ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 26 MAY 2015 Ordinary Meeting of Council Welcome Public Question Time Welcome to this Meeting of the Port Phillip City Council. Provision is made at the beginning of the meeting for general question time from members of the public. Questions relating to a topic on the agenda are not permitted during this time but can be asked prior to the discussion of that item. Council Meetings are an important way to ensure that your democratically elected representatives are working for you in a fair and transparent way. They also allow the public to be involved in the decision making process of Council. About this meeting There are a few things to know about tonight’s meeting. The first page of tonight’s Agenda itemises all the different parts to the meeting. Some of the items are administrative and are required by law. In the agenda you will also find a list of all the items to be discussed this evening. Each report is written by a Council officer outlining the purpose of the report, all relevant information and a recommendation. Council will consider the report and either accept the recommendation or make amendments to it. All decisions of Council are adopted if they receive a majority vote from the Councillors present at the meeting. If you would like to ask a question during Public Question Time, please fill in the blue ‘Do You Wish to ask a Question or make a Public Comment’ form located outside the chamber and give it to the Administrative Officer. Public Comment / Question Any person who has made a written submission on an item and requested that she or he be heard in support of that written submission pursuant to section 223 of the Local Government Act will be entitled to address Council. If you would like to address the Council and / or ask a question on any of the items being discussed tonight, please fill in the blue ‘Do You Wish to ask a Question or make a Public Comment’ form located outside the chamber and give it to the Administrative Officer. When your item is being discussed the Chairperson will call your name and ask you to address the Council. The length of time available to each speaker will be at the Chairpersons discretion. AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 PORT PHILLIP CITY COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL To Councillors Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of Council of the Port Phillip City Council will be held in Council Chamber, St Kilda Town Hall on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 at 6:00pm. At their discretion, Councillors may suspend the meeting for a short break at 8pm and 10pm as required. AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES An apology has been received from Cr Horvath. 2 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council of the Port Phillip City Council held on 12 May 2015. 3 DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 4 PETITIONS AND JOINT LETTERS .............................................................................................. 6 5 SEALING SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................... 8 6 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 7 COUNCILLOR QUESTION TIME 8 PRESENTATION OF REPORTS 8.1 Marina Reserve Event- Community Consultation ...............................................................................13 8.2 Proposed Lease Port Melbourne Football Club.....................................................................................71 8.3 Proposed Lease Gasworks Arts Park .......................................................................................................79 8.4 Proposed Lease South Melbourne Community Chest ........................................................................83 8.5 CEO Report - Issue 14 May 2015 ..........................................................................................................89 8.6 Discontinuance and Sale of Road R3253 ......................................................................................... 107 8.7 Drainage Maintenance Services Contract........................................................................................... 115 9 NOTICES OF MOTION Nil 10 REPORTS BY COUNCILLOR DELEGATES 11 URGENT BUSINESS 3 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 12 CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS ........................................................................................................ 127 The information contained in the following Council reports is considered to be Confidential Information in accordance with Section 77(2)(a) and Section 89(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended). 12.1 Education and Community Precinct 4 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 3. DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 5 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 4. PETITIONS AND JOINT LETTERS Item 4.1 A Petition was received from 60 signatories requesting immediate action be taken to improve Turner Reserve in Evans Street, Port Melbourne. The Petition states the following:“This park has been degraded through years of neglect and a systematic restoration program is now essential. The line of mature trees on the road side has been damaged by drastic and unnecessary pruning in 2014 and the cutting of the roots of the trees due to the installation of a storm water drain two months ago. No action was taken to aid the recovery of these trees. In 1995 some infill planting was done along the road side. None of the 16 trees planted has survived. Along the pedestrian/bike path 34 new trees were planted in 1995. 20 trees remain and several are in bad condition. The central grass area has an irrigation system that has not been used for the past ten years. The result is a churned up dust bowl every summer. We suggest immediate watering and mulching of the mature trees and extensive new planting along the pedestrian/bike path. The grass area should be covered with some decent top soil and several groups of additional trees added to help hold the soil. There should be a regular watering program.” OFFICER COMMENT Turner Reserve is located along the Port Melbourne light rail and is one of the eight lineal parks located along the length of the light rail, these reserves are managed consistently. The soil condition is poor along the entire length of the light rail, making it difficult to establish and maintain good grass and good tree health. A number of methods have been used to manage this including mulching of trees and maintenance on newly planted trees to support establishment. Civil works were completed on Evans Street during the month of January and April 2015, grass was damaged during these works but was reinstated, this was included in the project scope. One of the benefit of these civil works was to direct storm water into the reserve to improve tree health. As a part of Council’s annual infill tree planting program 54 new trees are programmed to be planted this year in May. Trees will be mulched and maintained for two years to support establishment, this should allow the trees to be successfully established. All current trees in the reserve will also be mulched. The irrigation system has not been operational since water restrictions were applied during the drought; this is consistent to other similar reserves throughout the municipality. In 2010 council undertook an Open Space water management plan for the 176ha of Council managed open space throughout the municipality. The plan addresses future watering requirements and responds to the challenge of climate change and seeks to ensure the liveability and sustainability of parks and open space into the future. Port Phillip has a growing municipality and increased use of our parks and open space highlighting the importance of water harvesting projects and water management. 6 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 Council has invested in a water harvesting project in partnership with Bayside for Elwood which when on line will yield an optimum catchment of 27ML/Yr. Officers are also investigating other opportunities at J.L Murphy Reserve, Alma Park and Albert Park for Council consideration. Delivery of water harvesting projects would reduce our potable water creating opportunities to increase the use of potable water at sites that are currently not irrigated. Currently Turner Reserve and other similar reserves across the municipality are not watered to reduce Council’s use of potable water to assist with achieving Council’s water target 155ML per year across the whole municipality. Non irrigated sites are impacted by seasonal conditions. It is common to see these sites brown and grass coverage reduced during summer. These sites all recover as part of the standard maintenance programs that are undertaken. Grass at Turner Reserve is currently showing signs of recovery after recent rainfall. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That Council: • • • • • Receives and notes the petition acknowledging the community passion and appreciation for green open space and trees. Notes that the grass damaged during the civil works has been reinstated and 54 new trees will be planted in May that will have a two year maintenance program. Notes that all existing trees will be mulched. Continues the current management practices at Turner Reserve that are consistent with management at other reserves across the municipality, noting that that the grass coverage returns in autumn. Continues to investigate opportunities for future water harvesting projects to support higher use of our parks and open space in a drier climate. 7 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 5. SEALING SCHEDULE Item 5.1 Deed of Variation to Resource Recovery Services Contract between BRIMBANK CITY COUNCIL, MELBOURNE CITY COUNCIL, PORT PHILLIP CITY COUNCIL, WYNDHAM CITY COUNCIL, METROPOLITAN WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY GROUP (MWRRG) and SKM INDUSTRIES PTY LTD. On 1 May 2005, the following parties entered into a Resource Recovery Services Contract: • • the Contractor; the Western Regional Waste Management Group; and • Brimbank City Council; Hobsons Bay City Council; Maribyrnong City Council; Melbourne City Council; Melton Shire Council; Moonee Valley City Council; Port Phillip City Council; Wyndham City Council; and Yarra City Council. MWRRG is the successor in law to the Metropolitan Waste Management Group, which was the successor in law to the Western Regional Waste Management Group. The Contractor, MWRRG and the Extending Councils wish to vary certain terms of the Resource Recovery Services Contract and provide for the final contamination audit to be undertaken in May 2015. The Variation Deed of the current contract is required for up to 12 months until the new contract has gone through the public tender process. Responsible Manager: Darren Brownscombe, Acting Manager Maintenance and Renewal RECOMMENDATION That the Common Seal of the Port Phillip City Council be affixed to the above document. 8 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 9 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 7. COUNCILLOR QUESTION TIME 10 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 8. PRESENTATION OF REPORTS 8.1 Marina Reserve Event- Community Consultation ...............................................................................13 8.2 Proposed Lease Port Melbourne Football Club.....................................................................................71 8.3 Proposed Lease Gasworks Arts Park .......................................................................................................79 8.4 Proposed Lease South Melbourne Community Chest ........................................................................83 8.5 CEO Report - Issue 14 May 2015 ..........................................................................................................89 8.6 Discontinuance and Sale of Road R3253 ......................................................................................... 107 8.7 Drainage Maintenance Services Contract........................................................................................... 115 11 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 9. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil 123 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 10. REPORTS BY COUNCILLOR DELEGATES 124 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 11. URGENT BUSINESS 125 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 12. CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS RECOMMENDATION That in accordance with Section 77(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended), the meeting be closed to members of the public in order to deal with the following matters, that are considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 89(2) of the Act, for the reasons indicated: 12.1 Education and Community Precinct The information in this report is considered to be confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended), as it relates to: 89(2)(e). Proposed developments. 127 AGENDA - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2015 128
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