PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 President’s Corner Portland Society of American Engineers Teammates & Friends! February was a great month for the Portland Post. On February 24th, the Post and the Portland District, USACE, hosted more than 80 Oregon and Washington high school students for its annual Engineering Day event. Students participated in workshops on electrical, mechanical and structural engineering, as well as small group discussions relating to careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Students toured the newly remodeled Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt federal building and discuss the role of engineering in sustainability. The event was well received by the students and was another great partnering opportunity between the Portland District and the Portland Post. I want to thank our sustaining members who participated and help sponsor the event: Akana, Cardno, Cornforth, GeoEngineers, HDR, Shannon & Wilson, WEST Consultants, GRI, OBEC and AECOM. Our sustaining member’s time and financial support are truly appreciated and important to our STEM efforts and the Society’s mission. By inspiring young students toward STEM careers, we are strengthening our country’s future. COL Bill Leady, P.E. President, Portland Post of S.A.M.E. I would like to remind everyone that we are looking for a high school student to send (the Deputy Commander, Northwestern Division Post’s scholarship includes registration fees and airfare) to the Army, Air Force or Marine SAME engineering/STEM camp this summer. You can find more detailed information at http://samecamps.org . Kari Nichols, Kari.Nichols@meadhunt.com is the Portland Post’s point of contact. Applications are due by March 20, 2015. I hope to see you at our next monthly meeting on 1 April at the Governor Hotel (614 SW 11th Ave, Portland). Ms. Julie Ammann, from USACE’s Portland District will discuss the Silver Jackets Program. The Silver Jackets Program is a collaborative effort between federal and state agencies for planning and implementing measures to reduce the risks associated with flooding and other natural hazards. Please RSVP by 25 March to Toni Leon by email: SAME.PDX.RSVP@gmail.com or phone (503) 643-8710. Sincerely, Bill Leady, P.E. Colonel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers President, SAME Portland Post Next Post Meeting Date: Time: Location: Speaker: Topic: Spotlight: RSVP By: Wednesday, 1 Apr 15 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Governor Hotel/Jake's Catering, 614 S.W. 11th Avenue, 2 nd floor Mrs. Julie Ammann The Oregon Silver Jackets Program Mr. Kent Synder with Normandeau 25 Mar 15 Upcoming Post Events PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 Wednesday, 1 Apr 2015: Post Meeting Wednesday, 6 May 2015: Post Meeting Topic: Oregon Silver Jackets Program Topic: Wanapum Dam Monolith Speaker: Julie Ammann Speaker: Julie Pyper Spotlight: TBD Spotlight: TBD Wednesday, 3 Jun 2015: Post Meeting Jun 2015(Tentative): Meet the Chiefs Topic: Isabella Dam Labyrinth Weir Topic: Meet the Chiefs Speaker: Elizabeth Roy Speaker: TBD Spotlight: TBD Spotlight: TBD If you have a topic, idea or would like to be a presenter, please contact COL Jose L. Aguilar at: jose.l.aguilar2.mil@mail.mil or 503-808-4500 Portland Post 2015 Slate of Officers (Proposed) PRESIDENT Col. Wm. Leady, PE USACE, NW Division Deputy Commander Col. Jose Aguilar, PE USACE, NW District Engineer Tony Roos, PE Cardno, Principal, Transportation Kari Nichols, PE 1ST VICE PRESIDENT 2ND VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT FOR EDUCATION Mead Hunt Maj. Sean Patrick, USACE OSU Student Post Mentor SECRETARY: Heidi Rice, PE URS Toni Leon, FSAME Matt Cutts, PE USACE Michelle Peterson, RG, AMEC TREASURER: Immediate Past President: 2014- 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTION Rick Goodell, PE, FSAME Steve Miles, PE, FSAME, USACE Zack Martin, PE, MacKay Sposito Craig Crotteau - Ball Janik - yes Andrew Young, PE, NW Natural 2015 - 2017 BOARD OF DIRECTION Honorary Jason Kelly, PE, OBEC Daniela Todesco, PE, USACE Kent Snyder, Normandeau Maj. Rob Moriarty- Univ of Portland, Det 695, AFROTC Pat Keough, , PE, FSAME, Walter O Bachus Recipient Bud Ossey, PE, FSAME Professional Engineers of Oregon (PEO) Last year the Portland Post signed an MOU with Professional Engineers of Oregon (PEO) that enables us to share meeting and educational opportunities. PEO will hold their Annual Conference Wednesday May 13, 2015 at 4:00 PM PDT to Friday May 15, 2015 at 5:00 PM PDT at Sunriver Resort. The Conference features 13 PDHs with 2 tracks focused on Technical and Global Professional Trends and Licensure Track - 24 sessions to choose from plus networking opportunities through a kick off pre-conference tour and 2 day conference that includes key note speaker during the general session, two concurrent breakout sessions, one main reception, business meeting and award ceremony during banquet. List of classes, presenters and schedule: http://files.ctctcdn.com/81a9051b001/45a18ae1-a012-45eb-a257-2f12cdcff1f6.pdf PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 Second Annual Pacific Northwest SAME Small Business Symposium (28 Apr 15) Please hold April 28th, 2015 on your calendar for the 2nd Annual Pacific Northwest Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Small Business Symposium. Last year, over 200 people attended, making this one of our more popular events. Because of the extremely positive feedback we are happy to host this event once again. This year, we have integrated many of your excellent suggestions to improve the quality and usefulness of this event. We've added the following enhancements to this year's event: Full day event Happy Hour Networking and Raffle Giveaway Reception Small Business Focused Courses throughout the day (PDH's will be offered) More Sponsorship Opportunities (listed below) Plenary Session Additional rooms for networking More networking! This event has proven to be a great networking and educational opportunity for both small and large SAME member businesses in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction industry. This outreach event is being jointly sponsored by the SAME Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Posts and will once again be held at the Kitsap Conference Center in Bremerton, WA. The sit down luncheon will feature NAVFAC Northwest Commanding Officer, CAPT Mark Geronime, CEC, USN as our keynote speaker. The agenda will be split into 4 venues: Small Business Panel Discussions, Small Business Focused Courses, Small/Large Business Matchmaking, and Exhibit Booths. Registration Information can be found at: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-pacific-northwest-same-small-business-symposium-registration-16208816005 Engineer Week Thanks! Engineers make a difference! SAME The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District and the Society of American Military Engineers would like to thank our partners for their outstanding support of another successful 2015 Engineers Week! Sponsors AECOM Full Booths: Akana Cardno HDR WEST Consultants, Inc. GRI Half Booths: SAME Portland Post (contribution from E&M Fund) Cornforth GeoEngineers, Inc. Shannon & Wilson Inc. OBEC SAME Camps (Calling ALL High School Students) The Society of American Military Engineers, in collaboration with the Military Services, offers a series of engineering/STEM camps designed for high school students who excel in math, science and technology courses and are interested in pursuing engineering, architecture, or a related field in college. These one– week camps are high energy, hands–on events for students from across the country and around the world. The camps are led by a professional staff of engineers from both private industry and the uniformed military services. Each camp has its own unique focus and theme and is a one‐of‐a‐kind opportunity to learn what engineers do from professional engineers, learn practical skills and gain exposure to the military services. E Camps U.S. Army Camp: Vicksburg, MS June 21 - 27, 2015 U.S. Air Force Academy Camp: Colorado, Springs, CO June 25 - July 1, 2015 U.S. Marine Corps Camp: Camp Lejeune, NC June TBD, 2015 The Portland Post Society of American Military Engineers sponsors one outstanding applicant to attend their selected SAME Camp. The Post provides reimbursement of the FULL registration fee and airfare costs for the selected student. If you know a high school student that is interested, please encourage them to apply!! APPLICATIONS TO THE POST ARE DUE MARCH 20, 2015 AND A SELECTION WILL BE MADE BY APRIL 3, 2015. Questions? Contact Kari Nichols, kari.nichols@meadhunt.com, 503‐548‐1496 PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 SAME Portland Post OSAC Scholarship Each year SAME awards a $1,000.00 scholarship to a deserving college sophomore or above majoring in aeronautical, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Apply through the Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) website: http://www.oregonstudentaid.gov/ The scholarship is title: 481 SAME – Society of American Military Engineers Portland Post Saturday Academy Instructor’s needed Saturday Academy strives to engage all motivated young people, including those from under-represented communities, in hands-on, in-depth learning by connecting them to community experts as educators and mentors. Saturday Academy provides innovative programs open to all students in grades 2 through 12. They value all learning, and offer experiences in many disciplines. They emphasize, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), because these fields are critical for children’s careers and their fast pace of change is difficult to address in traditional school settings. More information about the program can be located at their website at: www.saturdayacademy.org Help: Saturday Academy is seeking instructors to support their Aeronautics, Rocket Science, and Engineering (Solar Car Challenge) programs. Post members interested in learning about and/or volunteering for these opportunities should contact Ms. Heidi Venneri, the School-Based Program Coordinator at 503-200-5859. 10th Annual Energy and Construction Best Practices Summit The 10th Annual Energy & Construction Best Practices Summit – Clean Tech: Washington’s WISE Future May 28 & 29, 2015 - At Bates Technical College – south campus. Keynote - Brian Young, WA Dept. of Commerce Clean Tech Sector Lead, will provide an excellent link between the clean energy and construction industries and align the theme with the governor’s platform on clean technology. Registration: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=i4szzydab&oeidk=a07eaix2r5ka70e0b59 More information: cleanenergyexcellence.org/summit Sustaining Firms SAME’s Portland Post is updated our records, we’re updated our Sustaining Firms records, the current list is on the last page of this month’s Postscripts, if your firm is not listed please email the postscripts editor at: Same.pdx.postscripts@gmail.com so we can get your information updated! Post Website Manager Rich Nardini and Kent Snyder are our Post website manager, please congratulate them and forward any information you think needs to be added to our post website. http://posts.same.org/portland/ Vacant Portland Post SAME Position VACANT POSITION: Membership/ Sustaining Member Chair Are you interested in being more active with SAME Portland Post? This is your opportunity! Post Membership POCs lead recruitment and retention efforts, relying on the support of SAME HQ. The position gives ample opportunities to interface with the board and Sustaining members. Regular duties include: tracking and base-lining post membership; outreach to potential members; assisting with membership issues, and attending board meetings. Additional duties: Coordinate Engineering Day with the USACE Portland District and manage Sustaining Member Spotlight Presentations. Regular duties require a time commitment of 3-5 hours per month. Additional duties may require additional hours. More information is in Chapter 7 of the SAME Post Operations Manual http://www.same.org/images/stories/2014SAMEPostOperationsManual.pdf If interested, contact a SAME Portland Post board member. PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 Member Profile (Record) Updates All members can update their member profiles by visiting: https://membership.same.org/MainLogin.shtml for individual members https://membership.same.org/cvweb_samesm/MainLogin.shtml for sustaining members. Keeping your member profile current ensures all Post and committee communications reach you. As always, you can contact the SAME HQ membership team for assistance with updates to your membership record. Your demographics are more valuable because of new Streamer requirements and statistics that provide us with a base of who our members are. Thermal Bridge Mitigation (Moving Towards High-Efficiency Building Enclosures (By Axy Pagan-Vazquez, PE, PMP, M.SAME, and Justine Yu, LEED Green Associate, Reprinted with permission from SAME TME Mar 2015) Energy loss attributed to inefficient building enclosure systems has been a major issue in the United States during recent decades. Key voices including the Department of Energy, the U.S. Green Building Council, and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers all acknowledge the importance of achieving better and more energy efficient buildings. As a consequence, these organizations have been providing recommendations to mitigate building energy losses throughout a facility’s lifespan. In addition to novel and stringent building energy saving methods, it is crucial to keep out rainwater, prevent excess of moisture transfer, and reduce undesired air infiltration through building envelope walls. This means having a durable building enclosure that will guarantee a desired separation between its exterior and interior environments. However, keeping a consistent and durable enclosure and construction is not a trivial task, particularly when a vast list of factors affecting the construction components must be addressed. Dealing with the building enclosure layers as a whole might create a decision-making process in which one factor could be sacrificed at the expense of the other, or might end up in increased construction costs if proper actions are not taken during the construction phase. Energy, for instance, could be saved by adding insulation. But what would happen if insulation is added in an incorrect location, in combination with super air-tight construction and an inefficient mechanical system that would not allow excessive moisture to leave the building? The building then could develop mold due to condensation issues that in turn will end up in additive cost—first due to the wasted energy; and second because of subsequent repair or restoration of degraded building components. THERMAL BRIDGE PROBLEMS As a subset of the building envelope issue, it is of concern to emphasize the thermal bridge problem. This, as defined by the International Organization for Standardization, is a phenomenon generally occurring due to construction with a variety of materials, in which different values of thermal conductivity creates a particular thermal path or “bridge” between the exterior and interior sides of the building enclosure. As shown in Figure 1, these can take place in junction between windows and walls, floors, or where high thermally conductive materials (usually structural) penetrate the building envelope. It could be assumed (and in past decades has been) that the impact of thermal bridges is insignificant as compared to the rest of a building’s energy draining factors. However, professionals in the Building Sciences field in recent years have found the thermal performance of a building enclosure could be downgraded significantly enough through overall degradation of its R-value, or thermal resistance to the point where undesired side effects, such as discomfort, higher energy costs and mold, would need to be seriously taken care of. Even more alarming, studies carried out on buildings exhibiting greater amounts of insulation, but which do not appropriately address thermal bridge losses, have shown to bring more underestimated thermal losses than partially insulated constructions. European assessment studies similarly show that thermal bridges could easily bring a greater impact on high performance buildings. And so, why in the military should we care about these types of bridges and not just the ones civil engineers usually deal with? In short, we must care because the U.S. Army, although moving towards very high energy efficiency standards, unfortunately has a large inventory of buildings with serious thermal bridge problems. CATALOGUING SOLUTIONS A few years ago, several researchers from the U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory visited several installations to search for thermal bridging issues in a variety of facility types. The results were interesting, although not surprising. Using infra-red imaging, it was easy to detect that thermal bridges were everywhere, including in new constructions. PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 The primary explanation for the deficiencies is that the thermal bridge and energy problem in the past was not the priority that it is today. Instead, structural integrity and safety were the primary drivers of design and construction plans. In older, very energy inefficient buildings, thermal bridge effects were overshadowed by the poor performance of the building as a whole. In response, researchers worked towards an answer to this thermal bridge mitigation challenge. This resulted in the development of a Thermal Bridge Mitigation Catalog, with supporting illustrated architectural details and construction sequencing steps. Currently, the catalog is a compilation of 30 different building details—mostly junctions of walls, fenestration components and building construction sections intrinsically containing high conductive elements that bypass the thermal barrier in the building’s exterior walls. Each catalog page contains an existing and recommended architectural detail drawing, construction material information and guidelines to implement the improved section. Take for example, a thermal bridge problem emerging from a window inserted into a steel stud wall that has interior and exterior insulation. Although the wall may seem well insulated and may also have a thermally broken window, there still can be serious thermal bridge problems just at its connection. For thermal bridge mitigation, a rule of thumb is that the window thermal break should be aligned with the wall system insulation plane. The Thermal Bridge Mitigation Catalog contains many problems and corresponding solutions with significant detail. A second tool for addressing thermal bridge mitigation and building envelope energy savings are illustrated step-by-step architectural construction detail sequencing procedures. These illustrate how to upgrade an existing Army construction detail into a thermal bridge mitigated detail. Earlier experience had shown that one of the most challenging aspects of dealing with thermal bridges was keeping a continuous thermal plane while maintaining continuous moisture and air barrier layers. Every small detail such as taping the air barrier to the window support angle brackets or using a plastic window sill flashing if it would be penetrating entirely through the building envelope, can impact the building’s overall energy efficiency and durable construction. ACHIEVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY The building envelope integrity plays an important role in achieving energy efficient constructions. For today’s highly energy efficient buildings, which maximize the performance of their mechanical and electrical systems, the overall energy performance will be jeopardized if localized heat flow paths, or thermal bridges in the envelope, are not adequately addressed. Having identified their impact and consistency in a variety of buildings within Army installations, it was necessary, in the context of energy savings, to devise effective means for prevention and remediation of thermal bridging effects. The resulting mechanism, the Thermal Bridge Mitigation Catalog along with illustrated sequencing, will serve to support initial and future efforts to create awareness of the problem and viable solutions. The SAME Job Center is up and running! The SAME Job Center is the premier electronic recruitment resource for those seeking to fill positions within Architecture/Engineering/Construction organizations. The Job Center helps companies find the right candidate from our talented membership base. For Job Seekers, you can post your resume for free and connect with companies around the world. See more at: http://www.same.org/index.php/component/content/article?id=235#sthash.Me1siqg6.dpuf Upcoming SAME Events: Mar 30 – Apr 1, Kansas City Industry Day Education & Training Workshop See more at: http://samekc.org/smworkshop.php?id=1 Apr 15-17 Philadelphia, PA 8th Symposium on Design & Construction Issues at Hazardous Waste Sites See more at: http://www.same.org/index.php/events /calendar-ofevents#sthash.rJH0R0Ds.dpuf Mar 31 – Apr 9, Virtual International Business Opportunities Webinar Series See more at: http://www.same.org/index.php/events /calendar-ofevents#sthash.rJH0R0Ds.dpuf Apr 20-21, Linthicum, MD TISP Critical Infrastructure Symposium See more at: http://www.tisp.org/index.cfm PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 Apr 13-16, Chicago 2015 Small Business Industry Days and National Energy Forum See more at: http://www.same.org/index.php/events/calendarof-events#sthash.rJH0R0Ds.dpuf Tuesday, April 28, 2015 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act (FBPTA) Implementation Update See more at: http://www.same.org/index.php/component/conten t/article/213-webinars/1085-fam-april-webinarfbpta#sthash.1t9AGqcE.dpuf Pictures from the Dec 2014 Meeting PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 PRESIDENT COL Wm. Leady 1ST VICE PRESIDENT COL Jose Aguilar 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Tony Roos PAST PRESIDENT Capt (Ret.) Matthew Cutts VP FOR YOUTH Kari Nichols SECRETARY Heidi Rice TREASURER Toni Leon, FSAME HOUSE Toni Leon MEMBERSHIP/ SUSTAINING MEMBERS Amber Schulz READINESS Daniela Todesco COMMUNITY/SOCIAL/SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Midge Graybeal NEWSLETTER EDITOR Maj L. Robert Moriarty PUBLICITY Linda Scronce-Johnson SMALL BUSINESS LIAISON Terry Hosaka AECOM AMEC Ball Janik BERGER/ABAM Engineers Brown & Caldwell Cardno TEC CH2M Hill Cherokee Construction Services Continental Mapping Consultants Cooper Zietz Engineers Cornforth Consultants David Evans and Associates Dull Olson Weeks-IBI Architects ESA Exeltech Consulting SUSTAINING MEMBER FIRMS GEI Consultants GeoEngineers Geotechnical Resources, Inc. Gerding Builders GHD Hamilton Construction Hart Crowser HDR Engineering Integrated Water Solutions IO Environmental & Infrastructure Jacobs Associates Kiewit Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. Otak Parsons Brinckerhoff Professional Service Industries Portland Post c/o MacKay Sposito Attn: Zack Martin 1325 SE Tech Center Drive, Suite 140 Vancouver, WA 98683 Portland Post c/o MacKay & Sposito, Inc. Attn: Andrew Young 1325 SE Tech Center Drive, Suite 140 Vancouver, WA 98683 PORTLAND POSTSCRIPTS | April 2015 2014-2016 DIRECTORS Michelle Peterson LTC (Ret) Rick Goodell COL (Ret) Steve Miles Zack Martin 2013-2015 DIRECTORS Toni Leon Andrew Young Jason Kelly Daniela Todesco Amber Schulz HONORARY DIRECTORS & FELLOWS Patrick Keough Bud Ossey Sealaska Constructors Shannon & Wilson Siemens Industries Skanska Tetra Tech Thomas/Wright Portland District – USACE The Urban Collaborative URS Corporation WEST Consultants Westlake Consultants Weston Solutions WHPacific Wildlands
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