Spotlight P O W E R H O U S E T H E AT R E 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 S E A S O N APRIL 2015 President’s Message Happy Spring to all! I hope that you’ve been enjoying the sunshine and appreciating the spring rains. We’ve also enjoyed two lovely productions in the 2014/15 season with A Snow White Christmas (directed by Jackson Mace) and Salt-Water Moon (directed by Arlene Spearman). We can now look forward to The Diviners, directed by Monty Hughes, which will also be Powerhouse’s entry in the Okanagan Zone Theatre Festival. Six plays will be presented from May 24 to May 29 and, with the Festival taking place at Powerhouse Theatre, we won’t have to go far to celebrate community theatre from across the Okanagan/Shuswap. I hope you will take the chance to see as many of the plays and Adjudicator Critiques as you can…they are always a great learning opportunity. Where has the year gone?! Elections for the 2015/16 Powerhouse Theatre Executive will take place in May. Please look for further detail regarding the election date and process coming your way in the near future. Even if being a Board member is not an ambition, I hope that you will attend the election and register your votes for who you would like to see on the Executive. Do think about what might interest you as there are plenty of additional ways to contribute to the theatre. Often, no previous experience is necessary and we would love to help you try something new! Kristine Larsen Next Executive Meeting: Tuesday, April 7h at 6:00 PM 2014/15 Powerhouse Theatrical Society Directors President Vice President Productions Kristine Larsen Sarah McLean Vice President Facilities Secretary Willem Roell Cara Nunn Treasurer Jennifer Goodsell Communications & Marketing Barb Keith Powerhouse Executive meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. A l l a r e w e l c o m e . E-mail the Executive at: Membership John Lomas Director at Large Sandra Simao Director at Large Jessika LaFramboise Director at Large Jackson Mace Zone Rep Sarah McLean 2 9 0 1 - 3 5 T H A V E N U E P O W E R H O U S E T H E A T R I C A L S O C I E T Y V E R N O N , B C V 1 T 2 S 7 2 5 0 - 5 4 2 - 6 1 9 4 Spotlight APRIL 2015 THEATRE BUSINESS an inside peek Notes from Barb Keith: After almost 7 months work artsVest™ British Columbia 2014-15 Grant Update and beyond involving all of our major sponsors who, in some cases, had to revise their accounting system to accommodate the Arts Vest cut off of Feb.2 2015, as Director of Marketing, I have finally received the following message from Kathleen Speakman: Hi Barb, I have advised Toronto to issue a cheque to Powerhouse for $5,000. Congratulations on attracting these great partnerships. You are eligible for up to an additional $1435.43, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notes from Jennifer Goodsell: My main task as Treasurer has been keeping the rest of the Executive appraised on all matters financial. We have wonderful bookkeeper, Laura who keeps everything ticking over beautifully. Having said that, she was away for the first month of my incumbency so I had a more hands on experience but learned a lot about Powerhouse finances in the process! Not only Laura, but we also have Ron & Ann who look after the foyer & bar so Powerhouse finance department is very well supported, the Treasurer really couldn’t manage without these wonderful people. I am enjoying learning about other aspects of Powerhouse through our monthly meetings and I hope I get to serve for another year, now that I think I have learned the ropes a little! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notes from Jackson Mace: I have had a busy year at the theatre. I was asked to step in and direct the Fall show so was at the helm for “A Snow White Christmas.” As a Director at Large on the Board, I have taken on, with Val Heuman’s assistance, the specific challenge of conceptualizing and launching a bid to create a heritage mural for the outside theatre wall. This is progressing well. I have also helped reorganize the foyer binder and chaired a small committee of three directors who are revising the current Director's Job Description. I am enjoying my involvement with the Board. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Notes from Jessika LaFramboise: I create and maintain the social media Page 2 outlets of Powerhouse Theatre. We currently have accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Vine,YouTube, and FourSquare. I want to encourage members that have accounts with any of these social media sites, to please go 'like,' 'follow,' 'check - in' and 'share' so you can new updates on a regular basis. www. powe r ho use the a t re . ne t 2 9 0 1 - 3 5 T H A V E N U E P O W E R H O U S E T H E A T R I C A L S O C I E T Y V E R N O N , B C V 1 T 2 S 7 2 5 0 - 5 4 2 - 6 1 9 4 Spotlight APRIL 2015 THEATRE BUSINESS Continued Notes from Sarah McLean: As VP Productions, I have been kept very busy over the 2014-15 theatre season getting the scripts for all the plays and making sure that the royalties were paid on time, mentoring the directors for the “One Acts”, coordinating rehearsals between the “One Acts” and the music rehearsals for “Snow White”, attending rehearsals for that production as well as for “Salt Water Moon” and giving artistic notes, chairing the Post Mortem meeting for “Snow White” and am now finding the rights to the plays for the 2015-16 theatre season. In addition to my duties as VP Productions, I have also actively participated in the season’s productions as well. I helped to paint the set for “Snow White”, painted the ocean side rocks for “Saltwater Moon”, and am the Administrative Producer for our current production of “The Diviners”. On the administrative side, I am a member of the Organizational Chart Committee, the Lighting Upgrade Committee and am helping to organize the Zone Festival. In addition to these activities, I have also attended seven board meetings since September and look forward to another on April 7th. All in all it has been a busy season so far. Elections will be held in May Page 3 consider serving on the Board www. powe r ho use the a t re . ne t 2 9 0 1 - 3 5 T H APRIL A V E N U E P O W E R H O U S E T H E A T R I C A L S O C I E T Y V E R N O N , B C V 1 T 2 S 7 2 5 0 - 5 4 2 - 6 1 9 4 Spotlight 2015 THE DIVINERS APRIL 29– MAY 9 DIRECTED BY: MONTY HUGHES PRODUCED BY: SARAH McLEAN Winner of the American College Theatre Festival, this marvellously theatrical play is the story of a disturbed young man and his friendship with a disenchanted preacher in southern Indiana in the early 1930s. When the boy was young he almost drowned. This trauma and the loss of his mother in the same accident has left him deathly afraid of water. The preacher, set on breaking away from a long line of Kentucky family preachers, is determined not to do what he does best. He works as a mechanic for the boy's father. The town doesn't have a preacher and the women try to persuade him to preach while he tries to persuade the child to wash. When the preacher finally gets the boy in the river and is washing him, the townspeople mistake the scene for a baptism. They descend on the event and, in the confusion, the boy drowns. CAST HOWARD JOYNT as Bazil GUS HAN S EN WILL Mac D UFF as De w ey as Buddy G IGH CAILE K SCHU O R O D e nie-Ma n e J s a ENZI Y R A M ROSE ella as L u ERIK CHERKOFF as C.C. Showers A BOB DEBR ma as Nor Page 4 BEV STEEVES as Goldie CO LI CA N R NE Y FELISHA ANDERSON as Darlene www. powe r ho use the a t re . ne t 2 9 0 1 - 3 5 T H APRIL A V E N U E P O W E R H O U S E T H E A T R I C A L S O C I E T Y V E R N O N , B C V 1 T 2 S 7 2 5 0 - 5 4 2 - 6 1 9 4 Spotlight 2015 THE DIVINERS APRIL 29– MAY 9 CREW Producer……………………………..Sarah McLean Set Design…………………………...Cara Nunn Light Design………………………....Jessika LaFramboise Costume Design…………………....Bernadette O’Donnell Sound Design……………………....Monty Hughes Stage Manager………………….….Raven Campbell Assistant Stage Manager………….Trish Bennett Lighting Operator…………………...Sherry Moir Sound Operator……………………..Tonisha Kroeger Properties…………………………….Carol Jenkins & Amanda Sudo Set Construction…………………….Head Ron Lavoie & Sabastien Lacroix Program……………………………...Sarah McLean Photography…………………………Cara Nun Foyer Design………………………..Jalaine Kroeger Poster & Marketing………………….Barb Keith Preview……………………………….Val Heuman House Manager……………………..Catherine Hansen Foyer Bar…………………………….Ron Heuman Opening Night Reception………….Pip Jordan Page 5 Final Night…………………………..Val Heuman www. powe r ho use the a t re . ne t 2 9 0 1 - 3 5 T H APRIL 2015 THE DIVINERS A V E N U E P O W E R H O U S E T H E A T R I C A L S O C I E T Y V E R N O N , B C V 1 T 2 S 7 2 5 0 - 5 4 2 - 6 1 9 4 Spotlight APRIL 29– MAY 9 Page 6 www. powe r ho use the a t re . ne t
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