Texas Woman’s University KINS 2621- Section 3: Motor and Aquatic APE Instructional Lab Tentative Course Outline – Spring 2015 Course Instructor Class Meeting Places and Times Melissa Bittner Friday 9:00 am - 11:50 am Office: Pioneer Hall 119 E Pioneer Hall- 203 Phone: 940-898-2606 Lab: 9:00 am - 10:50 am Office Hours*: Monday & Wednesday 9:20-11:20 a.m. E-mail: mbittner@twu.edu *Or by appointment (contact me via email to set up an appointment that would fit your schedule)* Course Description Experience the opportunity to instruct students, and coach athletes with disabilities from the community in area of gross motor development. In addition, demonstrate the ability to administer assessments, develop individualized education programs (IEP) and lesson plans (LP) based on assessments (i.e., physical, gross motor, and aquatics) Student Learning Outcomes 1. Student will demonstrate the skills to administer a motor skill assessment used to evaluate students to either accomplish or demonstrate competency in service. 2. Student will be able to use assessment data to develop an IEP and LP 3. Student will be able to assess aquatic skills of an individual with disabilities 4. Student will develop and implement an aquatic program for individual with disabilities. 5. Student will be able to describe strategies for modifying aquatic and motor instruction to meet the needs of their individual with disabilities. 6. Student will demonstrate weekly self-evaluation of their teaching performance 7. Student will demonstrate professional ethics in reference to professional conduct, communication and confidentiality 8. Student will demonstrate effective communication with team members Co-requisite Students must be enrolled in KINS 2623 Adapted Physical Education Service and Delivery. KINS has a prerequisite of KINS 1583. Course Materials & Supplies All of the texts for this course are provided for you on the course Blackboard website. It is recommended that you save to your computer or print a copy of each of the manuals to guide you through the course. In lieu of buying a textbook you are required to obtain a Maroon TWU Kinesiology shirt. Shirts will be available for purchase in Pioneer Hall. Web-Enhanced Course This course uses Blackboard to enhance the course. If you experience any technical problems with Blackboard, please do not hesitate to contact the HELP DESK (940-898-3971, Helpdesk@twu.edu). If, however, you have a course related issue (course content, assignment troubles, quiz difficulties) please contact the instructor by phone or by email. Electronic Communication Courtesy Code All members of the class are expected to follow rules of common courtesy in all email messages, threaded discussions and chats. If I deem any of them to be inappropriate or offensive, I will forward the message to the Chair of the department and the online administrators and appropriate action will be taken, not excluding expulsion from the course. The same rules apply online as they do in person. Be respectful of other students. Foul discourse will not be tolerated. All emails will be responded to in a timely matter, please give 48 business hours to wait for a response (M-F 8:00am- 9:00pm). All emails should include the title course number (2621) in the subject. Please review the syllabus prior to asking the question; if the question is answered in the syllabus a response may not be given. Disability Support Policy Statement If you anticipate the need for reasonable accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, you must register with the office of Disability Support Services (CFO 106, 940-898-3835, dss@twu.edu ) in order to obtain the required official notification of your KINS 2621 – Spring 15 Page 1 of 4 Texas Woman’s University KINS 2621- Section 3: Motor and Aquatic APE Instructional Lab Tentative Course Outline – Spring 2015 accommodation needs. Please plan to meet with me by appointment or during office hours to discuss approved accommodations and how my course requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate. Academic Integrity - www.twu.edu/student-life-office/academic-integrity.asp Honesty in completing assignments is essential to the mission of the University and to the development of the personal integrity of students. In submitting graded assignments, students affirm that they have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance, and that they have abided by all other provisions of the Code of Conduct in the TWU Student Handbook. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or other kinds of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in appropriate sanctions that may include failing an assignment, failing the class, or being suspended or expelled. Suspected cases in this course may be reported to Student Life. The specific disciplinary process for academic dishonesty is found in the TWU Student Handbook. The TWU library link, “Avoiding Plagiarism,” will aid students in completing their assignments with integrity. In an effort to ensure the integrity of the academic process, Texas Woman’s University vigorously affirms the importance of academic honesty as defined by the Student Handbook. Therefore, in an effort to detect and prevent plagiarism, faculty members at Texas Woman’s University may now use a tool called Turnitin to compare a student’s work with multiple sources. It then reports a percentage of similarity and provides links to those specific sources. The tool itself does not determine whether or not a paper has been plagiarized. Instead, that judgment must be made by the individual faculty member. Some of the required assignments in this course may be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin.com. Attendance Policy – www.twu.edu/student-life-office/attendance-policy.asp Consistent and attentive attendance is vital to academic success, and is expected of all students. Grades are determined by academic performance and instructors may give students written notice that attendance related to specific classroom activities is required and will constitute a specific percentage of students’ grades. Absences due to documented student illness, serious illness or death in the student's immediate family, pregnancy or related conditions, official school activity, state-recognized religious holiday, active military service that is of a reasonable brief duration, or other verified absences deemed appropriate by student life will be considered on a case by case basis. Students must consult with instructors regarding the completion of make-up work. Absences DO NOT exempt students from academic requirements. Excessive absences, even if documented, will result in the student receiving a failing grade for the course (more than 2 unexcused absences). An “Incomplete Grade” may be granted if the student has a passing grade, but only if the instructor determines that it is feasible for the student to successfully complete remaining assignments after the semester. Pursuant to university policy, such determinations are within the discretion of the instructor. ALL EXCUSED ABSENCES MUST BE APPROVED THROUGH THE OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE. Take documentation to the office of Student Life (in the Student Center); the Student Life will notify the instructor if their guidelines are met for an excused absence, but points will NOT be awarded for an excused absence. Tardiness: A student who is tardy can only earn ½ credit for a given class period (2 tardies = 1 absence). A student is considered tardy if she/he arrives after 9:00 a.m. A student arriving late for class must personally check-in with the instructor. Students who arrive in class after 9:30 a.m. will be marked absent. Deadlines ALL assignments must be submitted as a hardcopy, TYPED by the start of the class. Assignments will be accepted until 5:00 pm on FRIDAY with a 10% deduction. AFTER 5:00PM ON FRIDAY ALL ASSINGMENTS WILL RECEIVE A 0. Students may only discuss grades up until two weeks past the due date; discussion should be done in person. Grades will be posted on blackboard within 2 weeks of the assigned deadline for an assignment. Make-up Policy Students that are participating in school sponsored events (e.g., athletics, professional conferences, academics) need to turn in assignments and quizzes AHEAD of time or by the due date. Make-up assignments will be determined case-by-case. Professional Conduct During this course you will be expected to deal with your subject area, your colleagues, and yourself as a professional. Attending class, team meetings, and completing your tasks in a timely and well-prepared manner is part of professional conduct. In addition to being respectful to your professor, colleagues, guest, teaching assistance, and other professionals. The textbook and the notes on KINS 2621 – Spring 15 Page 2 of 4 Texas Woman’s University KINS 2621- Section 3: Motor and Aquatic APE Instructional Lab Tentative Course Outline – Spring 2015 Blackboard should be used as references to help you prepare for the work done in class. Class sessions are not designed to paraphrase the textbook for you. In order to understand the activities performed in class you will need to have read the material beforehand. TURN OFF all cell phones during the class period. TWU Kinesiology Dress Code (You are required to purchase the approved TWU shirt) All undergraduate students are expected to dress in appropriate professional physical activity attire when representing the department. TWU Kinesiology attire is required during departmental sponsored activities with the public including, but not limited to, student teaching, practica, and internships. Kinesiology students are required to purchase a maroon Kinesiology shirt for assigned required classes. Students have the option of wearing either khaki shorts/pants (i.e., shorts need to be 5” inseam to Bermuda in length) or black athletic pants (i.e., not yoga-type pants) and a one piece bathing suit (no bikinis). If you have purchased another color of Kinesiology shirt in the past (gray, black, white), you may wear this in lieu of the maroon shirt. In addition, hats, caps, or head covers are not to be worn in any on or off departmental sponsored activities with the public (Note: exceptions may be made for outdoor activity for wearing appropriate hats for sunscreen, or cultural customs; see instructor for approval). For safety reasons, jewelry should be limited to stud earrings within the ears and be careful of necklaces, bracelets, and watches. Exposed tattoos and/or body piercing other than within the ears are not allowed. TWU Kinesiology attire can be purchased through the department. Students wearing inappropriate attire will NOT be able to participate in the class activities, which may impact your grade. Any concerns or questions see the instructor. Assignments & Points Possible Description Assessment (x2) Gym Assessment Pool Assessment Individualized Education Plan (IEP) (x2) Gym (IEP) with progress codes (weekly) Pool (IEP) with progress codes (weekly) Possible Points Total Points 20 20 40/16% 20 20 40/16% Lesson Plans Gym LP (x 1 modifications) Pool LP (x 1 modifications) 10 ea; total 20 10 ea; total 20 Special Olympics Reflections (x2) Pre Post Special Olympic General Orientation Quiz Special Olympic Protective Behaviors Special Olympic Child Abuse Training Special Olympic Hours Total 10 10 20 20 20 50 KINS 2621 – Spring 15 Grading Scale A= 90.0% + B= 89.9-80.0% C=79.9-70.0% D=69.9-60.0% F=59.9%-Below 40/16% 20/8% 20/8% 20/8% 20/8% 50/20% 250/100% Page 3 of 4 Texas Woman’s University KINS 2621- Section 3: Motor and Aquatic APE Instructional Lab Tentative Course Outline – Spring 2015 Tentative Weekly Due Dates Date 1/16 Content Introduction Special Olympic Training Assignments DUE: Special Olympics Class A Form (due next week) Locations PH 203 1/23 Lesson Plan (Activities), IEP Assessment Review PH 203 1/30 Assessment (pool/gym) Review Student Information 2/6 Students– Assessment Gym (Racquetball, weight room)/ Pool 2/13 Students– Teach LP 1 2/20 Students – Teach LP 2 2/27 3/6 Students– Assessment (switch) 10:00 Gym (Racquetball, weight room)/ Pool Students – Teach LP 1 Bring Lesson Plan and IEP forms Bring hardcopy of assessments (BbD) Review Assessment Bring hardcopy assessments (BbD) Bring a hardcopy of IEP template & Lesson plan template DUE: Special Olympics Pre-Reflection Bring clean hardcopy of assessments DUE: Special Olympics General Orientation Special Olympics Protective Behaviors Special Olympics Child Abuse Training DUE: Assessment and IEP DUE Monday: Lesson Plan 1 (prior to class) DUE Monday: Lesson Plan 2 edits **Bring Student Certification** Bring a hardcopy of assessments Meet in room 203 at 9:00am Gym/Pool BRING SWIMWEAR 3/13 Students – Teach LP 2 DUE: Assessment and IEP DUE Monday: Lesson Plan 1 (prior to class) DUE Monday: Lesson Plan 2 edits **Bring Student Certification** 3/20 3/27 4/3 4/10 4/17 4/24 Spring Break Special Olympics Hours Special Olympics Hours Special Olympics Hours Special Olympics Hours Special Olympics Hours DUE: by 9:00am Hardcopy in folder (RM 119) Special Olympics Post – Reflection Special Olympics Hours 203 & Gym/Pool BRING SWIMWEAR… if possible have swimwear on when you arrive to class Meet in room 203 at 9:00am Gym/Pool BRING SWIMWEAR Closure in Room 203 Meet in room 203 at 9:00am Gym/Pool BRING SWIMWEAR Meet in room 203 at 9:00am Gym/Pool BRING SWIMWEAR Meet in room 203 at 9:00am Gym/Pool BRING SWIMWEAR Meet in room 203 at 9:00am Gym/Pool BRING SWIMWEAR Enjoy/Be Safe Off Site: on your own Off Site: on your own Off Site: on your own Off Site: on your own Off Site: on your own SO = Special Olympics; BbD = Blackboard KINS 2621 – Spring 15 Page 4 of 4
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