Meeting Minutes June 1, 2015 Board Members: ● Greg (Bird) Cunningham ● Kim (Dusty) Robinson ● Josh (Bonus) Russo ● Deena (Painter/Prophet) Salzman ● Alan (Sheck) Shechter ● Dove (Starfish) Russo Legal Consult ● Jennifer (Who needs a playa name) Storm ITEM 1: EVENT LEADS FOR PORTALBURN 2015 While we have a number of good applicants, many positions remain open. ● OMan has been put in place as Art Grants Lead and has been working with Deena as the Art Grant liaison. ● Crackerjack has applied for HELP guide. The board agreed at our previous meeting that we would like her in this role. Has she been notified? ○ Yes she has been notified ● Nyk and Hot Dog have both applied for gate. We have spoken with Hot Dog who is willing to take on whatever role is needed. His computer access prior to the event is limited but he can be reached via internet communication. ● 2E has applied for parking but may have difficulty getting the necessary time off. ● Dennis and Doug have both applied for lead positions and withdrawn. ● Mountain Laurel has applied for medical. I believe she also applied for last PortalBurn but was unable to attend. ● Steven is willing to take on role as MASH lead, though he needs a few things and information to make it work. He will need help finding volunteers. Will update info during call. ● Architect Dave commented on the website saying his was interested in doing “layout and placement.” ● Final list of leads: ○ Ticketing/Gate Nyk Giove Liason Alan ○ Parking Hot Dog (?) Liason Alan ■ Use each other as backups like more as a team of ticketing/gate/parking ○ Help guide Debi Mansour Liason Dusty ○ Art O man Liason Deena ○ Fire team Liason Dove/Deena ■ Rob can train Rangers ■ Rob can lead effigy perimeter ■ We believe Rob is a trained fire professional (fireman). This should be confirmed. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ■ Seth has been involved with Firefly and their fireteam. He could be sought out as well. Unknown if he is a trained fire professional. ■ Luke Elasky could be a possible goto person for the burn. Luke is a trained fire professional. ■ Fire gear should be brought. ■ Could we make a donation to the local volunteer firefighters to keep them on the land for the effigy? We may need to hire a firefighter. ■ We should target our community too put the word out on the facebook page to ask for any trained fire professionals with their own gear. ■ We should contact the local fire department ASAP. Ranger Deena Theme Camp placement Dusty ■ Architect Dave should have put an application in if he wanted to be lead. AD could be contacted to ask if he wants to help. Dusty will contact him to ask for his help in theme camp placement. DPW Bird Medical Steven or Mountain Laurel Liason Bird ■ Is there cell service on site? ■ How far for local services? ■ Need to look at budget if there is no cell service we need to rent a sat phone Sound Do we need one of these right now? ■ Sound checks will be done at the site visit to determine if there are any bad spots on site ■ Enforcing sound policy could be done by the sober BOD member that is oncall ■ Since all sounds producing camps will be theme camps, Dusty can help out with guiding the theme camps ■ Purchase DB meter? Volunteer Josh ITEM 2: PORTALBURN 2015 Timeline Timeline can be found here: LFLOMw/edit ● Any edits needed? ● Josh has created the shared calendar with the timeline dates ● The Portal potties are listed on the timeline as needing to be ordered today (June 1). Who will order them? ○ Becki ordered them last year ■ DPW Bird will do ITEM 3: DATE AND LOCATION FOR PORTALBURN 2015 The date is 7/318/3. The location is Newell Farm ITEM 4: ART AND EFFIGY ● OMan is of the belief that what we have for art is what we have. ○ Thoughts from the board? ○ He thinks heavily promoting in NYC will flood the event. ● Ice needs to be notified that he has been chosen to build the effigy. ● Drew will need to be updated on the tree situation after the site visit ● Oman is contacting Kimmy to make sure she knows that while she can have 4 reserve tickets, we do not do comps. ● Deena will move all relevant material into art grant folder ITEM 5: Treasury update ● Account is set up, at CNB ● Deposit made. Online access confirmed. ● Signature cards in progress. ○ Any updates? ■ Bird needs to get this done and get it to Dove ● Will order checks soon. ○ Has this happened? ● Bird has the routing and account number for Brown Paper tickets. ITEM 5.5: PROMOTION: ● A more thorough promotion could be done once the site visit is done and we have more answers to potential questions ITEM 6: Ticket Sales Bird has taken ownership of this task ● Update on ticket sales ○ 95 tickets have been sold ITEM 7: Land visit? ● Sunday June 14th was proposed as a date that might work for everyone. ● Need a time set ○ Noon ● Who is it open to? ○ BOD ○ Leads ○ It’s not a work weekend it’s not open to the public. Too many cooks in the kitchen. ITEM 8: RECRUITING NEW BOARD MEMBERS The Board recognizes that we need more members to take up significant roles in the preparation and guidance of PortalBurn. To that end, the Board will be recruiting new members in the coming weeks. The official application process will be set shortly. ● Now that Bylaws are enacted, we need to put out the call for Board Members ● We will consult other burns’ applications. ○ Dove will pull the forms and touch base with Josh ○ They will make arrangements to meet in the next couple of days. ○ Any updates? ● A meetngreet will be had at the event to recruit new board members and leads. This will not be held at Camp Sexy!!! ● Dusty will find a home for the meetngreet via her role as Theme Camp Lead. ITEM 9: Official Status ● Is this completely set? ● Who do we need to contact to get listed on the BM calendar? ○ Completely set. I can add to calender today, I just can’t find my password. Once it’s on the website I will ask $teven to add it to the main page with our logo at the bottom (Dove) ITEM 10: Volunteers ● Let’s take some time to discuss volunteer needs and structure. ○ Can we figure out our volunteer percentage? 1 in 3 (for example) needs to volunteer one time to make our event go. If we publicize this it may help to meet our goals. ○ Leads talk with liasons to figure out the needs. ○ Gate closure times need to be figured out on the site visit ● Need someone to write up the FAQs ○ Dusty and Bird ITEM 11: Tesla Coil ● Raptor Lord has responded to our email with his safety plan. ○ Reach out to other Safety Leads and see what they think of the plan? ○ Rob has looked at it and thinks his safety plan is good ○ Have Luke, Seth and Devin (PDF) take a look as well ○ Make sure we talk about it with Stasia/Tim beforehand so that they are not caught off guard ○ There are electrical lines overhead. Are these an issue? ■ Not likely they are not in the area where the coil would go? ○ Josh will contact Raptor Lord to let them know we’re reviewing ○ For the site visit ITEM 12: Infrastructure and storage ● We need to determine when and how we will retrieve infrastructure that is stored at Becki’s, and how we will store it following Portal. ● Budgeting needs? ITEM 13: WOOD ● Still no word back from Rex/Rob about wood. I’m (Bird) guessing they are not going to reply. We’ll need to find affordable wood that we can use for the event. This will affect our budget. ○ Bird heard (the word) from Becki. Apparently Rex is no longer the care taker of the land. So the wood is not available. Becki will check with her wood guy. She estimates $375/cord. ○ PDF uses 12 cords? ○ Deena will ask Rob how much we used last year. Next meeting Monday, June the 15th.
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