *********************************************************************************************** Local Budget Listening Sessions Senator Julie Lassa and Representative Katrina Shankland held a listening session at the “Lincoln Center” on April 13 specifically to hear concerns about the Governor’s proposed budget cuts to SeniorCare, IRIS and other programs to aid the elderly and disabled. Community members and several members of PCDP spoke about the hardships this budget would impose on persons that need the help the most. One gentleman stated that should the budget pass in its present form, his food assistance would be cut from $100 a month to $16/mo. There were many at the hearing that shared similar personal stories. Republican Representatives VanderMeer, Krug, & Spiros along with Democrat Katrina Shankland and Dana Wachs were on the UWSP campus on April 21 for a listening session regarding the governor’s proposed budget cuts. Several of our PCDP members were in the attendance along with other community members. During the 2-1/2 hour session, persons, including several from PCDP, spoke in opposition to the proposed dramatic cuts, not only to the public education system, but they voiced objections to the cuts proposed in the budget that are not budget related. Republican Representative VanderMeer, 70th district, held another listening session in Stevens Point on April 20th. Senator Julie Lassa joined her. Again, several area citizens and PCDP members voiced critical opposition to many of the budget proposed cuts; the most voiced opposition being cuts to the public school budget and proposed cuts to the DNR and environmental programs. Page 4 MOVING ON … It’s Wa lk Wis cons in – Saturday June 6 PCDP member volunteers gather to help hand out food and refreshments to as many as 2000 walkers for this premier, annual walking event. We “man” the rest stop on the north side of town at the corner of Wilshire Dr. and North Point Dr. by the Sentry Golf Course. Those of you not attending the State Democratic Party Convention, please consider helping out for 1 or 2 hors on that day between the hours of noon and 3 PM. Please let Jan Way know if you can help out. Contact Jan at 715-572-5802 or janmway@gmail.com. Thank you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June 19-21 - MREA Renewable Energy Fair “The Energy Fair provides attendees with inspirational speakers, workshops, exhibits and demonstrations of renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable living, and green building”. The consequences of climate change are very real. This “fair” addresses the causes of and remedies for some of the known causes of climate change and is a platform that we Democrats support. Volunteers are needed to work at our booth at the “Fair”. The state party pays for the cost of the booth, but because we are “local”, Portage County usually provides the bulk of the volunteers to man the booth. Our worker volunteers receive free admission to the fair for their 3 hr. shift. We are among friendly, like-minded people so it is a pleasant experience. Please contact Jan Way at 715-572-5802 or janmway@gmail.com if you can volunteer a three-hour shift. Thank you Quote taken from the MREA brochure at www.midwestrenew.org/energyfair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s A Party of Our Party And We Need You There!!! PCDP’s Annual Summer Picnic Save this date!!!! SUNDAY AUGUST 23, 2015 !!!! 11AM-4 PM AT TH E HI S TOR IC AL PFIFFNER BUI L DI NG ON TH E SH OR ES OF TH E BEA UTI FUL WIS C ONSI N RIV ER We will have food and drink for sale, a Silent Auction including Theme Baskets, a Bake Sale and Great Speeches by our elected Democratic officials. Tuesday May 12, is RAFFLE TICKET PICK-UP as well as our and May general membership meeting. Our annual raffle, in conjunction with the Picnic is our major fundraiser for the operation of the PCDP. We need your help once again to sell the tickets. The proceeds help pay the expenses, an average of about $600/month, at the Headquarters. It truly helps if you can pick up your packet of tickets at the HQ, otherwise our great group of volunteers will deliver them personally to your home later this summer. Pick them up meeting night, May 14th, and start selling right away. Page 5 BRAT SALE Everyone enjoys brats, right? And along with dairy products, Wisconsin in known for its sausages. Join the PCDP at Trig’s in Point Parking As Wisconsinites, we love our ice cream too, which causes some parking issues when Belt’s customers use ALL the parking lot north of our building on meeting nights. May 29, 2015 Problem solved! There is a lot just south, in front of Archie’s Bar that has plenty of open parking spaces. Consider parking in that lot first so you don’t “have to drive around the block” to get to it! You can help this fundraiser in two ways: Volunteer to grill brats and serve them to the public, or if you are not a “griller”, grab a friend or two and come to Trigs, enjoy a brat and support the PCDP! May 12 Meeting Program Thanks To all of the members that support the newsletter, thank you. Next month I will list those members who continue to help get the news of the PCDP out to the Democratic community. Space limitations in this and previous issues have prevented me from acknowledging these generous supporters. Trudy, Editor Will feature Kevin McAdam, who is President of the Central Wisconsin Center for NonProfits. The Center is a joint effort by JusticeWorks and 2617 Club to purchase the old Masonic Lodge on Strongs Ave. where the organizations will have a permanent home for meetings and offices. He will talk about the needed services made available to various populations of our community presently and possibilities for the future. We have been informed that Penny Bernard Schaber ,the running mate of Jason Rae for State Chair, is planning to attend the May 12th meeting at the HQs. Page 6 Pictures from the Burn The Mortgage Event/photos by Jerry Ugland Art Stevenson & Highwater Sweets for Guests Sweets Nicole & Heidi Julie at the “Burn” Katrina Registration Jan & Tim serve wine Page 7 PORTAGE DEMOCRATIC PARTY 2220 DIVISION ST. STEVENS POINT, WI 54481 General Membership Meeting May 12, 2015 2220 Division St., Stevens Point Socialization begins 6:30 PM Meeting starts at 7 PM Program provided by Kevin McAdam –President – Central WI. Center for Non-Profits. Picnic Raffle Ticket Pick-Up Penny Bernard Schaber stops by. Authorized and paid for by Portage county Democratic Party, Jerry Ugland Treasurer
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