Attic Angel Welcomes the Chief of Police to our annual Spring

Attic Angel Welcomes the Chief of Police
to our annual Spring Education Breakfast
Please Join Us on
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Olbrich Botanical Gardens
9 am Continental Breakfast
(muffins, rolls, fruit)
9:30 am Program
Speaker: Chief Michael C. Koval
Michael C. Koval began his career with
the Madison Police Department (MPD) in
1983. His educational background includes
being a proud graduate of Madison West
High School (which he still proclaims to be
the best high school in Madison), a graduate
of UW- Madison with a Journalism Degree
and obtaining his Law Degree from William
Mitchell College of Law. Before becoming
the Chief of Police in April of 2014 he was a Special Agent for
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He subsequently
returned to MPD and served in Patrol Services. Koval then
became the Sergeant of Recruitment and Training for 17 years.
During Koval’s tenure he has served in a variety of roles
which include police officer, field training officer, field
training supervisor, SWAT hostage negotiator, critical response
team supervisor, primary legal instructor and sergeant. He
is a certified trainer in many State-endorsed subject areas,
but favorites include Professional Communications, Crisis
Management, Community Policing, Constitutional Law,
and Ethics. Koval was an original member of the team
which introduced the Department’s first narcotics detection
dog, assisted with the City of Madison’s first police staffing
analysis team, created open enrollment recruiting, served on
the State of Wisconsin’s Law Instructor Advisory Committee
and led the Department’s legal transition team in teaching
mandatory arrest for domestic violence.
Chief Koval is a native of Wisconsin. He enjoys all kinds of
sports (in his college days he was Bucky Badger for football,
basketball and hockey for three years), but dating back to
his childhood days he is particularly passionate about Notre
Dame Football!
Spring Breakfast at Olbrich Botanical Gardens
Reservations are due by Friday, May 15. Please send an $11 check payable to Attic Angel Association to:
Education Breakfast, Attic Angel Association, 640 Junction Road, Madison, WI 53717.
Name (Please print):______________________________________ Angel class year:____________
Amount Enclosed: $_________________
If you are unable to print out this RSVP form, there will be extra forms available in the Association office workroom.
Assn. Board Highlights
Interior Refurbishment
By Betty Brunner, Board Secretary
By Larry Long, Director of Plant Operations
April 13, 2015
Attic Angel Place is embarking on a multi-year multi-phase
update of the interior décor in the facility. Working with
an interior decorator who specializes
in senior living, new carpet,
wallcovering and paint have been
selected. Attic Angel Association
Interior Review Committee (IRC) has
participated in the selections. Phase
I has started and includes the main
and lower level common areas as
well as all
hallways of the Apartments.
Completion of the project
will take approximately three
months. In the coming weeks
a communication process
will be established to keep
residents and visitors informed
about the affected areas and
overall progress. Thank you
in advance for your patience
and understanding during this renovation process. We are
confident you will enjoy the finished results. If you have
any questions please feel free to contact me at 662-8828 or
Bob Lee, Director of Children and Family Services, Dane
County Human Services, and Rob Chance, Community
Program Manager, were invited to discuss current needs
in Dane County. The Community Grants Committee also
joined the meeting. Bob and Rob indicated there are many
mandates with money going in those directions but early
childhood is not a mandate and there is not a lot of money
available for those programs. Poverty is on the rise in
Dane County and repeated studies show that getting off to
a good start is vital for children in order to catch up with
other groups. The return on investment is highest with very
young children. There are programs for children pre-natal
to three years but little for those between three and K.
After their presentation and discussion with Community
Grants Committee representatives, the Board approved
the 2015-2016 annual focus which will be “Extend the
provision of reading and home visitation services for
children ages three to kindergarten.”
A Board Evaluation was conducted and discussed. All
felt the systems and processes were well done and the
experience rewarding.
The Activity Task Force reported that they have finished
the job descriptions for the activity volunteers and the
new Operations Chairs but are still working on the current
Operational Chairs’ descriptions.
Sue Hird and Anne Thompson were warmly thanked for their
years of service as they complete their terms on the Board.
The Annual Meeting will be held on April 27 and it is hoped
everyone will be able to attend.
A Feather in
Your Wing To:
Lois Buelow '02 and Marlene
Jaskaniec '03, Co-Chairs of
Household Birthday Parties for
many years, for adding so many of their personal touches to
these parties.
New AAP Board Member
Ellen Wickland '09
Originally from the suburbs
of Chicago, Madison has been
my “home” since 1966. After
I graduated from UW in 1968
with a degree in social work,
my husband, Steven, and I left
Madison for 4 years while he
served in the Air Force. We
returned in 1972 with 2 daughters
and have lived here since. We
are retired - Steven from the Wisconsin Attorney General’s
office and I from St Mary’s and Affiliates Credit Union. I
am an avid Badger fan and love golfing, skiing, traveling,
and auditing classes on campus.
In addition to being an Angel, I also volunteer at St. Mary’s
Hospital and the Overture Center. I look forward to serving
on the AAP Board and contributing to the commitment of
Attic Angel Place - a community promoting independence
and healthy living.
Attic Sale Update
By Lynne Buckingham, Attic Sale Steering Committee
Time is flying by and the Sale is fast approaching. It is
hard to believe there is only a month left before it begins. It
won’t be long before we will be loading the trucks and vans
and making the big move to the church. As the old saying
goes, “ Many hands make light work!” so we are counting
on lots of Angels, husbands, sons, and others to help with
the moving on Monday and Tuesday before the Sale begins.
Sale Week
Monday, June 8th - Afternoon (4-7) Loading trucks for the move.
Tickets for the Sale are $15.00 and can be purchased at
the Association Office, the Education Breakfast at Olbrich
Gardens on May 20, and of course, they will be sold at
the door on Wednesday before the Sale begins. Ticket
purchases are an easy way to support the Sale. Tickets sold
are pure profit- they don’t have to be cleaned, packed, or
moved! Please consider purchasing a ticket for yourself as
well as one or more for family or friends. They would make
a great Mother’s Day gift!
Wednesday, June 10th (8-12) Finish setting up
Sale hours: 1 - 7:30 pm , ticketed customers only
Just a reminder, if you sign up and work on Monday,
Tuesday, and/or Wednesday morning, and purchase a ticket,
you will be eligible to come to the Presale on Tuesday
(June 9). The times of the Presale are from 11-12 and again
from 4-5. As in the past, there is a limit of three items to be
purchased with payment by cash or check only. Angels with
tickets will be able to purchase any number of items when
the Sale is open on Wednesday (1 - 7:30).
The sign up is found online so please if you haven’t already
signed up, go online, find times that would work for you and
sign up to help. Note that there are evening shifts to sign up
to work. Please sign up multiple times and in different areas
if you would like. It is always fun to try something new!
Also, if you aren’t able to work at the Sale, please be sure
to add your name to the unable/unavailable list. This will
assist the volunteer coordinator as she attempts to fill slots.
Some important dates concerning the Sale that should be
placed on your calendar are:
All Chairs Meeting – May 7th at 9 am
This is an important meeting- information will be shared that
all chairs will need to know before the Sale and final packs.
Final Packs
Thursday, May 7th 1-4 Tuesday, May 12th 9-12
Thursday, May 21st 1-4
Tuesday, May 26th 9-12
Tuesday, June 2nd 9-12
Many Angels will be needed at these final packs so please
join us for cleaning, packing, snacks, and a good time with
fellow Angels as we finish up getting ready for the Sale.
Tuesday, June 9th – (8-5) Unloading and reloading trucks
and vans to complete the move to the church. Setting up for
the Sale. PreSale (11 - 12 and 4 - 5) for Angels with tickets
who work Monday, Tuesday, and/or Wednesday morning.
(Cash only or check)
Thursday, June 11th
Sale hours: 8 am - 6:30 pm, open to all, free admission
Friday, June 12th
Sale hours: 8 am – 12 pm, open to all, price discounts.
Clean up hours: 12 – about 3:30 pm.
Having good quality donations is critically important to the
Sale! If you have furniture you would like to donate to the
Sale, please send digital photos of the items along with the
dimensions to the Association Office. We would appreciate
your bringing your items to the church on Tuesday (8 am
- 4 pm) or Wednesday (8 am - noon) if at all possible or
drop them off in the basement of the Association Office
building. That would help us out tremendously. If that isn’t
possible, we can schedule a pick up time on Monday (6/8)
or Tuesday (6/9) only. There will be NO furniture pick up
after Tuesday.
Of course, other items are needed as well, so as you do
your spring cleaning, please keep the Sale in mind for those
clean and gently used items you no longer have a need
for in your home. Please remind your family, friends and
neighbors about the Sale as they clean out their closets and
cupboards, too. We will accept donated items until June
1st, the day before the last Pack. After that, the priced
and packed items will be loaded and moved to the church.
Again a reminder, furniture will be accepted at the church
on Tuesday or Wednesday (am only) the week of the Sale.
We are looking forward to a great Sale. With the change in days
and times, we are hoping for an even larger attendance. Also,
with the addition of selling items to Angels and staff and on
Craig’s list before the Sale, we have already made a profit of over
$5,000. The Sale proceeds will benefit programs which extend
the provision of reading and home visitation services for children
ages 3 to Kindergarten and Resident Aid. Thank you, Angels,
for all your efforts to help make the Sale a huge success!
Classic Clothing News
Animal Week
By Jean Mortenson, Sale Co-Chair
By Jamie Kazmerzak, Activity Coordinator
Happy Spring Cleaning! Now is the time to donate those
winter clothing items that you have said “I’ll never wear
again” and don’t need to put back into closet. Clean them
and give to the Classic Clothing sale. And as you bring out
each piece of your spring and summer wear, look it over, try
on, and again say “I’ll never wear that again”. Then there is
that item you purchased that was never quite right. Donate
it to this classy sale as well. We also accept shoes, belts,
scarves, jewelry and purses.
The Sale date and time for Angel and resident shopping will
be Thursday, October 8, 3-5 pm (3 items only). The Sale
will open to the public Friday, October 9, 9 am - 4 pm and
Saturday, October 10, 9 am -2 pm. The Middleton clothing
store, Chauette, has contributed a very large donation of
new clothing. A few Angels have also dropped off some
very lovely items. To make this Sale a “Classic” event we
need all Angels to also donate.
Please take the time to go to Chauette and look around.
Thank them for their generous donation to our Sale.
New Monthly Schedule
By Kathy Schultz, Volunteer Coordinator
The new Angel schedule “Additional
Monthly Opportunities” is now posted
for the month of May and sign-up slots
are included. This new schedule will
be evolving over the next months. It
will contain outings, entertainment and
other activities which are in addition to
the regularly scheduled Angel activities.
These will be added once dates and
times are determined, usually near the 15th of the month
prior. As we have set information for future months, those
will be entered as well.
We would also like to use this vehicle to communicate needs
which are not date-specific. Some which come to mind are
Mending; 1:1 Visits; and Fresh Air Walks (taking residents
outside for a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air!). I
will keep you posted as we move in this direction!
If you haven’t already done so, please check out the May
schedule (under Schedules/Calendars) and add your name!
Thank you!
Bunnies, and birds, and bees, oh my! You are welcome
to join the Attic Angel Community in celebrating Animal
Week, May 11 - 15, organized by the Activity Department.
As one of our Community-wide events, these programs
are open to residents, staff and volunteers and will feature
a variety of activities throughout the building, with guest
speakers and an animal exhibit in the Community Room.
Planning is still underway, but you can look forward to
presentations from Madison Audubon Society’s Executive
Director, Macfarlane Pheasants' Research Manager, and our
very own AAP Bus Driver/hobby beekeeper. In addition,
Activity Coordinators are getting creative in continuing the
theme in each level of care by offering educational, artistic,
interactive, and even tasty animal themed programs. Check
out the monthly calendars in May for more details. We are
looking forward to getting WILD with you!
Can You Help?
Keep an eye out for the monthly email and online schedule
from Kathy Schultz which will list volunteer opportunities
for the month of May, including assistance needed during
Animal Week. If you have any animal themed decorations,
memorabilia, souvenirs, artwork, sculptures, etc. that you
would be willing to share with us to enhance the ambiance,
please clearly label the item(s) and bring them to the Activity
Coordinator’s office in the Health Center. Items will be
displayed during programming. If you have a story to go
along with your items, please come and share it with the
residents to generate discussion or write it down, and we will
share it with the residents! Thank you!
Schedules Online
The monthly schedules for the new 2015-16 activities
are now online. You will see that they are named
differently, e.g., AM Activities rather than HC/HH AM
Activities. The level of care can be chosen inside of the
schedule. There are a few activities which are still being
worked through: Devotions/Bible Study is up for May
and June under Devotions and Sunday Worship is not
available yet. Also, AM Activities for Health Center and
Households is up through July (along with Haven for
the entire year).
Please go in and make your selections for when you are
able to volunteer or call the office for assistance.
Building on a Strong Foundation:
Many Children, One Mission, One City
By Judy Brannstrom, Development Officer
Attic Angel generosity is once again supporting early
childhood learning on Madison’s South Side! On April 16,
2015, Attic Angel Association gave $100,000 to One City
Early Learning Center, a new preschool focused on literacy
development that will open this fall on Madison’s South
side. Board Chair Cindy Zellers and President Mary Ann
Drescher presented the gift to Kaleem Caire, founder of One
City. (See picture below.) The new learning center will be
housed in the former Child Development Inc. (CDI) facility
on Fisher Street. The building provides a strong foundation
for this new
Mary Ann
the gift
as “an
of our long
and deep
to ensuring that children in Dane County have the best
possible start to life.” She said, “We believe we have a
shared responsibility to do what we can to create a pathway
to a successful and meaningful future for our children and
community. Investing in our children through One City is a
significant way for us to do this.”
One City’s mission is to prepare children from birth to age 5
for success in school and life, and to ensure they enter grade
school reading-ready. One City will use a two-generation
model that emphasizes three priorities: (1) early literacy,
school readiness and healthy child development among
young children; (2) effective parenting and strong families;
and (3) a safe and resource-filled neighborhood.
Attic Angel is no stranger to the Fisher Street facility. The
building signifies Attic Angel’s longtime commitment to
young children. In 1969 Attic Angel Association fully
financed construction of this South Madison Day Care
Center that was home to Child Development, Inc. from
1969 to 2014. Attic Angel assumed financial responsibility
for upkeep of the building until the building was gifted
to CDI in the early 1990s. Attic Angel and its members
supported CDI for over 30 years with both financial and
volunteer support. The building’s “good bones” will be
spruced up and transformed into the new One City Early
Learning Center.
Attic Angel Association credits generations of loyal donors
and volunteers and the careful work of its investment
advisors for their roles in enabling this significant gift to
One City. With a mission to support children and older
adults in Dane County, the Association continues its
tradition of identifying community needs and finding ways
to meet them.
One City’s mission is
"Many Children, One Mission, One City.”
Attic Angel Association is proud to support this unified
effort to improve the quality of life for young children. Many Angels.
Serving a Great Community!
Safety First
By Heidi Frey, Wellness Coordinator
Health and Safety Fair
Wednesday, May 13
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
AAP Community Room
Please join us for the Health & Safety Fair! We have about
20 vendors coming to bring you information related to
health and safety. Come and have some food snacks and
learn about the “power foods”. Meet some of our onsite
health providers at Attic Angel Place: Aegis Therapies,
Heather Donald - physical, occupational, and speech therapy
providers, Dr. Heidi – audiologist, Dr. McCormick – dentist,
and Rolfe Lehman – massage therapist. We have booths
with information on essential oils, phone safety, internet
safety, eye safety, sun safety and how to protect yourself
from Medicare fraud. Meet representatives and learn about
the resources in our Community that are set up for residents
through Agrace, SAIL, Theater Bus and the Coalition for
Wisconsin Aging Groups. Come for the food, for the free
massage, or just for the fun community of people. Door
prizes too!
Cupcake Time for
Falk School
New Association Board
By Jeanne Schultz, Planning & Outreach Committee Chair
Mary Booth '07
It is truly an honor to be
invited to join the Board of
Attic Angel Association. I
became an Angel with the
Class of 2007 and have
found meeting and working
with the residents and other
Angels both interesting and
rewarding. I am currently
the Editor of the Herald and
enjoy Angel Choir and the
many other aspects of volunteering at Attic Angel.
I grew up in Onarga, IL, the oldest of four children, and
have a BS degree from UW-Madison. I have two grown
daughters and four fabulous grandkids. Volunteering has
been a big part of my life since graduation – in Neenah for
20 years and in the Milwaukee area for about 20 years. I
also enjoy travel, reading, and Jazzercise.
The Falk Elementary School Fun
Fair will be held on Saturday, May
2, 2015. This will be our fifth year
participating in this fun activity that
is a fundraising event for the school.
Our role is supplying the cakes and
cupcakes for the cakewalk and then
running the cakewalk during the fair.
We are in need of baked or purchased cupcakes or small
cakes to be donated and dropped off at
the Association small conference room
by 12:00 on Friday, May 1st. It is best
to box them in disposable containers, 6
cupcakes to a container or small cakes
in plastic containers.
With your help this will be another
successful fun festival for the students
and their families in the Falk neighborhood. Donations of
baked goods may be home made or store bought. I plan on
picking them up Friday around 12:00 and will see that they
are safely delivered to school Saturday.
If you would like to participate in the event from 12 -3 pm
on Sat. May 2nd, please contact me at 877-1163 or e-mail:
Thank you! Your support is greatly appreciated.
AAP Resident Birthdays
May 5 Shirley Cowie
May 8 Ellen Wendt
May 9 Carol Palmer
May 16 Dorothy Dickert
May 19 Kenneth Hindman
May 20 Phyllis Bartlett
May 23 Isadore Fine
May 24 Lois Klein
May 27 Diane Dybdahl
May 31 Lorraine Richter
Apr 14 Cecelia Kokotailo
Apr 20 Ruth Davis
Health Center
Apr 8 Betty Peck
Apr 16 Pamela Lee
Apr 8 Patricia Steiner
May 12 Barbara Brown
May 12 Phoebe Walter
May 13 Trudy Schneider
Mary Jo Tierney '02
I am honored to be nominated
for the Attic Angel Association
I was born and raised in
Madison and graduated from
the UW. My husband Tom and
I have lived in the same home
since 1974 (and yes, I do need
to clean out my attic!)
I was a third grade teacher in
McFarland and Verona before our children were born and
enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom. I did hold a few jobettes including being an Educational Assistant at Randall
School and a Seminar Coordinator for the State Bar of WI.
I am a proud member of the Angel Class of '02 led by Dorothy
Traisman. I was also fortunate to be invited to be Intern
Advisor for the Class of '08 – a wonderful group of women.
My interests include spending time with family and
friends. My son, Chris, and his wife live in Verona and our
daughter, Katy, and her husband live in Fitchburg with our
three grandchildren. Lucky us! Enjoying the outdoors,
gardening, being in two bridge clubs, two book clubs and
P.E.O. Chapter H also keeps me happy.
My family was fortunate to have received the Angel Touch
when my mother Bobbie Hammel was a resident of Attic
Angel Place. Her last years were filled with kind caregivers,
new friends and a love of the Art Studio.
AAP Board Highlights
By Sue Bush, AAP Board Secretary
April 16, 2015
Kelly Rogers, Director of Sales and Marketing, and Laurie
Weyenberg, Senior Living Consultant, presented a Sales and
Marketing update for the education portion of our Board
meeting. Currently this department consists of Kelly, Laurie
and Senior Living Consultant Becky Roemer. Another staff
member who will serve as Outreach Coordinator will soon be
hired. Some of the initiatives being taken on by them this year
include redesigning our website, adding a mobile website,
creating a presence on social media and hosting community
events to bring potential residents into our facility. The
social media efforts have included creating a Facebook page,
joining LinkedIn to recruit staff and planning a blog for our
website. In addition to this online presence, Attic Angel Place
will continue to do radio, television and print ads. Finally,
the print materials distributed to potential residents and their
families will be redone.
In new business, we discussed the status of the 2015-20
Long Range Plan and the process for creating the final
document, which all three Boards will need to approve.
Many staff, resident and Angel hours have gone into
developing action plans for implementation of our six
goals. We also talked about inquiries, periodically received
by Mary Ann Drescher, to buy other facilities or sell
Attic Angel Place. Most such offers are the result of mass
mailings and are benign. We have a policy in place for
initially evaluating new opportunities to determine if they
are worthy of pursuit.
Plant Sale Continues
By Barbara McFarland, Plant Sale Chair
We’re ready for spring at Attic Angel Association! Thank you to all who contributed to our plant sale fundraiser in April. We
will continue in May with another opportunity for you to purchase gift certificates for plants and planting supplies from our
friends at Orchids Garden Centre and Nursery in Middleton. Purchase as many gift certificates as you need. The certificates
never expire, and 20% of the purchase price is donated back to Attic Angel Association. Use the form below, print one from
the Member Entrance or fill one out at the Association office.
The extensive selection of orchids, hanging baskets, annuals, perennials and gardening
essentials at Orchids Garden Centre makes the gift certificates very versatile. Purchase
gift certificates to use for your own spring planting needs, for gift giving at Mother’s
Day, and for year-end teacher appreciation gifts or birthday and hostess gifts.
(Certificates are good for plants and associated growing articles, i.e. fertilizer, soil and
pots. Gifts, hard goods or sale items are not included at this time.)
Choose the gift certificate denomination that suits you. Make your check payable to Attic Angel Association and send it to the
Association at 640 Junction Road, Madison, WI 53717.
Checks received by May 18 at noon – Gift certificates ready by pm, May 26. (If you need a certificate quickly for Mother's
Day or a special occasion, please get your check in and contact Barbara at 630-9596 or and she
will accomodate your request if at all possible.)
Orchids Garden Centre & Nursery Gift Certificate Order Form:
$20 x ____= $_____
$25 x ____= $_____
$50 x ____= $_____
$100 x ___ = $_____
Other $_______ x ____ = $_______
Total Amount Due $____________
Mahoney Society
Harry & Linda Argue
Gerry & Lois Born
Dan & Patty Schultz
Jon & Sandy Winder
Resident Aid
Margaret Stroud
In memory of Warren Gene Evertz, AAP
Attic Angel Place
In memory of Margaret Pharo, AAP
Dorothy Dickert
In memory of Marjorie Golden, AAP
Dorothy Dickert
In memory of Mary Jean & George
Uselman, AAP
Dorothy Dickert
Mary Alice Shahidi
Barb Tensfeldt
Marilynn Thompson
Dorie Underkofler
Linda Wise
Sue Zaleski
In honor of their Intern Advisors, Melinda Pellino '04 & Connie Grogan '02
Angel Class of 2014
In memory of Carol Genin '96
Mary Evert
In memory of Judith Mauerman, AAP
Dennis & Kay Steffen
In memory of Esther Woods
Kayser Ford Lincoln
Richard & Karen Perzentka
Ann-Marie Preece
In memory of her beloved cousin, Esther Woods, AAP
Bernice Brown
Printing of Angel Herald
Avis Smart
Resident Aid
In memory of William J. Bush, husband of Lynne Bush, AAPP
William & Julie Johnson
Linda Argue
Kit Blake
Raymond & Eunice Devine Fund,
Madison Community Foundation
Jan Emmerich
Chris King
Mary Kay Larson
Jean Lewis
Pam McDonald
Rosanne Raemisch
March 2015
Attic Angel Prairie Point
Association (cont.)
Charitable Gift Annuity
Attic Angel Associaiton
In honor of Pat McClure '97 on her
Marilyn Butz
Dottie Dittmann
In memory of Ruth Berven, mother-in-
law of Barbara Berven '10
Pat Bernhardt
In memory of Douglas Blanchard, brother-in-law of Peg Blanchard '94
Pat Bernhardt
In memory of Lou Boutwell '71, wife of Roz Boutwell, AAP
Janet Bleckwenn
William & Linda Boutwell
Roswell Boutwell
Resident Aid (cont.)
In memory of Lou Boutwell '71 (cont.)
Gordon & Marge Davenport
Joe & Marian Dean
Mary Jane Etheridge
Robert & Patricia Fessenden
Pat Landsness
Peggy Metzner
Gary & Darcie Olson
Frank & Debbie Remington
Elizabeth Sheehan
Ron & Jennifer Spielman
In memory of Lou Boutwell, a valued member of my Angel Class of 1971
Jane Wise
In memory of William J. Bush, AAPP
Truman & Sylvia Graf
Aud Lonnebotn
Jon & Joan McCarthy
Betty McMurry
Del & Jan Pigg
In memory of Dorothy Dunn '55 , AAP
Joe Dunn
In memory of James Fosdick, AAP
Wallace & Peggy Douma
In memory of Carol Genin '96
Kay Steffen
In memory of Marjorie Golden, AAP
Dennis & Kay Steffen
In memory of Judith Mauerman, AAP
Marilynn Thompson
In memory of Irma Taylor, AAPP
Del & Jan Pigg
In memory of Jack Whirry, father-in-law of Betty Whirry ‘91
Pat Bernhardt
In memory of Robert "Red" Wilson,
husband of Vera Wilson, AAP
Family of Red Wilson
In memory of Esther Woods, AAP
Mary Millard
New AAPP Board Member
Alice Honeywell '10
Madison has been my home since 1973. I studied political science and journalism at
the UW-Madison and enjoyed a career in editing and publishing at the University while
raising my family. Now retired from full-time work, I continue to offer writing programs
to public and nonprofit agencies. I enjoy volunteer work in a variety of venues - my
church, my neighborhood, and at Attic Angel. I love the people I work with and help
to serve. In addition to volunteering, I also enjoy hiking in beautiful places with my
husband, watching my grandchildren learn and grow, traveling by bicycle with friends,
and doing various kinds of needlework.
Oasis Resources for You!
(Fifth in a Series)
By Cindy Bacon Hammer, Chaplain
The Oasis is a special place, a room set aside for use by individuals
or families, a safe and peaceful place for contemplation, meditation,
prayer or being alone with your thoughts. Located on the third
floor of the Households, the Oasis may be found by taking the main
elevator up to the third floor and turning left.
Hymnals are an
amazing resource.
They contain songs
of faith, of course,
but they also
contain prayers,
service orders and
endless possibilities. When spending time in the Oasis,
you might feel moved to sing a hymn, or to use the words
of a hymn as a prayer. For this purpose, there are several
hymnals available.
If you feel moved to go to the Oasis for some private time,
but do not know what to do while you are there, pick up a
hymnal. As you leaf through the pages, see where it leads
you. There is nothing like music to lift the spirits or to
express difficult emotions.
If you are not sure what to do, or where to turn, try the Oasis
and look for hope in the words of a song.
May Continuing
Education Programs
"Forward Theater Company - How We Began and Where We Are Going"
JenniferUphoff Gray, Artistic Director, Forward Theater Co., Madison
May 11 "Global Health and Education in Plastic Surgery"
Michael L Bentz, M.D., Prof. of Surgery, Pediatrics & Neurosurgery, UW School of Medicine/Public Health
May 18 "The Impact of Research in the UW Dept. of Horticulture on our State, USA & International"
Warren Gabelman, Emeritus Professor., UW Department of Horticulture
May 4
This is the last program of our "school" year. Continuing
Education will take a well-deserved break before beginning
the new school year in September. Have a great summer!
Studio News
By Jennifer Budell, Art Program Coordinator
For those Angels interested in relearning the studio space,
refresher courses will be held in the studio in May. These
will be split up into four 1-hour Friday sessions as follows:
• AM Open Studio: Friday, May 1, 11 am - 12 pm
• Fused glass and jewelry making: Fri., May 8, 11 am - 12 pm
• Painting and drawing: Fri., May 15, 11 am - 12 pm
• PM open studio and card making: Fri., May 22, 11 am - 12 pm
Each session will include an explanation of the process,
how you might work with a resident during the process, and
address any questions you have regarding the studio and
your time spent here. Please be sure to show up promptly as
each course will begin exactly at 11 am. Thank you!
I’d like to welcome the 2015 Class of Angels to the Attic
Angel Place Studio! Even if you are not a volunteer in the
studio yet, feel free to stop by, say hello, get a tour, etc.
The Studio also offers an opportunity once a month that
always needs Angel help. These include everything from
visiting local galleries to viewing shows, to eating at
local cafés. Check the Additional Monthly Opportunities
schedule online for any programs/events which strike your
Featured Studio Activities this month:
• May 1st: Studio Outing to “Woman in Gold” movie.
• May 5th: Cinco De Mayo Craft
• May 11th: Studio Sale 9 am-12 pm (donated baked
goods to sell are welcome!)
• May 18th: Quilt Show
Get Your T-Shirts Here!
Through the efforts of the Sales & Marketing Department,
you have an opportunity to buy a new t-shirt for the Attic
Sale (or other Angel Sales)! Samples of the shirts will be
in the Association office on May 7 - May 15.
You will be able to try them on for sizing and see the blue
color. Orders must be placed no later than May 15.
Price for the shirt itself is: $11.49 for a t-shirt; $24.45 for
a polo shirt. There is a small sur-charge for sizes 2XL and
Those ordering shirts will pay for them on pick-up (June 3
at the Association) and will need to pay by check.
640 Junction Road
Madison, WI 53717
Address Service Requested
Yearly Event Calendar
June 10-12
Aug. 3
Sep. 10
Sep. 15
Sep. 29
Oct. 6
Oct. 9-10
Oct. 14
Oct. 15
Oct. 29
Nov. 10
Nov 13-14
Attic Sale
Sign-ups for Classic Clothing Sale online
Sustainer Social
Sign-ups for Holidays Galore & More online
Legacy Recognition Event
Fall Luncheon
Classic Clothing Sale
Fall Association Update
Fall Association Update
Fall Association Update
PMG Education Program
Holidays Galore & More Sale
May Events Calendar
10 Mothers' Day
Animal Week
Activities at AAP
Health & Safety Fair
AAP Community Room
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Apts/PP Social Hour
Apts Dining Room
5 - 6 pm
Olbrich Education Breakfast
Olbrich Gardens
9 am Breakfast
9:30 Program
In Memoriam
Daniel Wink, brother-in-law of Barb Diercks '05
Jim McVey, husband of Weezie McVey '89
Fritz Wegener, husband of Georgene Wegener 86
Mrs. Alma Grant, wife of Wayne Grant, AAP
Mrs. Joyce Brink, AAP
Mr. Paul Ginsberg, AAP
Mr. Jerome "Jerry" Smith, brother-in-law of Pat Smith '87
Gloria Martinson, sister of Lois Buelow '02
Mrs. Maria Colas, AAP
Mrs. Cathy Felten '84, wife of Ed Felten and mother of Anne Dorn '14
Mrs. Pat Feller, former AAP
Angel Herald
Angel Editor: Staff Editor:
Photographer: Mary Booth
Jonelle Secard
Judy Brannstrom
Jonelle Secard
The Angel Herald is published for
members of Attic Angel Association.
(608) 662-8900
FAX: 662-8989
Angel Herald articles are due by the
15th of each month for the following
month. Editors reserve the right to edit
for content and space.