Thank you for your support! - Port Jervis Council for the Arts

keep this page for reference
This event is ATTENDANCEDEPENDENT. Without sufficient
participation, PJCA cannot afford the bus.
Bus Trip to Frida Kahlo exhibit at
NY Botanical Garden, Enid A. Haupt Conservatory
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Friday May 1, 2015 firm
Depart 9am sharp, Deerpark Reformed Church parking lot, 30 E Main St, Port Jervis NY.
Return approximately 5:30pm
Cost $60 per person, includes bus transportation & admission
o Make check payable to Port Jervis Council for the Arts
You must be 18 years of age or older, or accompanied by an adult
Before May 1, complete the next page and deliver with check to: Debbie Valentine,
Smith Plumbing & Heating (66 Jersey Ave, Port Jervis NY, 845-856-5325)
o OR MAIL TO: Port Jervis Council for the Arts, PO Box 17, Port Jervis NY 12771
Your reservation includes transportation and admission to: Frida Kahlo / Art, Garden, Life in the Enid A.
Haupt Conservatory, NY Botanical Garden and also the Everett Children's Adventure Garden, Rock
Garden, tram tour, garden grounds, public programs happening that day.
 Lunch: You may eat at a Botanical Garden café or you may bring your own lunch, which you'll
need to carry with you as we will not return to the bus until mid-afternoon.
 Facilities: There is a bathroom on the bus.
 Bus: Getting on the bus involves three steps; there is no lift. A wheelchair can be stored.
 Location: The Botanical Garden, its buildings, and its tour vehicles are accessible. However, due
to the garden's naturally varied topography, portions of the historic landscape may be
There are no refunds if you cancel; you’re welcome to notify us that you’ve given your reservation to
another adult.
If the trip is cancelled due to lack of participation (we will know this the first week of May) we will contact
you. We will shred your check or you may pick it up at Smith Plumbing and Heating by May 15, 2015.
PJCA will not mail the checks and any checks left after May 15 will be shredded.
Questions? Call Bill 845-856-6741 or e-mail
Thank you for your support!
PO Box 17 · Port Jervis NY 12771
return this page with check
Frida Kahlo at NY Botanical Gardens Bus Trip
Wednesday May 27, 2015
DEADLINE May 1, 2015
name ______________________________________________________________________________
if under age 18, accompanying adult: ______________________________________________________
telephone number ___________________________________________________
e-mail ______________________________________________________________________________
re-print e-mail ________________________________________________________________________
 sign me up for PJCA e-news
Liability Release
I, being 18 years of age or older, do for myself (and for and on behalf of my child-participant if said child
is not 18 years of age or older) do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless Port
Jervis Council for the Arts, its board members, and agents, from any and all liability, claims or demands
for personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature
whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and/or the child-participant that occur while said
child is participating in the above-described trip or activity.
I understand that no refunds will be given, unless the trip is cancelled due to lack of participation, in which
case I will be notified the first week in May, and my check will be shredded or I will pick it up by May 15, or
it will be shredded.
signature ____________________________________________________________________________
PO Box 17 · Port Jervis NY 12771