GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 40 Regular Meeting of the Governing Board April 9, 2015, 5:30 p.m. Revised April 8, 2015 Public Notice - Meeting Agenda Notice of this meeting has been posted consistent with the requirements of A.R.S. §38-431.02. The meeting’s location is the Board Room in the District Office, 7301 N. 58th Avenue, Glendale. The Board reserves the right to change the order of items on the agenda, with the exception of public hearings, which are scheduled for a specific time. At the chair’s discretion, the Board may carry over consideration of any business not concluded by 9:00 p.m. to the next regular meeting’s agenda. Governing Board members may participate via telephone conference call if necessary. The Governing Board reserves the right to convene to executive session for the purpose of obtaining legal advice from its attorney for any item listed on the agenda, in person or by telephone, pursuant to A.R.S. §38431.03(A)(3). 1. Call to Order 2. Opening Exercises a. Offer of Spanish Interpretation b. Moment of Silence c. Pledge of Allegiance d. Adoption of Agenda 3. Special Recognition a. Student Performance Ms. Qiana Harris and Ms. Joelene Strickler will lead students from Isaac E. Imes’ 21st Century Community Learning Center Afterschool Drama Program in the recitation of two-voice poetry. 4. Call to the Public The public is invited to address the Board on any issue within its jurisdiction, subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. Governing Board members are not permitted to discuss or take legal action on matters raised during open call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. However, the law permits Board members to do the following at the conclusion of the open call to the public: (a) Respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board; (b) Ask staff to review a matter; or (c) Ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. Those wishing to address the Board should complete a “Call to the Public” form and submit it to the Board Secretary prior to the start of the meeting. Each speaker will be provided three (3) minutes to address the Board, unless provided other direction by the Board. At the outset of the speaker’s remarks, the speaker should state their name and the Board requests that the speaker provide his/her address. 5. Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the March 12, 2015 Regular Meeting, March 26, 2015 Special Meeting, and March 26, 2015 Executive Session are submitted for approval. b. Ratification of Vouchers It is recommended the Governing Board ratify and approve the expense and payroll vouchers as presented. c. Acceptance of Gifts It is recommended the Governing Board ratify and approve acceptance of gifts offered to the District as presented. Individuals can access copies of documentation provided to the Board to substantiate administrations’ recommendations, i.e. reports, detailed information, agreement documents, etc., the Friday before the Board meeting in each school’s office, the Superintendent's office, or on the Governing Board’s page of the District’s website. Persons with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting (623) 237-7136 at least two days prior to the meeting. Agenda for the April 9, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Page 2 of 3 d. Certified Personnel Report It is recommended the Governing Board approve the employments, resignations, retirements, REVISED promotions, leaves of absence, and/or terminations of certified personnel. e. Classified Personnel Report It is recommended the Governing Board approve the employments, resignations, retirements, promotions, leaves of absence, cancellations of employment, and/or terminations of classified personnel. f. Disposal of Surplus Property It is recommended the Governing Board approve the items listed as surplus property and grant permission to dispose of them through public auction, trade-in, or salvage company. g. Travel It is recommended the Governing Board approve employee requests for out-of-county travel as presented. h. Auxiliary Fund Balance Statement It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Auxiliary Fund Balance Statement for January 2015 as presented. i. Student Activity Fund Balance Statement It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Student Activity Fund Balance Statement for January 2015 as presented. 6. Reports and Information Items a. National School Boards Association Annual Conference Board members who attended the National School Boards Association Annual Conference will share one highlight they took away from attending the conference. b. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Instructional Materials Administration will provide the Governing Board with a report on the process of materials selection for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) instruction. 7. Action Items a. Administrative Contract Renewals It is recommended the Governing Board approve the renewal of administrator employment REVISED contracts for the 2015-2016 school year. b. Classified Staff Employment Renewals It is recommended the Governing Board approve the employment renewal of classified staff members for the 2015-2016 school year as presented. c. Employment of Principal It is recommended the Governing Board approve the promotion of Ms. DeAnza Baker to Principal of Melvin E. Sine Elementary, salary and benefits commensurate with other principals. 8. Future Meetings and Events a. Upcoming Meetings The Governing Board will review the list of potential agenda topics for future Board meetings. Agenda for the April 9, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Page 3 of 3 b. Agenda Item Requests Governing Board Members will request items to be included on future meeting agendas for discussion, information and/or action. 9. Summary of Current Events a. Superintendent Report The Superintendent will present a brief summary of current events. b. Governing Board Report Governing Board Members will present brief summaries of current events, as necessary. 10. Adjournment GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: SUBMITTED BY: 5.A. TOPIC: Approval of Minutes Ms. Elizabeth Powell, Executive Assistant RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Joseph Quintana, Superintendent DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: The minutes of the March 12, 2015 Regular Meeting, March 26, 2015 Special Meeting and March 26, 2015 Executive Session are submitted for approval. RATIONALE: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD School District No. 40 of Maricopa County, Arizona District Office Governing Board Room March 12, 2015 Present: Ms. Mary Ann Wilson, President Mr. Jamie Aldama, Clerk Ms. Brenda Bartels, Member Ms. Sara Smith, Member Absent: Mr. Martin Samaniego, Member CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Ms. Wilson at 5:30 p.m. She noted the presence of four of five Board members, with Mr. Samaniego absent, constituting a quorum. OPENING EXERCISES Ms. Wilson welcomed the audience and thanked them for coming. She called for a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Smith moved to adopt the agenda as presented and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to a vote, the motion carried. Ms. Wilson noted the recognition of Landmark’s fifth grade students would be moved to the top of Special Recognition to be done first, followed by the District Art Teachers’ Art Display. SPECIAL RECOGNITION Student Recognition The Governing Board recognized Mr. John Louvau, Ms. Lisa Robinson, and fifth grade students from Glendale Landmark who tied for second place in the first annual Northern Arizona Elementary School Math Championships for third through sixth grade students, and will move on to the state competition in Tucson in May. Teacher Art Display The District’s Lead Art Teacher, Ms. Dawn Deneault (Horizon), introduced the District’s Art Teachers’ artwork on display this month in the Board Room. She invited the Board to attend the District’s Art Show at Landmark on April 22nd. School Spotlight Ms. Gina Schmitz, Principal of Glendale Landmark School, highlighted the school’s academic accomplishments. Progression of Growth / Systems 2012 into vision for next year LANDMARK SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT GESD SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MARCH 12, 2015 • • • • • • Academics Culture and climate Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) Meeting the needs of diverse learners Parent involvement Community partnerships Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Page 2 March 12, 2015 Culture and Climate Academics Year 1 • Solid first instruction • Student engagement • Academic vocabulary, expository text, and tracking of student growth Year 2 • Implemented a common curriculum across grades K‐3 • Comprehensive reading and math blocks • Differentiation – skill groups and guided reading Year 3 • Implemented a common curriculum across grades 4‐8 • Close reading and Socratic seminar • Conceptual understanding and problem solving in mathematics Year 4 • Connecting reading and writing with focus on writing • Connecting curriculum – technology and science integration • Refine our practices with the common curriculum Professional Learning Communities Year 1 Year 2 • Met as a grade level team • Set a common goal • Q1: What do we expect our students to learn? • Common curriculum in grades K‐3 Year 3 • Q2: How will we know if they have learned? • Common curriculum in grades K‐8 • Created common formative assessments Year 4 • Q3: How will we respond when they don’t learn? • Q4: How will we respond if they already know it? • Focus on Response to Intervention (RTI) time Year 1 • Clear behavior expectations • Positive praise and celebrations • Consequences and parent contacts Year 2 • Culture of Achievement Group organized and run by teachers • Focus lead to creation of core values, mission, vision, 4 behavior guidelines and Lobo pledge Year 3 • Implemented Lobo pledge and 4 behavioral expectations • ASSET Development – Masonic Temple Training (K‐5 team) • Boys’ Town Social Skills Year 4 • ASSET Development – Masonic Temple Training (5‐8 team) • Arizona Business Education Coalition partnership to focus on motivating 8th graders to careers and college readiness. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Year 1 • Support of instructional assistant in the classroom • Began Math 1‐2 class • Gifted differentiation plans • 21st Century Grant for after school tutoring Year 2 • Moved instructional assistants to WIN room to provide reading interventions under direction of Intervention Specialist • Focus on small group instruction within classroom Year 3 • Modified WIN Room to have both reading and math • Inclusion practices for resource students as much as schedules allows • Some grade levels implementing RTI Year 4 Parent Involvement Year 1 • Family Events – Student of Month Honors Assemblies, Fall Festival, various curriculum nights • Site Council and Coffee Talks with principal • School level data shared with parents Year 2 • Family Resource Center opened • WIN Night – sharing student level data with parents three times a year – not at Parent Teacher Conferences (K‐3) Year 3 Year 4 • Vertically aligned expectations for K‐3 parents provided to parents • PTA • Vertically aligned expectations for K‐8 parents provided to parents • Implementation of RTI at all grade levels • Expand enrichment opportunities such as Math League Community Partnerships Year 1 • Partnerships: Kiwanis – books for 1st graders and Glendale West Rotary Club Year 2 • Grants: SRP Science, SRP SS, Soener Foundation • Partnerships: Kiwanis, Glendale West Rotary Club, Farmers Insurance • Family Resource Center Partners and Assistance League of Phoenix Year 3 • Grants: AZ Cardinal – Educate , Grant, Soener Foundation • Partnerships: Glendale West Rotary Club , Farmers Insurance • Family Resource Center Partners and Assistance League of Phoenix Year 4 • Partnership: Glendale West Rotary Club and Arizona Business Education Coalition – College and Career Ready • Grants: applied for three at this time – do not know if we will receive any Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Page 3 March 12, 2015 Way We Do Business – Consistent Over Four Years • High expectations for all • Continuous analysis of data • Accountability for implementation of Professional Development provided by our site. • Support by AA’s and Administration QUESTIONS The Board commended Ms. Schmitz on the accomplishments she’s lead Landmark School to in her three years as its principal. School Spotlight Ms. Norma Jauregui, Principal of Discovery School, and Assistant Principal, Ms. Andrea Arellano, highlighted the school’s academic accomplishments. Ms. Elizabeth Manos, Ms. Alicia Bender, and Ms. Mindy Tryon, Discovery’s third grade teaching team, also shared information about how the school’s teacher collaborative teams are using data to guide instruction. 4 Critical Questions How will we know when they’ve learned it? What do students need to know and be able to do? Ms. Elizabeth Manos Alicia Bender Ms. Mindy Tryon Ms. 3rd Grade Math – 6% above District average 3rd Grade Reading – 7% above District average What will we do when they don’t learn it? Student Achievement What will we do when they have already learned it? Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Before Page 4 During Deconstruction Had commonly used lessons and assessments that were based off of our interpretation of the standards Used DIBELS and District Benchmark data to create groups and determine instructional focus for our grade level intervention block Each teacher used (and still uses) DIBELS, Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI), and classroom assessments to form small group interventions within the homeroom For March 12, 2015 Deconstruction We were all in one room with the school’s literacy and math coaches Looked at one standard at a time, pulling resources (district resources, other states’ deconstructions, published Common Core instructional books) After Deconstruction Increased rigor caused initial drop in classroom scores Lesson planning using the deconstructed standards allowed students exposure to the expected level of rigor (used a multitude of resources) Since then, grades have started to go back up our future... Looking at using the deconstructed standards to collaboratively plan lessons and assessments Looking at data collaboratively from the commonly formed assessments to determine student needs and next steps for that standard Go Discovery Scorpions! Mr. Aldama complimented Ms. Jauregui’s leadership to include members of her team in her presentation. VISITOR QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Ms. Nancy Maccarone addressed the Board as President of the Glendale Education Association regarding the District’s budget development process and interest-based salary negotiations. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Aldama requested to pull item 5.E. Ms. Bartels moved to approve the consent agenda as presented with the exception of the items requested and Ms. Smith seconded the motion. Upon call to a vote, the motion carried and the following items were approved: Minutes: The Board approved the minutes of the February 12, 2015 Regular Meeting and March 5, 2015 Special Meeting. Vouchers: The Board approved and ratified the expense and payroll vouchers as presented. Acceptance of Gifts The Board approved the following gifts and donations offered to the District: Donor Gift Donors Choose Classroom “Finding our Voice: Communication Tools for Students” project. Apple IPad Air Est. value $400 2 packs of pencils and 1 Lanyard Est. value $10 $36.02 Employee Incentive Fund $82.92 Principal discretion $100 donation supplies for nurse Classroom “Teaching Technology Through Tablets” project. Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet Est. value $200 My Coke Rewards Coca Cola Coca Cola Mary Ellen LeGendre Donors Choose Recipient Challenger Sine Challenger Horizon Landmark Discovery Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Donors Choose Glendale Rotary Club Anthony Reyes Kellogg’s Rewards Program Coca Cola Schoola Donors Choose Donors Choose American Express / Virgil W. Stephens Target Target Coca Cola Target The University of Arizona Nutrition Network Target Mr. & Mrs. Landrum Phoenix Art Museum Target Coca Cola Certified Personnel Report Page 5 March 12, 2015 Classroom “Be Amazed By Science” Project Preschool Learning center materials Est. value $280 $1,175 Donation For Staff Shirts Donation of 14 kick balls, 2 soccer balls, 2 footballs, 8 cones Cereal bowls and art portfolio coloring kits for student giveaways Est. value $2848.05 $113.82 Employee Incentive Fund $9.77 Field Trips Classroom “Let’s Get Up and Get Moving: project. Various P.E Equipment Est. value $400 Classroom “A Big Raspberry to Our Monitors” project. Four Samsung 19.5 inch LED Monitors for student use Est. value $649 Sine Landmark Horizon Food Service Discovery Sunset Vista Coyote Ridge American $26 Classroom supplies $88.15 Field Trips $52.85 Principal Discretion $165.46 Employee Incentive Fund $42.05 Principal Discretion American Coyote Ridge American Sine Sine 75 Frisbees, 10 infuser bottles for P.E. class Est. value $100 $55.57 Classroom supplies $20 Donation Library $254.85 for fieldtrip transportation $42.92 Principal Discretion $27.68 Employee Incentive Fund Coyote Ridge Bicentennial South Horizon Horizon Challenger Challenger The Governing Board approved the following employments, resignations, retirements, promotions, leaves of absence, and/or terminations of certified personnel. New Employment Brueske, Brittany Teacher Christina Van Tassle Teacher Ford, Deborah L. Guest Teacher Reinhold, Susan E. Guest Teacher Kilbride, Susan B. Guest Teacher Graves, Julianne Moore, Shonna M. Teacher Teacher $9,686.26 03/09/15 Personal 05/29/15 Resignation Guest Teacher – New Hire 03/09/15 Guest Teacher – Re-Hire 03/03/15 Guest Teacher – Termination Other Employment 03/03/15 Leave of Absence Disposal of Surplus Property Travel Auxiliary Fund Balance Statement 12/01/14-05/21/15 08/03/15-05/27/15 The Board approved the items listed as surplus property and grant permission to dispose of them through public auction, trade-in, or salvage company. The Board approved employee requests for out-of-county travel. The Governing Board approved the Auxiliary Fund Balance Statement for December 2014 as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Student Activity Fund Balance Statement Page 6 March 12, 2015 The Governing Board approved the Student Activity Fund Balance Statement for December 2014 as presented. Out of County Field Trip It is recommended the Governing Board approve the out-of-county field trip to the University of Arizona for Challenger Middle School students as presented. Cooperative Agreements E-Rate Application It is recommended the Governing Board approve The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) and 1 Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA) Cooperative Agreements as presented. It is recommended that the Governing Board approve funding the District’s portion for Category 2 Technology projects for 2015-16 pending E-Rate funding approval as presented. The following item was discussed and acted on separately: Classified Personnel Report: Mr. Aldama recused himself from voting on this item due to a relative included for hire. Ms. Smith moved to approve the report and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried, and the following employments, resignations, retirements, promotions, leaves of absence, and/or terminations of classified personnel were approved. Adams, Heather A. Andrade, Anthony Andrade, Corina Brown, Joy Doepke, Darlene Einikis, Nicole Garcia, Jessica Guyette, Raymond Isanovic, Linda Marquez-Huyett, Maria Oelschlager, Jennifer Ojeda Sanchez, Maria Zavala, Alba Zavala, Ruth Zeon, Taiwa New Employment Substitute Educational Assistant School Bus Monitor Substitute Bus Operator Educational Assistant-Std. School Bus Operator in Training Substitute Food Service Worker Family Services Advocate Substitute Bus Operator Substitute Food Service Worker Bus Operator in Training School Nurse-LPN Substitute Cleaner Substitute Cleaner Substitute Cleaner School Bus Operator in Training $9.55-$11.35 $9.11 $13.49 $9.55 $11.93 $8.44 $9.09 $13.49 $8.44 $11.93 $18.19 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $11.93 02/10/15 02/11/15 03/02/15 03/09/15 02/17/15 02/10/15 03/02/15 02/24/15 02/23/15 03/03/15 02/23/15 03/03/15 02/12/15 02/12/15 02/17/15 Aldama, Gabriel Bender, Wyatt Benney, Kristina Cangas, Rosaura Castillo, Juana Chee, Vanessa Edwards-Rose, Katherine Murphy, Kathern Reyes, Claudia Soza, Raymond Turner, Michael Urias, Maria * Wymer, Amanda Position Change Cleaner to Lead Custodian FS Specialist to Food Service Manager Lunch Monitor to Ed. Assist. –Std. Cleaner to Lead Custodian Substitute FS Worker to FS Worker Substitute Bus Opr to Bus Operator Sub School Nurse to School Nurse- LPN Operation Specialist to Contract Specialist Office Assistant to FS Support Specialist Lead Custodian to Unit Opr Manager Substitute Bus Operator to Bus Operator Food Service Worker Teacher to Educational Assistant Std. $12.97 $13.97 $9.89 $12.97 $9.20 $14.21 $19.17 $19.42 $14.32 $13.63 $14.97 $9.37 $9.55 03/06/15 03/16/15 01/06/15 03/06/15 02/17/15 02/23/15 03/02/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 02/11/15 02/10/15 01/20/15 02/23/15 Beltran, Robert Capozzoli, Kameron Gutierrez, Charissa Gutierrez, Sandra Miranda, Edward Jr. Urias, Teresa Culp, Cabria Girardot, Lillie Resignation School Bus Operator Technology Systems Manager Extended Day Site Supervisor Attendance Secretary II Substitute Cleaner Educational Assistant Panda Pre Educational Assistant SPED Substitute Bus Monitor Personal Employment Employment Employment Personal Employment Moving 05/28/15 Personal 02/13/15 02/20/15 02/05/15 02/27/15 02/17/15 02/20/15 02/12/15 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Ibarra, Laura Maloy, April Navarro, Antonia Pizarro, Alexandra Page 7 Cleaner School Nurse –LPN Cleaner Food Service Worker March 12, 2015 Abandonment Employment Personal Personal Rescinded Resignation Educational Assistant SPED McAndrews, Kristopher 02/12/15 02/27/15 02/25/15 03/13/15 03/02/15 Retirement Brown, Alfred Bustamante, Henry Food Service Manager Lead Custodian Gomez, Patricia E. Padilla, Helen Leave of Absence Food Service Specialist Food Service Cashier Allen, Diane P. Ingram, Angelica L. Additional Position Sub Classified Sub Educational Assistant 05/28/15 02/26/15 01/30/15-04/30/15 02/06/15-02/17/15 $10.54 $9.55/$11.35 03/03/15 12/15/14 *Correction on effective date. REPORTS AND INFORMATION ITEMS None at this time. ACTION ITEMS Suspension of Governing Board Policy Mr. Quintana recommended the Governing Board approve the suspension of Board Policy BGBPolicy Adoption, related to the first and second reading of recommended revisions to Board Policy GCGC – Job Sharing in Professional Staff Positions and GCQEA – Retirement of Professional / Support Staff Members as listed in Item 7.B. of this Board meeting agenda dated March 12, 2015. Ms. Smith moved to approve the recommendation as stated and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried. Policy Revision First and Second Reading Mr. Quintana recommended the Governing Board approve the first and second reading and adoption of proposed revisions to Policy GCGC – Job Sharing in Professional Staff Positions and GCQEA – Retirement of Professional / Support Staff Members. Ms. Bartels complimented the proposed adjustments to Policy GCGC. Ms. Smith moved to approve the recommendation as stated and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried. Phased Retirement Plan Certified Contract Renewals Employee Insurance Benefits Mr. Quintana recommended the Governing Board approve the Phased Retirement Plan as presented. Ms. Smith moved to approve the recommendation as stated and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried. Mr. Quintana recommended the Governing Board approve the renewal of certified staff (teachers) employment contracts for the 2015-2016 school year. Ms. Bartels noted the typo in the contract approved by the Board previously, which is corrected in the version that will be issued to staff. Mr. Aldama moved to approve the recommendation as stated and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried. Mr. Quintana recommended the Governing Board approve the various employee insurance benefit plans as presented for 2015-2016. He noted the Trust Board had approved the recommendation at its meeting on Monday, March 9th. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Page 8 March 12, 2015 Mr. Aldama noted that last year there had been issues with high claims and increased premiums were necessary, and asked what was different this year to result in no premium increase. Mr. Barragan explained the combination of doing a better job of managing claims, and more appropriate premium levels allowed the District to avoid having to increase these again this year. Ms. Smith moved to approve the recommendation as stated and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried. Board Interests for Interest-Based Negotiations The Governing Board discussed its interests for Interest-Based Negotiations. Mr. Quintana noted the Board had been provided with historical information related to Board interests and Salary negotiations. Mr. Barragan reviewed a presentation with background information: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Page 9 March 12, 2015 Mr. Barragan explained the budget outlook for consideration in identifying the Board’s priorities for employee salary negotiations. Ms. Wilson noted her top priorities would be to attract and retain high quality candidates. Ms. Smith requested an executive session in order for the Board to direct its representative in employee salary negotiations. She felt a more in-depth conversation regarding these interests would be more beneficial. Mr. Quintana suggested convening for the Special Meeting on March 26th to have the requested executive session at that time. Ms. Smith expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of information provided prior to the meeting to spur the Board’s thoughts and discussion. Ms. Wilson noted the item had been placed on the agenda at her request. Ms. Wilson stated the Board would discuss this topic further at the March 26th Special Meeting. FUTURE MEETINGS AND EVENTS Future Meetings: The Board reviewed the list of upcoming meetings and planned agenda items. Mr. Quintana noted a Special Meeting was tentatively scheduled on the 26th. Mr. Aldama is not available. The Board will convene for the special meeting on the 26th, to begin at 4:00 instead of 5:30. Mr. Aldama will submit his comments regarding the Salary Negotiation Interests to Ms. Powell prior to the meeting. Agenda Item Requests: Governing Board Members were given the opportunity to request items to be included on future meeting agendas for discussion, information and/or action. None were made. Ms. Wilson noted Board members can contact Ms. Powell with any such requests at any time. SUMMARY OF BOARD AND SUPERINTENDENT CURRENT EVENTS Mr. Quintana thanked Ms. Jauregui and Ms. Schmitz for their presentations. approximately 75 letters of intent so far this year. He noted the District has issued Mr. Aldama noted the budget reductions being made by the state and expressed his support for GEA’s proposal to initiate zero-based budgeting. Ms. Smith expressed concerns regarding the action taking place by the state legislature that are detrimental to our schools and shared she and Ms. Bartels have been actively advocating for our students and staff with state legislators, and encouraged others to do so as well Ms. Wilson echoed Ms. Smith’s encouragement to contact their legislators to vote in support of public education. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to a vote, the motion carried and the regular meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board Page 10 Submitted by: Elizabeth Powell, Executive Assistant Approved By: Brenda Bartels, Clerk of the Board Date: April 9, 2015 March 12, 2015 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD School District No. 40 of Maricopa County, Arizona District Office Governing Board Room March 26, 2015 Present: Ms. Mary Ann Wilson, President Ms. Brenda Bartels, Clerk Mr. Jamie Aldama, Member Ms. Sara Smith, Member Mr. Martin Samaniego, Member Absent: CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Ms. Wilson at 4:00 p.m. She noted for the record four of five Board members were present, with Mr. Aldama absent, constituting a quorum. Mr. Aldama joined the meeting at 4:15 p.m. Ms. Wilson called for a moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. OPENING EXERCISES Ms. Bartels moved to approve the agenda as presented and Ms. Smith seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried. CALL TO PUBLIC None at this time. EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. Wilson stated the Governing Board would consider voting to recess the special meeting in order to convene to executive session for the following purposes: a. Salary Negotiations Direction In accordance with A.R.S. § 38-431.03.A.5, for the purpose of consultation with or instruction to designated representatives as to negotiations regarding salaries or compensation in the form of benefits for District employees. Ms. Smith moved to recess and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote the motion carried and the meeting recessed at 4:07 p.m. RECONVENE TO PUBLIC SESSION The Board reconvened to public session at 5:55 p.m. ACTION ITEMS Board Interests for Interest-Based Negotiations 1. 2. 3. 4. The Governing Board’s proposed priorities are: Protect resources directly impacting students Attract and retain qualified and effective staff Promote health and quality of life Examine employee and community suggestions for potential financial and operational efficiencies Mr. Samaniego moved to approve the priorities and Mr. Aldama seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried. Certified Personnel Mr. Quintana recommended the Governing Board approve the employments, resignations, retirements, promotions, leaves of absence, and/or terminations of certified personnel as presented. Ms. Smith moved to approve the recommendation with the exception of resignation number two and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to vote, the motion carried and the following items were approved: Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Governing Board Page 2 March 26, 2015 Resignation Banks, Allen Cantrell, Joani Cooper, Cody Gouba, Marie Kujan, Whitney Turner-Harrison, Rhonda Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Correction to Resignation Teacher Conklin, Deborah* *Revised resignation date Banks, Allen Kilbride, Susan Change of Position Teacher to Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher to Teacher Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Moving 03/20/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 04/02/15 Personal 03/13/15 $12,226.78 03/23/15 03/03/15 ADJOURNMENT Ms. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Bartels seconded the motion. Upon call to a vote, the motion carried and the special meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Submitted by: Elizabeth Powell, Executive Assistant Approved By: Brenda Bartels, Clerk of the Board Date: April 9, 2015 GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: 5.B. TOPIC: Ratification of Vouchers SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Jill Winn, Accounting Budget Supervisor RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Mike Barragan, Assistant Superintendent for Financial and Auxiliary Services DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the expense and payroll vouchers as presented. RATIONALE: In accordance with A.R.S. § 15-321G, the expense and payroll vouchers must be approved and ratified by the Governing Board. The vouchers summarize expense and payroll warrants that were issued by Glendale Elementary School District and reviewed by the Clerk of the Governing Board. 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Expense Vouchers: DATE VOUCHER # AMOUNT 02/26/2015 2087 $1,704,115.08 02/26/2015 2089 $113,439.30 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Payroll Vouchers: DATE VOUCHER # AMOUNT 02/24/15 1016 $2,814,406.03 02/26/15 41 $172,544.87 03/05/2015 03/05/2015 03/05/2015 03/12/2015 2090 2091 2092 2093 $402,452.75 $6,307.39 $118,885.14 $1,451,355.47 02/26/15 42 03/10/15 1017 03/12/15 43 03/12/2015 03/16/2015 2094 2095 $118,974.22 $3,529.59 Source of Funding – M&O Budget State Grant Federal Grant Capital $1,027.61 $2,753,380.65 $171,699.40 Other GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: 5.C. SUBMITTED BY: TOPIC: Acceptance of Gifts Ms. Jill Winn, Accounting Budget Supervisor RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Mike Barragan, Assistant Superintendent for Financial and Auxiliary Services DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve acceptance of the following gifts offered to the District. RATIONALE: Donor Gift Classroom “Teaching 21st Century Students, 21st Century Skills!” program 4 Nexus 7 Tablets & Covers Est. Value $960 DonorsChoose Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Sanchez Target, Take Charge of Education Recipient Jack Used wheelchair & crutches nurses office Landmark $32.54 Gift to School Landmark Robert Garcia Donation of 3 bags peppermints, 2 bags cough drops, 1 case of water nurses office Bici North Desert Garden PTO $102 Student Council Field Trips Desert Garden $100 Music/Afterschool Programs Imes $159.26 Gift to School Horizon Coca Cola $66.78 Employee Incentive Fund Desert Spirit American Express Foundation/Virgil W. Stephens $26 Gift to School American DonorsChoose Classroom “Aggravation Remediation: Sensory Tools Enhance Learning” project. Fluorescent Light Filters & Cyber Gel Squeeze Balls Est. Value $142 Challenger Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign/Teri P Zweygardtl $230.76 Field Trips Coyote Ridge Target Take Charge of Education $41.78 Gift to School Smith Recon Restoration (Mark Edgerton) 36 t-shirts Read Across America Celebration Est. Value $200 Sunset Vista American Express/Rowel Gabriel Fulinara Target, Take Charge of Education Source of Funding – M&O Budget State Grant Federal Grant Capital Other Donor Gift Recipient Be Kind Project 1 box of 2 pocket folders Smith Sunset Vista PTO $650 Field Trips Sunset Vista Maria Jones 4 boxes of 60 pk granola bars, 2 bottles Benadryl, 2 bottles Ibuprofen for Nurses Office Bici North Robert Garcia 2-60 pack boxes of Granola Bars for Nurses Office Bici North Great Skate $282 Student Council American $207 Employee Incentive Fund American $379.50 5th grade Field Trip Burton Kellogg’s 148 Happy Birthday Aprons Cafeteria Staff Food Service Ashley Apicella 31 Glow Sticks Student Council Dance Est. Value $10 Discovery Challenger School PTSA $449.11 JA Biz Town Trip Challenger Target Field Trips Scholarship America $600 ELD Fieldtrip Challenger Smuckers 7- $50 pre-paid debit cards Employee Incentive & food for meetings Est. Value $350 Food Service Bernadette Cervantes Fabric for teams for Field Day Est. Value $2.97 Glendale Success Academy Sunset Vista PTO $138.35 Field Trip Sunset Vista Horizon PTA $590.20 Transportation for Field Trip Horizon Discover Financial Services Pabustan, Joseph & Pledger, Kristin Halle Heart Children’s Museum Walnut Canyon Press Campbell’s 1600 books for Read Across America Week Est. Value $3,500 1 iTunes Gift Card, 5 Angry Birds Board Games Giveaway prizes for students All Sites Food Service Safeway 2-$20 Gift Cards Water, Snacks, Eggs for Field Day Glendale Success Academy DonorsChoose Classroom “Chihuly Recycle Water Bottle Sculpture” Project. Est. Value $229.43 Horizon Source of Funding – M&O Budget State Grant Federal Grant Capital Other GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: SUBMITTED BY: 5.D. TOPIC: Revised April 8, 2015 Certified Personnel Report Ms. Cathey Mayes, Director of Human Resources RECOMMENDED BY: Dr. Barbara Goodwin, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Governing Board approve the employments, resignations, retirements, promotions, leaves of absence, cancellations of employment, terminations, and/or contract renewals of certified personnel. 1. Andrews, Ericia 2. Apuan, Nicholle 3. Benson, Ingrid 4. Bess, Renae 5. Bilbao, Angelee 6. Boehler, Ashley 7. Bolognini, Catherine 8. Brueske, Brittany 9. Burbank, Jessica 10. Butcher, Gabriella 11. Cacciatore, Alexandria 12. Carlisle, Sarah 13. Caro, Kellie 14. Cheney, Jevon 15. Cooper, Cody 16. Crawford, Katie 17. Crutchfield, Megan 18. Datema, Lisa 19. Davis, Robert 20. Darling, Stephen 21. Dengler, Danielle 22. Dewey, Sharon 23. Dougherty, Erinn 24. Dong, Maria 25. Eselgroth, Susan M. 26. Fay, Michelle 27. Fern, Jaclyn 28. Fenton, Kasey 29. Fisher, Sheryl 30. Flores, Alysia 31. Foppe, Christine 32. Foss, Stephanie 33. Foster, Heather 34. Gabel, Mary Margaret 35. Gess, Stacey 36. Ghosh, Tanaya Resignation Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Assistant Principal Teacher Assistant Principal Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Speech Language Pathologist Teacher Achievement Advisor Teacher Teacher Personal CNA Personal Personal Personal CNA CNA Personal CNA CNA Personal CNA Personal CNA CNR CNA CNR CNA Moving Personal Personal Personal Personal CNR Personal Personal CNA CNA CNA CNA CNA CNA CNR CNA CNA CNA 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 03/14/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 06/23/15 05/29/15 04/10/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 06/03/15 05/29/15 06/12/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 37. Giardina, Circe 38. Grantier, Erica 39. Hammond, Eric 40. Helmig, Kristen 41. Hendricks, Jelana 42. Hinojosa, Melinda 43. Hodge, Amy 44. Hughes, Lauryn 45. Hyatt, Taylor 46. Jamison, Bradley 47. Jimenez, Brittany 48. Kalle, Sallar 49. Karst, Stephany 50. Kehl, Amber 51. Kiger, Jaclyn 52. Koolman, Stephanie 53. Kloster, Madolyn 54. Kontak, Johnathan 55. Lang, Jeff 56. Laveroni, Caitlin 57. Leister, Carolyn 58. Lynn, Kelly 59. Madden, Joseph 60. Medema, Stephanie 61. Mesker, Erin 62. Metzgar, Brienne 63. Mordukhayev, Ilya 64. Mosley, Philip 65. Myers, Amber 66. Pace, Samantha 67. Pacheco, Mariela 68. Parker, Gwen 69. Perkins, Tracey 70. Pilsbury, Jolie 71. Pratt, Frances 72. Quinn, Marisa 73. Rathert, Allyson 74. Ressel, Richie 75. Richeson, Brittney 76. Rippel, Amy 77. Roberts, Virginia 78. Robinson, Alison 79. Robinson, Lisa 80. Roe, Maria 81. Saffert, Jennifer 82. Smith, Matthew H. 83. Shertzinger, Bailey 84. Stacy, Sarah 85. Stevenson, Danielle 86. Stockton, Melissa 87. Thomas, Ashley 88. Trujillo, Rebekah 89. Vanzandt, Kelly 90. Villasenor, Jorge 91. Wahl, Katie Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Principal Achievement Advisor Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Speech/Language Pathologist Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Director Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Achievement Advisor Teacher Teacher Speech/Language Pathologist Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Assistant Principal Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher CNA Personal CNA CNA Personal Personal CNA CNA Personal Personal CNA CNA Career Change Career Change CNA CNA CNR Personal Personal Moving CNR Personal CNA CNR Personal Personal CNA CNR CNA CNA Personal Employment Moving Personal CNA CNA Personal CNR Personal CNA CNR CNA CNA CNA CNA Personal CNA CNA CNA Personal CNA CNR CNA CNA CNA 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 06/30/15 06/12/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 06/03/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 06/30/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 06/12/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 06/03/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 92. Walker, Brianna 93. Warntjes, Autumn 94. Weible, Shanna 95. Wilkerson, Chloe 96. Witt, Hannah Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Moving CNR Personal CNR Personal 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 Correction to Resignation Teacher Personal 03/20/15 CNA = Contract Not Accepted CNR = Contract Not Returned 1. Banks, Allen* *Revised resignation date 1. Crisp, Kristen Rescind Resignation Achievement Advisor 06/12/15 Retirement 1. Diaz, Melinda* 2. Langer, Rosanne* 3. Sanders, Cheryl* *Entering Phased Retirement in 15/16 School Year 1. Cable, Carmen A. Guest Teacher – New Hire Guest Teacher 03/26/15 1. Kilbride, Susan B. 2. Mollica, Susan J. Guest Teacher – Re-Hire Guest Teacher Guest Teacher 03/06/15 03/11/15 1. Meyer, Nancy S. Guest Teacher – Resignation Guest Teacher Personal 03/11/1 1. 2. 3. 4. Hill, Barbara Lindebak, Sydney Piatt, Ann Marie Rohr, Kim Reduction in Force Achievement Advisor Position Elimination Teacher Decrease in Enrollment Achievement Advisor Position Elimination Achievement Advisor Position Elimination 1. Graca, Glen 2. Owens, Bonnie 1. Blake, John 2. Camacho, Elisha 3. Colburn-Wyatt, Samantha 4. Crenshaw, Kathy 5. Crisp, Kristen 6. Dean, Flora 7. Dresback, Nathan 8. Everhart, Ruth 9. Flandrau, Ashley 10. Fortner, Delinda 11. Gironda, Janet 12. Grzyb, Breanne Returning from Phased Retirement Non-Administrative Contract Renewal Teacher Teacher Teacher Psychologist Achievement Advisor Parent Trainer Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Lead Librarian Teacher 06/12/15 05/29/15 06/12/15 06/12/15 13. Horn, Leonard 14. Javellana, John 15. Johnson, Jo 16. Piatt, Ann Marie 17. Pfeifle, Jaime 18. Tejada, Maria 19. Thill, Kimberlee 20. Turner, Rodney Technology Integration Specialist Social Emotional Learning Specialist Teacher Achievement Advisor Teacher Teacher Social Emotional Learning Specialist Technology Integration Specialist GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: 5.E. SUBMITTED BY: TOPIC: Classified Personnel Report Ms. Laura Sanchez, Coordinator for Classified Human Resources RECOMMENDED BY: Dr. Barbara Goodwin, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 09, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Governing Board approve the employments, resignations, retirements, promotions, leaves of absence, cancellations of employment, and/or terminations of classified personnel. New Employment 1. Arenivaz III, Lorenzo Substitute Cleaner 2. Becerra, Noel Substitute Cleaner 3. Chavez Apodaca, Griselda Food Service Specialist 4. Espericueta, Mariana Substitute Food Service Worker 5. Frank, Mark Warehouse Delivery Driver 6. Godinez, Carlos Substitute Cleaner 7. Griego, Sabrina Substitute Food Service Worker 8. Hernandez-Chavez, Jonathan Substitute Cleaner 9. Lawrence, Nicola Substitute Bus Operator 10. Maciel, Dora Food Service Manager 11. Soza, Manuel Substitute Cleaner $9.79 $9.79 $10.03 $8.44 $12.53 $9.79 $8.44 $9.79 $13.49 $14.21 $9.79 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 04/13/15 03/23/15 03/24/15 03/23/15 03/17/15 03/23/15 03/24/15 $9.32 $9.79 03/17/15 03/02/15 1. Gonzalez, Ruth 2. Marrufo, Norberta Rehire Substitute Classified Substitute Cleaner 1. Ford, Deborah L. 2. Reed, Bethany C. Substitute Educational Assistant Substitute Educational Assistant $9.55/$11.35 $9.55/$11.35 03/09/15 03/06/15 1. Westmoreland, James 2. Marruffo, Blanca 3. Soto, Sonia Increase in Hours Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Food Service Worker $9.39 $9.39 $8.44 03/24/15 03/30/15 03/23/15 1. Urias, Maria Decrease in Hours Food Service Worker $9.37 03/24/15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Resignation Student Information Coordinator Employment Food Service Specialist Personal Crossing Guard/Lunch Monitor Cleaner Personal Food Service Worker Employment Senior Programmer Employment Food Service Worker Personal Bounds, Patricia Gomez, Patricia Hunt, Dwight Loza, Maricela Miller, Lela Kaye Thompson, Craig Urias, Maria Additional Position 03/25/15 03/11/15 04/09/15 03/27/15 03/23/15 03/20/15 03/27/15 1. 2. 3. 4. Crutchley, Daniel Hernandez, Celia Ross, Patricia Salazar, Margarita Retirement Food Service Specialist Educational Assistant Food Service Specialist Food Service Manager 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adams, Heather A. Burnett, Janice Culligan, Taylor Garcia-Rivera, Wendy Michael, Alexis Remove from Sub List Substitute Educational Assistant Substitute School Bus Operator Sub Extended Day Substitute Educational Assistant Sub Cleaner Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal 1. Nadasi, JoAnn O. 2. Neideffer, Roger D. Leave of Absence Food Service Worker Warehouse Delivery Driver 10/28/14 – 03/04/15 01/05/15 – 08/03/15 1. Armendariz, Maria 2. Atilano, Concepcion 3. Bojorquez, Amalia 4. Bustamante, Maria 5. Carballo, Petra 6. Cardona, Maria 7. Carrillo, Alicia 8. Castillo, Petra 9. Cervantes, Gabriela 10. De Carrillo, Veronica 11. De La Cruz, Zapata, Lorena 12. Escobar, Marina 13. Gallegos, Norma 14. Garcia, Monique 15. Grageda, Martha 16. Gutierrez, Rita 17. Hernandez, Atanacio 18. Hinojosa, Lydia 19. Landeros, Amalia 20. Lira De Zavala, Martina 21. Mendoza, Yolanda 22. Miller II, Robert 23. Monge, Yadira 24. Mora, Perla 25. Moreno, Maria 26. Moscayra, Fidelia 27. Mota de Favela, Maria 28. Navarro, Rosalba 29. Padilla, Maria 30. Perez, Henry 31. Perez, Sonia 32. Ramirez, Martha 33. Reyes, Maria 34. Rosales, Olga 35. Sigala, Alicia Position Change Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II $9.79 $9.96 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $10.49 $9.79 $10.13 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $10.31 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $10.49 $10.49 $10.49 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $9.79 $10.49 $10.49 06/09/14 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 03/19/15 03/18/15 10/30/14 03/13/15 02/04/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 36. Siordia, Teresa 37. Swenson, Rosalie 38. Urbano, Silverio 39. Valencia, Maria D. 40. Velarde, Alfonso 41. Villanueva, Leonarda Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II Cleaner I to Cleaner II $10.49 $9.79 $10.49 $9.79 $10.13 $9.79 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: 5.F. SUBMITTED BY: TOPIC: Disposal of Surplus Property Mr. Tony Remo, Fixed Assets Specialist RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Mike Barragan, Executive Director for Financial and Auxiliary Services DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the items listed as surplus property and grant permission to dispose of them through public auction or salvage company. RATIONALE: The District is currently using Arizona Auctioneers and Sierra Auction for surplus equipment. The following is a list of equipment that is outdated, broken, or non-repairable. District ID# Description District ID# 326199 334771 334639 334459 333465 333411 332053 330181 330077 327365 326861 325121 324438 324309 312788 330302 312777 312774 315505 326280 Ice Machine Compressor Heat pump Pump Heat pump Heat pump Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Refrigerator Ice machine Portable counter heater Freezer shelving Dodge van*** Bus W56*** 335743 334640 334468 333466 333410 333412 331006 330114 329362 327331 326275 324549 324305 306867 334474 312776 312771 308770 315627 007000 Description Compressor Heat pump Heat pump Heat pump Heat pump Heat pump Compressor Heat pump Heat pump Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Crescor warmer Ice machine Portable counter heater Dry storage shelving Chevrolet van *** Dodge van *** Scrap metal ** **State Salvage Vendor ***Not used as trade Source of Funding – M&O Budget State Grant Federal Grant Capital Other GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: SUBMITTED BY: 5.G. TOPIC: Approval of Travel Various Departments RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Joseph Quintana, Superintendent DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the request for employee out-of-county travel as presented. Traveler Valerie Caraveo Doris Bean Donna Webb Steve Ruggiero Purpose/Location Transportation Administrators of Arizona Flagstaff, AZ Dates June 22-25 Cost $3,605 Maria Urrutia Arizona Interagency Farmworkers Coalition Tubac, AZ Sept 16-18 $668 Title III Holly Northcott Amy Rodriguez ADE’s Leading Change Conference Tucson, AZ June 23-25 $1,110 Title I Sharon Yokley Pam Colantro Tracy Dent Krista Schmidt I Teach 1st Conference Las Vegas, NV July 6-9 $3,361 Title I Civic Center TRAVEL REQUEST FORM For Out-of-County/Out-of-State Travel by District Employee This form must be turned in with purchase requisitions and PAR to the Superintendent’s Office with enough advance notice to ensure Board approval prior to travel date. Name of Traveler(s): Valerie Caraveo, Doris Bean, Donna Webb, Steve Ruggiero Working at School/Department: Transportation Reason for Travel: Attend the Transportation Administrators of Arizona Conference Traveling to: Flagstaff, Arizona Dates of Travel: 6/22/2015 – 6/25/2015 Substitute Needed/Dates: None Code Cost Requisition Number Charge Sub to: n/a $0.00 Charge Registration to: 515.400.2570.6360.585.0000 $1500.00 Charge Airline/Bus to: n/a $0.00 Charge Meal/Lodging to: 515.400.2570.6580.585.0000 $1805.00 TBD Charge Auto Mileage to: 515.400.2570.6580.585.0000 $300.00 TBD Total Cost of Travel $3605.00 APPROVED BY: Approved TBD DATE Not Approved By the Governing Board on date Revised July 1998 CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FORM Must be completed and submitted to the Superintendent’s Office for transmittal to the Governing Board along with the Travel Request Form. Name of Traveler(s): Valerie Caraveo, Doris Bean, Donna Webb, Steve Ruggiero Conference/Workshop Title: (Reason for Travel) Transportation Administrators of Arizona 1. Relevance of conference/workshop to employee(s) work responsibilities: Safety and training program workshop is essential for understand the safety fundamentals of school transportation. Successful in leadership – professional demeanor, email and phone etiquette. Setting a positive tone, handling negative or difficult people and how to handle conflict successfully. Time management and personal work habits that will improve efficiency and effectiveness. Internal Training Programs – Successful learning style will ensure your employees understand the DPS Minimum Standards and other material. Learning creative and effective lesson plans for our training program. Transportation - Learn information from others who operate transportation departments. There will be three different topics to choose from. Measuring Performance – Building accountability and providing data on what is most important about your operation. What gets measured gets done. State Agencies Round Table – Where Department of Public Safety goes over the new laws and changes for the upcoming year. This is where all districts bring in the Q & A for DPS and get answers. Alternative Fuel Summit – Information discussion with three professionals involved with alternative fuels and their timely use in school buses. The use of Propane, CNG and Electric will be discussed. ADE 100th Day Report – Most efficient way to report all ridership. Regular education, special needs, outside placement and McKinney Vento. Mileage reporting and how important it is for your District to get the best reporting done. Laws and Liability – Three workshops/sessions going over federal and state laws of a school bus and how the liability effects the school district and its share holders. Bus Routing and Scheduling – Workshop will include and examine theories and strategies for successful routing. Route types, stop choice, and multi-trip options will be discussed as well as the development of policy and procedures and their implications for economy and safety. Computer aided and manual routing strategies will be evaluated and compared. NAPT 208 – Parent, Administrator, Board and Public Outreach. Tips on working with media, school staff, community groups, and parents to promote understanding of student transportation issues and needs. Learn how to identify problems and develop appropriate messaging using both time-tested and innovative mediums. This is a valuable course for Managers who want to strengthen community relations. Revised July 1998 2. How will employee(s) share information with colleagues? Yes, we will share, use and even develop training for in-service based on the workshops and sessions we will be attending at the Transportation Administrators of Arizona conference. 3. How is the conference/workshop related to district, school or department goals and or objectives? We are a creative team who take pride in delivering comprehensive transportation services for our students. The Transportation Administrators of Arizona Conference, workshops and session are all related to school bus transportation which related to district, schools and the transportation department. The conference will give learning tools to help transportation grow and become a better service for all of our customers. It will make us more resourceful, while assisting us to provide the standards of safety using technologies and exceptional alternative fuels while providing accurate service for our district, schools and community. Revised July 1998 TRAVEL REQUEST FORM For Out-of-County/Out-of-State Travel by District Employee This form must be turned in with purchase requisitions and PAR to the Superintendent’s Office with enough advance notice to ensure Board approval prior to travel date. Name of Traveler(s): Maria Urrutia Working at School/Department: Language Acquisition Department Reason for Travel: AIFC Conference-AZ Interagency Farmworkers Coalition Traveling to: Tubac, Az. Dates of Travel: September 16th - September 18th, 2015 Substitute Needed/Dates: N/A Code Cost Charge Sub to: Charge Registration to: $ 130.100.2570.6360.561.0000 Charge Airline/Bus to: $ 210.00 $ Charge Meal/Lodging to: 130.100.2570.6580.561.0000 $ 358.00 Charge Auto Mileage to: 130.100.2570.6580.561.0000 $ 100.00 Total Cost of Travel $ 668.00 APPROVED BY: Approved Requisition Number DATE Not Approved By the Governing Board on Date CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FORM Must be completed and submitted to the Superintendent’s Office for transmittal to the Governing Board along with the Travel Request Form. Name of Traveler(s): Maria Urrutia, Migrant Program Clerk Conference/Workshop Title: AIFC Conference-AZ Interagency Farmworkers Coalition (Reason for Travel) 1. Relevance of conference/workshop to employee(s) work responsibilities: Conference will discuss issues related to families who participate in migratory employment in Arizona. They will include updates on regulations and public policies that affect them, resources for their medical needs, educational opportunities, student resources for continuing education. 2. How will employee(s) share information with colleagues? Information will be shared with the GESD migrant families during quarterly meetings and the Language Acquisition staff members. 3. How is the conference/workshop related to district, school or department goals and or objectives? The language department strives to provide support for our migrant families and their particular needs. This support is done to advance the academic success of our migrant students. By becoming knowledgeable of the resources available to them we can better serve this part of our community. TRAVEL REQUEST FORM For Out-of-County/Out-of-State Travel by District Employee This form must be turned in with purchase requisitions and PAR to the Superintendent’s Office with enough advance notice to ensure Board approval prior to travel date. Name of Traveler(s): Sharon Yokley, Pam Colantro, Tracy Dent, Krista Schmidt Working at School/Department: Melvin E Sine School Reason for Travel: I teach 1st Conference Traveling to: Las Vegas, NV Dates of Travel: July 6 to July 9 2015 Substitute Needed/Dates: none Code Cost Charge Sub to: Charge Registration to: $ 110.100.2213.6320.104.0000 Charge Airline/Bus to: Charge Meal/Lodging to: $ 2361.00 $ 110.100.2570.6580.104.0000 Charge Auto Mileage to: $ 1000.00 $ Total Cost of Travel APPROVED BY: Approved Requisition Number $ 3361.00 DATE Not Approved By the Governing Board on Date Revised July 1998 CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FORM Must be completed and submitted to the Superintendent’s Office for transmittal to the Governing Board along with the Travel Request Form. Name of Traveler(s): Sharon Yokley, Pam Colantro, Tracy Dent, Krista Schmidt Conference/Workshop Title: (Reason for Travel) I Teach 1st Conference 1. Relevance of conference/workshop to employee(s) work responsibilities: Attendees will participate in 1st grade related sessions, workshops and keynote speakers aligned with the standards. Classes teach strategies for the classroom, creative hand-on projects for lessons, techniques to increase reading and math fluency and to incorporate fun into learning. 2. How will employee(s) share information with colleagues? The team going will assist our campus in implementing what they have learned, provide aligned professional development and provide coaching which will refine instruction on our campus. 3. How is the conference/workshop related to district, school or department goals and or objectives? The purpose behind attending the conference is to improve instruction, develop a professionally collaborative climate and increase student achievement through differentiating instruction, all of which are district goals. Attending the conference will provide the team and our school with additional training that will allow our first grade staff members to further refine their collaborative team efforts by refining instruction and making differentiated plans it for student’s needs. Revised July 1998 TRAVEL REQUEST FORM For Out-of-County/Out-of-State Travel by District Employee This form must be turned in with purchase requisitions and PAR to the Superintendent’s Office with enough advance notice to ensure Board approval prior to travel date. Name of Traveler(s): Holly Northcott and Amy Rodriguez Working at School/Department: Burton School Reason for Travel: Professional Development Traveling to: Tucson, Arizona Dates of Travel: June 23rd -June 25th Substitute Needed/Dates: N/A Code Cost Charge Sub to: Charge Registration to: $0.00 110.100.2570.6360.107.0000 Charge Airline/Bus to: $660.00 $0.00 Charge Meal/Lodging to: 110.100.2570.6580.107.0000 $300.00 Charge Auto Mileage to: 110.100.2570.6580.107.000 $150.00 Total Cost of Travel $ 1,110 APPROVED BY: Approved Requisition Number DATE Not Approved By the Governing Board on Date Revised July 1998 CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FORM Must be completed and submitted to the Superintendent’s Office for transmittal to the Governing Board along with the Travel Request Form. Name of Traveler(s): Holly Northcott and Amy Rodriguez Conference/Workshop Title: (Reason for Travel) Arizona Department of Education’s Leading Change Conference 1. Relevance of conference/workshop to employee(s) work responsibilities: As Principal of Burton School, I am always looking for ways to build my leadership skills and to maximize student learning. This conference will give me an opportunity to learn from others, build professional relationships and to be updated in areas such as the implementation of Arizona’s College and Career Standards, AzMERIT, and school leadership. The theme this year is “Lead the Change, Unleash Greatness,” reflecting the essential leadership priorities facing all Arizona educators. This conference will provide school leaders with meaningful professional development and timely information in the strand areas such as: AZCCRS (Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards) AzMERIT (the new statewide assessments) Accountability (federal and state accountability) Recruitment and Retention Technology School Climate and School Improvement Leadership 2. How will employee(s) share information with colleagues? I will share this information with my Burton Leadership Team. It will enable us as a team to build a better CIP and set goals for our school. The goals will be shared with the staff. 3. How is the conference/workshop related to district, school or department goals and or objectives? The break-out sessions at the conference are focused on topics that we are facing us today such as Common Core Standards, AzMERIT, accountability, leadership and school climate and school improvement. Information on these topics play a huge part in developing school goals and moving Burton forward. Revised July 1998 GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: 5.H. TOPIC: Auxiliary Fund Balance Statement SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Jill Winn, Accounting Budget Supervisor RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Mike Barragan, Assistant Superintendent for Financial & Auxiliary Services DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Auxiliary Fund Balance Statements for January 2015 as presented. RATIONALE: All monies raised from book fairs, vending machines and other miscellaneous receipts are accounted for in the Auxiliary Operations Fund. Per A.R.S. § 15-1125, A.R.S. § 15-1126 and A.R.S. § 15-321, a monthly record of Auxiliary revenues and expenditures is presented to the Governing Board. Source of Funding – M&O Budget State Grant Federal Grant Capital Other GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: 5.I. TOPIC: Student Activity Fund Balance Statement SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Jill Winn, Accounting Budget Supervisor RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Mike Barragan, Assistant Superintendent for Financial & Auxiliary Services DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Student Activity Fund Balance Statement for January 2015 as presented. RATIONALE: All monies raised through the efforts of students in connection with student organizations and clubs are accounted for in the Student Activities Fund. Per ARS § 15-1123, a monthly record of Student Activities revenues and expenditures is presented to the Governing Board. Source of Funding – M&O Budget State Grant Federal Grant Capital Other GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT INFORMATIONAL AGENDA ITEM Reports, presentations and other similar items are submitted to the Governing Board as information and do not require action. AGENDA NO: 6.B. TOPIC: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Instructional Materials SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Tommie Miel, Director of Curriculum and Instruction RECOMMENDED BY: Dr. Donna Lewis, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 Report on: Administration will provide the Governing Board with a report on the process of materials selection for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) instruction. GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: SUBMITTED BY: 7.A. TOPIC: Revised April 8, 2015 Administrative Contract Renewals Dr. Barbara Goodwin, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Joe Quintana, Superintendent DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Governing Board approve the renewal of administrator employment contracts for the 2015-2016 school year. RATIONALE: Administration recommends renewal of contracts for administrative staff identified on the attached list for the 2015-2016 school year. Upon receipt of contract, administrators will have 30 days to accept. Abbott, Paul R Goodwin, Nicole M Salch, Mary‐Catherine Alvarez, Ricardo L Hartman, Shelly M Schmitz, Gina M Arellano, Andrea T Hartsuff, Kristen L Scholer, Charles Baker, DeAnza K Horine, Jacqueline Kristine Whiteman, Allison M Balder, Sarah L Horstman, Bradley J Yazzie, Tamara Lynn Barragan, Luis M Imel, Breck Michelle Bell, Kendra J Jauregui, Norma I Brady, Michelle D Jordan, David A Caraveo, Valerie King, Joshua R Carrillo, Santina M Lewis, Donna W Castillo, Marsha C Mayes, Cathey L Cummings, James Robert McKim, Mary Elizabeth De La Huerta, Joseph F Miel, Tommie B Diaz, Melinda S Miller, Sandra Therese DiPasquale, J Sara Molina, Tiffany Duguid, Brian D Moritz, John A Duguid, Kellie Dianne Nicol, Tamera Sue Emerson, Cheri Dawn Northcott, Holly M Eselgroth, Susan Marie Parcells, Denis Jai Fleming, Kenneth R Parker, Gwendolyn M Gallimore, Jody J Pederson, Sue J Gilliam, Gregory James Petersen‐Incorvaia, Gerald A Gleave, Shannon M Peterson, Matthew David Gonzalez, Enrique C Richman, Bryan H Goodwin, Barbara J Rodriguez, Amy E Revised April 8, 2015 GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: 7.B. SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Barbara Goodwin, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources RECOMMENDED BY: TOPIC: Renewal of Classified Staff Employment Mr. Joe Quintana, Superintendent DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Governing Board approve the employment renewal of classified staff members for the 2015-2016 school year as presented. RATIONALE: Administration recommends employment renewal of classified employees identified on the attached list for the 2015-2016 school year. Upon receipt of work agreement or contract, employees will have ten days to accept the offer. Abdulmaseh Dbag, Nawal Najeb Ancell, Sandra Lynn Bean, Doris Jean Abril, Yolanda Anderson, Charlene Bebee, Deborah J Abrosimova, Elmira Igorevna Andrade, Anthony J Bee, Sharon Inez Acord, Andy Gene Angel, Maria G Beeman, Gina Mary Acosta Rosales, Rosalio Apodaca-Hernandez, Jenny Bejarano, Suzanne Acosta, Margarita Applebee, Michelle Ruth Bell, Silvia A Adams, Deanna Sue Araiza, Bertha Bellestri, Sara N Adams, Julia Arias, Maria L Benavides, Araceli Adams, Stacy M Armendariz, Maria Carmen Bender, Wyatt Aden, Larry Lee Arvizo, Elida Benitez, Javier Gonzalez Adley, Marena Ilena Atilano, Concepcion Benitez, Nereida G Aguayo, Gloria Ybarra Austin, Claudia E Benney, Kristina M Aguilar, Sylvia Ann Avila, Aureliano Munoz Berg, Terri Lynn Agundez, Jesusa A Azouz, Holly Ann Berger, Melissa Gay Aigner, Phillip Randolph Bain, Jamie A Bermudez-Lopez, Veronica B Alas, Edda Gracibel Baker, Marsha Bertsch, Victoria J Aldama, Gabriel F. Bakos, Stacie M Betts, Rosa Allen, Laurie A Baldenegro, Leandro Binkerd, Patricia L Alvarez, Angie Balder, Megan Elizabeth Blossom, Erika Lucinda Alvarez, Fernando M Banuelos, Mina Bodrie, Gyna K Alvarez, Yudith Hernandez Banuelos, Sandra Angelica Bojorquez, Amalia Amabisca, John Manuel Barajas, Sandra E Bolin, Lela M Amarillas, Christee M Baransaka, Deogratias Bonilla, Maria L Amaya, Eugenia Barker, Ellen Y Bosquez, Rosemary Anaya, Laura Estela Barragan, Roxanne C Bouknight, Sabrina Marie Ancell, Mary E Basave, Juan G Bowman, Glenda M Branham, Douglas L Canales, Yesica N Cirilo, Anita Braun, Michaela Marie Cangas, Rosaura Clark, Kimberlee Ruth Ann Brenner, Christine Cano, Maria E Clarke, Cynthia J Bridges, Andrea Caraveo, Alicia Coe, Denise Brothers, Adrian J Carballo, Petra Osuna Collins, Eloise Brown, Joy E Cardona, Maria G Collins, Ruth Z Brown, Kenandre L Carrillo, Alicia Ortiz Combs, Bonnie E Brown, Loretta A Carrillo, Elizabeth Cordero, Raymond J Brown, Patricia A Casas, Maria Guadalupe Cordova, Andrea Christina Bruner, Carolyn B Casillas, Martha G Cornell, Mary Lee Buckingham, Rosalie E Castillo Jr, Richard Coronado, Beatriz Bueno, Rebecca Marie Castillo, Juana Coronado, Oscar A Burciaga, Rosario Gonzales Castillo, Petra Camberos Correa, Zoraida I Burns, Brian A Castner, Regina Marie Cortes, Emelia S. Burton, Deborah A Castro, Patricia A Cortez Salazar, Consuelo Bush, Aimee Marie Castro, Robert Nathan Cortez, Evangelina Bushong, Peggy Castrovinci, Lillian Ortega Coston, Ce Ce L Bushong, Susanne K Celaya, Consuelo Cota, Arlene Victoria Bustamante, Carlos Cervantes, Gabriela A Cross, Sandra K Bustamante, Maria R. Cervantez, Lucy P Cummings, Dale B Bustamante, Raquel Lopez Chavez Apodaca, Griselda Cummings, Deanna Marie Caban, Doris Chavez, Evita M Curry, Ozie Carl III Cabrera, Anna Claudia Chavez, Sylvia Dash, Satsuki May Caddell-Elbert, Brandy Alaina Chee, Vanessa Rae Davey, Mary T Campa, Leticia Ching, Siobhan Dayton, Brenda Campos, Vanessa Chrisco, Harmony Jade De Carrillo, Veronica Machado De La Cruz Zapata, Lorena Echeverria, Jeannie Frank, Deanna Lynn De La Rocha, Leonor Edwards-Rose, Katherine K Frederickson, Wendy B Deaton, Susan K Elder, Maria L Freemore, Faelynn Delatorre, Sara Ellis, Renee Friedman, Dave W Deleon, Johnny Encizo, Leticia A Frystak, Anne Marie Delgado, Maria Elisa Entringer, Beth A Fuentes, Rita G Delponte, Melissa Ann Escobar, Marina Del Carmen Galaviz, Alex G Demos, Anna M Espinoza, Eileen Ida Galaviz, Marcela Veronica Deneault, Russell D Espinoza, Juan Manuel Gallegos, Norma Dent, Claudia F Estrada, Carmen H Garcia Romero, Francisca J Diaz, Virginia Estrada, Emeterio Garcia, Jessica Digeronimo, Charlie William Evans Jr, Theodore Garcia, Lorena Dippold, Jennifer C Evants, Brenda K Garcia, Monique Angelica Doepke, Darlene Eyler, Lalaine L Garcia, Raymundo Dormer, Colleen Ann Fabre, Zina C Garcia, Yolanda Drake, Ann Fajardo, Debra Maria Garcia-Rivera, Wendy Dranka, Donna Marie Favela, Annabell Gardea, Maria Josephine Dreher, Eric Adam Favela, Mary Cruz Gardea, Norma L Dropp, Douglas Allen Feaser, Shirley M Gardner, Robyn Dropp, Kenneth James Felix, Maria Leticia Garner, Contina Ann Duarte, Jacquelyn P Fields, Laurie M Gartland, Tania Leticia Dunn, Suzanne M Figueroa, Lucia Gastelum, Jaqueline J Dunnavant, Sean C Filippone, Vali Maria Gates, Sharon Denise Dupre, Tonya Maree Finnesy, Jodi Gee, Berlinda Ann Eason, Victoria Denice Floerke, Sarah Doty George, Stephen M Eaton, Pamela S Foulks, Polly M Gillespie, Maryann C Godinez, Marco A Gutierrez, Carmen C Hernandez, Maria Elena D Goetz, Jean E Gutierrez, Rita C. Hernandez, Olivia G. Gomez De Jesus, Milagro Gutierrez, Robert R Hernandez, Ruben Q Gomez, Maria Gutierrez, Sergio Lorenzo Hernandez, Ruth Ismary Gomez, Nathan Ryan Gutierrez, Tomas Hernandez-Guevara, Selina R Gomez, Roberto R Guzman, Richard Salvador Herrera Rodriguez, Mayra Gomez, Virginia Hager, HL B Herrera, Teresa Ann Gongora, Destany Sylvia Hailey, Katherine H Hess, Debra Len Gonzales, Argentina M Hailey, Leland M Himes, Theresa Eleanor Gonzalez, Nora Hailey, Zachary L Hinojosa Amaya, Lydia B Gonzalez, Victoria S. Hall, Michelle Ann Hoffman, Lorna G Gordon, Edward James Hall, Raisa M Hoffman, Shaynie L Gordon, Jennifer R Hampton, Kimberly A Holguin, Christian Govan, Machelle D Hardy, Deborah Jean Holt, Shauntel Renye Grageda, Martha A Harper, Angela N Hunt, Antonio J Graves, Steven Leroy Harris, Alicia Nora Huntley, Judy Lean Greene, Gabriel Rene Hasslen, Christin L Hurtado Ival, Alma Griego, Nicole Rosanne Hatin, Heather Lyn Hutchinson, David L Griffin, Dennis A Hebner, Alice S Huza, Rosa-Hilda Griffith, Shannon Marie Heffington, Cindy L Iadih, Mazen Q Grimes, Margaret A Heles, Emilie L Idso, Rod L Grimes, Rejeana S Henry, Darryl T Infurna, Beverly V Gross, Donna Lou Hernandez, Atanacio R Jackson, Andrea Guajardo, Jaime C Hernandez, Clementina Rivera Jackson, Donald Lee Guillen, Irene Hernandez, John P Jauregui Espinosa, Mayra Fabiola Gutierrez Sr., Robert D Hernandez, Juana Johnson, Betty J Jones, Dimitria N Lippincott, Kelly Madrid, Tommy Juarez, Antonia Lipska, Bellie Dawn Magaloff, Alan Paul Kellogg, Veronica L Lira De Zavala, Martina Olivia Maitner, Larry B Khanal, Saraswati Litwiller, Diane R Makowski Bockting, Marlaine F Kilgo, Alyse Logan, Regina Manginelli, Monica L Klingshei, Mindie Christine Long, Brenda Lee Maria, Cindy Krell, Karen K Longoria, Irene C Marquez, Alexis A Kucharek, Angkana J Lopes, Alyssa D Marquez, Enrique H Kurowski, F Robert Lopez Torres, Julio C Marquez-Huyett, Maria A Lamb, Karol Lopez, Carlos Marruffo, Blanca Leon Lambert, Richard R Lopez, Diane Martin, Vicky Ann Land, Julie G Lopez, Martin L Martinez Tirado, Dania M Landeros, Amalia Lopez, Mike C Martinez, Jessica Rose Landeros, Maria G Lopez, Oscar R III Martinez, Juan M Lataille, Constance Fox Loza, Maricela R Martinez, Karen A Laughter, Lolita A Lozano, Dario Griego Martinez, Maria Mendez Leasure, Jessica Anne Lozano, Debra G Martinez, Nancy Ann Lee, Patricia Jean Luevano Hernandez, Xochitl A Matney, Jeri Jo Leiva, Claudia M Luevano, Frank T Matthies, Margaret B Lenhart, Kimberly R Luna, Beatrice G Mazza, Vicki Leon, Diane S Macias, Lucia Anchondo Mcandrews, Kristopher D Leon, Ramon R Maciel, Dora L Mccutcheon, Javelin Leyba, Geneva M Maciel, Jonathan Mcgowen, Denise M Leyba, Maria D Macklin, Danita L Mckinley, Andra Leyva, Lisa Maddux, Rosa Elena Mckinney, Peggy Jo Linton, Robin M Madrid, Joann Meador, Destiny Lynn Meadows, Deanne M Mora, Perla B Nieto, Aide Medrano, Maritza Imelda Morales, Susan A Nieto, Francisca Graciela Mejia, Hilda A Morales, Xochith Noble, Velisia R Mellen, Stacie Renee Moreno, Alberto E Nobles, Patricia M Mendez, Antonio Moreno, Maria D North, Michelle R Mendez, Cynthia E Moreno, Martha M Nosov, Tatiana Danilovna Mendez, Maria C Moscayra, Fidelia Nunez Salaices, Crystal Rocio Mendoza, Aura L. Mota De Favela, Maria L. Nunez, Maria A Mendoza, Ferni Lynn Moya-Castro, Cassondra L Nunez, Priscilla Yvette Mendoza, Yolanda Moyemont, Andrea A Oelschlager, Jennifer A Meraz, Irma E Munoz, Concepcion Cayetana Oldham, Renee Michels, Lorile M Munoz, Elda Oliver, Ernestine Picon Milledge, Monica Elizabeth Munoz, Nancy O'Neal, Esther Miller II, Robert Munoz, Sandra Luz Ontiveros, Maria Del Carmen Miller, Bonnie J Murillo, Monica Oppman, Denise L Miller, Lela Kaye Murphy, Elizabeth Orona, Rogelio G Miller, Shanta R Murphy, Kathern May Ortega, Violeta Milonas, Colleen T Murphy, Lupe A Ortiz, Francisca C Mincey, Nancy R Nadasi, Joann O Otero, Isaac G Miranda, Ruben Lopez Najera, Zulema Padilla, Carmen Misbeek, Marjorie F Navarro, Rosalba Padilla, Helen A Molina, Adolfo Neideffer, Roger D Padilla, Maria I. Monarrez, Grimilda V Nelson, Nan Morrow Palomino, Jesus Manuel Monge, Yadira Yanett Nevarez, Maria Pape, Beverly J Moniz, Kevin Nieman, Nicole Rae Pappas, Sheryl Moody, Jennifer Marie Nieto Valdez, Sanjuana Parker, Kathy N Parra, Julian Pfieffer, William E Reyes Orozco, Elva Parra, Victor Matthew Polychronis, Bernadette A Reyes, Blanca M Payan, Gladis Powell, Elizabeth Lillian Reyes, Claudia Peace, Edwanda Powers, Pamela Jean Reyes, Maria Del Carmen Peaslee, Colin John Prado, Teresa Reyes, Marina Pena Nunez, Maria De La Luz Prebil, Zachary Alan-Hugh Reyes, Salvador Pence, Pamela Price, Tracy Leigh Reyes, Tracy J Peoples, John J Rafael, Ponciana M. Riley, Janice E Peralta, Ramon T Ramirez Garduno, Arian L Rita, Gerald J Peraza, Mirna I Ramirez, Alejandrina Roa, Luz Graciela Perches, Angelita M Ramirez, Alma Lilia Robertson, Serena Marie Perez Martinez, Hilda I Ramirez, Angela Nicole Robinson, Toni Lou Perez, Adrian J Ramirez, Anna R Robles, Juana Perez, Aleida Ramirez, Arelia Robles, Tina M Perez, Alma Araceli Ramirez, Juanita A Rocha, Lina Perez, Henry D Ramirez, Martha Mendoza Rodgers, Cheryl Lynne Perez, Martha E. Ramirez, Peggy Sue Rodriguez, Daisy Perez, Nery Orlando Ramos, S Virginia Rodriguez, Diane N Perez, Sonia Rasho, Raymond H Rodriguez, Paul Francis Perez, Sonny Anthony Rea Hernandez, Guadalupe Rodriguez, Petra Peraza Perez, Sylvia Lourdes Reed, Mike Jay Rojas De Gorostieta, Maria Perez, Zurisaday Reed, Sharon K Rojas, Jasmine Cherie Perkins, Princess Aujahlae Reese, Theresa Ann Rojas, Mirna G Peters, Kara L Regan, Tracey L Rojas-Martinez, Veronica Peterson, Susan J Remo, Anthony Eugenio Rojo, Laura A Petricek, Rodney Allan Renfro, Barbara A Rojo, Sarah M Romero Carrillo, Alma T Sanchez, Laura P Sotelo, Orfilia E Romero, Arturo Ibarra Sanchez, Lidia P Soto, David Romero, Cecilia Sanchez, Lucia Soto, Jorge M Romero, Enrique Sanchez, Marisol Soto, Maria Rosales, Cynthia Diane Sandoval, Serafin Soto, Sonia Rosales, Olga L. Schultz, Kerri Renee Soza, Raymond F Rosas, Sally V Sebring, Silvia D Sparks, Guinnetta Marie Rubalcaba, Ashley Nicole Sharp, Silvia Angelica Sponsel, Jacob Ray Ruelas Carrasco, Fidel Orlando Sherman, Amy J Sponsler, Avery Joseph Ruggiero, Steve William Short, Michael C Staats, Sierra Ruiz, Brandi Lynn Shriro, Kimberly M Staszak, Melissa A Ruiz, Dora Sieber, Randal R Steele, Jamie Ruth Ruiz, Maria G Sifford, Lisa E Strous, Wayne Ruiz, Norma A Sigala, Alicia Swenson, Rosalie Katherine Ruiz, Sabrina Marie Silva, Linda D Szabados, Vincent M Ruiz-Leon, Veronica Simuangco, Lori A Taney, Nadine Elizabeth Russo, Jaclyn M Siordia, Joel Anthony Tellez, Veronica Adelicia Ruvalcaba, Jessica Siordia, Teresa S Teran, Ramona A. Rytter, Ramona Louise Smedley, Earlene C Tiznado, Maria De Los Angeles Sahhar, Carol A Smith, Extella Tom, Thomas Salas, Ofelia Smith, Mary K Torres, Angie Ruth Salazar, Alondra R Smith, Robert L Totman, Sherri A San Miguel, Fernando Solter, Davita Toufiq, Jwan Ismael San Miguel-Chavez, Rebecca Sosa, Alejandro Anthony Trejo, Norma E Sanchez, Elizabeth Sosa, Ana L Trim, Marciana Sanchez, Hector Sosa, Jonathan Turner, Michael F Ulen, Stephanie A. Virgil, Tomasa R Ybanez, Alice Urbano, Silverio Virgil, Veronica Yturraspe, Shannon Keigh Urias, Ana L Wallace, Dean W Yuhasz, Nadine R Urias, Maria G Webb, Donna Lois Zambrano, Isabel Urrutia, Maria G West, Ronald Travis Zambrano, Regina R Valdes, Cecilia Westmoreland, James Zamora, Lucinda A Valencia, Maria D Whelan, Michael Zamora, Maricela Valencia, Patricia A Wilcox, Paul S Zatarain, Agueda Valenzuela De Monge, Miriam Williams, Alika Helen Zavala, Jocelyn Valenzuela, Lorraine Mireles Williams, Cynthia Elaine Zazueta Garcia, Veronica Valenzuela, Yolanda Williams, Vicky L Zeon, Taiwa N Valera, Maria R Willis, Thomas Leroy Zepeda, Edward Vandever, Dora Ann Winn, Jill E Vargas, Nancy Winn, Mary E Vasquez, Josephine Wirtanen, Sandra G. Vasquez, Rufino R Wofford, Elizabeth Therese Vega, Hernan S Wong, Teresa Nemesia B Velarde, Alfonso Martinez Wood, Alicia J Velazquez-Meza, Juan Wood, Dina Marie Venable, Ashlee C Wood, Teresa M Vera, Martha A Woodruff, Connie M. Villafana, Monica Worley, Tammy L Villalpando, Marissa M Wren, Dominique Villalpando, Mary Wright, Carol C Villanueva, Leonarda Aguilera Wyke, Lori Ann Vining, Laina Marie Wymer, Amanda GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: SUBMITTED BY: 7.C. TOPIC: Employment of Principal Dr. Barbara Goodwin, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Joe Quintana, Superintendent DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Governing Board approve the promotion of Ms. DeAnza Baker to Principal of Melvin E. Sine Elementary, salary and benefits commensurate with other principals. RATIONALE: Over 55 applicants were in the initial pool for the Sine vacancy. After two rounds of paper screening, seven individuals made it to the first round of interviews. The initial interview committee consisted of representative from Human Resources, one building Principal, one Assistant Principal, three Sine staff members and two Sine parents. Interview finalists were forwarded to the Superintendent. These finalists participated in one additional interview which included the Superintendent and Executive Team members. As a result of the selection process, it is recommended Ms. DeAnza Baker be promoted to the Principal of Melvin E. Sine Elementary School. Ms. Baker has been in the field of education for sixteen years. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from the University of New Mexico. DeAnza then earned her Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from New Mexico Highlands University. Ms. Baker taught 7th and 8th grade science, Kindergarten and Special Education. She also served as a Reading Coach, an Academic Coach and an Instructional Coach. In New Mexico, DeAnza was an Assistant Principal in a K-2 Primary school and at a 6-8 Middle School. She also served as the Principal of a K-5 Elementary School for three years. Ms. Baker is finishing up her first year in Arizona as the Assistant Principal at Desert Garden Elementary. We are honored to recommend Ms. DeAnza Baker for the principalship at Melvin E. Sine Elementary School. • Collaboration and Professional Development Cognitive Coaching 2011-2014 Principal Bellehaven Elementary School | Albuquerque Public Schools enrolled K-5 325 students Professional Development with Common Core State Standards Budgeting Facilities Management Student Discipline Provide Professional development Discovery Ed., Nurtured Heart, Mind in the Making, Talk Moves, Math Talks Moves. Math Talks, Advantage Math Safety planning Communication with parents Master Scheduling Staffing I.E.P’s 2011-2012 Assistant Principal Harrison Middle School 922 students enrolled grades 6-8 • Budgeting • Facilities Management • Provide Professional development Reading and Math Common Core • Student Discipline • Safety planning • Communication with parents • Master Scheduling • Staffing • I.E.P’s • Collaboration and Professional Development 2009-2011 Assistant Principal Helen Cordero Primary School • Budgeting • Facilities Management 898 students enrolled grades Pre-K – 2 • Provide Professional development Reading and Math Common Core • Student Discipline • Safety planning • Communication with parents • Master Scheduling • Staffing • I.E.P’s • Collaboration and Professional Development 2008- 2009 Administrative Internship Completed May 2009 New Mexico Highland’s University in partnership with the Albuquerque Public Schools 2nd Semester Desert Ridge Middle School 1st Semester • Budgeting • Facilities Management • Student Discipline • Safety planning • Communication with parents • Master Scheduling • Staffing • I.E.P’s • Collaboration and Professional Development 2005-2009 Instructional Coach/ Academic Coach/ Reading Coach Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque, New Mexico • Cognitive Coaching • Data Coach • Schoolnet School management systems • Everyday Math trainer • Harcourt Trainer • DIBELS Trainer of Trainer • Collaborative Learning Communities • Testing Coordinator • Professional Development provider • Fundations • Curriculum Mapping and Pacing 2003 – 2005 Kindergarten Teacher/Laguna Pueblo Laguna Department of Education, Laguna, New Mexico • Lead Teacher • Managed Cooperative learning groups • Building Blocks/Four Blocks framework • Harcourt Reading • Everyday Counts Calendar Math • Administrated DIBELS Assessment • Running Records • Parent Conferences 2001-2003 Kindergarten/ Special Education Resource Los Lunas Public Schools, Los Lunas, New Mexico • Conducted IEP’s • Worked collaboratively with SLP, OT, PT • Managed Cooperative learning groups • Building Blocks/Four Blocks framework • Harcourt Reading • Everyday Counts Calendar Math • Administrated DIBELS Assessment • Running Records • Parent Conferences 1999-2001 7th & 8th Grade Science Los Lunas Public Schools, Los Lunas, New Mexico • 7th Grade Life Science • 8th Grade Earth Science Skills Exceptional written and oral communication abilities. Proven leadership and managerial skills. Providing Professional Development Master Scheduling Creating Educational Plan for Student Success Standards Based Education Differentiated Instruction Continuous Improvement Cognitive Coaching Ongoing Summer School Site Administrator past 4 summers References GLENDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT INFORMATIONAL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA NO: SUBMITTED BY: 8.A. TOPIC: Upcoming Meetings Mr. Joseph Quintana, Superintendent RECOMMENDED BY: Mr. Joseph Quintana, Superintendent DATE ASSIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION: April 9, 2015 Board Meetings dates for the 2014-2015 school year are listed below with the agenda topics anticipated for each meeting. Routine items, i.e., vouchers, personnel reports, travel, etc., are not included in the list. April 23 May 14 May 28 June 4 June 11 June 25 Special Meeting, if needed Authorized Signatories General Statement of Assurance Call for Election Existing Sole Source Awards, Cooperative Agreements and Purchasing Contracts Special Meeting, if needed Quarter Four Workshop (tentative) Quarterly Goal Progress Report/Discussion Self-Insured Trust Funding Special Meeting, if needed
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