PORT MACQUARIE/HASTINGS NEWSLETTER JUNE 2015 President: Nicola Herbert Vice President: Keith Reichenbach Treasurer: Erica De Carlo Secretary: Sandra Banks Public Officer: Erica De Carlo 6586 0424 6586 0201 6585 3052 6582 4318 6585 3052 Committee Members: Wanda Bainbrigge 6584 2337 John Banks 6582 4318 Teresa Iwinska 6584 8678 Joye Lavis 6582 1171 Trevor Read 6586 0424 John Urquhart 6584 8678 Website: www.portmacquarieseniors.com ____________________________________________________________________________________ NEXT MEETING: 9TH JUNE Our speaker this month is a "surprise". A surprise for you and a surprise for us...................... Our "Getting to Know You" segment will feature Anne Jackson. _____________________________________________________________________________________ NATIONAL SENIORS HOLDS INAUGURAL POLICY CONGRESS MEETING National Seniors’ new Policy Congress, comprised of representatives from around Australia, has convened in Brisbane for the first time. "Our own" John Urquhart was one of those representatives. A key activity of the policy congress is to provide advice to the National Seniors’ board on issues affecting the over 50s. Participants included National Seniors directors, volunteer state/territory Policy Advisory Group chairs and metropolitan and regional members drawn through an expression of interest process. The congress discussed policy principles and debated the organisation’s position on key issues such as pensions, the GST, superannuation concessions, negative gearing and health funding. The National Seniors Board will further discuss the policy principles at its next meeting. We are extremely fortunate to have a very strong voice from our own club involved at such a high level. _____________________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU A big thank you to John Banks and Andrew Moll who have been updating the website (www.portmacquarieseniors.com). Believe me, it is a complex operation and we need computer gurus to keep up to date! Our thanks also go to Marlene Davar and Joan Lundstrom who have agreed to help with our "Getting to Know You" segment and to secure future victims! Our club would not operate so smoothly, or be so effective, if it were not for our volunteers who give of their time so freely! Thank you all. HUNTER VALLEY TRIP Seventeen members took off from Port Macquarie on Wednesday 27th May - destination The Hunter Valley. We all met up in Maitland at the Art Gallery and enjoyed lunch followed by a leisurely walk around the gallery. We then proceeded to Morpeth and wandered through this beautiful, historical town, sightseeing and shopping before re-uniting at the Tuscany Estate Resort where we were to spend the night. We assembled in the bar at 6am for pre- dinner drinks and then moved across to the restaurant, where we were served a brilliant dinner. The menu is well worth reviewing: http://www.tuscanywineestate.com.au/the_mill/the_mill_restaurant_menu.pdf The unfortunate/fortunate timing of the State of Origin game saw everyone back in the bar - some to watch the game, some to drink affogatos (affogati?) - the small wager by participants making the game slightly more interesting - the winner of this bet being Ken Bainbrigge. The main aim of this wager was to ensure the winner bought the next round of drinks, but by this time, everyone, well nearly everyone, had had enough and we retired to bed. You owe us one, Ken! The next morning saw most of us, bright eyed and bushy tailed, tucking into a magnificent breakfast at 8am - poor Teresa had unfortunately caught a "lurgy" and was unable to join us. We then set off for the Hunter Valley Gardens, in the most perfect weather conditions, and strolled around the stunning horticultural wonderland for a few hours before more shopping in the gift shop and a return to base in order to catch the bus for the afternoon wine tour. We visited four wineries where the noise generated by the group was directly proportional to the amount of wine consumed. At day’s end there was almost unanimous accolades for the Scarborough Winery as the best, not just in terms of the wine, but for the sheer entertainment value of wine expert Alexandra, a delightful, young Polish woman. For a ‘cheaper’ dinner option we traversed the main road to enjoy pizza and beer at the local Hunter brewery. Andrew was the sole sampler of the ‘beer paddle’: a great selection of six different beers. Day three commenced with a casual breakfast and re-arrangement of our wine supplies in various car boots, prior to booking out. For some of us it was back to Scarborough Winery for more supplies, while others sampled cheese and wine at different venues. Our final stop was Sabor dessert bar where one could imagine being in Paris (or at the very least in St Kilda) where desserts abound. Wow! What an array of tempting morsels and what a great way to finish our trip. Thank you John, for all your hard work on arranging this trip. Roll on the next one! I have added some more photos at the end of the Newsletter for your enjoyment......... if anyone would like copies, please let me know. I will bring my computer to the meeting and you will be able to view others too................. MURDER MYSTERY - RETURN TO DRAGABAGALONG A wonderful afternoon's entertainment was provided on 9th May at the Tacking Point Tavern. Over thirty members enjoyed lunch prior to the commencement of the play, and then settled down to detective work. A complicated murder mystery, with many twists and turns was carefully dissected and solved by Judith Clegg, Keith Reichenbach, Joan and Graeme Lundstrom and Ann and Max Cross, pictured below, the prize being a huge tray of fruit and veggies. The cast is shown on the right. TRIP TO QUOTE OF THE MONTH I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food. W.C.Fields ___________________________________________________________________________________ JOKE OF THE MONTH - an inspiration to us all! As we get older we sometimes begin to doubt our ability to "make a difference" in the world. It is at these times that our hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements of other "seniors" who have found the courage to take on challenges that would make many of us wither. Harold Schlumberg is such a person: Harold says "I've often been asked, 'What do you do now that you're retired? 'Well...I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and whiskey into urine. It's rewarding, uplifting, satisfying and fulfilling. I do it every day and I really enjoy it." Well done Harold! ________________________________________________________________________________ GROAN OF THE MONTH Answering machine message, "I am not available right now, but thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes." _____________________________________________________________________________________ AGM JULY 2015 Please remember that we will be having our AGM in July and would love to welcome new members to the Committee. Any member will need to be nominated and seconded to a position - we NEED you. Please raise your hand and volunteer - we would love your participation and truly - it is not that onerous! WHO IS THIS? Here are two more pictures from the archives! I am now actively seeking more photos - please send them to me asap, before you get press-ganged too! _____________________________________________________________________________________ If you know of any member who may be unwell, please let anyone on the Committee know. It is important that we offer support if one of our members is unwell and let them know we are thinking of them. If anyone is in need of a helping hand to do a small job, again, let a Committee member know. We can also arrange for transport to and from meetings if anyone is unable to make their own arrangements. And if anyone is celebrating a big "0" birthday - again, please let a Committee member know. We are now accepting advertisements for the July Newsletter. Anyone interested should send their advert to me at herbertnicola@gmail.com - the cost is $5 for 40 words and $10 if accompanied by a photograph. This cost covers one issue only. Nicola Herbert - Editor/President The above two pictures may need some explanation - John's soufflé dessert was so appetising that there were two badly behaved individuals who threatened to share! Good fun was had by all!
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