Sun Valley Road and Dirt Kids` Bike Camp Summer

Sun Valley Road and Dirt
Kids’ Bike Camp
Summer 2015
Registration Form
Camp Dates (check all attending):
 June 8 – 12, 2015
 July 13 – 17, 2015
Deposit Amount: _________
Total Amount Paid: _________
Time 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Name of Child: _________________________________________________________________
Age: __________
Gender: ___________
Name of Parent: ________________________________________________________________
Parent Cell Phone: ______________________________________________________________
Contact in case of emergency: _____________________________________________________
Cell Number: ___________________________________________________________________
Are you interested in transportation from Camp to BCRD Pool/Camp at 1:00 PM?
No/Yes circle one
We are making arrangements with Blaine County School District to transport campers to BCRD. Note, this is
transportation only and Sun Valley Road and Dirt does not provide any supervision at BCRD or after 1:00 PM
once they leave Croy Creek Trail System.
Camp Location: Croy Creek Trail System – 3.5 Miles West of Hailey on Croy Creek Road
Lunch is included in camp fee. Please indicate if your child is allergic to any foods.
Camp Fee: one session is $300 per week (lunch included) or $550 for two weeks
Non-refundable Camp deposit of $50 is required.
Makes checks Payable to Road and Dirt (either mail check or drop off at the Powerhouse on Main Street in
Hailey): 502 N Main Street Hailey, Idaho 83333
Contact the Coach, Joel Zellers: 208-309-1119 or at subject line:
RD Camp