Texas Woman’s University Department of Kinesiology KINS 4933– Internship in Cardiac Rehab Spring 2015 Course Description: Internship in hospital based Cardiac Rehabilitation and related activities. Minimum of 175 contact hours required; must have 350 contact hours when combined with Internship in Corporate Fitness (KINS 4943). If not in combination with KINS 4943, the minimum contact hours required increases to 350. Kinesiology majors specializing in Exercise Science only. Course Prerequisites: • Cardiac Rehab – A grade of “C” or better in 3601, 3603, 3701, 4601 and 4602 • Corporate Fitness – A grade of “C” or better in 3601, 3603, 3701, 4701 and 4702 • KINS 2.75 GPA and an overall 2.75 GPA • American Heart Association Basic Life Support WITH First Aid (BLS not Heartsaver) • Immunizations current with Student Health Services (SHS) *This course fulfills major requirements. Faculty Contact Information: Instructor: Gena Guerin Phone: 940-898-2672 E-mail: gguerin@twu.edu Office: PH 103 Office Hours: M 10:30am-12pm, 4-5:30pm TH 10:30-11:30am or by appointment Instructor: Phone: E-mail: Lori Cooper 940–898–2261 kcodish@twu.edu Office: PH 216 Office Hours: M/W 9:30-11am or by appointment Instructor: Phone: E-mail: Beki Garcia 940-898-2672 rgarcia14@twu.edu Office: PH 103 Office Hours: M 4-6pm, W 9-11am or by appointment Instructor: Phone: E-mail: Karrie Beck 940–898–2672 kbeck@twu.edu Office: PH 103 Office Hours: W 10:30am-1pm, 4- 5:30pm or by appointment Learning Outcomes for Cardiac Rehab Practicum/Internship: Students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to meet requirements of employment at a licensed cardiac rehabilitation facility 2. Demonstrate stress test protocols for cardiac rehabilitation patients (i.e. blood pressure measurement, electrode placement, monitoring the 12 lead ECG). 3. Demonstrate proper placement of modified lead configuration (3 lead) for cardiac rehabilitation. 4. Identify the three phases of cardiac rehabilitation and the roles of an exercise physiologist in each phase. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of the topics discussed during patient exercise counseling (i.e. developing an exercise prescription, discussion of the prescription with the patient). 6. Identify cardiac arrhythmia and emergency management protocol for life threatening arrhythmias. 7. Demonstrate an understanding of exercise tolerance as related to a wide range of cardiac rehabilitation patients (observation/hands–on experiences with patients while exercising). 8. Identify the facility organizational structure of the cardiac rehabilitation internship site. 9. Demonstrate the ability to assist in planning and implementing special events at the cardiac rehabilitation internship site (i.e. with patients, workshop opportunities, seminars, health fairs). 10. Demonstrate the ability to assist in planning and implementing educational seminars/lectures to the patients (at the discretion of the intern supervisor). 11. Identify possible procedures a cardiac rehabilitation patient would have prior to or during treatment at the cardiac rehabilitation internship site (i.e. bypass surgery, cath lab, or pulmonary rehabilitation). 1 Texas Woman’s University Department of Kinesiology KINS 4933– Internship in Cardiac Rehab Spring 2015 Course Materials: The internship manual and other course documents can be found on the Blackboard site. Please see the internship manual for a complete description of internship expectations and assignment descriptions. Assignments Objectives Points Internship quiz 1 20 pts Internship log (10) 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11 100 pts (10 pts each) Mid-Evaluation 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11 130 pts Final-Evaluation 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11 130 pts Discussion Boards (3) 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11 60 pts (20 pts each) Internship Feedback 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11 10 pts Total possible points: 450 *In addition, all paperwork (immunization compliance, transcript, CPR/AED/First Aid certification, site information sheet, etc.) will be due 6 weeks prior to the semester you will be enrolled in. Course Evaluation: The grading system is a standard percent grading scale. You will find point values for each assignment, and class meeting/discussion on the grade sheet in the internship manual. A 90-100% B 80-89.9% C 70-79.9% D 60-69.5% F 0-59.9% NOTE - Internships have a 5-week minimum period for completion during the SUMMER and 10 weeks during the FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Assignments Late Policy: The Blackboard organization is in modules which will open and close on assigned dates. Assignments submitted after the close of the module (typically Sunday 12am) will not be accepted. Email Format: When communicating via e-mail to the coordinators, please e-mail the TWU internship coordinator and copy YOUR SPECIFIC Teaching Assistant. For efficiency purposes, instructors and students will use a standard format for sending emails and assignments. The course code and section number should be used as well as a subject title (e.g., KINS 4933 Question re. Log). Address the receiver of the message by name (e.g., Dear, Mrs. Belanger), and include your name at the end of the message (Sincerely, Jane Smith). Response Time: Check Blackboard and your e-mail at least twice a week. It is your responsibility to stay up to date and check for announcements that are sent out. Students are responsible for responding to inquiries within two days and should notify the instructors immediately for reasons that make him/her unavailable. Instructors will respond to student emails within two business days (Mon-Fri). Students should inform instructors if they are going to be away from email for longer than 48 hours. Likewise, the instructors will notify the class if they will be experiencing a family emergency, or for any reason cannot respond to inquiries within a 48-hour period. Instructors may take up to two weeks to grade any assignment and will post grades within Blackboard Grade Center. 2 Texas Woman’s University Department of Kinesiology KINS 4933– Internship in Cardiac Rehab Spring 2015 Note: If you have a question regarding a particular assignment, do not wait until the last minute to email. Questions about assignments received less than 6 hrs from the due date/time will not receive a response. Disability Support Policy Statement: If you anticipate the need for reasonable accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, you must register with the office of Disability Support Services (CFO 106, 940-898-3835, dss@twu.edu ) in order to obtain the required official notification of your accommodation needs. Please plan to meet with me by appointment or during office hours to discuss approved accommodations and how my course requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate. Student Attendance Policy: http://www.twu.edu/o-sl/StudentLifeOffice/AttendanceForm.html Consistent and attentive attendance is vital to academic success, and is expected of all students. Grades are determined by academic performance, and instructors may give students written notice that attendance related to specific internship is required and will constitute a specific percentage of students’ grades. Supervisors will keep a record of intern attendance. They should note absences due to documented student illness, serious illness or death in the student's immediate family, pregnancy or related conditions, official school activity, state-recognized religious holiday, active military service that is of a reasonable brief duration, or other verified absences deemed appropriate by the supervisor. Interns must consult with supervisors regarding the completion of make-up days or hours. Absences do not exempt students from academic requirements. Excessive absences, even if documented, may result in a student failing the internship. An incomplete may be granted if the student has a passing grade, but only if the supervisor and Kinesiology department determines that it is feasible for the student to successfully complete remaining assignments after the semester. Pursuant to university policy, such determinations are within the discretion of the instructor. ALL EXCUSED ABSENCES MUST BE APPROVED THROUGH THE OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE AND BY INTERN SUPERVISOR. Take your documentation to the Office of Student Life (in the Student Center); they will notify me if you meet their guidelines for an excused absence. This procedure protects you from me exercising capricious judgment. It is the student’s responsibility to review the attendance roll two weeks BEFORE the end of the semester to check their documented attendance and contact the instructor with any concerns or questions. Academic Integrity: http://www.twu.edu/o-sl/StudentLifeOffice/AcademicDishonesty.html http://www.twu.edu/o-sl/StudentLifeOffice/AcademicDishonesty.html Academic integrity is the foundation of the academic community. Because each student has the primary responsibility for being academically honest, students are advised to read and understand all sections in TWU’s Student Handbook. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, falsification, and falsifying academic records and other acts intentionally designed to provide unfair advantage to the student and/or the attempt to commit such acts. If you are found to be cheating or plagiarizing, you will be subject to disciplinary action as per the policy outlined in the TWU Student Handbook. ● Cheating includes, but is not limited to, intentionally giving or receiving unauthorized aid or notes on examinations, papers, or class assignments intended to be individually completed. Cheating also includes the unauthorized copying of tests or any other deceit or fraud related to the student’s academic conduct. ● Plagiarism occurs when a student obtains someone else’s work and presents those ideas or words as her or his own academic work. ● Collusion occurs when a student collaborates with another person without authorization when preparing an assignment. ● Fabrication occurs when a student makes up data or results and records or reports them. ● Falsification occurs when a student manipulates research materials, equipment, or processes or changes or omits results such that the research is not accurately reflected in the research record. ● Falsifying academic records includes, but is not limited to altering grades or other academic records. 3 Texas Woman’s University Department of Kinesiology KINS 4933– Internship in Cardiac Rehab Spring 2015 Professional Conduct: This course is designed to prepare students to apply their knowledge and skills in a professional health setting. During this course you will be expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner. Attending class meetings, performing required tasks, and completing your tasks in a timely and well-prepared manner is part of your professional conduct. TWU Kinesiology Dress Code: All undergraduate students are expected to dress in appropriate professional physical activity attire when representing the department. TWU Kinesiology attire is required during departmental classroom activities including, but not limited to, student teaching, practicums, and internships. If your internship site requires a specific uniform, you are responsible for complying with the internship site dress code. Appropriate professional attire will be dictated by your internship location. You may be required to wear facility warm-ups, polo shirts and slacks, or hospital scrubs. Pants or shorts should be worn at the natural waistline and not below. Pants or shorts must be hemmed and shorts must be appropriate in length. The shirt must be tucked into the pants or shorts. Clothes should be wrinkle free. For safety reason, jewelry should be limited to stud earrings within the ears and be careful of necklaces, bracelets, and watches. Take into consideration that other people might interpret exposed tattoos and/or body piercing other than within the ears as offensive. If you are participating in a swim program or water aerobics programs for your internship, bikinis are not allowed. Ladies must wear a one piece swim suit and men should wear appropriate length swim shorts. 4
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