A Phase 1b Study of the Anti-Cancer Stem Cell Agent Demcizumab, Pemetrexed and Carboplatin in Patients with Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 1McKeage 2 M, Kotasek 1University D, 3 Markman B, 4Hidalgo Zealand; 2 M, 5Millward M, 6Jameson M, 7Harris D, 8Stagg Australia; 3 Monash R, 8Kapoun 8Holmgren A, 4 CNIO-CIOCC-START, E, 8Dupont J, 9Hughes st 1 Line B Spain; 5 Sir of Auckland, Auckland, New Adelaide Cancer Centre, Adelaide, Cancer Centre and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Madrid, Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia; 6 Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand; 7 Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand; 8 OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Redwood City, CA; and 9The Royal Brisbane and Woman’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. Related AEs (All Grades) ≥15% of Pts by Dose Level (mg/kg) 5 7.5 5 5 (Cohort1) (Cohort2) (Cohort3) Expansion* Truncated Truncated Truncated (Cohort4) (Cohort5) (Cohort6) (Cohort7) 6 8 6 6 7 7 46 Median age (years) 66.5 59.5 65.0 60.5 60.5 66.0 63.0 63.0 Male/Female 2/4 2/4 2/6 3/3 3/3 3/4 2/5 17/29 Prior Surgery - - 1 2 - 2 2 7 Prior Neo-adjuvant/ Adjuvant Therapy - - - - - 3 1 4 Prior Radiotherapy 2 * 3 of these patients received truncated dosing 4 Total (Cohort2) (Cohort3) Expansion Truncated Truncated Truncated (Cohort4) (Cohort5) (Cohort6) (Cohort7) On-Study Data Only 6 6 7 7 46 Fatigue 3 3 5 3 1 3 4 22 (48%) Nausea 1 2 6 5 3 3 1 21 (46%) Hypertension/Blood Pressure Increased 2 4 5 1 2 4 3 21 (46%) Vomiting 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 13 (28%) Neutropenia 2 1 3 2 - 2 1 11 (24%) Edema - - 7 1 1 1 1 11 (24%) BNP Increased 1 - 5 1 - 3 1 11 (24%) Anemia 1 - 3 1 1 2 - 8 (17%) Dyspnea 3 - 1 - - 2 2 8 (17%) Diarrhea 2 - 1 1 1 2 - 7 (15%) Thrombocytopenia - - 2 2 - 3 - 7 (15%) Reversible Cardiopulmonary Toxicity (Grade 3*) Pulmonary hypertension(Reversible) 5 2.5 5 5 7.5 5 5 (Cohort1) (Cohort2) (Cohort3) Expansion* Truncated Truncated Truncated (Cohort4) (Cohort5) (Cohort6) (Cohort7) 1 mPFS (95% CI) = 5.7 mos (3.3-11.0) LEGEND: Patient demographics and laboratory parameters were assessed to determine which factors were associated with the prolonged survival tail on the KM curve BLUE curve: High values or male gender; BLACK curve: Low Values and female gender. The variables were: Age (> < 65); Gender: Male/female; Stage at diagnosis: III/IV; ECOG 0/1; Serum albumin >< 4; Eosinophils >< 0.1; Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): >< 4. Across all these patient variables the survival tail on the Kaplan-Meier curves remains evident. * * One of the patients with 100% reduction in their target lesion size did not have a CR, as there was residual non-target disease Dose Level- mg/kg Includes Off-Study Data mPFS (95%CI) = 5.8 (3.3- 11.0) mos 8 Patient Subset Analyses: Survival (All Pts) Survival Probability (Cohort1) 6 LEGEND: Patients with TRUNCATED DEM dosing received 4 cycles of demcizumab, carboplatin and pemetrexed followed by pemetrexed maintenance. Includes 3 patients from cohort 4. Exploration of Death Hazard Before & After 300D 6 6 8 6 6 7 7 46 - - 2** - - - - 2 (4%) - - 1** - - - - 1 (2%) Right-sided heart failure (Reversible) - - 1** - - - - 1 (2%) Dose Level mg/kg 5 2.5 5 5 7.5 5 5 Total (Cohort1) (Cohort2) (Cohort3) Expansion* Truncated Truncated Truncated (Cohort4) (Cohort5) (Cohort6) (Cohort7) (40 Evaluable) 1 - - - Complete Response - Partial Response 2 - - Follow Up Cohort Group Continuous Dosing* (N=23) <300 Days 2 - 4 3 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 15 (38%) Clinical Benefit (SD + PR + CR) 4 6 6 3 5 5 6 35 (88%) P-value 1446 7 7969 2 * Patients with CONTINUOUS DEM dosing received 6 cycles of demcizumab, carboplatin and pemetrexed followed by demcizumab maintenance. Excludes 3 patients from cohort 4. 19 (48%) Stable Disease Events <0.05 >300 Days 4 Days mOS (95%CI) = 6. 3 mos (3.2-NR)** 1 (3%) * No cases of Grade 4 or 5 toxicity. ** Occurred following >160 days of treatment and reversible following the discontinuation of demcizumab and medical management. Events occurred in the same two patients Effect on Notch and Angiogenesis Related Gene Expression in Whole Blood (All Cohorts) Survival – Continuous Demcizumab Patients Worst Case Analysis* (Cohorts 1-4) RECIST Best Overall Response (n=46) Total Congestive heart failure (Reversible) LEGEND: An exploratory statistical analysis was performed to assess the plateau at the tail of the Kaplan-Meier survival curve treated with continuous DEM.. This analysis suggests that there is a difference in survival event rate before and after 300 days on study. A separate analysis (data not shown) assessed the event rate of the plateau at the tail of the OS curve compared to the expected event rate in the first 300 days from Ph3 NSCLC chemo trials, and the result remained significant Summary Fold Change from Baseline: 95%CI Progressive Disease - - 1 2 1 - 1 5 (13%) Not Evaluable 2 - 1 1 - 2 - 6 • This was a Phase 1b dose escalation study of demcizumab, a first-in-class monoclonal antibody targeting DLL4 with anti-CSC, anti-tumor angiogenesis and immune modulation properties, plus PEM & Carbo in 1st-line stage IIIb/IV NSCLC pts. • The regimen of DEM, PEM & Carbo was generally well-tolerated with fatigue, nausea and manageable hypertension being the most common DEM-related toxicities. Two cases of reversible Grade 3 pulmonary hypertension and heart failure occurred in patients receiving 5 mg/kg for > 160 days. Subsequently, truncated DEM used (i.e., 63 days of treatment). * 3 of these patients received truncated dosing Control Subjects Progression-Free Survival Continuous Demcizumab Patients (Cohorts 1-4) LEGEND: Patients with CONTINUOUS DEM dosing received 6 cycles of demcizumab, carboplatin and pemetrexed followed by demcizumab maintenance. Excludes 3 patients from cohort 4. * Six patients without long-term survival follow-up (i.e., beyond their study termination date) were assumed to have died at the date that they were last known to be alive thus, this was a WORST CASE ANALYSIS. ** mOS could be underestimated since this a worst case analysis. Survival – Truncated Demcizumab Patients (Cohorts 5-7) Includes Off-Study Data On-Study Data Only mPFS (95% CI) = 5.3 (3.2-6.3) mos Effect on Notch Pathway Gene Expression In Whole Blood (By DEM Dose Cohort) Total 6 1 5 mPFS (95% CI) = 5.6 (3.7-19.1) mos NOTCH2 Median (95% CI) Survival = 8.1 months (5.8-NR) • The truncated DEM treatment and patient monitoring with BNP and ECHO appears to prevent the onset of late cardiopulmonary toxicity. • The Ph2 dose of DEM at 5mg/kg Q3W shows sustained pharmacodynamic modulation of the Notch pathway in patient samples. • One of the 40 (3%) evaluable patients had a RECIST complete response, 19 (48%) had a partial response and 15 (38%) had stable disease. The clinical benefit rate was 88%. • The Kaplan-Meier estimated mPFS for the continuous and truncated DEM patients using the on-study data were and 5.3 and 5.7 mos, respectively. The KM estimated mPFS for the continuous and truncated DEM patients using both on-study and additional off-study data were and 5.6 and 5.8 mos, respectively. • The Kaplan-Meier estimated mOS for the continuous ‘worst-case’ and the truncated DEM subjects was 6.3 & 8.1 mos, respectively. Survival Probability 5 2 5 Survival Probability 2.5 5 7.5 Survival Probability 5 1 5 LEGEND: Notch and angiogenesis genes are significantly modulated in the whole blood of NSCLC patients treated by DEM+SOC (Pemetrexed and Carboplatin). The biomarkers are not significantly regulated in control subjects not treated by DEM. They are also are not significantly change in PDX models treated by the SOC alone, but are regulated in PDX models by DEM treatment. Patient Demographics (n=46) N 5 6 N Dose Level – mg/kg 2.5 N Methods This is an ongoing open-label Phase 1b dose escalation study of demcizumab plus pemetrexed and carboplatin in chemotherapy naïve patients with stage IIIb or IV NSCLC. Prior to enrollment, patients underwent screening to determine study eligibility. The study endpoints included the determination of the safety profile, maximum tolerated dose (MTD), immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics, antitumor activity and biomarkers of Notch signaling and CSCs in blood. Patients received demcizumab (2.5 or 5 mg/kg), pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 and carboplatin (AUC = 6) every 3 weeks for 6 cycles followed by maintenance demcizumab (first 4 cohorts: CONTINUOUS DOSING) or demcizumab (5 or 7.5 mg/kg), pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 and carboplatin (AUC = 6) every 3 weeks for 4 cycles followed by pemetrexed every 3 weeks (5-7 cohorts: TRUNCATED DOSING) until disease progression. Folic acid, vitamin B12 and dexamethasone were administered as pemetrexed pre-medication. Dosing of patients in the 1st cohort was paused due to emerging evidence of cardiotoxicity secondary to demcizumab in other ongoing studies. The protocol was subsequently amended to include a risk mitigation plan which included cardiac monitoring using Btype natriuretic peptide (BNP) testing and echocardiography. In addition, a cardioprotective medication (i.e., an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or carvedilol) was administered to patients with rising BNPs. As reversible cardiopulmonary toxicity occurred in 2 patients in the 3rd cohort receiving 5 mg/kg who were dosed for more than 168 days, the subjects in the 5th-7th cohorts received truncated dosing of demcizumab (i.e. 5 or 7.5 mg/kg for 4 courses or 63 days of therapy). A DSMB reviewed the data from each dose cohort after the last subject in that cohort had been on study for 56 days to decide if it was safe to proceed to the next dose cohort. Data through March 1, 2015 for cohorts 1-7 are presented. A randomized Ph2 trial (DENALI) in 1st line non-squamous NSCLC has been initiated. 5 Survival Probability Dose Level – mg/kg Progression-Free Survival Truncated Demcizumab Patients (Cohorts 5-7) Survival Probability There is accumulating evidence that the cell types within tumors are heterogeneous and that a subset of the cells retain the property to self-renew and give rise to more differentiated progeny. These cells, called cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumor initiating cells drive tumor growth and metastasis and are more resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy than the remaining bulk tumor cells. The ability to characterize the CSCs through surface markers and functional limiting tumor dilution assays, using minimally passaged human tumors, has enabled the identification of novel agents that specifically target the CSC population. One pathway which appears critical for the CSCs is the Notch pathway (Wang J, et al. Notch signaling in cancer stem cells Adv Exp Med Biol 727:174-85; 2012). The pathway is comprised of 4 Notch receptors (1-4) and 5 ligands, Jagged (1-2) and delta-like ligand (DLL1, 3 and 4). DLL4 ligand contributes to CSC self-renewal and vascular development. Additionally, the Notch pathway has been characterized as a regulatory pathway for immune system function (Mukherjee, et al J.Immunol; 182 (12):7381-8). The Demcizumab is a humanized IgG2 antibody that blocks DLL4. In minimally passaged human tumor xenografts, demcizumab was observed to have activity against a variety of tumors including colorectal cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, melanoma and ovarian cancer. The impact of treatment on the frequency of tumorigenicity was assessed using a limiting dilution assay. In several models, using different chemotherapeutic agents, while the chemotherapy alone decreased tumor volume, the frequency of tumor initiating cells was increased in the residual tumor. In contrast, demcizumab alone decreased the frequency of CSCs and the greatest reduction was observed when demcizumab was combined with chemotherapy. % Change in RECIST Target Lesion Size % Change in Tumor Size Background Copies of this poster obtained through QR (Quick Response) code are for personal use only and may not be reproduced without written permission of the authors Notch pathway genes show clear modulation in truncated and non-truncated cohorts and at Phase 2 dose (5.0 mg/kg Q3W) PD modulation observed up to ~77 days post last infusion in some pts • The continuous DEM PFS and OS Kaplan-Meier curves reveal prolonged tails that suggest there is a subset of DEM treated subjects that have prolonged PFS and OS. A statistical analysis of the plateau at the tail of the continuous demcizumab OS curve suggested that there is a change in the hazard starting at 10 months. Data from the truncated DEM subjects is less mature. NOTCH1 • Worst case analysis suggests that the plateau at the tail of the continuous DEM survival curve is not due to selective reporting of survival. The forest plot assessing patient factors suggests that the tail is not due to selective enrollment. A review of off-study meds and the observed plateau at the tail for PFS suggests that this plateau is not caused by treatment received off of study (data not shown). MAML3 LEGEND: Patients received 6 cycles of demcizumab, carboplatin and pemetrexed followed by demcizumab maintenance. Excludes 3 patients from cohort 4. 16 LEGEND: Fold change from baseline shown. * and ** on the bars denote the days since last dosing: beyond 21 days and 42 days, respectively. Biomarkers are not significantly down-regulated blood from control subjects. Control genes (e.g., ACTB) are not changed. LEGEND: Patients with TRUNCATED DEM dosing received 4 cycles of demcizumab, carboplatin and pemetrexed followed by pemetrexed maintenance. Includes 3 patients from cohort 4. Corresponding Author: Jakob Dupont email: jakob.dupont@oncomed.com • A randomized Phase 2 trial (DENALI) of demcizumab with carboplatin and pemetrexed in 1st line non-squamous NSCLC has been initiated and is enrolling subjects in Europe, Australia, and the United States and this randomized control trial will further explore the effect of DEM in patients with NSCLC.
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