page ad for the 2015-2016 school year, this PDF

 Roncalli Athletic Boosters Committee (RABC) Roncalli Athletic Department 3300 Prague Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46227 All-­‐Sports Program Advertising Campaign Dear Future Roncalli Supporter, We would like to inform you about our annual All-­‐Sports Program Book where we highlight our teams and allow individuals and businesses to place advertisements in the program book. The program books are sold each fall at our home football, volleyball, and soccer games. Thousands of readers will see your ad or comments. It is a great way to promote your business or recognize your athlete and support the Roncalli Athletics Program at the same time. NEW THIS YEAR: The Fall All Sports Program will be available to view on the Roncalli High School Web Site!! Another great opportunity for your business and generosity to be appreciated!! For all half and full page size ads you are entitled to a FREE Roncalli VIP card. This card will allow you and your immediate family into all regular season home sporting events and all drama, choral, and academic functions at Roncalli. It is a great value for a great cause. All the funds from this program go directly back into our sports programs. With the funds we annually purchase the chenille and state championship athletic awards. In the past we have helped pay for a new storage shed for the tennis team, new field grooming equipment for the baseball and softball team, multiple buses, a Track timing system, weights/goals/volleyball standards for the “bubble” gym, mats for the wrestling program, renovations to our block house and weight room, software for all coaches, new record boards and equipment storage for the gym, stadium sound system, as well as many items used for the safety and well being of all our athletes. Our invoice outlines our ad sizes and the cost. All ads need to have digital press-­‐ready artwork. Ad sizes are as follows: Full -­‐ 7.5" wide x 10" tall Half -­‐ 7.5" wide x 5" tall Quarter - 3.75" wide x 5" tall (ad only – No VIP card)
Business card - 3.75" wide x 2.5" tall (ad only–No VIP card)
Best Value!
Support our Artists and Athletes with an ad in both books!
½ Page Ad in both books-$500 (save $50!)
Full Page Ad in both books-$800 (save $100!)
You now have the option to place an ad in both the Sports program and the Fine Arts program! You may use the same ad in both programs and send in one payment. We will take care of directing the funds to the fine arts department. Please check the “Both Programs” box on your invoice. You are welcome to contact us with any questions that you might have. Our contact information is below. Ad information, VIP card information and invoice are available on the Roncalli High School web site. ( click VIP Card-­‐Fall All Sports Program) Invoice and payment due by June 19, 2015. We thank you in advance for your support and wish you the best in 2015. Liza Holtkamp ( #446-­‐7091 Chris Lauck (, phone #412-­‐3843 Roncalli High School Athletic Boosters (RABC)
Fall Sports Program Advertising Campaign
3300 Prague Road
Indianapolis, IN 46227
(317) 788-4094
Company Name
Ad Copy Instructions
Digital Press-ready artwork must be provided by the Advertiser
Or contact Kory Marks, for further information on ad lay outs and options.
There will be a charge for ads that are not digital press ready.
Renewal (use same ad as last year) - or -
Check One
New Copy (attach new ad) –and/or - Run ad in Fine Arts and Sports Program
Full Page
Both Programs
Half Page
Both Programs
Quarter Page
Business Card
Fee for Ad
/ Ad Size
VIP Rebel Card
VIP Rebel Card
If Applicable: Information to appear on VIP Rebel Card
Pay by Credit Card
Visa __ MC __ EXP Date _____________
Card #______________________________
Ad Authorized By
Name On Card________________________
Zip Code_________________
3 digit security code#_______
Send Invoice - or Paid
Please return ad and payment by June 19, 2015
Date Paid __________CK#__________Amount_________ Seller Name________________________