PORTLAND PARKS AND RECREATION PO Box 71 Portland, CT 06480 (860)-342-6757 (860)-342-6763 FAX SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS 2015 LITTLE HIKERS SKYHAWKS PROGRAMS BASKETBALL CLINICS AND CAMPS USTA SUMMER TENNIS PROGRAM CHRIS CORKUM’S BASEBALL CAMP JUNIOR GOLF WORKSHOP & PROGRAMS CHEERLEADING CAMP FUN RUNS AT VALLEY VIEW PLAY-WELL “TEK”NOLOGIES LEGO CAMPS INTRO TO HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING MEN’S OVER 30 DROP IN BASKETBALL PILATES TAI CHI CLASSES HORSESHOE LEAGUE PORTLAND CROP WALK TO COMBAT HUNGER HIKE PORTLAND AIR LINE TRAIL YOUTH SPORTS CONTACTS CHALLENGER SOCCER CAMP 2015 SWIMMING LESSONS WEEKENDS AT INGERSOLL TUESDAY NIGHT CONCERT SERIES PORTLAND LIBRARY – FAMILY SUMMER SHOWS. PORTLAND PARKS AND RECREATION Po Box 71, 265 Main Street, Portland, CT 06480 Phone: 342-6757 Fax: 342-6763 www.portlandct.org Participant’s Name: ___________________________ Phone Number: ______________ Street Address _________________ Apt. #____ Town:__________ Zip Code:______ Male: ___ Female: ____ Date of Birth _________________ School Grade:________ Mother’s Name _________________ Father’s Name _________________ Home Number ________________ E-mail Address:_________________ Mom’s Work Phone:__________________ Dad’s Work Phone:__________________ Mom’s Cell Phone: __________________ Dad’s Cell Phone: __________________ Shirt Size IF NEEDED (Please circle) Youth Medium Large Adult Small Medium Large If a parent is not available: Emergency Contact: ________________________________ Relationship: ______________ Home Phone # _____________ Work Phone: _________ Cell Phone #__________________ Child's Physician: __________________________________Phone #: ____________________ * If there are any medical concerns or allergies that we should be aware of, please list below: ________________________________________________________________________ In case of an emergency, may we transport via ambulance? Please circle: Yes No Please list anyone who does not have permission to pick up your child (If this is a biological parent, a copy of the court order must accompany this form). _________________________ I give the Portland Parks and Recreation Dept. permission to use any photographs taken during the program to be used in any advertising, i.e. web site, program literature: Yes No Program(s) Date(s) Week(s) Time Fee 1. _______________ ______ ________ __________ _______ 2. _______________ ______ ________ __________ ______ TOTAL: _______ My child is in good health and has my permission to participate in this program and on field trips. I understand that various activities during camp present a risk of injury. I have read the camp brochure including the registration and refund policies and hereby give my child permission to participate in all camp activities. I also agree to provide an updated health and history form with the registration. Parent or Guardian: __________________ (Print Name) __________________ (Signature) __________ (Date) Early Childhood Programs LITTLE HIKERS FREE to young children and their families (older siblings welcome!) The Portland Early Childhood Council, Youth Services, and Parks and Recreation are teaming up to offer an exciting opportunity for young children and their families to hike Portland trails, enjoy nature, and learn a little more about the natural space around them! The PECC will offer a short guided Portland hike once a month. Please wear weather appropriate clothing, bring anything that will help your little ones along the way (backpacks, carriers, etc.), and pack a bagged lunch or snack if you’d like! Please call or e-mail to sign up before each hike: Allison Behnke, PECC Coordinator 860-342-6758 Earlychildhoodcouncil@portlandct.org Map/directions are available at Portland Youth Services, Portland Town Hall, or on-line at www.portlandct.org (Youth Services Page) Send an e-mail and get added to the e-mail list for directions that will be forwarded each month. The program will be cancelled if there are poor weather conditions-an email will go out and you can call Parks & Recreation Hotline the day of the hike to learn if it has been canceled 860-262-7234, Please, no dogs. Portland Hikes Sat., May 23, 10 AM Camp Ingersoll Sat., June 20, 10 AM Palmer Preserve Sat., July 25, 10 AM The Oak Ledges Sat., Aug. 22, 11:30 Roy Collins Preserve Sat. September 19, 10 AM Portland Reservoir SKYHAWKS TINY-HAWK (Soccer & Basketball) This multi-sport program is tailored to your child’s age and skill level while teaching life lessons such as respect and teamwork. This is a fun and positive first step into athletics. Day: Monday – Thursday Date: June 22 - 25 Age: 3 - 4 Time: 4:30 – 5:20 p.m. Site: Veteran’s Park Fee: $55 PARKS AND RECREATION – KIDDIE KAMP Age: 3 to 5 – must be potty trained Fee: $70 per week, except June 29th ($56) st Date: June 29th – July 31 – 5 weeks – each week is an individual session No Program: July 3rd Site: PHS Pre-School Room Days: Monday – Friday Time: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm For more information, please see our Summer Playground Brochure at www.portlandct.org. SPRING BASKETBALL BOYS GRADE 5 – 8 BASKETBALL HIGHLANDERS FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS ACADEMY Players will work on fundamental drills/ skills that the high school program is taught in progression. KEEP YOUR FUNDAMENTAL SKILL SHARP Shooting drills/ technique, boxing out, defensive stance & proper rotation, triple threat series, ball handling with & without pressure, 2 man games, skills to work on in the off season, handling pressure, basic offensive & defensive foundational systems, open gym time toward the end of sessions, Plus much more! WHEN: Wednesday, May 20, 27, June 3, 10, 17 WHERE: PHS GYMNASIUM WHO: Grade 5-8 Boys TIME: 7-8pm PRICE: $25 for all 5 sessions ($5 a session if you can only attend some sessions). PLEASE NOTE THE DAYS YOU CAN ATTEND, IF SIGNING UP FOR LESS THEN 5 SESSIONS. NO REFUNDS IF YOU MISS A SESSION YOU SIGNED UP FOR. SUMMER BASKETBALL PROGRAMS INTENSITY GIRLS BASKETBALL CLINIC The Clinic Director will be Laurie Kelley, and is staffed by members of the PHS Girls Basketball team. The daily schedule includes: Dynamic Warm-Ups, Skill Stations, Water/Snack Break, Games & Drills, Lunch Break, Lecture & Instruction, Team Games and Daily Relay Contest. Achievement Awards presented for: Ball Handling, Lay ups, Outside Shooting, Foul Shooting, Defense, Rebounding, Best Attitude, Hustle, Most Improved and Team Competitions. All participants receive a T-shirt! Please bring a lunch, snacks & water. There will also be water and snacks available for purchase. A family discount of $25 is available for each additional family member. Day: Monday - Thursday Date: June 29 – July 2 Site: Portland High School & Middle School Grade: 5 – 9 as of Sept. 2015 Time: 9:00 – 3:00 pm Fee: $150 TRIPLE THREAT BASKETBALL CLINIC High School Varsity Basketball Coach Chris Serra and his staff and players will offer a week long clinic for Boys entering grades 4 – 9. The focus on the program will be fundamental skills on basketball and life. Each day participants will be taught new offensive, defensive, and game skills through demonstration, guest lectures, and drills. Games will be incorporated into daily lessons and fun competitions will end the week of basketball. Day: Monday - Friday Date: July 6 – 10th Site: Portland High School & Middle School Gym Grade: 4 – 9 as of Sept. 2015 Time: 9:00 – 3:00 pm Fee: $175 *Participants attending are required to bring a lunch and drinks to stay hydrated* *Snacks & and Drinks will be sold at the concession stand* *Each participant will receive a T-Shirt* SLAMMA JAMMA BASKETBALL CAMP This camp will have one half day session and one full day session. The camp will feature skills, awards, games and special guests. Each participant will receive a FREE BALL and FREE SHIRT! Date: July 20 - 24 Day: Monday - Friday Site: Gildersleeve Full Day Camp: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Fee: $140 Grade 4 - 9 Half Day Camp: 9:00 am to Noon Fee: $95 Grades: K – 3 YOUTH TENNIS USTA SUMMER JUNIOR TENNIS PROGRAM 2015The USTA Junior Program is designed to provide training and league play necessary to take junior players to the next level of competition. Teams will play matches verse teams from other towns. There will be two teams; 18 and Under team (High School) and,14 and under team (Grades 6,7,8). The Instructor is USTA certified coach Miguel Garcia, please feel free to contact him with questions at 203-4102453. Days: Tuesdays (Practices) Dates: June 16 – August 4 Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm Site: Portland High School. Fee: $70 includes USTA membership and T-shirt $50 if you currently have a USTA membership through Sept. 1, 2015 Age: Player must not turn 19 before Sept. 1st. Matches are played on Tuesday Early Afternoon (noon to 1pm start time) QUICK START TENNIS PROGRAM QuickStart Tennis is an exciting new instruction and play format for learning tennis. It is designed to bring kids into the game by utilizing specialized equipment, shorter court dimensions and modified games tailored to age and size of the player. This is a proven method to accelerate your child’s development and enjoyment of the game. For more information, go to www.partners.quickstarttennis.com or call Miguel Garcia at 203-410-2453 with any questions you may have. Days: Tuesdays Dates: June 30 – August 4th Fee: $50 Grade: K-2 Time: 5:45 – 6:30 pm Grade: 3-5 Time: 6:30 – 7:15 pm Grade: 6-8 Time: 7:15 - 8:00 pm Site: PHS Courts Limit 16 Instructor: Karen Piazza USPTP certified coach SKYHAWKS TENNIS – Two Sessions Skyhawks Sports Tennis focuses on skill refinement as well as practice and match play to develop consistent, well-rounded tennis players. Players learn proper grips, footwork, strokes, volleys and serves during a series of drills designed to teach skills in a fun and dynamic way. Day: Monday - Friday Site: Portland High School Tennis Courts Time: 9:00 a.m. – Noon Age: 7 to 12 Fee: $115 Session I: July 13 - 17 Session II: Aug. 3 - 7 BASEBALL CHRIS CORKUM’S BASEBALL CAMP Chris Corkum and his staff bring out the best in young athletes of all levels. The daily camp includes individual and small group instruction in fielding, throwing, hitting, pitching, base running and game situations. Campers are carefully guided through selected activities and drills that culminate in team play. Please bring a bat and glove. Boys and girls are both eligible to participate. Participants will receive a Tshirt. Day: Date: Time: Monday - Thursday July 13 - 16 (Rain Date July 17) 8:00 a.m. – Noon. Site: Valley View Age: 7 to 12 Fee: $105 SUMMER GOLF PROGRAMS JUNIOR GOLF WORKSHOP With PGA GOLF PROFESSIONAL GERRY D’AMORA This workshop is designed to acquaint participants with the game of golf. The daily schedule includes demonstrations, learning the rules of golf, golf skills & techniques, learning the short game (putting and chipping), golf etiquette, and a chance to walk and play Portland’s Executive Course, Portland West. If you have clubs please bring them. Sneakers are allowed. The instructor will give rain date. Min. 8 Max. 10. Grade Entering: K – 2 Grade Entering: 3 – 5 Grade Entering: 6 – 8 Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Time: 4:30 – 5:30 pm Time: 5:30 – 6:30 pm Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm SESSION 1 Monday - Thursday Fee: $75 per session Site: Portland West Rain Date – June 26th June 22 – 25 SESSION 2 Monday - Thursday Fee: $75 per session Site: Portland West July 6 - 9 Rain Date – July 10th SESSION 3 - TUESDAY NIGHT CLASS Tuesdays Fee: $75 per session Site: Portland West July 14 – August 4 Rain Date – Aug. 11 SKYHAWKS BEGINNING GOLF One of our most popular programs, Skyhawks Golf focuses on building the confidence of young athletes through proper technique and refining the essential skills of the game. As you know, golf is a challenging and lifelong sport, so young athletes need proper focus on the fundamentals of form, swinging, putting, and body positioning. This camp is specifically designed for the entry-level player with simplified instruction so that young players can make an easy & effective transition onto the golf course. No need to bring your own clubs, all equipment is provided. Day: Monday - Friday Date: July 27 – July 31 Site: Valley View Time: 9:00 a.m. – Noon Age: 5 to 8 Fee: $115 NEW - MENS GOLF CLINIC Always wanted to learn how to play golf or just brush up on your skills? Parks and Recreation in cooperation with Portland West will offer a men’s golf clinic. Golf Professional Gerry D’Amora from Portland West will be the instructor of this 5-week session. Maximum of 10 students. Day: Fridays Dates: June 5 – July 3 Time: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Fee: $110 Site: Portland West Men’s Senior Golf League at Portland West! Come join “The Boys of Summer” playing Mondays starting May 4th MULTI-SPORT CAMPS SKYHAWKS MINI-HAWK (Soccer & Basketball) This multi-sport program was developed to give young children ages 4 to 7 a positive first step into athletics. The essentials of basketball and soccer are taught in a safe, structured environment with lots of encouragement and a big focus on fun. Day: Monday – Thursday Date: June 22 – June 25 Age: 4 – 7 Time: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Site: Veteran’s Park Fee: $55 SKYHAWKS MINI –HAWK (Soccer, Baseball & Basketball) SkyHawks multi-sport program is tailored to your child’s age and skill level while teaching life lessons such as respect and teamwork! The essentials of basketball, baseball and soccer are taught in a safe, structured environment with lots of encouragement and a big focus on fun. Day: Monday – Friday Date: August 10 – 14 Age: 4 – 7 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Site: Valley View Fee: $115 SKYHAWKS MULTI-SPORTS (Soccer, Baseball, Basketball & Flag Football) This multi-sport program is tailored to your child’s age and skill level while teaching life lessons such as respect and teamwork. This is a fun and positive first step into athletics. Day: Monday – Friday Date: August 10 - 14 Age: 7 - 10 Time: 9:00 am - Noon. Site: Valley View Fee: $115 SUMMER LEGO CAMPS PLAY-WELL “TEK”NOLOGIES present LEGO CAMP – PRE-ENGINEERING Using LEGOs we’ll create, play, and learn. Build a town, city, or star base with houses, buildings, pyramids, bridges, tunnels, towers, and more. Build motorized cars, trains, buses, and trucks; race them; crash them; repair them. Explore the many possibilities of LEGO building systems while learning useful construction techniques. Min. 11 Max. 25 Please pack a lunch or snack for your child. Age: 5 to 7 Time: 9:00 a.m. – Noon Site: Buck Foreman Building SESSION 1 Day: Monday –Thursday Date: June 29 to July 2 (no class 7/3) Fee: $110 SESSION 2 Day: Monday – Friday Date: August 10 – 14 Fee: $135 PLAY-WELL “TEK”NOLOGIES present LEGO CAMP ENGINEERING “FUN”DAMENTALS Using LEGOs we’ll explore concepts in physics, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, and architecture while playing with your favorite creation. Learn how to design and build motorized machines, catapults, demolition derby cars, truss and suspension bridges, buildings, and other constructions. Each session will include directed projects with instruction, performance-oriented projects with guidance of LEGO. Min. 11 & Max. 25. Please pack a snack and drink for your child Age: 8 to 10 Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm Site: Buck Foreman Building Day: Monday - Thursday Day: Monday – Friday SESSION 1 Date: June 29 – July 2 (No July 3) SESSION 2 Date: August 10 – 14 Fee: $110 Fee: $135 RUNNING AND CHEERLEADING PROGRAMS ANNUAL SUMMER FUN RUN SERIES Sponsored by Portland Automotive Each week runners will compete in races from 400 M to 3200 M. This six week series will have ribbons awarded each week and certificates will be given out at the end of the series for all runners who competed in at least four of the six races. SEVEN different age categories!!! Day: Wednesdays Date: June 24 – July 29 (Six Weeks) Site: Valley View School Time: 6:00 p.m. Fee: FREE NECA CHEERLEADING CAMP Come join the fun this summer with the New England Cheerleaders Association! Cheerleaders at every level are encouraged to attend. Curriculum will be taught at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels to allow all athletes to get the most out of their camp week. Learn new stunts, dances, and cheers and take home some winning routines for your season. This camp is open to individuals and teams. Individuals will be grouped by grade completed and ability level. All groups will leave camp with cheers that are sure to get your crowd shouting with you and a mini routine that can be used as a halftime or basis for your competition. Don't miss out on this exciting cheer camp! Day: Monday -Wednesday Site: Parks and Recreation/Town Green Rain Site: Buck Foreman Comm. Ctr. Date: July 13 - 15 Grade Completed: 3 – 11 Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Fee: $135 SUMMER PLAYGROUNDS/CAMP PROGRAMS SUMMER QUEST SummerQuest “Mini-Camps” Minis – (Completed Grades K -2) – Awesome experience for our youngest campers! Activities focus on fantastic arts and crafts, exciting music and theater, basic nature lessons and sports! Juniors – (Completed Grades 3 – 5) – Get to experience all of what camp has to offer from the most active sports games to the most challenging arts & crafts! Don’t miss out! Teens – (Completed Grades 6 - 8) – Our most independent group! Teens will get the opportunity to spend time doing what they love to do, whether it is sports, nature, arts & crafts or other! Teens will also have chances to go off campus for fun events! C.I.T. - Counselor in Training – (Completed Grades 9 & 10) - For the program this year, CITs will learn valuable practical skills with hands-on experience and direct feedback from our directing staff. Program Structure Specialties: Sports, Arts & Crafts, Nature & Science, and Music & Theater Where: Portland High/Middle School Complex Times: Early Camp (7:30 – 8:30 am), Base Camp (8:30 am – 3:30 pm), Half-Day (8:30 am to 12:30 pm), and Late Camp (3:30 pm to 5:30 pm) For more information, please visit our summer playground brochure at www.portlandct.org SWIMMING LESSONS WEEKDAY SWIMMING LESSONS PLEASE REGISTER AT PORTLAND PARKS AND RECREATION OFFICE Portland residents will be offered Swimming Lessons at the Northern Middlesex YMCA for children ages 5 to 12. The swimming lessons will be in a two week block. We will be offering two options: Option #1 will be for children that are not enrolled in the playground program and do not need transportation. Option #2 will be for children in the Summer Quest program. NOTE: If you need transportation: Age 7 and younger will need a booster seat. If a child needs a Special Needs session (1 on 1 with an instructor) fee is $30 per class. Sessions Session 1 – July 6 to July 16 Session 2– July 20 – July 30 Session #3 – August 3 – 13th Days: Monday – Thursday Age: 5 to 12 Site: Middlesex YMCA in Middletown New Time: 10:10 – 10:50 Option #1 children that are not in the playground program and do not need transportation Fee: $100 Max: 24 Option #2 will be for children in the Summer Quest program Fee: $120 Max: 14 INTRO TO HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING CLINIC This camp is designed to teach participants the rules and techniques of High School wrestling. Learn stance, takedowns, escapes, reversals and pinning combinations. In addition to learning these techniques we will be drilling and live wrestling! This camp is the perfect opportunity to explore the sport of wrestling to see if it’s something you would like to do in High School. Please bring shorts, T-shirt, sneakers and drink. Optional suggested equipment to bring (but not required) mouth guard, knee pads, head gear, wrestling shoes. The program is open to boys and girls grades 5 through 12. Date: July 13 – 17 Site: PHS Wrestling Room Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Instructor: PHS Wrestling Coaching Staff & Members of the PHS team. Fee: $125 ADULT PROGRAMS Men’s Over 30 Drop in Basketball Looking for the opportunity to shoot some hoops this summer and brush up on your game? Here’s a chance to participate in free play basketball games! Day: Tuesdays Dates: May 26 to August 25 Time: 7:30 to Dark Site: Main Street Play Area PILATES Pilates is an exercise option for everyone. Designed to develop a strong core while maintaining loose, limber limbs, the exercises provide multiple variations to meet the needs of different body types. This class will focus on the basic principles of Pilates to start strengthening core muscles, stomach and back and improve balance and coordination between the body’s limbs. Class is taught by a Personal Euphoria Pilates Certified Instructor. 10-Week Summer Session: July 2 – Sept. 3 Day: Thursdays Min: 15 Site: Buck Foreman, 265 Main Street Age: 18 years and older Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Fee: $40 Resident/$52 Non-Residents Tai Chi For Long Life 10-Week Session Tai Chi For Long Life is a unique health and fitness program designed to help relieve chronic pain and sickness, reverse many symptoms associated with normal aging, significantly reduce the harmful effects of stress, instill a deep sense of calm and relaxation, increase vitality and improve one’s overall quality of health. Tai Chi has been proven through scientific studies to, among other things, improve balance, alleviate arthritis, reduce bone loss due to osteoporosis and manage blood sugar levels. Day: Wednesday Time: 9:30 a.m. Dates: June 3 – August 5 Day: Friday Time: 1:00 p.m. Dates: June 5 – August 14 (no class July 3) Site: Buck Foreman Comm. Ctr. Instructor: Ken Zaborowski Fee: $40 for 1 class per week or $80 for 2 classes per week or $6.00 drop in class. HORSESHOE LEAGUE The Portland Adult Horseshoe League is looking for new members and/or teams. Anyone interested please contact the Portland Parks and Recreation Department for more information or to be put on a waiting list. The league plays on Thursday nights at Bransfield Park. SPRING WALK AND HIKES PORTLAND CROP WALK TO COMBAT HUNGER On Sunday, May 3, at 1:00 p.m. with the support of the local community, The First Congregational Church of Portland will hold a town-wide CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Hunger Walk in order to take action against hunger. All people in the community are welcome to participate! This year the walk is 3.2 miles and starts at First Congregational Church, 554 Main Street. Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. Prizes will be awarded to the youngest and oldest walker, the walker who raises the most money and the walker who collects the most food items for the Portland Food Bank. The food items can be dropped off in the collection box at Tri Town or at First Cong. Church on the day of the walk (between 11:30 and 2:30 p.m.) For a registration packet to collect donations before you walk, please call or email The First Cong. Church at 860-342-3244 or first.church.pct@sbcglobal.net. If you are not able to participate but wish to donate, please send check donations made payable to CWS/CROP to : The First Congregational Church, 554 Main Street, Portland, CT 06480. HIKE PORTLAND AIR LINE TRAIL Join in on the kickoff event of the NEW Portland Air Line Trail on Saturday, June 6th from 10:00 to 12:30 starting from the parking lot of YMCA’s Camp Ingersoll! Two, four or five mile leisurely group hikes for individuals or families led by volunteers! The trail work is in its beginning stages, therefore, closed toe footwear is recommended & bring a water bottle and sunscreen! PORTLAND YOUTH SPORTS CLUBS PORTLAND SOCCER CLUB 2015 Club Contacts: Chris Donahue- President - donahuecj@sbcglobal.net or 860-342-3228 Chris Dickman - Vice President - cdickman@snet.net - 860-342-5047 Nick Stevas, Registrar (registration) – 3stevas@comcast.net – 860-342-5791 PORTLAND SOCCER CLUB presents CHALLENGER SOCCER CAMP 2015 Portland Soccer Club (PSC) will again be hosting British Soccer Camp offered by Challenger Sports for all Portland residents and our surrounding communities. This is not only a great opportunity for players of all ages and abilities to receive high-level soccer coaching from a team of international soccer coaches and players, but also for local travel teams to prepare for the upcoming fall season. CAMP REGISTRATION at www.bluesombreo.com/portlandsoccerclub Challenger Camp link on right side. Day: Monday – Friday Date: August 17 - 21 GET IN THE GAME!! Panther Youth Football & Cheer Football Ages 6 to 13 and Cheer 6 to 14 For Registration & Fee Information, Please visit our website: www.panthersyouthfootballct.com TEE-BALL/PORTLAND LITTLE LEAGUE/SOFTBALL 2015 Information for Portland Little League registration for the 2015 season can be found by visiting their web site at www.portlandctlittleleague.org or by sending an email to infor@portlandctlittleleague.org Please note: Registration for Portland Soccer, Panther’s Football/Cheer & Little League is through each individual program, not through the Parks & Recreation Dept. Youth Basketball Travel Basketball - Gary Collins at 860-342-5069 garyhughcollins@gmail.com Recreation Basketball - Parks and Recreation Office at 860-342-6757 sdwyer@portlandct.org CAMP INGERSOLL SRPING AND SUMMER YOUTH AND FAMILY PROGRAMS This summer, Camp Ingersoll will be providing programs and memberships to the public including Portland Residents. This will give families and individuals the chance to enjoy the great 77 acres outdoor facility, right here in Portland. QUESTIONS: Please contact Ben Silliman at (860)-343-6239 or bsilliman@midymca.org FISHING FUN AT YMCA Learn some basics of Fishing at Jobs Pond; Casting, Different types of fish, knot tying, ecology, responsible and respectful fishing practices Session: Tuesdays May 19th – June 16th 5 – 6:00 PM Age: 10 to 14 years old, younger children must have adult supervision PLEASE REGISTER AT MIDYMCA.ORG OR CALL TRACY SEIGLE AT 860-347-6907 SATURDAY MORNING SWIMMING LESSONS This year swimming lessons will be offered at Camp Ingersoll YMCA in Portland. The YMCA will provide the staff swimming instructors. Must register at YMCA Days: Saturdays Dates: July 11 – August 8 Site: Middlesex YMCA at Camp Ingersoll Fee: $55 Max: 18 Pre-school classes: 3 to 5 years old Time: 10:20 – 11:15 am School Age: 6 to 14 years Time: 11:20 am– 12:05 pm or 12:10 – 12:55 pm WEEKENDS AT INGERSOLL This summer, YMCA Camp Ingersoll will be opening on weekends for families to enjoy the 77 acres of fields, trails, picnic areas and Jobs Pond. Come to swim, play, and spend time together while exploring camp and enjoying the outdoors. Activities include; picnics and cookouts, hiking, mountain biking, basketball, volleyball, frisbee golf, swimming, boating, and fishing YMCA members: $100 Non-members: $200 Register by May 15th and save 25%. RACE 4 CHASE Race for chase is a free, 6- week summer triathlon training program at YMCA Camp Ingersoll for children ages 6 to 12 years old. This program is named for Chase Kowalski, an amazing little boy from Newton, who loved to run. Race 4 Chase strives to empower kids to reach their full potential. This program provides youth with a fun, skill building, life-changing experience by introducing them to the sport of triathlon. Day: Mondays Dates: June 22 – August 3 (6 weeks) Time: 9:00 am to 12:30 PM Place: Camp Ingersoll Fee: FREE Space is limited. PLEASE REGISTER FOR FISHING FUN AT YMCA, SATURDAY MORNING SWIMMING LESSONS, WEEKENDS AT INGERSOLL, AND RACE 4 CHACE AT THE YMCA TUESDAY NIGHT CONCERT SERIES **MUSIC ON THE RIVER @ PORTLAND RIVERFRONT PARK SPONSORED BY UNITED TECHNOLOGIES Hosted by BROWNSTONE QUORUM & PORTLAND PARKS & RECREATION Day Date Time Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday July 21 July 28 August 4 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Tuesday August 11 6:30 PM Performer CJ West & The Downtown Train Seat of Our Pants Great Hill Mountain Band Michael Cleary Band CONCERT RAIN DATE: August 18th **NOTE: If we are under construction at the Riverfront, the concerts will be held at Town Green behind the Parks and Recreation and Portland Police Department. PORTLAND LIBRARY – FAMILY SUMMER SHOW PERFORMERS All shows will be held on the Town Green near the Gazebo or if it rains, inside the Library. Day Wed. Wed. Wed. Wed. Wed. Wed. Date June 24 July 8 July 15 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5 Time 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Performer LuckyBob (acrobat) Keith Munslow (variety act) Abdou Sarr (African Dancer) World Class Frisbee Show Superhero Training Academy Creature Teachers Brownstone Discovery & Exploration Park Portland Free Days for General Swim Pass Monday May 25 / Sunday June 14 / Saturday August 1 / Sunday Sept. 13
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