Medical Alumni Flags of Our Professors

spring 2007
volume 48 | no 1
Flags of
Our Professors
Behind the battles:
How UCSF faculty and alumni cared
for the soldiers of World War II
Also inside...
Spring 2007: Volume 48, Number 1
Editor-in-Chief: Kenneth H. Fye, MD ’68
Managing Editor: Anne Kavanagh
Contributing Editors: Patrick Delahunt,
Jean Murray, Lyn Oswald
Writers: Carli Cutchin, Anne Kavanagh, Jean Murray
Photographers: Noah Berger, Corbis / Robert F.
Sargent, Harras Zaid
Editorial AssistantS: Jody Duncan, Gina Martinez
DesignER: Laura Myers Design
1 from the editor 2 president’s letter 12 class notes
Flags of Our Professors
Faculty and alumni with UCSF’s 30th General Hospital served the
wounded and the nation during World War II.
Administrative Council 2006–2007
David N. Schindler, MD ’66, President; Gordon L. Fung,
MD ’79, President-Elect; H. John Blossom, MD ’70, Vice
President (Central California); Ronald P. Karlsberg, MD ’73,
Vice President (So. California); Lawrence Lustig, MD ’91,
Robert J. Albo, MD ’59; Kenneth M. Bermudez, MD ’92;
Caley Castelein, MD ’98; Neal H. Cohen, MD ’71;
Timothy J. Crowley, MD ’80; Kenneth H. Fye, MD ’68;
Ruth Goldstein, MD ’79; Lawrence Hill, MD ’67; Donna
Hoghooghi, MD ’98; Tomas Magana, MD ’95; Mary
Eleanor Margaretten, MD ’03; Willis Navarro, MD ’90;
Harlan B. Watkins, MD ’63; Frederick Parris, MD,
President, Association of the Clinical Faculty; Robert C.
Lim, MD ’60, Councilor Emeritus
Stem Cell Research Forges Ahead
UCSF Advisory Colleges
UCSF scientists pursue the promise of stem cells, obstacles or no.
Judith A. Luce, MD ’74; John Fletcher, MD ’57;
Eileen Z. Aicardi, MD ’74
Jafi Lipson, MD ’03
Alumna finds fulfillment as mentor to medical students.
Esther Hong, MS3; Daniel Orjuela, MS2
J. Michael Bishop, MD, Chancellor
David A. Kessler, MD, Dean, UCSF School of Medicine
UCSF School of Medicine
Medical Alumni Association
745 Parnassus Avenue, Box 0970
San Francisco, CA 94143-0970
Tel: 415/476-4723
Toll free: 866/904-2400
Fax: 415/476-9570
© 2007 UCSF School of Medicine, MAA. All rights reserved.
O N T H E C O V E R : On D-Day, June 6, 1944, a landing craft just vacated by invasion
troops points toward a fortified beach on the Normandy Coast. American soldiers wade
to shore fighting heavy machine-gun fire. Many casualties of this and other World War II
battles were treated by UCSF members of the 30th General Hospital. See story, page 3
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F rom the E ditor
The White Coat Ceremony
ne of the medical student events
sponsored by the Medical
Alumni Association is the White
Coat Ceremony. During the ceremony,
first-year students are officially
admitted to their “college” within the
medical school curriculum and
presented with the traditional white
coat of a Medical House Officer. Then
the students, along with various deans
of the medical school, chairs of the
curriculum “colleges,” representatives
of the Medical Alumni Association,
and sundry medical school dignitaries,
take the Louis Lasagna Physician’s
Oath. Selected speakers remind the
attendees of the new responsibilities
and privileges inherent in becoming a
physician. The audience consists of
family and friends of the students
being honored.
The ceremony officially recognizes
the passage of the student from
general membership in the community
at large into the select family of
practitioners of the art and science
of medicine. The white coat itself
symbolizes and is meant to cement
the separation of the physician, as an
esteemed professional, from the lay
community to be served.
As editor of the UCSF Medical
Alumni Magazine, I was allowed to
attend this year’s ceremony. It was
a joyous and moving experience.
However, as a graduate of the Class
of 1968, a “child of the ’60s,” I could
not but note the irony of the event.
There was no White Coat Ceremony
in 1964 when I was a freshman. During
orientation we learned the locations of
the buildings and classrooms that
would be the center of our educational
experience for the next four years.
We all waited in line to get our
microscopes and bones (full skeletons
disarticulated to neatly fit into black
boxes, suitable for home study) and,
in fact, at the end of the line we all
received a long white lab coat that
proved to be extremely valuable during
gross anatomy. After getting our coats
“Why have the white coat and the ceremony again taken on such
significance? . . . There was no White Coat Ceremony in 1964 when
I was a freshman. After getting our coats we just went to class.”
Ken Fye, MD ’68
we just went to class. At the time there
was actually an unspoken movement to
avoid wearing the white coat, because
the separation between “the Doctor”
and his patient, which the white coat
symbolized, was not consistent with
the anti-establishment communalism of
the times. If we ever thought about the
white coat it was with a hint of derision.
The irony is how times and dress codes
have changed.
Why have the white coat and the
ceremony again taken on such
significance? It may simply be the
cyclic nature of things and a return to
tradition. However, the coat and the
ceremony may also reflect an attempt
to protect the image of medicine as a
“profession.” Webster’s New Twentieth
Century Unabridged Second Edition
Dictionary defines a profession as
“a vocation or occupation requiring
advanced training in some liberal art
or science, and usually involving
mental rather than manual work, - - -;
especially medicine, law or theology
(formally called the learned professions).” By that definition the average
Las Vegas bookie or any experienced
maitre d’hotel would be a professional.
I maintain that the term “profession”
implies more than just training—it
implies commitment. The commitment
medical alumni magazine From the Editor | continued
I envision is to service, to excellence,
and to completion. The terms “service”
and “excellence” are self evident.
The term “completion” needs some
clarification. By that, I mean that
professions are task oriented, while
non-professional vocations are time
oriented. Most jobs are defined by
the number of hours spent working.
Work begins at 8 a.m. and ends at
5 p.m., with an hour off for lunch and
a 15-minute break in the morning and
the afternoon.
The medical profession has
traditionally been defined by the
task at hand (such as performing an
unscheduled emergency surgery or
treating a patient with a massive
myocardial infarction), with the time
spent accomplishing the task or
achieving the goal being only a
secondary consideration. That is
clearly no longer the case. Medical
training hours have been legally
limited. The amount of time trainees
can spend in the hospital is strictly
controlled, and new physicians actively
seek jobs with circumscribed working
hours. The new emphasis on time
rather than task does allow physicians
a more well-rounded personal life.
However, it also blurs the definition of
medical professionalism. At the end of
your shift you leave, whether or not the
diagnosis is made or the appropriate
therapy initiated.
The white coat and its attendant
ceremony is a way of re-establishing
the sense of commitment and
accomplishment that should define
what we do. It is a way of reminding
us that, despite the restrictions on
time with which we have to deal, our
success is still defined by what we do
for our patients, not how long it takes
us to do it. It is a way of protecting
the sense of “professionalism” that
distinguishes medicine from other
vocations and even other professions.
Despite my personal sense of irony,
I think the White Coat Ceremony,
being a new tradition to help define an
ancient profession, is well worth
Kenneth H. Fye, MD ’68
spring 2007
F rom the president
While UCSF campus achievements
appear frequently in today’s San
Francisco headlines, the University’s
long tradition of service reaches
back to the very beginnings of the
City. From the Gold Rush days to
the 1906 earthquake to the two
world wars and beyond, UCSF
has responded to the needs of
local citizens and society at large.
I am pleased that this issue of the
UCSF Medical Alumni Magazine
explores how alumni, faculty, and
students responded to the call of
the nation during World War II.
When the United States entered
the war, hundreds of physicians, nurses, and enlisted men
from UCSF traveled to Europe and the South Pacific to
support American troops. Many served with the 30th General
Hospital, UCSF’s military unit. On campus, classes were
compressed so students could complete their MD degrees
more quickly, and remaining faculty worked overtime.
Our predecessors, renowned professors such as Clayton
Mote and Robert Crede, who you will read about in this issue,
served with the 30th General Hospital for the duration of the
war. They returned to their practices and UCSF to teach—
often as volunteers—sharing the deep knowledge they gained
from their wartime service. They gave back to their country,
community, patients, and to this University. Their dedication
influenced a generation of UCSF students, making us better
physicians and people.
My own father, Meyer Schindler, served overseas with the
30th General Hospital. He came back from the war with
many stories, but the biggest lesson he shared with our family
was the importance of giving back to the community and to
the nation.
The lessons from UCSF’s history are important to all of us.
David Schindler, MD ’66
MAA President 2006–2007
Flags of
Our Professors
How UCSF faculty and alumni cared
for the soldiers of World War II
by Anne Kavanagh
In the summer of 1944,
a group of young
faculty and alumni
from UCSF steamed
across the English
Channel. They landed
at Utah Beach in
Normandy, France, where
Junior officers outside their barracks
in England, 1943.
some of the most bitter fighting
of World War II had raged just weeks earlier.
With full backpacks, they marched for eight miles through the
thick mud. After boarding Army trucks, they journeyed onward amid
machine-gun fire. Every few miles, they were forced to jump for
cover in the muddy ditches.
They would soldier on to serve the wounded—and their country—
as part of the 30th General Hospital, the military unit of UCSF.
The impact of their extraordinary wartime experiences would
ripple across UCSF for years: in their own lives and the lives of the
students they would return to teach.
June 1942 – October 1945
medical alumni magazine Torpedoed on the Atlantic
June 1942
Answering the Call
of a Nation
he 30th unit was born just prior to World
War I. In anticipation of that war, faculty at
several East Coast medical schools began
organizing into military base hospitals. UCSF
joined this vanguard, organizing Base Hospital
No. 30, which later served in France.
When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor,
catapulting the United States into World War II,
UCSF faculty and physicians reactivated the unit
as the 30th General Hospital. Almost all the
medical, surgical, and dental staff who joined
were from UCSF, as was the chief of nursing.
Many were alumni.
In June 1942, the 28 officers, 325 enlisted men,
and 70 nurses of the 30th departed for England
from New York aboard the Queen Elizabeth
(pictured above). They were to cross the Atlantic
during the height of the German submarine
campaign, when more Allied shipping was lost
due to enemy action than at any other time during
the war.
Amid the bustle and confusion, a small group
of medical officers arrived too late to board the
Queen Elizabeth. They were sent to Galveston,
Texas, and booked aboard a Dutch vessel, the
Jagersfontein. Theirs would prove a fateful journey.
ne of the officers on board the Jagersfontein, Meyer
Schindler, MD ’38, kept a diary. On their ninth day at sea,
he wrote:
“At 3:50 a.m. was awakened by a dull thud and a jar. It felt like
the Jagersfontein had rammed something. But I knew it must have
been a torpedo for you could smell the cordite. I immediately
grabbed my life belt and ran to lifeboat No. 1 in my pajamas. I was
on the starboard side when somebody yelled the ship had been hit
on the port side aft. ... I knew the ship was thru and it was just a
matter of time before we were in that inky water.”
They were ordered to abandon ship and board lifeboats. The
submarine reappeared about 45 minutes later, firing another torpedo
into the Jagersfontein. Schindler continues:
“In exactly 45 seconds, the ship was below the surface of the
ocean. ... At 9:15 a.m., the sub surfaced not more than 250 yards
from our lifeboats. We all thought they would machine-gun us
because we were military personnel. However, the Germans
nonchalantly went about their
business picking up debris from
the ship. ... The sub remained on
the surface for about 45 minutes,
then steamed off.”
The following day, a Swiss ship
rescued them about 500 miles off
Bermuda. The officers eventually
returned to New York and then
crossed the Atlantic on a British
ship. After a few more close calls,
they arrived in Scotland and
reunited with the others.
At left: the men watch
their sinking ship from
lifeboats; above: the
Jagersfontein sinks
Influencing a generation
Numerous officers of the 30th General Hospital
returned to UCSF, serving as clinical faculty
for years. They are remembered by many as a
dedicated and accomplished group, whose
worldwide experience accelerated their capacity to
teach and helped shape a generation of physiciansin-training. Equally dedicated were those who
stayed behind at UCSF during the war, working
overtime to fill the many vacancies in the teaching
hospitals. The following are just a few of the World
War II faculty alumni whose legacies live on at UCSF.
spring 2007
Clayton Mote, MD ’30
“Clayton was the ‘gold
standard’ for practicing
internal medicine,” says
surgeon F. William Heer, MD
’56, a former student and
then UCSF faculty colleague
of Mote’s. Mote served with
the 30th as a lieutenant
colonel and as chief of
medicine from 1942 until 1946.
He was on the clinical faculty
at UCSF from 1931 until 1972.
For 15 years, he taught physical
diagnosis to sophomore
medical students. “When I got
an ‘A’ in Mote’s class,” Heer
says, “it was one of the
proudest days of my life.”
A no-nonsense man who
stood ramrod straight and rarely
cracked a smile, Mote “did not
tolerate shortcomings,” recalls
Heer. Long before the era of
CAT scans, Mote used his
senses and uncanny ability to
employ deductive reasoning in
Officers of the 30th General Hospital in Mansfield, England, with visitor Howard Naffziger (in civilian clothes), chair of the UCSF Department
of Surgery and Consultant for Neurosurgery, U.S. Army
Serving the Wounded
—with Ingenuity
fter disembarking, the unit took a train to their hospital
site in Mansfield in the heart of Britain’s coal mining
district. The 30th was the first American military
base hospital in England and began admitting patients right
away. But supplies and equipment were scarce, resulting
in some novel improvisations.
For example, the operating room had no suction
apparatus to remove blood during surgery. Dental alumnus
Stanley Erpf devised
one out of bicycle
pumps, operated by
two corpsmen. In the
dental clinic, footoperated drills were
used. Early fractured
jaws were immobilized
with fuse wire and
Stanley Erpf in the dental clinic
buck shot.
Another instance of UCSF ingenuity involved artificial
eyes, which were in high demand. Glass eyes broke
frequently and took months to replace. Using his experience
with dental plastic, Erpf developed an unbreakable eye out
Clayton Mote (left) with Charles
Rosson in Mansfield, England, 1943
diagnosing conditions. When
other physicians were stymied
making a diagnosis, they
would call the “Motoscope,”
says Heer. “Everyone was in
awe of him.”
Another former student,
Gerald P. Rodriguez, MD ’66,
wrote the following about
Mote when he was named
1991 UCSF Alumnus of the
“Our Class of 1966 met
Dr. Mote at the Laguna Honda
Hospital 27 years ago, in
1964. This spring semester
course was terribly important
of acrylic. He then set up the manufacturing process for this prosthesis
for all of the Armed Forces.
The hospital had 1,000 beds in its
first year, and the staff treated a
wide variety of illnesses and injuries.
As in all wars, venereal disease
posed a serious problem for the
military personnel. Robert Crede,
MD ’42, headed a successful effort
to develop a new method for
Nurse Eleanor Lindner
treating syphilis in less than one
(née Mench) mixing
month compared to the usual
penicillin in the
12-18 months.
officers’ ward
While in
Mansfield, the medical staff first
heard of a new “miracle drug”
called penicillin. The top-secret
pharmaceutical was to be used only
for treating combat personnel,
and the officers were astonished
at penicillin’s effectiveness. “For
the military, this new drug was like
manna from heaven,” writes Meyer
Schindler in The Thirtieth in Two
World Wars, his book about the
Meyer Schindler (right)
with Clark Gable
unit’s experiences.
and exciting for us since
it was our first real test of
clinical medicine and our
first real laying-of-hands on
patients. At Dr. Mote’s urging,
we began our first tentative
steps at history-taking, and
who of us will ever forget the
cardinal steps of physical
examination: inspection,
palpation, percussion, and
“He was a task master.
Best be prepared! When one
of our class elected to ‘pass’
on one of his questions
regarding the physical findings
in a particularly arcane cardiac
condition, Dr. Mote’s reply
was instant and definitive:
‘Mr. X, you may decide not to
answer this question, but you
most certainly will not pass.’
“This dedicated medical
educator and physician made
many of us here feel those first
pangs of pride as we began to
look, feel, and act as doctors.”
medical alumni magazine One of three field hospitals set up to treat and evacuate front-line casualties during the invasion of Normandy, 1944
Establishing a Tent Hospital
n June 6, 1944, the invasion of Normandy
began. Several weeks later, the UCSF unit
crossed the English Channel and landed
at the Utah Beach bridgehead. They proceeded on
an arduous and dangerous journey—part of the
group almost strayed into the German line—to care
for soldiers at a field hospital.
They then set up a tent hospital in La Haye
du Puit, receiving injured from the front line.
During one 24-hour stretch, 320 casualties poured
in. The surgical department mainly cleaned and
closed wounds. Neuropsychiatry grappled with
cases of battle fatigue. The medical department
treated respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases,
malaria, diarrhea, and other conditions. Constant
rain caused problems with sanitation and drainage.
Every night for a month, the German air force
attacked the beachhead. Fragments of steel
descended like rain during heavy anti-aircraft
barrages and would have caused serious injuries
if the staff hadn’t taken cover. They often found
shell fragments in the morning that had pierced
the tent hospital’s roof during the previous
night’s battle.
At right: Barbed wire on the
invasion beach, Normandy.
In the distance, British
and American destroyers.
Below: Wounded soldiers
were brought to the tent
hospital via ambulance
trains—big buses fitted
with sling beds for
carrying both litter and
semi-ambulatory patients.
They operated near the
front lines of combat.
Influencing a generation
Robert Crede, MD ’42
comprehensive ambulatory
medical services at UCSF.
Robert Crede served with
In addition, he changed prethe 30th General Hospital
and post-doctoral medical
for three years and was
education to emphasize a
awarded the Bronze Star
comprehensive approach to
for Meritorious Service.
all patient problems. “Bob
He returned to UCSF as a
resident in Medicine and later Crede was idolized by his
students,” says colleague F.
was chief resident. He also
William Heer, MD ’56. “They
became a full professor
loved him and he loved them.”
and held several leadership
positions. Among his
Robert Crede (left) with
many accomplishments,
Norman Sweet in Mansfield,
Crede developed model
England, 1943
spring 2007
Surviving the
Battle of Antwerp
n November 1944, the group left
the tent hospital and traveled to
St. Antonius, Belgium, near Antwerp.
They took over a grim two-story stone
structure, formerly a mental hospital.
The Germans had launched their
last major counterattack, and V-1 and
V-2 rockets poured into the Antwerp
area. One bomb even gyrated over
the hospital before falling some
distance away.
The hospital was far from adequate,
with insufficient heating and unchlorinated water. It was always dangerously
understaffed with general surgeons,
who were often sent on detached
service to field and evacuation
hospitals. When V-E Day arrived,
their patient load actually increased.
Casualties of the last German counterattack in 1944 arriving at the 30th General Hospital
in St. Antonius, near Antwerp
German V-1
“Buzz Bomb”
behind the
Finally, in August 1945, it was officially announced that the 30th General
Hospital would turn the installation over to another unit the next month.
The war was over and the 30th could return to California. They sailed
home on the SS Argentina, arriving in New York on October 4, 1945.
Mary Olney, MD ’32
Nicknamed “St. Mary” by
admiring colleagues, Olney
was one of the hardworking
faculty who stayed behind
at UCSF during the war.
She served as a clinical
professor of pediatrics and
chief of pediatrics at San
Francisco General Hospital.
“Mary worked night and
day during those years,”
recalls her former student,
October 1945
Moses Grossman, MD ’46
(see story, next page). “She
was a wonderful person
who would do anything for
children.” Olney later created
the first summer camp for
diabetic children. Olney
taught by example, says
Grossman, and was so
inspiring that he changed his
own career goal to pediatrics.
Mary Olney worked day
and night at the “homefront”
in San Francisco.
medical alumni magazine Moses Grossman, MD ’46
One Student’s
Born in Russia, Moses Grossman,
MD ’46, lived in China and began
medical school in Hong Kong.
He immigrated to the United States
in 1941 and continued his medical
studies at UCSF. “I wasn’t a
citizen and with the war underway,
it wasn’t clear what was going to
happen to me,” he says. The dean
of the UCSF School of Medicine
traveled to Washington, D.C., to
help secure Grossman’s citizenship.
Because of
the war, classes
were accelerated
and compressed
from four full
years into seven
terms of sixteen
weeks each, and
the MD degree
was granted
before the year
of internship.
“We didn’t know any different,
so the workload didn’t bother me,”
he recalls. Grossman participated
in an Army training program that
paid for tuition and books, and he
attended class in uniform. “I was
grateful to the military for paying
my way,” he says. After completing
UCSF, he served in the Army
for two years, including a stint in
intelligence school. “They chose
me because I spoke Russian,”
Grossman explains. “It was a very
interesting experience.”
During the next 40 years,
Grossman became a national leader
in children’s health. He served
as chief of pediatric services at
San Francisco General Hospital,
vice chair of the Department of
Pediatrics at UCSF, and associate
dean of the UCSF School of
Medicine. Grossman was named
UCSF Alumnus of the Year in
1985 and in 2001 he was awarded
the UCSF Medal, the campus’s
highest honor.
spring 2007
The 30th General Hospital received many commendations,
including this one from President Harry Truman.
UCSF School of Medicine
Alumni and Faculty Members
30th General Hospital
Walter Birnbaum, MD ’32
John Brown, MD ’35
John Castiglione, MD ’42
Leonid Cherney, MD ’34
Albert G. Clark, MD ’32
Edwin Clausen, MD ’36
Martin Covel, MD ’42
Robert Crede, MD ’42
James Elliot, MD ’36
Porter Forcade, MD (resident)
Gordon Hein, MD
Melford Jorgensen, MD ’38
Thomas Lennon, MD ’24
Maurice Leonard, MD
Harold Lindner, MD ’33
Harold “Brick” Muller, MD ’29
Clayton Mote, MD ’30
Arthur Rice, MD ’34
Francis Rochex, MD ’28
Charles Rosson, MD ’31
Meyer Schindler, MD ’38
Adolph Segal, MD ’42
Ralph Soto-Hall, MD ’23
H. Brodie Stephens, MD
Norman Sweet, MD ’38
James Thompson, MD
& Class Reunions
School of Medicine
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Please join in celebrating
your reunion and
experience the joy of
reconnecting with old
friends. Hear what’s new
at UCSF, enjoy lunch
with your class, applaud
the next generation
of leaders in medicine,
and honor the Alumnus
of the Year. Tour the new
Mission Bay campus or
visit your old stomping
grounds. Reunions
are special. Come back
and learn why.
Sponsored by the UCSF School of Medicine
and the UCSF Medical Alumni Association
To register and pay online
go to
and click on “Events.”
medical alumni magazine RESEARCH
Stem Cell Research at UCSF Accelerates,
Despite Lags in State Funding
b y Car li Cutchin
fter California voters passed Proposition 71 in 2004, the hopes of
scientists and sufferers of ailments such as Parkinson’s and heart
disease soared high. The first of its kind in the nation, the bill
earmarked $3 billion over 10 years for stem cell research.
Legal problems initially caused lags in distributing those funds. But UCSF
pushed ahead, building its stem cell program with gifts from generous
private supporters.
In 60 labs across the UCSF campus, investigators are testing the
promise of stem cells to repair or regenerate organs and tissues, potentially
uncovering cures for many of life’s most intractable diseases. Their research
owes its origins to one of UCSF’s own: Gail Martin, PhD, co-discovered and
named embryonic stem cells in her University lab 25 years ago, a finding
that would ignite a new era in medicine.
Now, stem cell researchers are preparing to unite their diverse studies
under one roof, thanks in part to a $16 million gift from Ray and Dagmar
Dolby. With their labs located strategically throughout the new Institute for
Regeneration Medicine building—to be housed at the Parnassus Heights
campus—scientists will be able to share ideas while staying in compliance
with federal guidelines that require separation of federally approved from
unapproved stem cell lines.
Giving added boost to stem cell research at UCSF, last year the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine—the state agency created with the
passage of Proposition 71—disbursed the first in a series of stem cell
grants, which had previously been delayed by state litigation. Awarded to
UCSF and 15 other California non-profit institutions, the grants support the
first year of a three-year program designed to train the next generation of
stem cell scientists.
“Stem cell biology . . . requires innovative new ways of thinking, new
tools, and new skills,” notes Arnold Kriegstein, MD, PhD, director of the
UCSF Institute for Regeneration Medicine. “What better way to ensure
success than to recruit the brightest and most gifted, and train them for
the future.”
This spring, a new round of state grants will support research on human
embryonic stem cells, including cell lines that are not in the federal registry
established by President Bush in 2001. For UCSF investigators, the new
grants will constitute an unprecedented boon to research efforts that were
previously sustained by private funding alone.
The pioneering scientists (right) are among the more than 100 investigators engaged
in groundbreaking stem cell research at UCSF.
10 spring 2007
UCSF Institute for
Regeneration Medicine
Director Arnold
Kriegstein, MD, PhD,
is studying the role
stem cells play in brain
development. Kriegstein
and his colleagues have
discovered that radial glial
cells, found only in the
embryonic and fetal brain,
play a greater role in brain development
than previously thought. These cells,
they determined, are in fact the stem cell
precursors to the nerve cells that constitute
the cerebral cortex. This insight may lead
to strategies for growing specific types of
nerve cells from embryonic stem cells—
a key step on the path to innovative
therapies for Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy,
ALS, and birth defects. Susan Fisher, PhD, is working to create
pure human embryonic stem cell lines.
Unlike lines approved by the federal
government, which were grown with mouse
cells, those developed at UCSF are better
suited for treating human disease because
they are free from animal cell contamination
and genetic mutations. These lines will
be the building blocks of the Institute for
Regeneration Medicine’s organ regeneration
and repair strategy.
Robert Blelloch, MD, PhD, is investigating
the hypothesis that aberrant stem cells
cause and maintain a
broad spectrum of
cancers. By uncovering the fundamental
processes of stem cell
differentiation, he
hopes to understand
how unspecialized
cells develop into
specific tissues or,
when their growth
goes awry, into
cancerous cells. His efforts could shed
further light on the origins of cancer and
lead to more effective cancer therapies.
UCSF Advisory Colleges Provide Support, Advice, Guidance
b y Jean Murray
edical school is never easy,
but today’s students at the
UCSF School of Medicine
get a helping hand from a supportive
program not available to their
predecessors—the Advisory Colleges.
Now in its fifth year, the Advisory
College Program includes every
medical student in all four years of
training. It is designed to:
n provide mentoring and personalized
academic advising
n facilitate student communication
among peers and faculty
n guide students through an array of
educational resources, timelines,
clinical care settings, and prospective career options
The program’s success can be
attributed to the compassion and
guidance of its eight faculty mentors
who, in pairs, lead the four Advisory
Colleges, which are a composite of
students from each class.
For Ellen Hughes, MD ’84, PhD,
being an Advisory College mentor is
one of the most exciting parts of her
work at UCSF.
“We have some of the best and
brightest and most unique students
in the country here at UCSF,” she says.
“It’s such a gift to teach them and
Advisory College mentors on stage
“coating” first-year students at the
annual White Coat Ceremony
be a mentor to them. Not only are they and enable them to have the best
remarkably accomplished, but they
possible experience at UCSF.
are truly exceptional individuals with a
The other six Advisory College
wide array of interests and goals.”
mentors are Mohammad Diab, MD,
To her students and colleagues,
Sharad Jain, MD, Carol Miller, MD,
Hughes is definitely an exceptional
Andrew Murr, MD, Renee Navarro,
individual as well. A
MD, and John
beloved teacher whose
Stein, MD.
special interests include
Representing the
integrative medicine, the
full spectrum of
doctor-patient relationmedical specialties—
ship, and spirituality
pediatrics, internal
in medicine, she is the
medicine, psychiatry,
director of education at
orthopaedics, ENT,
UCSF’s Osher Center
for Integrative Medicine
emergency medicine—
and previously served
mentors are available
“We have some of the
as a co-director of the
to advise students
Foundations in Patient
in all the Colleges on
best and brightest and
Care course.
their future careers.
most unique students
Hughes started medical
Mentors also have
in the country here
school at UCSF when
the honor of “coating”
at UCSF. ... It’s such a
she was 35, later in life
the first-year class
than most students. She
at the White Coat
gift to teach them and
was inspired to pursue
Ceremony, and follow
be a mentor to them.”
a medical career by her
those students through
— Ellen Hughes
sister’s dream, which
their four years of
pictured her walking
medical school. And
around a hospital in a white coat
the close relationship doesn’t stop
with a stethoscope around her neck.
with graduation; many of Hughes’
“UCSF has been my medical home
students keep in touch with personal
since the fall of 1979 when I got
and professional news as they
accepted from the wait list as the
begin their careers.
oldest student in the Class of 1984,”
Since UCSF School of Medicine
she reflects. “Later, I somehow
classes average 141 students, the
convinced the Primary Care Internal
mentors’ time is spread thin as they
Medicine Residency Program here at
balance their commitment to the
Parnassus to take me on as a resident
Advisory Colleges with teaching
and have stayed on as a member of
and patient care. Hughes’ “wish list”
the faculty in the Division of General
includes additional financial support
Medicine ever since. I’m incredibly
for the program to provide a better
grateful that UCSF was willing to take
ratio between mentors and students
a chance on me.”
and to secure the future of the
The students in the Hughes-Mack
Advisory College are glad too. Hughes
“One of my greatest joys is being
and her co-mentor, Kevin Mack, MD,
able to participate in and witness
meet with students one-on-one, in
the development of students and
small groups, and at Advisory College
residents as they grow into mature
social events. They help students learn physicians,” says Hughes. “I am
the ropes, encourage them before
honored to be a part of the Advisory
exams and second-year boards, and
assist third- and fourth-year students
For more information or to sponsor
an Advisory College, please contact
as they ponder specialty decisions.
Lyn Oswald, director of Development
The mentors advocate for students,
and Alumni Relations, UCSF School
tell them about opportunities, help
of Medicine, at 415/502-8377 or
them work through difficult times,
medical alumni magazine 11
Read more class notes online — There are hundreds more class notes online at
You can add your own class note and digital photo to keep your classmates updated. If this is your first visit to
the site, you will need your community ID number as a temporary password. Your ID is printed next to your
name on the address portion of this magazine.
n Carr Bentel, MD ’29, spent his first
30 years after medical school in the
medical corps of the United States Navy.
He served on the
Yangtze River Patrol in
the early 1930s and
was stationed at Pearl
Harbor when the
Japanese attacked in
1941. Bentel survived
the war and returned
home to take posts as
a radiologist and, later, as executive and
commanding officer of naval hospitals
around the United States and in the Canal
Zone. In 1959 he retired from the military
and became the director of medical and
surgical services for the California State
Mental Hospitals, a post he retired from in
1973 to care for his ailing wife. He still lives
on his own in San Francisco, close to his
son and daughter-in-law, and walks two
miles a day around his neighborhood.
n George S. Hannah, MD ’47,
(pictured below with his wife) retired in
1993 after practicing pediatrics, mostly
(40 years) in San Leandro. He enjoyed the
Bay Area and frequent trips to the Sierra.
After graduating he spent two years in
the Navy (having benefited from its V-12
program), mostly at Bremerton Naval
Hospital near Seattle. He is married and
has two daughters, both in Colorado.
He’s living in a small town, Niwot, near
Boulder and Estes Park. He enjoys
12 spring 2007
the outdoors, hikes (now reduced to
snow-shoeing in the winter), traveling, and
photography. In 1997, his daughters
arranged a 50th anniversary party for him
and his wife at the Alumni House on the
Berkeley campus—very nice.
n Jack J. Williams, MD ’47, has
been fully retired for 22 years. He enjoyed
frequent overseas travel, until his wife
died in 2001, with an emphasis on good
snorkeling areas (e.g., Australia, Maui,
Aruba, Aqaba). In 1986, he and his wife
went on their own to Tanzania and Kenya
with local guides. He made a videotape
of African animals which, when edited
down to about 90 minutes, is every bit
as good as anything National Geographic
has produced (in his opinion). His
children’s careers: one school teacher,
one computer nut, one lawyer, and one
successful businessman. He also has
four grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. One great-grandchild, age
17, is academically gifted and interested
in science and medicine.
n Ron Lever, MD ’56, has been happily
retired since July 4, 1993, though he
is now busier than ever. He is taking
writing classes
and working on
a second book,
an autobiography.
He has just been
elected president
of the Men’s Club
at Valley Beth
Shalom Synagogue
in Encino, where
he and his wife,
Doreen, reside. They
have been members
since their son’s bar mitzvah in 1972.
He and Doreen have been married since
1952. They celebrated their golden 50th
wedding anniversary in 2002 with a gala
dinner dance along with 175 close friends
and family. They have a daughter, Karen,
and son, Rick, and four grandchildren:
Rubin, Shifra, Jeremie, and Ilana.
n Melvin L. Rubin, MD ’57, retired
from his position as professor and from
active clinical practice in 1997, though he
maintains a daily educational role on the
(volunteer) faculty at the University of
Florida College of Medicine. Committed
to ophthalmic education in its broadest
sense, aside from giving lectures
and courses, he developed a national
examination program—the Ophthalmic
Knowledge Assessment Program—
now in its 39th year.
He’s been invited
as visiting professor
on over 60 occasions,
delivered 20 named
lectureships, and
has written over
100 publications and
seven textbooks,
one of which won an AMMY as the best
medical book of the year (from the
American Medical Writers Association). In
addition to his academic pursuits, he has
served on the board of trustees and as
president of the American Academy of
Ophthalmology, as president of the AAO
Foundation, on the board and as chairman
of the American Board of Ophthalmology,
as trustee and president of the Association
for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology,
and as chairman of the Council of the
American Ophthalmological Society.
He and his wife, Lorna, celebrated their
53rd anniversary last June. They have
three children and five grandchildren who
reside with their respective families in
Toronto, Canada; Santa Fe, New Mexico;
and Santa Cruz, California.
n Don Adler, MD ’57, retired in August
2006 from a private practice specializing
in reproductive medicine. In addition to
private practice, he was chairman of
Ob/Gyn & Residency training at CedarSinai Hospital, and was on the board of
the Pacific Coast Fertility Society. In his
spare time, he serves on the board of
the Los Angeles Children’s Museum,
has been sculpting stone for eight years,
plays tennis and bridge, and spends a
great deal of time traveling with his wife
of 53 years, Barbara (pictured above).
They have visited all seven continents.
They have three sons, all doctors, and five
n James Hamill, MD ’57, retired from
a plastic surgery practice in Sacramento
in 1992. Since that time, he’s kept busy
with home and garden maintenance and
restoration (just his) and has learned
to develop a thriving correspondence
via email. He also spent 12 of those
retirement years going to Japanese
language school and has many pen-pals
in that language. Now he’s hooked on
Netflix. He’s also traveled to 96 countries,
many of them more than once, with his
wife, Joan Petesch (pictured below),
who he met
during their
senior year
while she
was working
as a PM
float nurse
at Moffitt
Hospital. They have four children: Elaine,
48; Nicholas, 45; Leo, 44; and Valerie, 40.
Their children, in turn, have provided them
with 11 grandchildren.
n Robert Darrell Cardiff, MD ’62,
was the UC Davis School of Medicine
chair of Pathology and founding director of
Medical Informatics. He was the instructor
of record of the Pathology curriculum for
17 years. His teaching was recognized
by multiple awards. He is currently at
UCD Center of Comparative Medicine
acting as an international consultant,
where his unique niche in science is
mouse tumor pathology. Last year he was
elected an AAAS Fellow and promoted
to distinguished professor. He recently
finished a tour as the president of the
International Association for Breast Cancer
Research. He continues to play full court
basketball three mornings a week and
has been training for 10K races. His times
are getting below nine-min/mile. He
intends to be the last man standing. He
and his wife, Sally, have been married 44
years and have three children and three
grandchildren. Their children have taken
diverse paths to become archaeologists
(Darrell), lawyers (Todd), and rock
musicians (Shelley). They are delighted
and doting grandparents. Life is good.
n Laurence S. Reisner, MD ’67, has
enjoyed a wonderful career in academic
anesthesiology at UCSD Medical Center
and retired from practice in July 2002.
He was chief of OB Anesthesia for several
years and eventually the acting chair of
his department for two-and-a-half years.
He still teaches two days a month. He and
his wife, Susan, have
two grown children: a
daughter with two lovely
children, and a son
who is an attorney.
Since retiring he has
kept quite busy by
joining the Sheriff’s
Volunteer Patrol and is
currently the administrator of that unit for
his local substation.
n Douglas Frederick Schwilk, MD ’67,
fully retired from his dermatology practice
with Kaiser-Sacramento in October 2006.
However, he semi-retired in June 2002,
working only six days per month these
past four years, which was perfect.
Dermatology was a lot of fun, involving
both a medical differential diagnosis and
surgery. On a personal note, he has been
continued on next page
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medical alumni magazine 13
Class Notes 1960s | continued
In Memoriam
Mervin J. Goldman, MD ’38
Ellen Brown, MD ’39
John B. Castiglione, MD ’42
Prescott W. Thompson, MD ’42
Howard J. Weinberger, MD ’42
Edmund D. Jung, MD ’44
Victor P. Bond, MD ’45
Walter S. Mazen, MD ’45
James L. Caffee, MD ’46
Robert E. Clark, MD ’46
Harry K. Darling, MD ’46
Reynold F. Brown, MD ’47
Thurid B. Lininger, MD ’48
Charles D. Noonan, MD ’53
Raymond W. Rakow, MD ’53
Bernard S. Sorkin, MD ’53
Melvyn H. Krause, MD ’57
Marvin Weiner, MD ’57
Marvin A. Brownstein, MD ’58
Mikel Duino, MD ’60
Frank A. Elliott, MD ’62
James S. Lieberman, MD ’63
Richard C. Rentz, MD ’68
Duane A. Olson, MD ’72
Douglas Beers, MD ’77
Ruben E. Montes, MD ’00
faculty, housestaff
Edwin P. Brennan
James S. Browne
Leon Cohen
Madeleine Butt Grumbach
Robert D. Hindi
Herbert S. Kaufman
Evelyn Y. Lee
Robert I. Mahon
Robert A. Major
John P. Mc Cann
Selby Mohr
Sally E. Perlman
Yung J. Sohn
William J. Wedemeyer, Jr.
Roger W. Westmont
Brian R. Young
Masanori Yukimoto
14 spring 2007
married to Joanna for 40 years (pictured
below). His daughter is a third-year internal
medicine resident at UC Davis and his son
is in academia—
PhD from Stanford
in evolutionary
little too complex
for dad. His
interests include
vintage ballroom
dancing, along
with folk dancing
(two nights plus
per week). He
loves to hike, bird watch, and travel, plus
he has been diligently studying Italian for
the past three years. His favorite sites for
foreign travel include South Africa,
Italy, and Sweden.
n Peter S. Moskowitz, MD ’70, is a
clinical professor of radiology at Stanford
University School of Medicine and staff
radiologist at Lucille Packard Children’s
Hospital at Stanford. Prior to teaching at
Stanford, he was in private practice for
18 years. Currently, he is the founder and
director of the Center for Professional
and Personal Renewal
in Palo Alto, a center
devoted to helping
physicians overcome
career burnout and
creating a positive
work-life balance.
He has become an
expert in the field of
physician wellness and career renewal and
has spent the past nine years lecturing to
physicians around the country on these
n K. Rose, MD ’72, found a career in a
semi-rural family practice via a medical
school externship in the emergency
department of Community Hospital in
Santa Rosa. In 1998, he recruited a
young associate to take over the majority
of his office responsibilities while he
concentrated on surgery assisting. One
week after his arrival, Columbia-HCA
threatened to close their Healdsburg
Hospital. Thus began a five-year odyssey
to form a non-profit corporation, recruit a
management team, sell municipal bonds,
raise half-a-million dollars in donations,
and buy the
hospital. Included
in the rescue
effort was the
construction of
a new Alliance
Medical Center,
the descendent
of the original free
clinic that led him
to Healdsburg
32 years earlier.
The high point of his research activity was
the invention of transdermal nicotine
(Habitrol) with his brother, Jed, at UCLA.
At home, house construction has been the
recurring theme of the past three decades.
A quarter-acre vegetable garden and
orchard provide food, exercise, and gentle
reminders about the cycle of life. He and
his wife, Cathryn, have been married for
30 wonderful years. After raising five
bright and energetic offspring, they enjoy
the empty nest with quiet time together.
They adore the mates their children
have brought into their lives. Their three
grandsons will soon be joined by a
n Barrie Von Smith, MD ’72, was
active duty in the Army as a physician from
1972-1977. He took his Family Practice
boards in 1976. After Army life he moved
to Emmett, Idaho, a rural community
in the southwest part of the state. He
enjoyed solo practice until 2005. He
rejoined the Army Reserves in 1997 and
has enjoyed humanitarian missions and
recent deployment. Medicine has been
extremely satisfying and rewarding for
him. He is happily married to his wife of
38 years (pictured below). They have
seven beautiful daughters, all of whom
have finished college. They now have
11 grandchildren and travel the country
visiting them. They continue to live on a
large farm in southwestern Idaho. The kids
don’t want them to ever sell the clinic in
town or the homestead where they grew
up—and they probably never will. Life is
good, and they have been blessed.
n Colin Raitiere, MD ’77, left a fulltime
practice and is now working two days a
week. He got certified in clinical lipidology
and lives off the beaten path in a little
house on a hillside surrounded by rugged
knob land, rattlesnakes, copperheads, and
black widows. He has a little studio and
makes lots of music. He is taking mandolin
lessons and CD #4
is coming out in
three weeks. He was
divorced, and then
married the love of
his life. His son,
Aaron, is in an MFA
program in recording
arts in Nashville,
and daughter, Kate, is a middle school
language arts teacher in Lexington,
n Paul F. White, MD ’77, is finishing up
a career in clinical research (400+ peerreviewed publications are enough!). He
plans to spend more time furthering the
goals of his not-forprofit foundation,
the White Mountain
Institute. The foundation has applied for
CME accreditation
and supports the
arts and alternative
medical practices.
As a huge Cal Bear fan, he keeps busy
traveling between Dallas and the Bay Area.
Although he still spends too much time
in airplanes, he has managed to find
more time to enjoy outdoor activities
(e.g., climbing mountains in New Zealand,
Indonesia, and Northern Italy). He and
his wife, Linda, also enjoy going on cruise
ships. They are completely renovating their
“old” house in Los Altos in preparation for
an “early retirement.” Linda is involved in a
variety of community-related projects and
their two lovely daughters, Kristina and
Lisa, have both found “significant others.”
Kristina is in marketing for a computer
software company in Sunnyvale and Lisa
is a research analyst in Washington, D.C.
n Kathleen Hirtz, MD ’82, is still in
practice in Springfield, Oregon. She has a
general practice and specializes in sports
medicine and bariatrics. She began flying
in 2001 and started performing air shows
in her Pitts professionally in 2003. She and
Tom were divorced in 2002, but continue
to be good friends and see each other
often. She married Steve Wolf, her
aerobatic instructor, in 2003. She was
diversion from clinical work. She spends
a lot of time staying fit for hiking and skiing
in Utah, where her family tries to spend
as much time as possible. She also
dances several times per week (Israeli
and Ballroom). She continues to follow her
husband, Bruce, up mountains, down ski
slopes, and on the dance floor. His vitality
and curiosity are an inspiration. They have
three children: Sam, Hannah, and Max.
n Ludmila Bojman, MD ’82, followed
flying an aerobatic glider (pictured above)
until she had an off-field landing in 2004
and crashed. She broke her back,
requiring extensive surgery. She has
continued to perform air shows in the
Northwest. She continues to be very active
in skiing, rollerblading, ice skating, biking,
and kayaking. She and Steve have begun
traveling, which she enjoys very much.
n Ryk Graf Tanalski, MD ’82, continues
to work at Kaiser Vallejo Anesthesiology.
He’s happy to report that the whole family
is doing great despite minor complications:
sequestered disc, medulloblastoma, and
teenage angst. The complications have
all been resolved, except for the teenage
angst. He’s still
recreating as time
allows, with some
changes: more road
than mountain biking
(less maintenance),
skiing again for the
first time in 15 years
(poor snow conditions), and still ready to go snowboarding if
they ever get some powder!
n Diane R. Krieger, MD ’82, continues
to practice endocrinology and clinical
nutrition on her own, enjoying the independence and tolerating the pressures.
For many years she was the only boardcertified female endocrinologist in Miami
Dade County, and this afforded her the
great luxury of choosing her own pace and
practice style. For the last six years she
has been in a partnership conducting
research on nutritional products for
supplement companies, a very interesting
her husband to Los Angeles after she
finished her radiology residency and
neuroradiology fellowship in Seattle.
For many years, she worked as a staff
radiologist at a few local hospitals. In
1999, she switched to
doing breast imaging.
She is now medical
director of Beverly
Tower Women’s
Center located in
Beverly Hills. After
turning 50, she
decided to get some
exercise and began running with a local
running club. She just completed her
15th marathon and qualified for the 2007
Boston Marathon. She has been married
to Daniel Cohn since 1982. They have
three children: Zachary, 20, and 18-yearold twin girls, Rachel and Marissa.
n Barbara Natterson-Horowitz,
MD ’87, is about to hit the 20-year mark
at UCLA. Her specialty within cardiology
is echo; she serves as the director of
interventional echocardiography and
the director of imaging for the UCLA
Cardiac Arrhythmia Center. This year she
developed a novel procedure that she
named PICE (percutaneous intrapericardial
intracardiac echo), which is used for
complex ablation procedures. A lifelong
animal lover, she now provides the
cardiovascular care to the primates at the
Los Angeles Zoo. She and her husband,
Zach, have two children (pictured below).
continued on next page
medical alumni magazine 15
Class Notes | continued
n Tracey Ann Banks, MD ’92, founded
an Ob/Gyn practice in McKinney, Texas
(a suburb of Dallas)
seven years ago,
which has now
grown to six
providers. She has
three wonderful
children: an
11-year-old girl,
Gabrielle, and two
boys, Sean, 8, and
Ayden, 4. Her husband, Mark, works for
a logistics firm. They are just enjoying life
and cherishing every moment.
n Laurence Peiperl, MD ’92, after
several years in HIV vaccine research
and directing the UCSF Center for HIV
Information, has recently moved to the
Public Library of Science as an editor for
the open-access journal PLoS Medicine.
He also volunteers at the Haight Ashbury
Medical Clinic. He and Chuck are still
together, going on 18 years. He hopes to
see many of his classmates at the reunion
in May.
n Chris Price, MD ’94, is currently in
private practice in Sacramento. He is doing
family practice out of his office, along
with occasional visits to a couple of
nursing homes, and he admits to one of
three different hospitals. He is married
and has one child (age 3 1⁄2). Life is really
pretty good.
n Mason Lee, MD ’98, has been prac-
ticing full scope oral/maxillofacial surgery
in Marin County
for the last
four years. He
is currently on
staff at Marin
General Hospital
and Novato
Hospital. He’s
been challenged
each day by the
hectic demands
of running a
private practice and keeping a normal
family life. His three kids (Josh, Erin, and
Nicole) keep him pretty busy. Being a
classroom dad, swim teacher, and play
buddy are his reality.
recent grads
Gil Kryger, MD ’01, is in his last year of
residency in plastic surgery at Stanford.
He will soon attend the University of
Southern California for a fellowship in
hand and microsurgery. He and his brother
will graduate at the same time and they
intend to open a practice together in
Los Angeles. He has a beautiful baby girl
named Mika, who is less than a year old
and super-cute. He still surfs and runs
and loves to hang out with his wife, Ella.
Bryan Huang, MD ’03, completed
his residency at Stanford and is now
practicing internal medicine as an assistant
clinical professor at UC San Diego,
Division of Hospital Medicine. Now that
he has moved to San Diego, he is trying
his hand at surfing and volleyball.
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