Office of Commissioner Steve Novick City of Portland, Oregon REPORT TO COUNCIL DATE: April 9,2015 TO: City Council FROM: Commissioner Steve Novick SUBJECT: Accept Private For-Hire Transportation Innovation Task Force Preliminary Report I am pleased to submit for your consideration a preliminary report from the Private For-Hire Transportation Innovation Task Force that provides recommendations for regulations that apply to Transportation Network Service operators and taxicab companies. In January 2015,I convened the l2-member community Task Force to provide guidance and recommendations on how the City of Portland's Private for-Hire Transportation (PFHT) regulatory program should evolve and respond to new developments in the industry, including the entry of Transportation Network Companies. It is critical that the City provide necessary safeguards and standards to protect consumers, ensure accessibility for all, and allow for a fair, competitive market for drivers and companies across all sectors of the PFHT industry. The Task Force, so far, has held six meetings open to the public and two forums were convened to allow the Task Force to hear directly from PFHT drivers and consumers. Additionally, the Task Force solicited and received a great deal of public input. will continue to meet throughout this spring and will present comprehensive PFHT regulatory recommendations to Council this summer. The finalreport will include regulatory recommendations for all modes of for-hire transportation, including taxicabs, Transportation Network Companies, Limited Passenger Transportation companies, pedicabs and shuttles. The Task Force will continue to solicit public input as it develops recommendations. The Task Force Sincerely, Commissioner Steve Novick City of Portland, Oregon l22l SWFourthAvenue, Suite210 I Portland, Oregon 97204 Novick@PortlandOregon. gov Orncri cI.fY olì l22l SW PORTIAND, ORtrGON OFFICtr OI.' PUBLIC SAIIE Slnr¡li NoVIcK OF COMMISSIONER fY Final report will be distributed on 416115 4rh Avc. Suire 210 Portland, Orcgon 97204 Phone: .503-823-4682 Fax: (503)-823-4019 novick@¡lortlandoregorì. gov Inrpact Statenent lbl l(equestecl CoL¡ncil Âction {MT}ACT SiI'ATTTMtrNT I-egislation title: Accept Private lror-l-Iire'lranspoltation Imov¿ttion Tasl< Force Prelirninary Report. Contact namc: Bryan l-lockaday, Olfce of Commissioner Novick Contact plrone: 503-823-4682 Prosenter narne: Mike Greonfìeld, PFI-ll'Innovation Task ìrorce Chair Purposc of proposcd legislntion and background information: To provide Council with recommenclations lòr regr"rlations that apply to'fransportation Network Service operators and taxicab companies. Transportation Netwolk Service has emerged as a uniqtte model of private for'-hire transpoúation service in urany cities around the tJ,S. and world. As'l-ransportation Network Service operators seek entry into the Portland rnarket, Council rnay consider changes to the City's private lbr-hire transportation regulations. This report plovides regulatory recommendations fcrr Council's consideration. IrÍnancial and budgetary imp:rcts: This code amendment has no fìscal irr,pact. Community irnpacts ancl com m unity involvernent: Commissioner Novick convened the Private for-l-Iire Transportation Innovation Task F'orce in -fask F'orce will provide guidance and .Tanuary 2015. The 12-rnember community recomrrendations to the Conrmissioner on how the City of Portland's Privatc for'-l{ire 'lransportation (PFI{1-) regulatory program sl-rould evolve and responcl to new developments in the industry, including the ently ol'Transportation Network Companies. It is critioal that the City provide necessary safi:guards and standards to protect consllmers, ensrlre accessibility for all, and allow for a fàir, competitive marl<et fbr drivers and companies across all sectors of the PFITT industly. The Task lrorce, so làr, has held six meetings open to the public and convened two I'orums to heal directly 1ì'om PI.'H'I'drivers and consumers. Additionally, the Task lìorce solicited and received a great cleal ol public input. 'fhe report currently belòre Council is an initial recomÍnendation limitecl to'fransportation Networl< Selvice operators and t¿rxicab companies. 'Ihe Task lìorce will oontinue to rneet throughout this spring and will present conrprehensive lllìLl'f regulatory recommendations to Council this sumrner. llhe fìnal report will include regr,rlatory recolxnlenclations Jbr all modes of fòr-hire transportation, inclucling taxicabs, 1'ransportation Networl< Courpauies, Limited Passenger'l'ransporlation con'ìpanics, peclicabs and shuttles. l'he I'ask Force will continue to solicit public input as it develops reconlrrìenclatiolis. l)lì(lIiìVl lìIìlL 20l 4 r,crsion lnrpact Statclnent krr I{ecluested Counciì Action Budgetary Im¡rnct Worl<shcet Does this action changc appropriations? ynS: Please complete the inforniation below. f] ffi Fund I)li(-liNlIlIlll NO: Skip this section Fund Center 20 I 4 r,clsion Commit¡nent Functionatr trtcrn Ane¿r Fundcd Ìlnograrn Grant Sponsored Progrann Amount
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