EKT 356 MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS CHAPTER 4: MICROWAVE FILTERS 1 INTRODUCTION What is a Microwave filter ? linear 2-port network controls the frequency response at a certain point in a microwave system provides perfect transmission of signal for frequencies in a certain passband region infinite attenuation for frequencies in the stopband region a linear phase response in the passband (to reduce signal distortion). 2 INTRODUCTION The goal of filter design is to approximate the ideal requirements within acceptable tolerance with circuits or systems consisting of real components. f1 f2 f3 Commonly used block Diagram of a Filter 3 INTRODUCTION Why Use Filters? RF signals consist of: 1. Desired signals – at desired frequencies 2. Unwanted Signals (Noise) – at unwanted frequencies That is why filters have two very important bands/regions: 1. Pass Band – frequency range of filter where it passes all signals 2. Stop Band – frequency range of filter where it rejects all signals 4 INTRODUCTION Categorization of Filters Low-pass filter (LPF), High-pass filter (HPF), Bandpass filter (BPF), Bandstop filter (BSF), arbitrary type etc. In each category, the filter can be further divided into active and passive types. In active filter, there can be amplification of the of the signal power in the passband region, passive filter do not provide power amplification in the passband. Filter used in electronics can be constructed from resistors, inductors, capacitors, transmission line sections and resonating structures (e.g. piezoelectric crystal, Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) devices, and also mechanical resonators etc.). Active filter may contain transistor, FET and Op-amp. Filter LPF Active Passive HPF BPF Active Passive 5 INTRODUCTION Types of Filters 1. Low-pass Filter f1 2. f1 f1 f2 Passes low freq Rejects high freq High-pass Filter f2 f2 Passes high freq Rejects low freq 6 INTRODUCTION 3. f1 Band-pass Filter 4.Band-stop f1 f2 Filter f1 f2 f2 f3 f3 Passes a small range of freq Rejects all other freq Rejects f3 a small range of freq Passes all other freq 7 INTRODUCTION Filter Parameters Pass bandwidth; BW(3dB) = fu(3dB) – fl(3dB) Stop band attenuation and frequencies, Ripple difference between max and min of amplitude response in passband Input and output impedances Return loss Insertion loss Group Delay, quality factor 8 INTRODUCTION |H(ω)| Low-pass filter (passive). Transfer function 1 V1(ω) A Filter H(ω) V2(ω) V2 (ω ) ( ) Hω = (1.1a) V1 (ω ) ZL Arg(H(ω)) ωc ω A(ω)/dB 50 ω 40 30 20 10 3 0 V2 (ω ) Attenuation A = −20 Log10 V1 (ω ) (1.1b) ω ωc 9 INTRODUCTION For impedance matched system, using s21 to observe the filter response is more convenient, as this can be easily measured using Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). a1 Vs b2 Zc Zc 20log|s21(ω)| Zc Filter Zc Arg(s21(ω)) Transmission line is optional 0dB ωc ω ω b b s11 = 1 s21 = 2 a1 a =0 a1 a =0 2 2 Complex value 10 INTRODUCTION Low pass filter response (cont) A(ω)/dB Passband Transition band 50 40 30 20 10 3 0 Stopband ω ωc Cut-off frequency (3dB) V1(ω) A Filter H(ω) V2(ω) ZL 11 INTRODUCTION High Pass filter |H(ω)| A(ω)/dB Transfer function Passband 50 40 1 30 ω ωc 20 10 3 0 ω ωc Stopband 12 INTRODUCTION Band-pass filter (passive). Band-stop filter. A(ω)/dB A(ω)/dB 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 3 0 10 3 0 ω1 ωo ω2 ω |H(ω)| 1 ω1 |H(ω)| ωo ω2 ω Transfer function 1 Transfer function ω ω1 ωo ω2 ω ω1 ωo ω2 13 INTRODUCTION Insertion Loss Pass BW (3dB) Filter R esp on se 0 Q factor -1 0 12 .1 24 G H z -3 .0 0 3 8 d B 7 .9 0 24 G H z -3 .0 0 5 7 dB -2 0 -3 0 Inp ut R eturn L oss -4 0 Ins ertio n Lo ss -5 0 6 8 10 F re q u e n cy (G H z) 12 14 Figure 4.1: A 10 GHz Parallel Coupled Filter Response Stop band frequencies and attenuation 14 FILTER DESIGN METHODS Filter Design Methods Two types of commonly used design methods: 1. Image Parameter Method 2. Insertion Loss Method • Image parameter method yields a usable filter • However, no clear-cut way to improve the design i.e to control the filter response 15 FILTER DESIGN METHODS Filter Design Methods •The insertion loss method (ILM) allows a systematic way to design and synthesize a filter with various frequency response. •ILM method also allows filter performance to be improved in a straightforward manner, at the expense of a ‘higher order’ filter. •A rational polynomial function is used to approximate the ideal |H(ω)|, A(ω) or |s21(ω)|. 16 Filter Design Methods Phase information is totally ignored.Ignoring phase simplified the actual synthesis method. An LC network is then derived that will produce this approximated response. Here we will use A(ω) following [2]. The attenuation A(ω) can be cast into power attenuation ratio, called the Power Loss Ratio, PLR, which is related to A(ω). FILTER DESIGN METHODS Zs Lossless 2-port network Vs PA Pin ZL PL Γ1(ω) PLR = Power available from source network Power delivered to Load P PA 1 = inc = = PLoad 2 2 PA 1− Γ1 (ω ) 1− Γ1 (ω ) (2.1a) PPLR large, high attenuation LR large, high attenuation to 1, low attenuation PPLR close LR close to 1, low attenuation For Forexample, example,aalow-pass low-pass filter filterresponse responseisisshown shown below: below: PLR(f) High attenuation 1 Low-Pass filter PLR 0 Low attenuation fc f 18 PLR and s21 In terms of incident and reflected waves, assuming ZL=Zs = ZC. b1 a1 b2 Zc Lossless 2-port network Vs PA Pin Zc PL 1a 2 2 1 PA a1 2 PLR = = = PL b2 1b 2 2 2 PLR = 1 (2.1b) 2 s21 19 FILTER RESPONSES Filter Responses Several types filter responses: - Maximally flat (Butterworth) - Equal Ripple (Chebyshev) - Elliptic Function - Linear Phase 20 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Practical filter response: Maximally flat: - also called the binomial or Butterworth response, - is optimum in the sense that it provides the flattest possible passband response for a given filter complexity. - no ripple is permitted in its attenuation profile ω PLR = 1 + k ωc N 2 [4.1] ω – frequency of filter ωc – cutoff frequency of filter N – order of filter 21 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Equal ripple - also known as Chebyshev. - sharper cutoff - the passband response will have ripples of amplitude 1 +k2 ω PLR = 1 + k T ωc 2 2 N 4.2] ω – frequency of filter ωc – cutoff frequency of filter N – order of filter 22 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Figure 4.2: Maximally flat and equal-ripple low pass filter response. 23 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Elliptic function: - have equal ripple responses in the passband and stopband. - maximum attenuation in the passband. - minimum attenuation in the stopband. Linear phase: - linear phase characteristic in the passband - to avoid signal distortion - maximally flat function for the group delay. 24 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Figure 4.3: Elliptic function low-pass filter response 25 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Filter Specification Low-pass Prototype Design Normally done using simulators Optimization & Tuning Scaling & Conversion Filter Implementation Figure 4.4: The process of the filter design by the insertion loss method. 26 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Low Pass Filter Prototype Figure 4.5: Low pass filter prototype, N = 2 27 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Low Pass Filter Prototype – Ladder Circuit Figure 4.6: Ladder circuit for low pass filter prototypes and their element definitions. (a) begin with shunt element. (b) begin with series element. 28 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD g0 = generator resistance, generator conductance. gk = inductance for series inductors, capacitance for shunt capacitors. (k=1 to N) gN+1 = load resistance if gN is a shunt capacitor, load conductance if gN is a series inductor. As a matter of practical design procedure, it will be necessary to determine the size, or order of the filter. This is usually dictated by a specification on the insertion loss at some frequency in the stopband of the filter. 29 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Low Pass Filter Prototype – Maximally Flat Figure 4.7: Attenuation versus normalized frequency for maximally flat filter prototypes. 30 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Figure 4.8: Element values for maximally flat LPF prototypes 31 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Low Pass Filter Prototype – Equal Ripple For an equal ripple low pass filter with a cutoff frequency ωc = 1, The power loss ratio is: PLR = 1 + k T (ω ) 2 2 N [4.3] Where 1 + k2 is the ripple level in the passband. Since the Chebyshev polynomials have the property that 0 TN (ω ) = 1 [4.3] shows that the filter will have a unity power loss ratio at ω = 0 for N odd, but the power loss ratio of 1 + k2 at ω = 0 for N even : two cases to consider depending on N 32 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Figure 4.9: Attenuation versus normalized frequency for equal-ripple filter 33 prototypes. (0.5 dB ripple level) THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Figure 4.10: Element values for equal ripple LPF prototypes (0.5 dB ripple level) 34 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Figure 4.11: Attenuation versus normalized frequency for equal-ripple filter prototypes (3.0 dB ripple level) 35 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Figure 4.12: Element values for equal ripple LPF prototypes (3.0 dB ripple level). 36 EXAMPLE 4.1 Design a maximally flat low pass filter with a cutoff freq of 2 GHz, impedance of 50 Ω, and at least 15 dB insertion loss at 3 GHz. Compute and compare with an equal-ripple (3.0 dB ripple) having the same order. 37 FILTER TRANSFORMATIONS Impedance scaling: In the prototype design, the source and load resistance are unity (except for equal ripple filters with even N, which have non unity load resistance). 38 FILTER TRANSFORMATIONS Low Pass Filter Prototype – Impedance Scaling ' L = R0L C C = R0 ' [4.4b] ' s [4.4c] R = R0 R [4.4a] ' L = R0RL [4.4d] 39 FILTER TRANSFORMATIONS Low Pass Filter Prototype – Frequency Scaling Frequency scaling: To change the cut-off frequency of a LP prototype from unity to ωc requires to scale the frequency dependence of the filter by the factor 1/ ωc which is accomplished by replacing ω by ω/ωc Frequency scaling for the low pass filter: ω ← ω ωc 40 FILTER TRANSFORMATIONS The new Power Loss Ratio, P’LR P’LR (ω) = PLR (ω/ωc) [4.5] Cut off occurs when ω/ωc = 1 or ω = ωc The new element values of the prototype filter: jX jB k k ω L k = j ω L 'k ωc ω = j C k = j ω C k' ωc = j [4.6] [4.7] 41 FILTER TRANSFORMATIONS The new element values are given by: ' k L = Lk ω [4.8a] ωc Ck C = = ω R0ωc ' k Ck = R0 Lk [4.8b] 42 FILTER TRANSFORMATIONS Low pass to high pass transformation The frequency substitution: ωc ω←− ω [4.9] The new component values are given by: ' k C = 1 R 0ω c L k R0 L = ω cC k ' k [4.10a] [4.10b] 43 BANDPASS & BANDSTOP TRANSFORMATIONS Low pass to Bandpass transformation ω ω 0 1 ω ω0 − = − ω← ω2 − ω1 ω0 ω ∆ ω0 ω ω0 Where, ω2 − ω1 ∆= ω0 [4.11] Centre freq. [4.12] Edges of passband The center frequency is: ω0 = ω1ω2 [4.13] 44 BANDPASS & BANDSTOP TRANSFORMATIONS The series inductor, Lk, is transformed to a series LC circuit with element values: L L 'k = C k [4.14a] ∆ω0 ∆ = ω 0Lk ' k [4.14b] The shunt capacitor, Ck, is transformed to a shunt LC circuit with element values: ∆ L 'k = C ' k ω 0C Ck = ∆ω0 [4.15a] k [4.15b] 45 BANDPASS & BANDSTOP TRANSFORMATIONS Low pass to Bandstop transformation ω ω0 ω ← −∆ − ω0 ω Where, −1 [4.16] ω2 − ω1 ∆= ω0 The center frequency is: ω0 = ω1ω2 46 BANDPASS & BANDSTOP TRANSFORMATIONS The series inductor, Lk, is transformed to a parallel LC circuit with element values: ∆L L'k = k ω0 1 C = ω0 ∆Lk ' k [4.17a] [4.17b] The shunt capacitor, Ck, is transformed to a series LC circuit with element values: 1 L'k = ' k C = ω 0 ∆C k ∆C k ω0 [4.18a] [4.18b] 47 BANDPASS & BANDSTOP TRANSFORMATIONS 48 THE INSERTION LOSS METHOD Filter Specification Low-pass Prototype Design Normally done using simulators Optimization & Tuning Scaling & Conversion Filter Implementation 49 SUMMARY OF STEPS IN FILTER DESIGN A. Filter Specification 1. Max Flat/Equal Ripple, 2. If equal ripple, how much pass band ripple allowed? If max flat filter is to be designed, cont to next step 3. Low Pass/High Pass/Band Pass/Band Stop 4. Desired freq of operation 5. Pass band & stop band range 6. Max allowed attenuation (for Equal Ripple) 50 SUMMARY OF STEPS IN FILTER DESIGN (cont) B. Low Pass Prototype Design 1. Min Insertion Loss level, Number of Filter Order/Elements by using IL values 2. Determine whether shunt capacitance model or series inductance model to use 3. Draw the low-pass prototype ladder diagram 4. Determine elements’ values from Prototype Table 51 SUMMARY OF STEPS IN FILTER DESIGN (cont) C. Scaling and Conversion 1. Determine whether if any modification to the prototype table is required (for high pass, band pass and band stop) 2. Scale elements to obtain the real element values 52 SUMMARY OF STEPS IN FILTER DESIGN (cont) D. Filter Implementation 1. Put in the elements and values calculated from the previous step 2. Implement the lumped element filter onto a simulator to get the attenuation vs frequency response 53 EXAMPLE 4.2 Design a band pass filter having a 0.5 dB equal-ripple response, with N = 3. The center frequency is 1 GHz, the bandwidth is 10%, and the impedance is 50 Ω. 54 EXAMPLE 4.3 Design a five-section high pass lumped element filter with 3 dB equal-ripple response, a cutoff frequency of 1 GHz, and an impedance of 50 Ω. What is the resulting attenuation at 0.6 GHz? 55 Filter Realization Using Distributed Circuit Elements (1) Lumped-element filter realization using surface mounted inductors and capacitors generally works well at lower frequency (at UHF, say < 3 GHz). At higher frequencies, the practical inductors and capacitors loses their intrinsic characteristics. A limited range of component values : available from manufacturer – difficult design at microwave freq. Therefore for microwave frequencies (> 3 GHz), passive filter is usually realized using distributed circuit elements such as transmission line sections. 56 Cont’d… Distributed elements : open cct TL stubs or short cct TL stubs. At microwave freq, the distance between filter components is not negligible. Richard’s transformation: Can be used to convert lumped elements to TL sections Kuroda’s identities: Can be used to physically separate the filter elements by using TL sections. The four kuroda’s identities operations: Physically separate transmission line stubs Transform series stubs into shunt stubs or vice versa Change impractical characteristic impedances into more realizable values. 57 Filter Realization Using Distributed Circuit Elements (2) Recall in the study of Terminated Transmission Line Circuit that a length of terminated Tline can be used to approximate an inductor and capacitor. This concept forms the basis of transforming the LC passive filter into distributed circuit elements. l Zc , β ≅ L ≅ ≅ C ≅ l Zc , β Zo Zo Zo ≅ Zo 58 Filter Realization Using Distributed Circuit Elements (3) This approach is only approximate. There will be deviation between the actual LC filter response and those implemented with terminated Tline. Also the frequency response of distributed circuit filter is periodic. Other issues are shown below. How do we implement series Tline connection ? (only practical for Zo certain Tline configuration) Connection physical length cannot be ignored at microwave region, comparable to λ Zo Thus Thussome sometheorems theoremsare areused usedto to facilitate the transformation of LC facilitate the transformation of LC circuit circuitinto intostripline striplinemicrowave microwavecircuits. circuits. Chief Chiefamong amongthese theseare arethe theKuroda’s Kuroda’s Identities Identities(See (SeeAppendix) Appendix) 59 More on Approximating L and C with Terminated Tline: Richard’s Transformation l ≅ Zin Z in = jZ c tan (βl ) = jωL = jLω tan (βl ) = ω L Zc , β Zc = L (3.1.1a) l ≅ Zin Zc , β C Yin = jYc tan (βl ) = jωC = jCω tan (βl ) = ω (3.1.1b) Yc = 1 = C For LPP design, a further requirment is that: tan (βl ) = ωc = 1 ⇒ tan 2π λc Zc Wavelength at cut-off frequency λc (3.1.1c) l =1⇒ l = 8 60 More on Approximating L and C with Terminated Tline: Richard’s Transformation 61 Kuroda’s Identities As taken from [2]. l 1 Z2 β Z1 Z2 2 n =1+ Z1 l Z2/n2 β Z2 n2Z1 β Z2 Z1 1 2 n Z2 β Z2 /n2 1: n2 β Z1 n2 l l 1 Z2 Z1 n l l Z1 β l l Z1 Note: The inductor represents shorted Tline while the capacitor represents open-circuit Tline. β n2Z1 n2: 1 β 1 2 n Z2 62 Example – LPF Design Using Stripline Design a 3rd order Butterworth Low-Pass Filter. Rs = RL= 50Ohm, fc = 1.5GHz. Step 1 & 2: LPP g1 1.000H Zo=1 g3 1.000H g4 1 g2 2.000F 1 = 0.500 2.000 Length = λc/8 for all Tlines at ω = 1 rad/s 63 Example – LPF Design Using Stripline Design a 3rd order Butterworth Low-Pass Filter. Rs = RL= 50Ohm, fc = 1.5GHz. Step 3: Convert to Tlines using Richard’s Transformation Length = λc/8 for all Tlines at ω = 1 rad/s 1 = 0.500 2.000 64 Example Cont… Step 4: Add extra Tline on the series connection Extra T-lines Length = λc/8 for all Tlines at ω = 1 rad/s 65 Example Cont… Step 5: apply Kuroda’s 1st Identity. Step 6: apply Kuroda’s 2nd Identity. Similar operation is performed here 66 Example Cont… After applying Kuroda’s Identity. Length = λc/8 for all Tlines at ω = 1 rad/s Since Sinceall allTlines Tlineshave havesimilar similarphysical physical length, length,this thisapproach approachto tostripline striplinefilter filter implementation implementationisisalso alsoknown knownas as Commensurate CommensurateLine LineApproach. Approach. 67 Example Cont… Step 5: Impedance and frequency denormalization. Microstrip line using double-sided FR4 PCB (εr = 4.6, H=1.57mm) Zc/Ω 50 25 100 λ/8 @ 1.5GHz /mm 13.45 12.77 14.23 W /mm 2.85 8.00 0.61 Length = λc/8 for all Tlines at f = fc = 1.5GHz 68 Example Cont… Step 6: The layout (top view) 69 Example 2 Design a low pass filter for fabrication using microstrip lines. The specifications are: cutoff freq of 4 GHz, third order, impedance of 50 ohms and a 3dB equal ripple characteristics g1 = 3.3487 = L1 g2 = 0.7117 = C2 g3 = 3.3487 = L3 g4 = 1.0000 = RL 70 Example 2: Richard’s Transformation 71 Example 2: Cont’d… UE =1 (Z2 =1) Z1 =3.3487 Z1 =3.3487 UE =1 (Z2 =1) 72 Cont’d… UE UE 73 Example 5.8 (cont) Kuroda’s Identity 74 Example 5.8 (cont) 75 Kuroda Identities 76
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