POLICY 7-2.2 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AREAS AND SCHOOL TRANSFER REQUESTS The Fauquier County School Board shall designate school attendance areas. The establishment of school attendance areas shall be based on the following criteria: (1) the capacity of the schools, (2) the distance from home to school, (3) the age of the students and the grades attended, (4) geographic or hazardous conditions, (5) the safety of the students going to and from school and (5) the need to provide cultural, racial and economic balance. Changes in attendance areas will be determined by the Board, upon recommendation of the superintendent based on the need to provide for the orderly administration of the schools, the competent instruction of the students, and the health, safety, best interests and general welfare of all students. Student Transfers Transfer-Resident Students School attendance areas are established by the Fauquier County School Board in a manner that will best meet the needs of county students. Students will be required to attend the school in the attendance area in which they reside. Exceptions may be made by the building principal based upon the following criteria. Criteria Consideration will be given for the transfer of pupils from their school attendance area to another for any of the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A student whose residence changes from one school attendance area to another within the county during the school year may, upon request of the parent or guardian, complete the semester in the school in which the student was originally enrolled provided that the parent or guardian provide the necessary transportation to and from school. Students enrolled in 5 th grade, 8th grade and 12th grade will be permitted to complete the entire school year at their originally enrolled school provided that the parent or guardian provide the necessary transportation to and from school. A copy of a valid rental, purchase, or lease contract listing the new residence address and date of occupancy must accompany the request. Additional documentation supporting residency will be required within 30 days of the move-in date to establish that the new residence is bona fide and that the family has abandoned or will abandon any other property as its primary residence. (See Policy 7-2.3.) Students participating in Virginia High School League (VHSL) activities must meet the requirements outlined in Policy 7-4.2, Interscholastic Athletics. A student may be assigned to attend a school other than that which he/she would normally attend for the purpose of placement in an appropriate instructional program as determined by the Superintendent, or designee. Transportation for said students will be provided by the School Division. When exceptional hardship is demonstrated for reasons of the emotional well-being of the student. Supporting information from a licensed clinical psychologist, licensed psychiatrist, licensed professional counselor or licensed clinical social worker must be submitted as part of the Special School Zone Request. To accommodate students in kindergarten through sixth grade when both parents are employed and when the family can demonstrate exceptional hardship in obtaining appropriate full-time before-and/or after-school supervision within the boundaries of the school where the child actually resides. The babysitter and/or day care institution must be located within the receiving school’s attendance area. Notarized documentation of babysitter or day care institution and documentation supporting extremely early and/or late work hours and/or exceptional financial hardship must accompany the Special School Zone Request. Verification of child care may be requested during the school year at the discretion of the Principal. In deciding as to whether an application for transfer will be approved, the principal will consider whether there is a day care program at the base school. Children of employees of Fauquier County Public Schools and Fauquier County Government are eligible for transfer while the parent is a full-time, permanent employee of the Fauquier County 7. 8. 9. Public Schools/Government. Such children, if approved, shall be enrolled in the school that serves the geographical zone for the school or facility in which the child’s parent is assigned to work. Any such transfer request will require the consideration of any special needs the student might have. For the purpose of this policy, bus drivers will be considered full-time permanent employees. All children (present and future) of employees whose employment is terminated as a result of a “Reduction in Force” will be grandfathered for as long as the employees remain on the School Division’s active recall list. The principal shall consider the impact on school capacity and the curricular program at the school prior to making an initial recommendation to approve the request, and recommend approval only to the extent that openings are available. The Superintendent or designee shall consider the impact on the School Division and will approve requests only to the extent that those requests do not adversely impact School Division resources, and that decision is final. Conditions of Transfer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Transfer approvals will be for a particular school year only. Application for a transfer must be made annually, and criteria considered for the school year requested. Transportation is not provided for students attending schools on approved transfers unless otherwise specified herein. Students found to be enrolled in a school to which they are not assigned by either residency or by approved transfer shall be reassigned immediately to their base school. Transfer to another school is considered a privilege. Any student who is granted a transfer must maintain appropriate behavior, attend school regularly, and demonstrate academic progress. In addition, the reason for the transfer must continue to exist. If the conditions of the transfer are not maintained, the principal may revoke approval. Parents/guardians of students who have been granted a transfer must support the student regarding behavior, attendance and academic progress requirements. Parents are also expected to demonstrate respectful conduct in interacting with school personnel or the principal may revoke approval. Knowingly providing false information on an application will result in the immediate revocation of an approved transfer, and prohibit application for future transfer requests. The Superintendent will establish a regulation to govern this policy. Transfer – Student Victims of Crime Transfer requests may be made by any student who has been the victim of any crime against the person pursuant to Chapter 4 (section 18.2-30 et seq.) of Title 18.2, including crimes by mobs; kidnapping and related offenses; assaults and bodily woundings; robbery, extortion or other threats; sexual assault; or seduction, when the crime was committed: 1. By another student attending classes in the school, or 2. By any employee of the School Board, or 3. By any volunteer, contract worker or other person who regularly performs services in the school, or 4. On school property or on any school bus owned or operated by the School Division. The student upon whom the crime was committed may request a transfer if, as a result, he or she suffered physical, psychological or economic harm as a direct result of the crime. Upon written request from the student’s parents, or the student, if such student is an emancipated minor, transfer to another comparable school within the Division shall be permitted by the School Board, if space is available. Any transportation services for such students shall be provided by the parent or guardian. LEGAL REFERENCE: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 22.1-3, 22.1-3.3, 22.1-78, 22.1-79; 20 U.S.C. § 7912; 20 U.S.C. § 6316. Adopted: 04/10/12, Revised 02/10/14. Revised 03/23/15 Regulation and Forms Follow ACCOMPANYING REGULATION REGULATION 7-2.2(A): 7-2.2(A) F1 7-2.2(A) F2 PROCEDURES FOR TRANSFER – RESIDENT STUDENTS SPECIAL SCHOOL ZONE REQUEST STATEMENT OF CHILDCARE NEEDS REGULATION 7-2.2(A): PROCEDURES FOR TRANSFER – RESIDENT STUDENTS I. INITIAL APPLICATION: a. The requesting party shall complete a Special School Zone Request Form, and attach supporting documentation as required in Policy 7-2.2, including: i. notarized statement (Form 2) for all child care requests with notarized documentation supporting the basis of exceptional hardship in obtaining childcare in the child’s zoned school (extreme work hours or exceptional financial hardship); ii. copy of a valid rental, purchase, or lease contract listing the new residence address and date of occupancy during the semester must accompany the request. (Additional documentation supporting the new residence address will be required within 30 days of occupying the new residence); and/or iii. letter demonstrating hardship and report from licensed clinical psychologist, licensed psychiatrist, licensed professional counselor or licensed clinical social worker regarding emotional well-being. b. Application must be made by employees between March 1 and April 1and by anyone else between April 1 and May 1 of the school year prior to the school year for which the transfer is requested. Applications will be accepted any time during the school year with evidence of unforeseen circumstances that prevented an application being made during the prescribed time period. Applications submitted after May 1 will be considered as soon as practicable, but there is no assurance that a decision on approval will be made by a specific date. c. The building principal shall make an initial recommendation and submit all applications to the Assistant Superintendent for Student and Special Education Services for final approval. II. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT LEVEL: a. The Assistant Superintendent for Student and Special Education Services will review the recommendation of the building principal and approve the principal’s recommendation or alter the recommendation. b. The Assistant Superintendent for Student and Special Education will notify all applicants of the final decision no later than June 30 for all applications submitted between March 1 and May1. Due on or before May 1 of school year prior to school year of transfer request. Decisions on applications submitted after May 1 may be delayed. 7-2.2(A) F1 Fauquier County Public Schools Special School Zone Request Rev. March 2015 For the _________ - ________ School Year PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Date of Application __________________________________ PARENT: SUBMIT COMPLETED FORM TO THE PRINCIPAL OF THE REQUESTED SCHOOL. TERMINATE IF CRITERIA CHANGE. APPROVED TRANSFERS Student’s Name ________________________________________________Grade entering ___________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian’s Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Home Phone ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Business Phone ________________________________ (City) (Zip) County/School Employee (Y/N) _______ Place of Employment __________________________________________________ Base School ________________________________ Requested School __________________________________________ Is this a first-time application? (Y/N) __________ If no, first time applied _________________________________________ Does your child participate in any of the following programs: ___ Gifted ___ ESL ___ Special Education Students are required to attend the school in the attendance area where they reside. Zone requests may be approved for qualified criteria. The applicant certifies that this request qualifies under the following criteria (check one or more): Change in Residence Child Care (Exceptional Hardship) Instructional Program School/County Employee Emotional Well-Being Reduction in Force (Exceptional Hardship) Justification:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Attach supporting documentation, including (1) notarized statement (Form 7-2.2F2) for all child care requests; (2) copy of a valid rental, purchase, or lease contract listing the new residence address and date of occupancy within 30 school days of the semester; (3) letter demonstrating hardship and report from licensed psychologist, licensed psychiatrist, licensed professional counselor or licensed clinical social worker regarding emotional well-being. I certify that the information provided in this request is factual. Pursuant to §22.1-264.1 of the Code of Virginia, a person who knowingly makes false statements as to school division residency for certain purposes may be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor, and may be liable to the school division for tuition charges. Providing false information on an application will result in the imm ediate revocation of an approved transfer, and prohibit application for future transfer requests. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide transportation for my child to and from school. ___________________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________ Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Denied ________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Principal’s Signature Date REMARKS: __________________________________________________________________________________________ FORWARD TO: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR STUDENT AND SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES ____________________________________ Name Assist.Supt. for Student and Special Ed. Services Title _____________________ Date 7-2.2(A) F2 Rev. Mar 2015 Fauquier County Public Schools Statement of Child Care Needs (Exceptional Hardship) For the _________ - ________ School Year Complete this form and attach documentation to Special School Zone Request Form 7-2.2F1. Pursuant to §22.1-264.1 of the Code of Virginia, a person who knowingly makes false statements as to school division residency for certain purposes may be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor, and may be liable to the school division for tuition charges. Verification of child care may be requested during the school year at the discretion of the Principal. Parent’s Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Physical Address _________________________________________________________________________ Child Care Provider’s Name ________________________________________________________________ Child Care Provider’s Address ________________________________________ Phone ________________ Pursuant to Policy ,7-2.2, state justification for this request and attach supporting documentation demonstrating exceptional hardship (work hours/financial hardship). Children for whom request is being made: Name of Child School Being Requested Signature:_____________________________________ (Parent or Legal Guardian) Date: ___________________________ I hereby certify that on this _______ day of _____________________________, 2015, in Fauquier County, __________________________________________ parent/legal custodian of the above-named student(s), personally appeared before me and made oath in due form of the law that the foregoing facts are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge, information and belief. My Commission expires: _____________________________ Notary Public: ______________________________________ ************ Signature:_____________________________________ (Child Care Provider) Date: ___________________________ I hereby certify that on this _______ day of ____________________________, 2015, in Fauquier County, ________________________________________ of the above-named child care provider, personally appeared before me and made oath in due form of the law that the foregoing facts are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge, information and belief. My Commission expires: _____________________________ Notary Public: ______________________________________
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