Cathedral / Minster Spirituality Days 2015 Days of exploration... Diocesan Cathedral/Minster Spirituality Days 2015 Welcome to our 2015 programme of Diocesan Spirituality Days Days in which to explore new perspectives on God, to take a deep breath and allow God’s peace to flow into your life. Please note that the day’s format is up to the speaker, and they won’t all be the same. Some will be largely silent, some will involve group interaction. Here is a quote from a participant on one of last year’s days: ‘Then I realised that the whole treasure hunt and the readings we were sharing were a journey of our faith, with Old and New Testament readings leading on from each other and with parallels of stories from Old and New hitting me with fresh intensity as we progressed.’ If you are coming from the mainland to either of the days on the Isle of Wight, please let us know if you would be willing to car-share. I hope that you will be encouraged by the spaciousness of a day with God, engaging with new ideas and finding time to pray and listen, in a way that will spill over into your daily life for a long time afterwards. Revd Dr Ruth Tuschling Diocesan Spirituality Adviser N.B. Please use the forms at the back of the brochure to book for the days. The venues will be open for registration and coffee 30 minutes before the start, and hot drinks will be provided during the morning and at lunchtime. Do please bring your own lunch. Alternatively, there are eating places in Old Portsmouth and in Newport. Please also note that, as you are sitting for quite a bit of time in what are old stone buildings, it might be advisable to wear light but warm layers so that if you do feel cooler you can add an extra layer of warmth. Do bring a cushion if you find church seating less than comfortable. Saturday 21st March St Thomas’ Cathedral, Old Portsmouth 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30 pm Holy Reading John Draper The day will begin with a talk explaining the principle of Holy Reading and discuss its uses and advantages in our daily lives. Holy Reading, or ‘Lectio Divina’, is a tool frequently used by those wishing to deepen their relationship with God, in common use in religious communities, but also in frequent use by individuals and by groups of people together. John considers it vital that people of prayer set aside a daily time of silence to meditate on either a whole piece of scripture, or verses within it, which help us to focus our ministry as laity and ministers more sharply. There will be 3 times of focused Scripture reading (please bring a Bible) and meditation; or 1 of the times could be of a Spiritual writer followed by meditation. The day will end with a time of general sharing of the day’s experiences. The day is aimed at both lay and ordained people. John will be available during the day to talk to individuals about their prayer life. Canon John Draper is Rector of Rowner and an honorary Canon of our cathedral. As part of study for an MA in Christian Spirituality, he focused on the spiritual discipline of Holy Reading, or ‘Lectio Divina’. In the diocese and beyond, he is used widely as a spiritual director, as well as a conductor of Quiet Days and Retreats. He is an Oblate of Alton Abbey, a Benedictine community of prayer and service. Donations are invited to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal on the day please (cheques payable to Portsmouth DBF). Saturday 18th April St Thomas’ Cathedral, Old Portsmouth 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30 pm The Costly Discipleship of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Bob Thomas This day of prayer and reflection will draw on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life of Christian discipleship in the face of personal danger and public evil. Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor and academic theologian who opposed Hitler’s Nazi regime. He was imprisoned in April 1943 and executed at Flossenbürg concentration camp on 9th April 1945. Bonhoeffer trusted that Christ was always with him and this enabled him to respond in faith to the most terrifying of challenges. What can Bonhoeffer’s example of costly discipleship teach us today? We shall be reflecting on key moments in Bonhoeffer’s life and drawing on short passages from three of his best-known writings: Life Together, The Cost of Discipleship and Letters and Papers from Prison. There will be ample opportunities for private reflection and some group discussion. The day will end with prayer as we draw together our thoughts and reflections. Bob Thomas has been a Reader (Lay Minister) in the Portsmouth Diocese since 1993. He was a teacher of German in the UK and of English in Germany. Bob is an Associate of the Iona Community. Cost £8.50 Saturday 16th May St Thomas’ Cathedral, Old Portsmouth 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30 pm Time to be me Gary Nicholls Busy minds, busy bodies. Would you like to be busy today, being still? We’ll practice some strategies which can help our minds be still and relaxed; and not thinking about the everyday preoccupations we seem to fill our minds with each day-and sometimes at night! How did I get to be here today, anyway? We’ll do some reflecting on our life journey so far. Since our earliest memories, recalling the various events that led us to be here today. What did we learn or experience that still shapes us? Who am I, really? All things to all people, all of the time? We’ll map out the various roles we play each day and see how much they enable, or restrict us, from being the person we want to be. Gary Nicholls: I’m still in full time education! Having started as a 5 year old in Somerset and 40+ years later as a head teacher in Hampshire. The diocesan spirituality courses that I have attended have opened my eyes to the world of prayer, silence, appreciation -and God’s part in it. That’s why I am keen to offer people some space to gain their own insights. Cost £8.50 Saturday 13th June St Thomas’ Cathedral, Old Portsmouth 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30 pm The food of love Nurturing our souls in the quest for stillness Sue Hyland ‘Music’s measure’ provides rich nourishment for our spiritual journeys; feeding us with inspiration, sustaining us in times of need, restoring us, and giving us the energy to sing and dance, worship and praise. It has the power to reach into the depths of our souls, and speak to us of beauty and wonder. In our search for stillness, music deepens our attention, allows us to listen with our hearts rather than our heads, and draws us into God’s presence. By listening to music both sacred and secular, traditional and contemporary, the day will provide an opportunity to explore music’s healing qualities, how it can bring peace, inspiration, comfort and harmony, and lead us into contemplative silence. After a career in Primary Education, and as a practising musician, Sue Hyland has been increasingly drawn to the spiritual and therapeutic value of the creative arts. Since 2000 she has redirected her skills, running ‘music as therapy’ sessions with palliative care patients, and leading Quiet Days for parishes, retreats and Quiet Gardens. She is a member of the ‘Resolute’ Retreat Centre team at Chidham on Chichester Harbour. Cost £8.50 Saturday 4th July Newport Minster, IoW 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30 pm What is prayer and how do you do it? Tim Slade During the day we will consider the array of prayer types - "There are so many avenues", says the author Margaret Guenther, "praying imaginatively in the Ignatian way or following the author of The Cloud in imageless prayer; praying through writing a journal; praying the Jesus Prayer of the heart; letting scripture speak to us through the method of lectio divina". Or is it, to quote the old priest in one of sister Wendy Beckett's books "the simplest thing out". Drawing on our own experiences we think about whether prayer needs us to be quiet and still or can we pray and still keep busy! There will be time during the day for discussion as well as periods of quiet when we try some different prayer methods. Tim Slade worked for 35 years in the field of public rights of way management and is now training to be a spiritual director. He likes sailing and exploring the French countryside. Cost £8.50 Saturday 25th July St Thomas’ Cathedral, Old Portsmouth 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30pm Let go and let God Rachel and Jeremy Hicks Many of us lead extremely busy lives and often find ourselves longing for a better balance. We all accumulate baggage as we go along and wonder what we can shed. During the day there will be some input and sharing as well as time for personal exercises, reflection and exploration. Some of the questions we may address are: What baggage do we carry around? What can we choose to let go of? What does the Bible say that might help us? What drains and what energises us? Where does God fit in? How are we held back and how can we respond (without re-burdening ourselves!)? Jeremy and Rachel met at an ecumenical Lent study group entitled ‘What on Earth is the Church for?’ and have been exploring the answer together ever since. Jeremy works as a software engineer and is a Reader, Rachel works with visually-impaired children in a primary school and is currently a Churchwarden at St John’s church in Fareham, and they are also Christian Aid coordinators and Fairtrade campaigners. They walk the narrow line between being fully engaged and energised, and too busy and drained! Learning to get that balance right is a life-long journey, and they find that it helps to play sport and games, spend time with family and friends, enjoy time away together, and laugh at and with each other. Cost: £8.50 Saturday 19th September Newport Minster, IoW 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30 pm My God and my all St Francis Lou Scott-Joynt What is it about “Il Poverello”, “the little poor man of Assisi”, that has drawn men and women from many different backgrounds and many different parts of the world over 800 years to follow Christ in the way of St Francis? We shall spend a day together exploring the stories and spirituality of St Francis and St Clare and reflecting on how these two thirteenth century Christians may be able to enrich each of us today in our own journeys with Christ. Lou Scott-Joynt has been a professed member of the Third Order of St Francis (TSSF) since 1991 and convenes the Chichester group of tertiaries within the Sussex TSSF Area. She was married for 49 years to Michael, who retired as Bishop of Winchester in 2011 but sadly died in Sept. 2014. She has three children and four grandchildren whose love and support have been a God-given grace to her since Michael’s death. Cost: £8.50 Saturday 10th October St Thomas’ Cathedral, Old Portsmouth 9.30 (coffee) for 10.00 am to 3.30 pm Grandparenting Hazel Buckingham and Anne Davidson A day looking at the spiritual relationship between grandparent and grandchild. As Christian spirituality is linked to God’s unconditional love and acceptance of us, the unique bond between grandparent and grandchild has the capacity to encompass these gifts. Like most relationships, this involves joy and heartache and there will be time to explore both. There will be space for discussion in large and small groups and to be creative using a variety of mediums. The day will end with an act of worship. Please bring a photo, drawing, scan or something that represents your grandchild. The day will be led by granny Anne (Davidson) and Nanny Hazel (Buckingham) who have eleven grandchildren between them. Hazel Buckingham worships at St Peter’s in Petersfield and has 7 children/adults in her grandparenting circle, only 3 of whom are living in the UK. Anne Davidson worships at St Mary Magdalen, Sheet, near Petersfield and has just finished the "Inspire Course on Christian Spirituality 2014" at Portsmouth Cathedral. She has four grandchildren. Cost: £8.50 Days of exploration… If you would like to take part in any (or all) of these days, please complete the appropriate form found in the back of this booklet and return it with payment (cheques payable to Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance) to Mrs Kay Lancaster at the address below. Mrs Kay Lancaster First Floor, Peninsular House Wharf Road, Portsmouth PO2 8HB For further details please contact Mrs Kay Lancaster 02392 899 656 or email Registration form — Sat 21st March 2015 — Holy Reading Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Post code: ______________________ Tel: ____________________ Email: __________________________________________________ Data Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 6th March Donations invited on the day please to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal Registration form — Sat 18th April 2015 — Dietrich Bonhoeffer Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Post code: ______________________Tel: ____________________ Email: __________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘PDBF’ for £8.50 Data Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 3rd April Registration form — Sat 16th May 2015 — Time to be me. Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Post code: _____________________ Tel: ______________________ Email: __________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘PDBF’ for £8.50 Data Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 1st May Registration form — Sat 13th June 2015 — The Food of Love Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Post code: _____________________ Tel: ______________________ Email: __________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘PDBF’ for £8.50 Data Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 29th May Registration form — Sat 4th July 2015 — What is prayer….? Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Post code: ____________________ Tel: ______________________ Email:___________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘PDBF’ for £8.50 Data Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 19th June Registration form — Sat 25th July 2015 — Let go and let God Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Post code: ____________________ Tel: ______________________ Email: __________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘PDBF’ for £8.50 Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 10th July Registration form — Sat 19th Sept. 2015 — Franciscan Spirituality Name: ________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Post code: ____________________ Tel: ______________________ Email:___________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘PDBF’ for £8.50 Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 4th September Registration form — Sat 10th October 2015 — Grandparenting Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Post code: ____________________ Tel: _______________________ Email: __________________________________________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘PDBF’ for £8.50 Protection Act 1998 -this information will be retained on computer and paper solely for the purpose of this course and informing you of other courses. I agree to this information being held for the above purposes. If you do not wish to be informed about other courses run by the diocese please tick the box Please return this form by Friday 25th September (Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance A company limited by guarantee Registered in London No. 226466 Charity No. 249256)
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