The "TENTH MEETING" (Regular) of the Committee of the Whole was held at the Municipal Offices, 66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne on Monday, March 23, 2015 commencing at approximately 6:30 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Mayor John Maloney presided with the following members in attendance: COUNCILLORS: A. Desmarais F. Danch R. Bodner J. Mayne Y. Dou cet B. Kenny B. Butters Absent: D. Elliott (due to a personal matter) STAFF: D. Aquilina, Director of Planning & Development J. Bowman , Recreational Programmer/Volunteer Coordin ator (for a portion of the meeting) T. Cartwright, Fire Chief A. Grigg , City Clerk H. Hakim, Manager of Community Services R. Hanson, Director of Engineering & Operations R. Heil, Chief Administrative Officer L. Nelson, Administrative Assistant to Director of Community & Corporate Services P. Peyton , Public Works Superintendent P. Senese, Director of Community & Corporate Services D. D'lnnocenzo, Recording Clerk Also in attendance were interested citizens, members of the news media and Cogeco TV. CALL MEETING TO ORDER - MAYOR JOHN MALONEY 1. NATIONAL ANTHEM Joel Longfellow sang 0 Canada. 2. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM ITEMS Nil. 3. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA Moved by Councillor J. Mayne Seconded by Councillor B. Kenny That th e agenda dated March 23, 20 15 be confirmed as ci rculated. CARRIED . 4. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST Nil. 5. DETERMINATION DISCUSSION OF COMMITTEE ITEMS REQUIRING The following items were identified for separate discussion : Items 2, 6, 19. SEPARATE Minutes, Tenth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the Whole, March 23, 2015 6. APPROVAL OF DISCUSSION COMMITTEE ITEMS NOT REQUIRING Page 2 of 9 SEPARATE Moved by Councillor A. Desmarais Seconded by Councillor B. Kenny That Items 1 to 21 on the regular agenda be approved , with the exception of items that have been deferred , deleted or listed for separate discussion, and the recommendation contained therein adopted. ITEMS: 1. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Corporate Services Division, Report No. 2015-57, Subject: Statement of Remuneration and Expenses - 2014 Committee of the Whole recommends: The Council receives the Report on Remuneration and Expenses for 2014 for information purposes as per Section 284 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended. 3. Department of Engineering & Operations, Engineering Division, Report No. 2015-44, Subject: Engineering and Operations, Parks Division: Grass Cutting Tender 2015-09 Committee of the Whole recommends: 4. A. That the Council of the City of Port Colborne award Contract 2015-09, the supply of Parks Grass Cutting Services to Snips Landscaping , for the total annual quoted prices, per cut of, $5,429.39 in 2015 and $5,537.98 in 2016, (plus any applicable taxes). All pending final budget approvals by Council for each of those years. Any additional cuts that may be required over and above the minimum ten cuts will be at the quoted rate per cut. B. That funding for the work be finan ced under Account 0-65080820-3328, the annual Parks Maintenance budget. C. That a contract by-law, whereby the City enters into a Contract Agreement with the Contractor be prepared. Department of Engineering & Operations, Engineering Division, Report No. 2015-45, Subject: Application for Bulk Water Haulage Agreement John-Boys Water Haulage Committee of the Whole recommends: That the Council of the City of Port Colborne authorizes entering into a Bulk Water Sales Agreement with: John Tot O/A John-Boys Water Haulage 11455 Morgan's Point Road Port Colborne, Ontario. L3K 5V4, and further That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. 5. Department of Engineering & Operations, Engineering Division, Report No. 2015-50, Subject: Helen Street Road Allowance Closure and Fencing Westside Arena Property Sale Minutes, Tenth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the W hole, March 23, 2015 Page 3 of 9 Committee of the Whole recommends: That staff be directed to initiate a tendering process for the installation of Perimeter Fencing of the Parks Compound, following discussions with the new owner of the West Side Aren a property. That all required signage and public postings be initiated currently and that a further report be made back to Council, once final pricing has been established , with recommendations on funding those works. 7. Department of Engineering and Operations, Operations Division, Report No. 2015-52, Subject: Sherkston Community Centre Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Committee of the Whole recommends: Th at Council accept Report 2015-52, Sherkston Community Centre Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, prepared in accordance with Ontario Regulation 170103, for information . 8. Department of Engineering & Operations, Operations Division, Report No. 2015-53, Subject: Port Colborne Distribution System Annual Summary Report Committee of the Whole recommends: That Council accepts Report 2015-53, Port Colborne Distribution System Annua l Summary Report, prepared in accordance with Ontario Regulation 170103 for information. Miscellaneous Correspondence 9. Stephen Covey, President, Operation Lifesaver Re Request for Proclamation of Public - Rail Safety Week, April 27 - May 3, 2015 Committee of the Whole recommends: Th at the week of April 27th to May 3rd , 2015 be proclaimed as "Public - Rail Safety Week" in the City of Port Colborn e in accordance with the request received from Stephen Covey, President, Operation Lifesaver. 10. Barbara Hall, Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Re Applying a Human Rights lens in zoning, licensing and municipal decision-making (to ensure municipal processes and decisions respect the human rights in all communities) Committee of the Whole recommend s: That the correspo ndence received from Barbara Hall, Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Re Applying a human rights lens in zoning, licensing and municipal decisionmaking , be received for information. 11. Region of Niagara Re Adoption of the 2015 Levy Operating Budget and By-law Committee of the Whole recommends: Minutes, Tenth Meeting (Reg ular) of Committee of the Whole, March 23, 20 15 Page 4 of 9 That the correspondence received from the Region of Niagara Re Adoption of the 2015 Levy Operating Budget and By-law, be received for information. 12. Memorandum from Thomas B. Cartwright, City Fire Chief, Fire & Emergency Services, Re Open Burning By-law Committee of the Whole recommends : That the memorandum received from Thomas B. Cartwright, City Fire Chief, Fire & Emergency Services, Re Open Burning By-law, be received for information. 13. Memorandum from Ashley Grigg, City Clerk, Re Appointment of a Deputy Clerk for Operational Purposes Committee of the Whole recommends : That the memorandum received from Ashley Grigg, City Clerk, Re Appointment of a Deputy Clerk for Operational Purposes, be received for information. That a by-law to appoint a Deputy Clerk for operational purposes, be listed on the March 23, 2015 Council agenda for approval. 14. Chris Pickering, Technical Director, Niagara Falls Barrelman, Multisport Canada Re the Niagara Falls Barrelman Triathlon, Sunday September 20, 2015 Request for a Statement of No Objection to the Temporary Road Closure of Hwy 58A from Canal Bank Road to Hwy 140 Committee of the Whole recommends: That the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne does not object to the temporary road closure of Hwy 58A from Canal Bank Road to Hwy 140 for purposes of the Niagara Falls Barrelman Triathlon on Sunday, September 20, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., as outlined in the correspondence received from Chris Pickering, Technical Director, Niagara Falls Barrelman, Multisport Canada, subject to signage being in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Transportation. Outside Resolutions - Requests for Endorsement 15. City of Thorold Re Changes to School Closures Accommodation Review Process - Request for Support (Regarding correspondence authored by the Region of Niagara to the Ministry of Education) Committee of the Whole recommends : That the resolution received from the City of Thorold requesting support regarding Changes to the School Closures Accommodation Review Process as authored by the Region of Niagara to th e Ministry of Education, be received for information . 16. City of St. Catharines Re Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program (Letter to Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing) Committee of the Whole recommends : Minutes , Tenth Meeting (Reg ular) of Committee of the Whole, March 23, 201 5 Page 5 of 9 That the resolution received from the City of St. Catharines Re Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program, be received for information. 17. Town of Pelham Regarding correspondence received from the Niagara Central Airport Commission regard ing the renaming of the Niagara Central Airport to the "Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport" (request for endorsement) Committee of the Whole recommends: Th at th e resolution received from the Town of Pelham Regarding correspondence received from the Niagara Central Airport Commission regarding the renaming of the Niagara Central Airport to the "Niagara Central Dorothy Run geling Ai rport", be received for information . 18. Town of Aurora Re Bill 52, the Protection of Public Participation Act Request for Endorsement Committee of the Whole recommends: That the resolution received from the Town of Aurora Re Bill 52, th e Protection of Public Participation Act - Request for Endorsement, be received for information. Responses to Resolutions of the City of Port Col borne 20. Town of West Lincoln Re City of Port Colborne's Resolution regarding Property Tax Relief for Seniors Committee of the Whole recommends: Th at the co rrespondence from the Town of West Lincoln receiving the City of Port Colborne's Resolution regarding Property Tax Relief for Seniors, be received for information. 21. Natalia Romas, Policy & Government Relations - Regarding Correspondence from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Canada Post's Five Point Action Plan Committee of the Whole recommends: That the correspondence received from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding the City of Port Colborne's resolution concernin g Canada Post, be received for informati on. CARRIED. 7. PRESENTATIONS (a) Ben McDermott, Centre Manager, Port Colborne YMCA, Terry Suess, Volunteer Board of Directors, Re Port Colborne YMCA Year 2 Fin al Report, September 2013 to Augu st 2014, Capital Report and Year 3 Budget Terry Suess, Volunteer Board of Directors, and Ben McDermott, Centre Manager, YMCA, were in attendance and provided a PowerPoint presentation outlining the YMCA Year Two Final Report and Year Three Plan and Capital Report. Mr. McDermott advised that the Yea r 2 results show the total revenue and expenses being close to plan with an on-roll membership average of 2,530, exceeding th e Year 2 Plan. A copy of the presentation is attached. Minutes, Tenth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the Whole, March 23, 2015 Page 6 of 9 Moved by Councillor Y. Doucet Seconded by Councillor F. Danch That the YMCA Year 2 Final Report and Year 3 Plan and Capital Report, be received. CARRIED. 8. DELEGATIONS (a) Liz Palmieri, Executive Director, Niagara Community Foundation, Re overview of the Niagara Community Foundation, the process with donors and charities across Niagara, and information on grants to local charities Liz Palmieri, Executive Director, Niagara Community Foundation, was in attendance and provided an overview of the activities of the Niagara Community Foundation (the Foundation) and the impact it has had on the community. Ms. Palmieri distributed a copy of the Foundation's 2013 Annual Report. Ms. Palmieri invited Members of Council to be added to the Foundation's e-mail and regular mailing lists and to inform potential donors of the work of the Foundation. Ms. Palmieri advised that the Foundation wil l be celebrating its 15th anniversary with a reception at the Roselawn Centre for the Arts on April 21 , 2015. A copy of the presentation and 201 3 Annual Report is attached . (b) Alastair Davis, Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity Niagara, Re the formation of a Port Colborne Habitat for Humanity Steering Committee Alastair Davis, Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity Niagara, was in attendance and provided a PowerPoint and video presentation regarding programs offered by Habitat for Humanity. Mr. Davis advised that volunteers will begin renovating a home located at 320 Bell Street, which was recently donated to Habitat for Humanity by a resident. Mr. Davis informed that he is working to establish a Port Colborne Habitat Steering Committee to assist with fundraising and volunteer coordination. Mr. Davis advised that Habitat for Humanity will be holding a fundraising event at Bethel Community Church on April 29, 2015. A copy of the presentation is attached. (c) Gary Bellhouse and Larry Boggio, Ride Organizers, Big Brothers and Big Sisters Bike Ride, Sunday June 14, 2015 at the Long Beach Lions Club, Wainfleet Gary Bellhouse and Larry Boggio, Big Brothers and Big Sisters Bike Ride Organizers, were in attendance and provided an overview of the Bike Ride to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara , whi ch is scheduled to take place on June 14, 2015. Mr. Bellhouse distributed a promotional flyer and provided an overview of the ride . Mr. Boggio advi sed that organizers are hoping for a minimum of 100 riders, of which 50 have already registered . Mr. Boggio informed that the Ride is hoped to become an annual Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara event, with a fundraising goal of $10,000 to $15,000 for this year. A copy of the flyer is attached. Moved by Councillor Y. Doucet Seconded by Councillor A. Desmarais That the charity appeals of Niagara Community Foundation , Habitat for Humanity Niagara, and Big Brothers and Big Sisters of South Niagara, be received and supported as charities in the City of Port Colborne. CARRIED. Minutes, Tenth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the Whole, March 23, 2015 9. Page 7 of 9 MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Maloney advised that the annual Port Colborne Top Hat Ceremony is scheduled to take place on April 2, 2015. Mayor Maloney informed that the annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on April 4, 2015 at the Roselawn Centre for the Arts, with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. Mayor Maloney informed that a rally to bring GO Transit to the Region of Niagara took place in Niagara Falls on March 13, 2015. 10. REGIONAL COUNCILLOR'S REPORT Regional Councillor Barrick was in attendance and advised that the Niagara Regional Police Services Board recently supported his resolution to keep the Port Colborne District 6 Police Detachment open The Regional Councillor advised that, as a result, the detachment will remain open until at least 2019. The Regional Councillor read the motion aloud, as follows: That the Niagara Regional Police Services Board commit to keeping the Port Colborne Detachment, District 6, open and fully functional for, at a minimum , the remainder of this Board term (2019); And, that no further consideration/resources, by this Board , be given to any discussion/report/study on any matter that would result in the closure of District 6 until , at minimum, 2019; And, that this resolution be circulated to the media, Niagara Regional Police Association, Niagara Region and City of Port Colborne. Regional Councillor Barrick advised that the Region of Niagara is embarking on a Value for Money Audit to ensure that taxpayers are getting value for their tax dollars. Regional Councillor Barrick informed that the Region recently approved its 2015 budget, and preparations for the 2016 budg et process began on March 1, 2015, and will include a review of the budget planning process and public consultation . Regional Councillor Barrick advised that nominations are open for the T. Roy Adams Humanitarian of the Year Award until March 31, 2015 and the Environmental Awards until April 8, 2015. 11. COUNCILLOR'S ITEMS/NEW BUSINESS (a) Sale of Rain Barrels (Mayne) Councillor Mayne requested staff investigate the possibility of rain barrels being made available for residents to purchase from the City, in cooperation with the Region of Niagara. Staff Direction: That staff be directed to review and report back reg arding the City offering rain barrels for sale to the public, in cooperation with the Region of Niagara. (b) Refuse Clean-up Required due to Melting Snow (Mayne) Councillor Mayne noted that refuse and dog feces have been left behind as a result of th e melting snow. Councillor Mayne advised that the City's Bylaw Enforcement and Engineering and Operations staff are responding and will have it cleaned up. (c) Unleashed Dogs (Mayne) Councillor Mayne advised th at he has observed unleashed dogs in the City and enquired about applicable rules. The Director of Planning and Development advised that the City's by-law concerning the regulation of Minutes, Tenth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the Whole, March 23 , 2015 Page 8 of 9 dogs is enforced by the Welland and District Humane Society in consultation with the By-law Enforcement Division . The Director advised that the Humane Society will investigate a complaint if the owner of the dog is known. 12. ADOPTION OF MINUTES (a) (b) Minutes of the Seventh Meeting (Special) of Committee of the Whole, March 6, 2015 Minutes of the Eighth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the Whole, March 9, 2015 Moved by Councillor B. Butters Seconded by Councillor B. Kenny (a) That the Minutes of the Seventh Meeting (Special) of Committee of the Whole, March 6, 2015 be adopted as circulated; (b) That the Minutes of the Eighth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the Whole, March 9, 2015 be adopted as circulated . CARRIED. 13. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 2. Department of Engineering & Operations, Engineering Division, Report No. 2015-43, Subject: Engineering and Operations, Roadside Grass Cutting, Tender 2015-04 Moved by Councillor Y. Doucet Seconded by Councillor A. Desmarais A. That the Council of the City of Port Colborne award Contract 2015-04, the supply of Roadside Grass Cutting Services to the Greenfield Group, for the total annual quoted price of $41,388.08 in 2015 and that the Contract contin ue in 2016, 2017 and 2018 with annual increases of 5% over each previous years rate , (plus any applicable taxes), all pending final budget approvals by Council for each of those subsequent years. B. That funding for the work be financed under Account 0-50073410-3328, the annual Operations maintenance budget for Roadside Mowing. C. That a contract by-law, where by the City enters into a Contract Agreement with the Contractor be prepared. CARRIED. 6. Department of Engineering & Operations, Operations Division, Report No. 2015-51, Subject: Supply and Delivery of New Vehicles for the City Fleet in 2015 Moved by Councillor J. Mayne Seconded by Councillor B. Kenny a. That the Council of the City of Port Colborne accept the lowest pricing from each of the listed suppliers, all as detailed previously within this report. b. That funding for these purchases be financed under GL Accounts 3-550-33150-3401; 3-595-33103-3401 & 3-59033102-3401 , Public Works, Water and Sewer, Equipment Reserve Funds. Minutes , Tenth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the W hole, March 23, 20 15 c. Page 9 of 9 That the Director of Engineering and Operations be authorized to issue a purchase order for the purchase of these vehicles from the appropriate vender at the pricing detailed. Moved in deferral by Councillor J . Mayne Seconded by Councillor B. Kenny That consideration of Engineering & Operations, Operations Division, Report No. 2015-51, Subject: Supply and Delivery of New Vehicles for the City Fleet in 2015, be deferred to the April 13, 2015 meeting. CARRIED. 19. Town of Fort Erie Re Canadian Motor Speedway Project Moved by Councillor R. Bodner Seconded by Councillor A. Desmarais That the resolution received from the Town of Fort Erie Re Canadian Motor Speedway Project, be received for information. Moved in Amendment by Councillor R. Bodner Seconded by Councillor A. Desmarais That the main motion be amended by adding thereto the following: That the Mayor and Regional Councillor of the City of Port Colborne support the Town of Fort Erie's resolution at Regiona l Council; and That the City approach the Town of Fort Erie regarding further assistance the City can provide to advance the favourable cons ideration of this resolution at the region al, provincial and federal levels of government. CARRIED. The vote was then called on the main motion, as amended, as follows: That the resolution received from the Town of Fort Erie regarding the Canadian Motor Speedway, be received; That the Mayor and Regional Councillor of the City of Port Col borne support the Town of Fort Erie's resolution at Regional Council; and That the City approach the Town of Fort Erie regarding further assistance the City can provide to advance the favourable consideration of this resolution at the regional , provincial and federal levels of government. CARRIED. 14. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil. 15. MOTION TO ADJOURN Moved by Councillor B. Kenny Seconded by Councillor A. Desmarais That there being no further business, the Committee of the Whole meeting be adjourned at approximately 8: 19 p.m. CARRIED. AG/dd 30/03/2015 ---- - - , . j~;~-~· , ":~~. ·-· . I Excerpt from Letter of Support "Aqua/it classes and Gentle Fit classes are always fun." "The benefits are endless... you are able ta meet new people and they become '1amily"; reacquaint with old ' friends with a common goal of building a stronger, healthier body. I have witnessed broken bodies become strong, healthy bodies with a little hard work and encouragement from the staff." "Thank you" Claudia Brema, Port Colborne Resident & Proud YMCA Member 1 30/03/2015 The City of Port Colborne and the YMCA of Niagara struck a multi-year operational agreement in June 2012 for the YMCA to provide service within the Vale Health & Wellness Centre. This unique partnership enabled the City to leverage YMCA expertise in serving the needs of citizens, based on 155 years of charitable service in Niagara. The partnership has allowed the YMCA to fulfill its mission of providing quality community services that are open to all through a successful, collaborative partnership with the City of Port Colborne. I _li£1_ POR.T COLBOR.NE VALE ., I '.:.ii . I •=" ' .··.· .. •;;'J ,:.,,.1 Our Year 2 results illustrate the significant impact of the YMCA in the lives of the residents of Port Col borne and the continued strong performance of the organization and the partnership. ....... --~~~~~~~~ Today's presentation will review: • • • Year 2 Final Report Year 3 Plan Capital Report 2 30/03/2015 Our YMCA is: Building leaders • Volunteers close to doubled, totaling 78 people contributing 1,077 hours • Youth Drop-In and Friday Night Dances res ulted in 1,067 visits by youth • Charitable gifts totaling $10,093 supports the annual Strong Kids Campaign • Employed 73 staff ~ ' .. - i-;1 . !'< ... ~. ,',· ..s.. . Our YMCA is: Enhancing Health and Strengthening all Families • An average of 2,530 members were active per month • 65% of members joined as a family • 19% of members received YMCA fin ancial assistance • 10,500 YMCA visits on th e average per month • 13 co mmunity groups, agencies and schools participating 3 30/03/2015 ':!. ", ' -- .. . ~ ;~. joo J ~ ~ •I _(.lia!.-·. Our YMCA is: Invested in the Healthy Development of Children and Youth • Child and youth represent 50% of the YMCA membership • YMCA Youth Leader Corp develops leadership skills • Children enjoyed 1,300 camper days at YMCA Summer & Holiday Day Camps • Thousands more were involved in branch activities t hrough Open Swim, Family Swim, Day Passes, YMCA Youth Action Drop-In, Youth Dances, YMCA Birthday Parties, the Ontario Early Years Centre, Babysitting and more. • Working with community agencies to extend our reach including Niagara School Boards' Swim to Survive program, Ontario Early Years Centre for young children and their caregivers, Special Olympics Aquatics, Community Living Port Colborne, and Port Cares, t o name a few. The YMCA is a place of inclusiveness; open to all regardless of background or circumstance: • YMCA Financial Assistance is offe red to individuals and fami lies unable to afford to participate due to their financial circumstance. • Assistance is offered in a confidential manner based on individual circumstances. At the end of August, 19% of YMCA Members were financially assisted by the YMCA. • The YMCA is meeting or exceeding its promise to service the community with a large volume of community access by both YMCA Members and community participants. 4 30/03/2015 ---~ - .., ·~"'' -. ,. ·.\· ,. " .~Q' I ~ h.H~ Ii.~ r"" Outside of the numbers, there are countless stories to tell which illustrate the intangible benefits of involvement in the Port Col borne YMCA. Involvement in recreation and leisure helps in leading a hea lthier life; in mind, body and spirit. Every day our impact in felt when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child and when a community comes together for the common good. >}'. ---· 1i - - -1 1 •,1 I ~· ,rt,- . ·..:.. ' .. ,...i.k.. .... Generally, the YMCA has met or exceeded all targets: • The Year 2 Final Report is a combined report covering September 2013 to August 2014 and is based on the Year 2 Plan • The total revenue and total expenses are close to plan • Membership numbers are solid; On-Roll average is 2,530 which is better than plan . • Programs are regularly evaluated to ensure quality and relevancy. 5 30/ 03/ 2015 .~·~ ",';--'... i f . ··~~" I ~ i .~. Year 2 - Plan --- . r. . ... Year 2 -Achievement Year 2 Actual s • The Operating Service Fund is reduced for 2015 by the actual surplus of $5,070. 6 30/03/2015 Key Assumptions for Year 3 Plan include: Membership on-roll at 2,402 on Average Membership on-roll at 2,709 at Peak Members linked as a Family at 64% Financial Assistance at 19% • Child/Youth Membership Mix at 50% Total Net Profit budgeted of $16,857 (Actual Net Profit to reduce the Operating Service Fund in 2016} Deferred Capital Depreciation at $171,464 Total Programs Per Week on average 252 Total Program Hours Per Week on average 299 Aquatlc.s Programs Preschool Swim Lessons Open Swim Children Swim Lessons Family Swim Adult Le ssons Lane Swim Aquatic Certification Aqua tic Fitness Other Aquatics Fitness Pro1r1m1 Group Fitness Classes (Step, Gentle Flt, On the Ball, Zumba", Body Sculpt) Adult Recreat ional Sports lnd lvlduol Fitness Orientation Preschool Programs Preschool Prosrams Child Mlndlns (babyslttlns for parents act ive In t he YMCA, at a fee for service ) Family Gym Yout h Proerams Youth Pro1rams (Games Galore, Get Connect ed, Saturday Mornlnc Club) Individual Youth Fitness Orlentotlon Leader Corps Youth Recreationa l Sports Youth Action Drop In 7 30/ 03/ 2015 ·' L'lr~- ·......-~ .... t,'t; ' •'n 'do".: :..:: ... Ensuring safe, releva nt facilities and eq uipment for all • Deferred Capital Depreciation Schedule provides a five yea r estimate regarding capital costs • Includes initial YMCA capital investment in facility design and equipment totaling $1.lM, interest and ongoing annual operating capital • Deferred Capital Depreciation is incorporated into the Port Colborne YMCA Annual Financial Plan ;f ----- -., ~.'· '-:~.:". ~ ~ .. I ·~.-~ • Continued co llaboration • Continued investment in resources to support community need and safe, quality services • Continued support in YMCA Strong Kids Campaign • Continued growth in leadership development and vo lunteers • Continued support through financial assistance to access programs and services • Continued community access to YMCA Day Camp • Continued program growth and development of new programs including YMCA Health Management programs - Fitness for Breath in partnership with the Lung Association of Ontario 8 30/03/2015 •Birthday Parties offering skate and swim activities • Special Events participation •Port Colborne Canal Days, Sportsfest, National Child Day •YMCA Cycle for Kids, Healthy Kids Day •Initial integration of City services like water polo and bridging aquatics participants •Community sports faci litated, which include Port Colborne Youth Basketball, Piranhas summer swim team program and off-season Swim Stroke Improvement. •Pay As You Play (PAYP) programs such as Pickle Ball • Vale Health & Wellness Centre has increased overall community interest and participation in other com plimentary areas that enhance community life especially in the area of arts & culture •Seasonal Yoga and Zumba at Sugarloaf Marina 9 Pg. 1 Delegation - Liz Palmieri, Executive Director, Niagara Community Foundation, March 23, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting Mayor Maloney, members of council and city staff. It gives me great pleasure to come here tonight to give you an update on the activities of the Niagara Community Foundation, the impact of the Port Col borne Community Fund and to let members of council know more about our work both in Port Colborne and across the region . Before I start my formal remarks, I want to acknowledge our volunteers with the Port Colborne Fund Advisory Committee - Gary Talosi, Claudia Brema, Darlene Tuck, Chris Wilson, Rob Stevens and Rosanne Marsh. Council member Dave Elliott recently joined the committee, succeeding Councillor Angie Desmarais. Thank you all for your commitment to the Fund and the Foundation. The community foundation was established in the year 2000 to link a donor' s legacy to their community forever. We were the millennium project for the Region of Niagara . Our work involves meeting with donors who are interested in creating endowment funds, where, in most cases, the capital is held in perpetuity. A portion of the earnings of each fund are granted to charities, as directed by the donor, on an annual basis. Donors have set up funds to support particular charities .. . to support particular fields, such as the environment or children and youth ... to support region-wide initiatives or to support a particular community. Through their endowments, donors are now supporting charities such as : DSBN' s Steele Street School, Community Animal Allies of Niagara, based here in Port Colborne, St. Therese of Liseau x Church . I don't know if many of you remember Carol Leppert, who was a music teacher at Steele Street School. Upon her death a gift was made to the Education Foundation who in term used this bequest to open two funds, one to support Steele Street School and one to support Winger School in Wainfleet. The annual grant from this fund , which last year was over $7,700, was used to enable every child in the school to attend a performing arts presentation and to help one child with music lessons. Any funds left over are used to support the music program Pg.2 at the school. What a wonderful legacy to Carol's contribution to children in the community. We have a group of donors who have created funds to support environmental projects across Niagara. One such fund is the Samuel L. Rudolph Memorial Fund which was created by his son Mark. One project supported was to support the construction of a boardwalk to protect the dunes at the Morgan's Point Conservation Area . A number of years ago we produced a video about the Foundation and interviewed Mark standing on the board walk. What wasn't visible was that the video was shot when there were lots of mosquitoes. You wouldn't know it given Mark's composure. He said that while his fund is small, it's the impact of his fund in combination with others that will have a much larger impact on environmental projects in Niagara. Recognizing that Niagara is made up of a number of municipalities, donors have also created local community funds as a way to provide annua l assistance to charities that provide programs and services to their hometown. In 2007 funds from Port Colborne Hydro were donated to the Foundation to create the Port Colborne Community Fund. We use the earnings from this fund to support charities in the community who apply for grants from our various programs. This $50,000 gift laid the groundwork to start to encourage other donors to open funds . As of this past December, I'm pleased to announce that we have received more than $813,000 to create an additional 12 funds either from Port Colborne donors or benefitting Port Colborne chariti es. If you go to pg. 21 of our annual report you ' ll see a partial listing of those funds . The se donors are supporting a variety of organizations as w ell as our community grants programs with these funds . In 2011 I made a similar prese ntation when th e last council was elected . In looking through my notes I had stated then that we had recently celebrated our 10th anniversary year having raised in excess of $16 million held in more than 160 diffe re nt endowment funds. Well, in April of this year the Foundation will be celebrating our 15th anniversary, having raised in excess of $27 million held in 209 funds. In 2001 we awarded our first grants totaling $6,500. Last year we awarded $1.11 million in grants to charities in all sectors and all communities. What is important for you to understand is that for most of our funds, the capital is never spent - it is held forever - and just a portion of the earnings are disbursed annually. However, our work is transforming, beca use w e now have Pg. 3 some donors who say holding the capital in perpetuity is too long and are paying out both earnings and capital either over a specific period of time or in a specific dollar amount. As you know our volunteers organized the weekly 50/50 draw at the Port Colborne Downtown Cruiser Nights held every Thursday last year as well as the 50/50 draw at the Canal Days Car Show Day. Raising $7,500 they allocated a portion of these funds to support the Prokids Program administered by the YMCA. With this program, children from Port Colborne facing financial challenges are able to take part in sports, recreation or cultural activities in Port. They also wanted to acknowledge the support from the organizers of the cruiser night and setup the Port Colborne Downtown Cruiser Fund as one of the family of funds within the Port Colborne Fund. I'd like to spend a few minutes letting you know more about our granting programs. Th e foundation has three granting programs that are open to registered charities and municipalities. You can visit our website to see deadlines and other criteria. Our Environmental Grants Program is available for community-based projects which protect and/or restore shorelines, or which will improve water quality. We have provided support to neighbourhood associations working with their local municipality on projects. I spoke earlier about how Morgan's Point Conservation Area has benefitted from this granting program . Our Children's Summer Camp Fund Grants are available for two types of groups. Those who provide a summer camping experience can apply for bursaries for children in financial need. These bursaries are used to offset the camp registration fees . We also provide grants to organizations working with specia l needs children - helping to cover the costs of a caregiver to attend camp with these children. Annually the YMCA of Niagara and Community Living Port Colborne Wainfleet have both benefitted from this program . Our genera l Community Grants program is a semi-annual program and is available to registered charities and community groups working with their municipality. Local groups receiving support over the past few years include Le Centre Polyvalent des Aines Francophone , Port CARES, Community Living Port Colborne Wainfleet, and the Port Colborne Hospital Foundation. Le Centre Pg.4 used their grant to create a video-lending library and screening series for the Francophone community. One of the grants to Port Cares was towards equipment for the kitchen in the new Reach Out Centre. We also have a $500 mini grant program with 4 deadlines throughout the year. These grants are great because we have a 45-day turnaround time between receipt of the application and the decision by our board. This is a great program and it is truly amazing the impact that even just $500 can have on an organization . In 2013 Community Living used their $500 grant to assist with the funding of Attachment and Trauma Training to 8 of the parents and caregivers whose clients they support. Again, for all of these programs, we are able to support registered charities as well as community groups and committees working in partnership with local municipalities. Beyond endowment building and grant making we are also involved in community leadership initiatives. We received the contract from the Region to be the convener for the Niagara Prosperity Initiative. We have supported Leadership Niagara since its inception as well as the Living in Niagara Report produced every four years by Niagara Connects. The Foundation underwent a major strategic planning process last year. Going forward we are looking at ways in which we can increase our investments in Niagara whereby we can use not only our earnings but our capital for longterm financing of infrastructure projects undertaken by the charitable sector. This could include financing affordable housing projects. We are also looking at creating a Centre of Excellence in Non Profit Governance and Philanthropy. In order to deliver meaningful and relevant programs and services, charities need to have effective governance and efficient operations. Through this centre our goal is to provide tools and resources to the sector to accomplish this. In closing, we want to make 3 requests to you: 1. May we put you on our grant notification email list to let you know of upcoming deadlines for our granting programs? You in turn can share this with charities in your community looking to access grants Pg. 5 2. May we add you to our regular mailing list so that you can receive a hard copy of our annual report, a copy of which I' m giving to you tonight? 3. If you see an opportunity in your work as a member of council wh ere one of your residents talks to you about what kind of legacy they can leave to their community, would you let them know about the work of the foundation and how we help donors do just that? Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share the Niagara Community Foundation story with you . I hope that you've found it interesting and that you'll be able to say yes to each of our three requests . Alastair Davis - CEO Presentation : City of Port Colborne March 23, 2015 Poverty in Niagara • 14% Niagara residents live in poverty • 1 in 6 children in Niagara live in poverty • 1 in every 5 rental households pays more than 50o/o of their income on shelter costs • Over 6,000 households on the waiting list for affordable housing 1 ~ Habitat for Humanity Niagara WORKS INALMOST100 COUNTRIES AROUND THE Our Formula =A New Beginning 2 Capacity Building Impact • 7 homes in 2015 in Niagara • Global - we sponsor 8 builds in Haiti for every home completed in Niagara 7 x 8 = 56 families • 63 families will be served in 2015. Home Donated 320 Bell St, Port Co/borne 3 2015 Home Renovation Project • Donated in Memory of John & Zuzanna Miklosik • Upgrade home to 2015 standards • Replace electrical, heating, plumbing, kitchen, lighting, bathroom, windows, drywall, veranda and roof • Preserve I refurbish interior doors, flooring, staircase and the garage Habitat Steering Committee Chair and Leaders: • Fundraise • Gift in Kind • Family • Volunteers Coordination • Communications/Events 4 Reno Project Plan • Mobilize Community support and volunteers • Steering Committee • Support of City • Select family • Renovation begins September 2015 • Home dedication - 1st quarter 2016 Renovation Funding • Cash cost for products and services to renovate the home = $65,000 • Steering Committee assists in raising funds and acquiring Gift in Kind donations 5 City of Port Colborne Leadership • City is a Community Champion • Provide Land for future Build(s) • Waive servicing, DC and permitting • CIP or equivalent funds • Connect Habitat to new Partners Adopt a Day Program • Opportunity for organizations to sponsor an Adopt a Day to work at build • Excitement of the Build • Meet Habitat family • Team building experience • Give to your community • Public recognition • Have some FUN 6 New ReStore Opening in Fonthill • New Home Renovation Outlet located at 2499 Hwy 20 East in Fonthill • Opening - Apri l 2015 • 10,000 sq. ft. of donated home products New Restore Opening in Fonthill 7 Benefits of a Restore • Generates funds to build Habitat homes • Green - diverts product from landfill (over 1.5 million lbs/yr) • Place for new/gently used home products, overstock, product returns and salvages Product Donation 8 Donating Made Easy e • Drop off at Restore 6 days a week • Hours of operation 9:00- 6:00 • Our Habitat Salvage crews remove kitchens • Donations from local residences • Excess inventory from local businesses • Call us if unsure or ask at the Restore Volunteering 9 Thank You!!! ../Get involved ../Connect with Habitat for Humanity Alastair Davis, CEO 905-641-5925 10 A Fun Ride for Road !Riders in Support o·f Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara • Save the Date Sunday June 14th 50 km or 100 km with a post-ride BBQ $100 I Rider Start & Finish at the Wainfleet Lions Club , • Big Brothers, Big Sisters Bike Ride FUN Ride for Road Riders in support of Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Southern Niagara Date: Sunday June 14th Ride: Group Road Ride - 1OOkm (30km/hr), 50km (20km/hr, 25km/hr) options **Route maps will be available online closer to event day. Start & End Location: Wain:fleet Lions Club - 12166 Lakeshore Rd. Wainfleet Time: 1OOkm leaves @ 9 am & 50km leaves @ 1Oarn Registration: Pre-Registrations Only, Waiver must be signed the day of the ride Bicycle Maintenance & Support: Provided before & during the ride by Pedal Bicycle Shop Food: Refreshments available at halfway, BBQ Lunch provided after the ride, Cash Bar (Beer & Wine) * * Bring a Lawn Chair Cost: $100 I Ride = $100 charitable receipt ( Pledge forms also available ) Free T-Shirt for everyone who registers by May 15, 2015 Sponsorship: Gold $500, Silver $300, Bronze $100 Please contact Larry Boggio 905 -321 -8055 Volunteers welcome - Please contact Gary Bellhouse or 905-651-1970 Donations to support the Big Brothers, Big Sisters Bike Ride are welcome! Links • Pedal Bicycle Shop - • Lion' s Club - Please to Google Maps - 12166 Lakeshore Rd. Wainfleet Sponsored by: • Boggio Pharmacy • Evolution Window Films • Urge To Purge • Pedal Bicycle Shop • Storage on Site • •
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