Events and News May 2015 In This Issue Hockney Exhibition Tour and Reception Opera Ticket Opportunity New at the Museum Quick Links Portland Art Museum To update your contact information please click here and then click "Update Profile/Email Address" CAC Board of Directors 2014-2015 President Pam Berg Vice President Daniel Peabody Treasurer Jeff Miller David Hockney (English, born 1937), Drop Curtain for "The Rake's Progress," 1975-79, Collection of the David Hockney Foundation. © David Hockney. Tuesday, May 12th 6:00 pm David Hockney: A Rake's Progress Exhibition Tour and Reception Portland Art Museum, Hoffman Entrance You are invited to join Mary Weaver Chapin, PhD, the Secretary Linda Mantel Membership Richard Testut Travel Christopher Perry Program Chair & Immediate Past President James Minden Hospitality Chair Tamara English Board Members At-Large David Adams Michael Greicus Glenda Goldwater Kate Johnson Bruce Morrison Council Coordinator Jan Quivey 503-276-4242 Curator of Graphic Arts, for a curator-led tour of the David Hockney: A Rake's Progress exhibition. This exhibition celebrates David Hockney's artistic dialogue with William Hogarth, the great English engraver and painter of the eighteenth century. In 1735, Hogarth published a series of eight prints that chronicle the rise and fall of the fictional Tom Rakewell, the son and heir of a rich merchant, who squanders his money on luxurious living, prostitution, and gambling. After a trip to New York, Hockney produced his own interpretation of the story. Hockney's A Rake's Progress was published as a portfolio of 16 etchings in 1963 and is considered one of the high points of his early career. In 1975, Hockney collaborated with director John Cox to create a new production of Igor Stravinsky's opera based on Hogarth's The Rake's Progress. Hockney drew inspiration from the 18th-century master's engravings, endowing the set designs and costumes with a linearity that speaks not only to the language of prints, but also to the modern angularity of Stravinsky's score. The result is both playful and rigorous, a perfect blend of the aural and visual. Please use the Hoffman Entrance, which is next to the gift shop. The tour will start promptly at 6:15 pm. Please RSVP for this event by replying to this email or by calling 503-276-4267 ext. 2 by Thursday May 7th. Please give us your name and the names of any guests who will be attending. The Hockney exhibition is complemented by the Portland Opera's production of The Rake's Progress on June 11, 12, and 14, 2015, featuring Hockney's celebrated scenic and costume designs. (See Special Opportunity for Tickets in the article below) Bruce Guenther, recently retired Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at PAM, was honored for his service to the Contemporary Art Council on April 9th. Here a relaxed Bruce stands with the Sol LeWitt print that was purchased by the Museum with funds from the CAC and presented at the event. Special Opportunity for Tickets Thursday, June 11th 7:30 pm Portland Opera's The Rake's Progress Keller Auditorium CAC members have been invited to join members of the Graphic Arts Council at the Portland premier of Igor Stravinsky's The Rake's Progress with sets and costumes by Hockney. The Portland Opera has generous offered Council members a substantial discount for seats in the first balcony. After the performance, general director Christopher Mattaliano and PAM graphic arts curator Mary Weaver Chapin, will discuss the opera in an informal "talk-back" session with the audience. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity! To take advance of this special pricing, please send a check for $104/seat, made payable to Portland Opera, along with your mailing address and a contact phone number, to Portland Opera; ATTN: Mark Tiarks; 211 SE Caruthers; Portland, OR 97214 by Wednesday, May 20. Tickets for orders received by May 20 will be mailed; for orders received after May 20, the tickets will be held at will call for pick up prior to the performance. For more information see the website of the Portland Opera. New at the Museum This section of the CAC newsletter is designed to demonstrate the activity and vitality of the contemporary art galleries at the Portland Art Museum. It lists modern and contemporary artworks on display at the museum for a limited time. Don't wait too long to visit the museum galleries or you may miss seeing these artworks. For a printable PDF file of this list click here. Sigmar Polke (German, 1941-2010) Ohne Titel (Untitled), 1982 Acrylic and gold pigment, and acrylic and dispersion, on printed fabric Private Collection Belluschi Building, Sammons Gallery, Lower Level. Alfred Stieglitz (American, 1864-1946) 291 - Picasso-Braque Exhibition, 1915 Platinum Print Mark Building, Suwyn Gallery, Lower Level. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (German, 1880-1938) Frau mit schwarzen Strümpfen (Die schwarze Grete), 1909 (Woman with black stockings [The black Grete]) Oil on board laid down on canvas Private Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 1st floor. Joan Miro (Spanish, 1893-1983) Femme, 1981 Bronze Private Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 1st floor. Pierre Jean Louis Soulages (French, born 1919) Peinture 81 x 60 cm, 1955 Oil on canvas Private Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 1st floor. Lucio Fontana (Italian, born Argentina, 1899-1968) Concetto Spaziale, Attesa, 1964-65 (Spatial Concept, Waiting) Waterpaint on canvas Private Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 2nd floor. Bruce Nauman (American, born 1941) Concrete Shaft 2/3 Underground, 1972 Charcoal and pencil on paper Private Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 2nd floor. Julian Schnabel (American, born 1951) Portrait of Hope Makler, 1989 Paint and Bondo on plywood Lent by the Makler Family Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 2nd floor. Frank Auerbach (English, born Germany, 1931) J.Y.M. Seated V, 1983 Oil on canvas Anonymous Gift Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 3rd floor. Willy Heeks (American, born 1951) The Blue Weight, 2005 Oil on canvas Museum Purchase: Robert Hale Ellis Jr. Fund for the Blanche Eloise Day Ellis and Robert Hale Ellis Memorial Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 4th floor. Ed Ruscha (American, born 1937) Smash, 1963 Oil on canvas Anonymous loan Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 4th floor. Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977) Likunt Daniel Ailin (The World Stage: Israel), 2013 Bronze, Edition of 3, 2 AP Museum Purchase: Funds provided by patrons of the 2014 NEW for the WALL evening Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 4th floor. Jeff Koons (American, born 1955) Gazing Ball (Crouching Venus), 2013 Plaster and glass Private Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 4th floor. Peter Fischli (Swiss, born 1952) & David Weiss (Swiss, 1946-2012) Hostessen, 2012 Painted aluminum Private Collection Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 4th floor. Gerhard Richter (German, born 1932) Netz, 573-2, 1985 Oil on canvas Lent by the James B. Tananbaum and Dana S. Tananbaum Family Trust Mark Building, Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, 4th floor. Help the CAC grow The Contemporary Art Council of the Portland Art Museum explores contemporary art by working closely with curators, going behind the scenes at the Museum and connecting with other members who share an interest in art, culture and scholarship. The CAC is of great benefit to the art community and we ask members to help by encouraging others to become involved. Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in joining. Museum membership is also required. Use the "Forward email" link below. You may also access CAC and Museum membership forms here. 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