PSIM P M Tuttoria al Using SP PI in F2 2833x//F2803 3x Tarrget Jaanuary 20155 -1- Pow wersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target With the SimCoder Module M and the F2833x//F2803x Harrdware Targeet, PSIM cann generate reeady-torun codes for DSP bo oards that usse TI F2833x x/F2803x serries DSP. Byy using the S Serial Periphheral Interface (SPI) block ks in the F2833x/F2803x x Target libraary, one can implement tthe functions to communicate with ex xternal SPI devices d (such h as externall A/D and D D/A converteers) easily annd ually for SPII devices is ooften a time--consuming and non-trivvial task. convenieently. Writing code manu With the capability to o support SP PI, PSIM greeatly simplifi fies and speeeds up the cooding and haardware implemen ntation process. This tuto orial describees how SPI blocks b and defined d and uused in PSIM M. To illustraate the proceess, several examples witth SPI D/A converter c and d A/D conveerters are proovided. 1. SPI in TI F283 33x/F2803 3x There aree one set of SPI S module in TI F2833x DSP and 2 sets of SPII modules (S SPIA and SP PIB) in F2803x DSP. D They have h differen nt sets of GP PIO ports. PS SIM supportss the use of tthese GPIO ports to communicate with SP PI devices. The T GPIO po orts used by SPI modulees are listed bbelow. For the F2833x F hardw ware target: To use Ports GPIO16 6-GPIO19: - GPIO16 as SPI daata output pin GPIO17 as SPI daata input pin n GPIO18 as SPI clock SPICLK K GPIO19 as SPI slaave transmitt-enable pin SPISTE 4-GPIO57: To use Ports GPIO54 - GPIO5 54 as SPI daata output pin n GPIO5 55 as SPI daata input pin GPIO5 56 as SPI clo ock SPICLK K GPIO5 57 as SPI slaave transmit-enable pin S SPISTE F hardw ware target: For the F2803x To use Ports GPIO16 6-GPIO19 off SPIA: - GPIO16 as SPI daata output pin GPIO17 as SPI daata input pin n GPIO18 as SPI clock SPICLK K GPIO19 as SPI slaave transmitt-enable pin SPISTE To use Ports GPIO3, 5, 18 and GPIO19 G of SP PIA: - GPIO3 3 as SPI dataa input pin GPIO5 5 as SPI dataa output pin GPIO18 as SPI clo ock SPICLK K GPIO19 as SPI slaave transmit-enable pin S SPISTE To use Ports GPIO12 2-GPIO15 off SPIB: - GPIO12 as SPI daata output pin n GPIO13 as SPI daata input pin GPIO14 as SPI clock SPICLK K -6- Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target - GPIO15 as SPI slaave transmitt-enable pin SPISTE To use Ports GPIO24 4-GPIO27 off SPIB: - GPIO24 as SPI daata output pin GPIO25 as SPI daata input pin n GPIO26 as SPI clock SPICLK K GPIO27 as SPI slaave transmitt-enable pin SPISTE There aree four types of SPI librarry elements in PSIM's F22833x/F28003x Target libbrary: SPI Configurration, SPI Device, D SPI Input, I and SP PI Output. T Their images are shown bbelow. Theyy can be accessed by going to Elements >> > SimCodeer >> F28333x Target orr F2803x Taarget in PSIM M. SPI Config CS0 C C CS1 C CS2 C CS3 F28 8335 SPI De evice in CS0 CS1 ntr CS2 In CS3 SPI F28335 out SPI F28335 Sync F28335 SPI Config C CS0 C C CS1 C CS2 C CS3 F28 803x SPI De evice CS0 CS1 ntr CS2 In CS3 in SPI F2803x out SPI F2803x Sync F2803x The funcctions and deefinitions off these elemeents are desccribed in the following seections. 1.1 SP PI Configura ation The SPI Configuratio on block deffines chip selection pins and the bufffer size for thhe SPI comm mands. The SPI Configuratio on block mu ust be presentt in a schem matic if SPI iss used, and tthis element must be in the maain schematic. The parameters of the SPI Config guration block are: - SPI Port: Define the SPI S port as either e GPIO116-19 or GP PIO54-57 forr F2833x; orr GPIO16-1 19, GPIO3, 5, 5 18, 19, GP PIO12-15 orr GPIO24-277 for F2803xx. - Chip Seleect Pin0 to Pin3: P Both F2 2833x and F F2803x Targeets support uup to 16 SPII devices, which w requirres four GPIO O pins for chhip select as defined by Chip Select Pin0 to Pin3. Theese GPIO porrts and the SPI S slave trannsmit-enablee pin SPISTE are used too generate the t chip seleect signal forr SPI devicess. If there iss only one SPI S device, one can use ju ust the SPI sslave transm mit-enable pinn SPISTE ass the chip select signal. If a chip selecttion pin is no ot used, set iit to Not Useed. his tutorial, th here are up to t three SPI devices. Thuus two chip select pins, P Pin0 In the examples in th and Pin1, will be suff fficient. The other pins, Pin2 P and Pinn3, are not ussed. - SPI Buffer Size: Defin ne the bufferr size of the SPI commannds. Each m memory cell oof the buffer sav ves the index x of a SPI co ommand. Noormally, one can specify the buffer size as 1 -7- Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target plus the number n of SP PI command ds (i.e. Start C Conversion Command, R Receiving D Data Command d, Sending Data D Commaand, and Synnc. Commannd) in all SPII Input/Outpuut elements. PI Device evice block defines d the in nformation of o the corressponding SP PI hardware ddevice. The number evice blockss in the schem matic must be b same as thhe number oof SPI hardw ware devices.. meters of the SPI Device block are: Chip Seleect Pins: Speecify the state of the chipp select pins correspondiing to the paarticular SPI devicce. When thee chip select pins are at thhis state, thiis SPI devicee is selected.. matic, the ch hip select pin ns of all the SPI devicess are connectted to the chhip select pinns of the figuration bllock, withoutt defining ho ow the chip select logic is implemennted. In the aactual e, however, one o would need n to impleement the coorrespondingg chip select logic accorddingly. amples in th his tutorial, Pins P CS0 and d CS1 of extternal A/D annd D/A convverters are d to Pins CS S0 and CS1 of o the SPI Configurationn element. Communiication Speed d (MHz): Sp pecify the SP PI communiccation speedd, in MHz. N Note that different SPI S devices can have diffferent comm munication sspeeds. Clock Typ pe: F2833x DSP D supportts four SPI cclock types: rrising edge w without delaay, rising edge with h delay, fallin ng edge with hout delay, aand falling eddge with dellay, as show wn in the picture beelow. t PSIM only supports thee situation where w the DS SP and SPI ddevice latch ddata at the saame ge or falling g edge of the SPI clock siignal SPICL LK. -8- Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target - Command d Word Leng gth: Define the t word lenngth, or the leength of the significant bbits, of SPI comm munication commands. c Itt can be from m 1 to 16 bitts. - Sync. Actiive Mode: Sp pecify the triggering moode of the synnchronizatioon signal of tthe SPI device. It can be eitheer Rising edg ge or Fallingg edge. put device orr an output ddevice. For eexample, an external A/D D A SPI deevice can be either an inp converterr is an input device. Usu ually DSP wiill send one or multiple A A/D converssion commannds to the devicce, and then set the synch hronization signal s to starrt the converrsion. The syynchronizatiion signal is reset at the next n comman nd of the sam me device. A SPI inp put device using u the syn nchronization n signal usuaally needs ann interrupt piin to trigger DSP to enter the interrupt serrvice routinee. On the otther hand, an n external D/A converterr are an outpput device. U Usually DSP P sends one oor multiple D/A conversion commaands to the deevice, and thhen sets the ssynchronizaation signal to start s tion signal iss reset at thee next comm mand of the saame device. the conveersion. The synchronizat - SPI Initia al Command: Define the SPI comman and that initiaalizes the SP PI device. - Hardwaree Interrupt Mode: M Speciffy the type oof the interruupt signal thaat the SPI deevice generates. This is valiid only when n the SPI devvice's interruupt output noode is conneected to the input of a digital output o elemeent. It can bee one of the ffollowings: N No hardwarre interrupt, Rising edgee, or Falling edge. - Interrupt Timing: Speecify how a SPI S input deevice generattes interrupt when it com mpletes conversio on. It can be one of the fo ollowing: No in nterrupt: No interrupt is generated. Inn this case, D DSP sends tthe commandd to a SPI in nput device.. This devicee starts the c onversion annd returns thhe result in thhe same comm mand. Multiiple interrup pt in series: Multiple M inteerrupts are ggenerated in series after eeach conveersion. This is for a SPI device that hhas one A/D D conversionn unit and muultiple inputt channels. In n this case, DSP D send thee first conveersion comm mand, and thee SPI devicce starts the conversion. c When the coonversion is complete, thhe SPI devicce will generrate an interrrupt. In the interrupt i servvice routine,, DSP will seend a comm mand to fetch the converssion result, an nd start a neew conversioon of anotherr channel off the samee SPI input device. d One-time interrup pt: Only onee interrupt iss generated aat the end off the conversion. This is for a SPI device that can c perform multiple chaannel conversions in onee requeest. In this caase, DSP sen nds the comm mand to the SPI input deevice, and thhe SPI devicce completess the converssion of multiiple input chhannels. Wheen all the conveersions are complete, c thee SPI devicee will generaate an interruupt. - Command d Gaps (ns): Define the gap g betweenn two SPI coommands, in nsec. - Conversio on Sequencee: Define the names of thhe SPI input elements, seeparated by ccomma that determ mine the con nversion seq quence. Notee that this paarameter is valid only whhen the SPI devicce generates multiple inteerrupts in seeries. A SPI co ommand consists of a serries of 16-bitt numbers seeparated by ccomma. In thhe 16-bit nuumber, only the lower bits arre the signifiicant bits useed by the com mmand. Forr example, iff the Commaand -9- Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target Word Leength is 8, Biits 0 to 7 aree the comman nd, and Bits 8 to 15 are not used. Ass an examplee, "0x12, 7,, 0" is a com mmand with 3 command words. 1.3 SP PI Input A SPI inp put device may m have mu ultiple input channels. Thhe SPI Inputt block is useed to define the propertiees of an input channel forr SPI commu unication, annd one SPI IInput block ccorresponds to one input chaannel. The parameters of the SPI Input block b are ex xplained beloow: - Device Na ame: Definee the name off the SPI inpput device. Start Con nversion Com mmand: Defiine the start conversion ccommand, inn hex numbeers, separated by comma (for ( examplee, 0x23, 0x4 3, 0x00). Receiving g Data Comm mand: Defin ne the receiviing data com mmand, in heex numbers, separated by comma (for ( examplee, 0x23, 0x4 3, 0x00). P Deefine where the t data bits are in the reeceiving dataa string. Thee format Data Bit Position: is: ElementName={xn[MS SB..LSB]} where - ElementN Name is the name n of the SPI S input eleement. If it iis the currentt SPI input eelement, use y insteead. {} means that the item m in the braccket repeats m multiple tim mes. xn is the nth word receeived from the t SPI inputt device, andd n starts froom 0. MSB..LSB B defines thee position off the significaant bits in thhe word. This form mula defines the data len ngth of a SPII input devicce. For exam mple, y=x1[3..0]x2[7..0], means that the data d length iss 12, and thee result is thee lower 4 bitts of the 2ndd word and thhe lower 8 bits of the 3rd word. w If the received r dataa string is 0x x12, 0x78, 0xxAF, then thhe result willl be 0x8AF. - Input Ran nge: Specify y the parameeter Vmax thaat defines thee input rangee. This param meter is valid onlly when the SPI S device is an A/D connverter. If thhe device connversion moode is DC, the input i ranges from 0 to Vmax; if the deevice converrsion mode iis AC, the innput ranges frrom –Vmax/2 to Vmax/2. - Scale Factor: Specify fy the output scale factorr Kscale. If thee scale factorr is 0, the SP PI device is not an A/D converter, and a the resullt will be exaactly the sam me as what D DSP ommunicatio on. Otherwis e, the SPI deevice is an A A/D converteer, and receives from SPI co the resultt is scaled baased on the following: f In the DC C conversion n mode: - In simulattion: Output = Input * Kscale V * Kscalee / 2Data_Lengthh - In hardwaare: Output = Result * Vmax C conversion n mode: In the AC - In simulattion: Output = Input * Kscale - In hardwaare: Output = (Result - 2Data_Length-1) * Vmax * Kscale / 2Data_LLength-1 The parameter Data_ _Length is caalculated fro om the Data Bit Positionn formula. - ADC Mo ode: Define the t A/D conv version modde of the devvice. It can bee either DC or AC. Note thatt this parameeter is valid only when thhe device is an A/D connverter. - 10 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target 1.4 Initial Va alue: Define the initial value v of the iinput. SP PI Output A SPI ou utput device may have multiple m outpu ut channels. The SPI Ouutput block is used to deffine the propertiees of an output channel for fo SPI comm munication, aand one SPII Output blocck corresponnds to one outpu ut channel. The parameters of the SPI Outpu ut block are explained e beelow: - Device Name: N Definee the name of o the SPI ouutput device.. - Scale Factor: Specify fy the output scale factorr Kscale. The ooutput is callculated as foollows: In the DC C conversion n mode: - In simulaation: Ou utput = Inpu ut * Kscale - In hardw ware: Ou utput = Resu ult * Kscale * 2Data_Length / Vmax In the AC C conversion n mode: - In simulaation: Ou utput = Inpu ut * Kscale Data Length-1 - In hardw ware: Ou utput = 2 + Ressult * Kscale * 2Data_Length--1 / Vmax The parameter Data_ _Length is caalculated fro om the Data Bit Positionn formula, annd Vmax is tthe Output Range. R - Output Range: R Speciify the param meter Vmax that defines the output rrange. This parameteer is valid on nly when thee SPI device is a D/A connverter. If thhe device connversion mode is DC, D the outp put ranges frrom 0 to Vm max; if the deevice conversion mode iss AC, the outpu ut ranges from –Vmax/2 to Vmax/2. - DAC Mo ode: Define the t D/A conv version modde. It can be either DC orr AC. Note thhat this parameteer is valid on nly when thee device is a D/A convertter. - Sending Data D Comm mand: Definee the commannd to send thhe output daata. The com mmand is a series of o hex numbers separated d by commaa (for exampple, 0x23,0x443,0x00). - Data Bit Position: P Deefine where the t data bits are in the seending data sstring. The fformat is: ElementName={xn[MS SB..LSB]} where he name of SPI S output eelement. If itt is the currennt SPI outpuut ElemeentName is th element, use y insttead. {} meeans that the item in the bracket b repeeats multiple times. xn is the t nth word sent to the SPI S output ddevice, and n start from 00. MSB..LSB definess the position n of the signnificant bits iin the word. For exam mple, if y=x1 1[3..0]x2[7..0 0] and if the result is 0x88AF, the low wer 4 bits off the 2nd worrd will be 0x8, and a the lower 8 bits of th he 3rd word will w be 0xAF F. - Sync. Co ommand: Deffine the com mmand to synnchronize ouutput channeels of the SPII output device. Itt consists off a series of hex h numberss separated bby comma (ffor example, 0x23,0x4 43,0). This command c is used u when thhe SPI outpuut device does not have the synchron nization sign nal. - 11 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target 2. SPI Command d Sequencces A typicall sequence fo or a SPI inpu ut device is shown s below w: - Send the device d initiaal command (optional). s commaand and wait for interruppt (optional). - Send the start ynchronizatio on signal and d wait for innterrupt (optiional). - Set the sy r daata command d. - Send the receiving - Receive th he result and d call a functtion to conti nue the nextt action. or a SPI outp put device iss shown beloow: A typicall sequence fo - Send the device d initiaal command (optional). s dataa command. - Send the sending ynchronizatio on signal to enable the nnew value (opptional). - Set the sy 3. Lim mitations There aree several lim mitations in th he SPI functtionality in P PSIM. - SPI Operaation Mode: PSIM onlly supports SPI S in the maaster operatiion mode. It assumes thaat only one D DSP links to on ne or more SPI S devices, and all SPI devices are in the slave mode. - - Data Latcch Timing: TI F2833x x/F2803x DSP assumes that input/ouutput data arre active at tthe same tim me. The latch timee can be either the falling g edge or rissing edge of the SPI clocck. SPI devicces use the same timing t to lattch data. A SPI S device w will be not suupported if itt latches the input data at a different d tim ming than the DSP. Note that this lim mitation is froom the TI F2833x/F F2803x. Other Lim mitations: - SPI co ommand com mbined with h GPIO port aactions PSIM doees not support the type of o SPI devicee if its comm mand is combbined with G GPIO actions. For F example, a SPI LCD display mayy need a GPIIO port to deefine if the ddata is a command d or a display y character I/O. - Check king the SPI device busy y status PSIM doees not support the type of o SPI devicee that needs tto check if thhe device is ready to accept the next com mmand. The device can bbe supportedd if it returnss the result inn the same com mmand or it triggers t an in nterrupt wheen conversioon is complette. - Daisy y chain PSIM doees not support daisy chaiin. 4. Exam mples To illustrrate how SPII elements arre used, threee examples are providedd in PSIM: - Extern nal D/A conv verter MCP4 4922 - Extern nal A/D conv verter MCP3 3204 (withouut interrupt)) - Extern nal A/D conv verter TLV1 1548 (with innterrupt) - 12 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target These ex xamples are located l in the folder “exaamples\SimC Coder\F28333x Target” oor “exampless\ SimCodeer\F2803x Taarget\” in thee PSIM directory. 4.1 Ex xternal D/A Converter Using U MCP P4922 MCP492 22 is a D/A converter c fro om Microchip p Technologgy Inc. It hass two D/A chhannels. Thee informatiion that PSIM M needs from m the manuffacturer dataasheet is listeed below: - The SPI clock c frequen ncy is up to 20MHz. 2 ming diagram m of MCP49922, as show wn below, inndicates that the - The seriall interface tim DSP SPI clock c type iss rising edgee with delay,, and the tim me interval beetween two conversio on commands is 15ns. - There is no n device iniitial comman nd nor start cconversion ccommand. There is no n interrupt port. p There is a synchronizaation port to o synchronizee output tim ming. The sendiing data com mmand of Ch hannel A is 00x7000, and the commannd of Channel B is 0xF000. The T result wiill be placed d in the last 112 bits of thee command. 4.1.1 Cirrcuit Schema atic This exam mple is impllemented in both F2833x x and F2803 x Targets, aand the impleementation iin each target is identical i exccept the DSP P is differentt. In this exam mple, two siine wave siggnals are gennerated in DSP. They T are theen sent to thee external D//A converterr MCP4922 vvia SPI as tw wo analog ouutputs. The files of this exam mple are in th he folder "ex xamples\F28833x Target\\DAC with S SPI" for F28833x and "examplees\F2803x Target\DAC T with w SPI" fo or F2803x. The hard dware circuitt diagram forr the F2833x x Target is shhown below w. - 13 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target Similarly y, the hardwaare circuit diiagram for th he F2803x T Target is shown below. In both schematic, DSP's SPIDO OUT pin (GPIO16) is connnected to M MCP4922's S SDI pin for ddata transmisssion; SPICLK pin (GPIO O18) is conn nected to MC CP4922's SC CLK pin as S SPI clock; the SPI slave tran nsmit-enablee pin SPISTE E (GPIO19) is connectedd to MCP49922’s chip seelect pin CS; and Port GPIO14 is conn nected to MC CP4922’s LD DAC. This coonnection iss to synchronnize two D/A A outputs. The correesponding PSIM schemaatic for the F2833x F Targget is shown below. The correesponding PSIM schemaatic for the F2803x F Targget is shown below. - 14 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target In both schematic, th he output D0 0 of the Digittal Output bllock is set too GPIO14 annd is connectted to the sync input of MC CP4922 for synchronization. S signaal, this circu uit does not nneed any othher GPIO porrts to generaate the With the use of the SPISTE chip select signal. Th hat is why in n the circuit, the chip seleect pins CS00 to CS3 are not used. Note thatt in PSIM, itt is implied that t SPISTE, SPICLK, S SPIDIN, andd SPIDOUT pins are connnected between the SPI Con nfiguration block b and thee SPI Devicee block. Thuus no externaal connectionn is needed. efining SPI Element E Parrameters 4.1.2 Def Three typ pes of SPI ellements are used u in the PSIM P schem matic in this eexample: SP PI Configuration, SPI Deviice, and SPI Output. Theeir parameterrs are set as follows: - SPI Confiiguration: Th here should be b only one SPI Configuuration elem ment in a scheematic. Since therre is only on ne SPI devicee in this casee, SPISTE iss used as thee chip select signal in this casse. The param meters of thee SPI Configguration blocck are defineed as follow ws: SP PI Port: GPIIO16-19. No ote that this iis the only ggroup alloweed in the TI Ex xperiment's Kit. K Ch hip Select Piin0 to Pin3: "Not used" SP PI Buffer Sizze: 32. In thiis example, tthe minimum m length is 44. - SPI Devicce MCP4922 2: According g to the datassheet inform mation of MC CP4922, the parameterrs are defineed as below: Ch hip Select Piins: 0000. No N chip selecct pin is usedd. Co ommunicatio on Speed (M MHz): 20 Cllock Type: "Rising " edgee without dellay" Co ommand Wo ord Length: 8 bits Sy ync. Active Mode: M "Hig gh to low" SP PI Initial Command: No o initial comm mand Hardware Ha Inteerrupt Modee: "No hardw ware interruppt" - 15 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target Interrupt Timiing: Set to “N No Interruptt” Co ommand Gaaps (ns): 15 Co onversion Seequence: No one SP PI Output MCP4922 M Chaannel A Accordin ng to the dataasheet inform mation of MCP4922, M thee parameterss are definedd as below: - Device Na ame: “SP_D DAC” Scale Factor: 1 Output Raange: 3.3 DAC Mod de: DC Sending Data D Commaand: 0x7000 0 Data Bit Position: P y = x0[3..0]x1[7..0]. The rresult will bee placed in thhe last 12 biits of two 8-bit words. Sync. Com mmand: None SPI Outpu ut MCP4922 2 Channel B nitions are th he same as for fo Channel A above, exccept that the Sending Daata Commannd is The defin "0xF000". nd Running Code on DS SP 4.1.3 Geenerating an User can simulate an nd generate code c in the fo ollowing steeps: - Select File >> Open to t load the example from m "exampless\F2833x Tarrget\DAC w with SPI" or "examp ples\F2803x Target\DAC C with SPI".. Select Sim mulate >> Run R Simulattion to run thhe simulation. Note that the value off the SCI Inputt will not chaange during the simulati on. Select Sim mulate >> Generate G Co ode to generaate the code.. Connect the DSP boarrd to the com mputer physiically througgh a USB caable. If a RS--232 cable is ussed to conneect the DSP board b with thhe computerr for SCI datta monitorinng, be sure to dissconnect thee RS-232 cab ble from the computer. O Otherwise thhe DSP boardd may not be ablle to connectt to the comp puter properrly. d the generaated code and d run this exxample follow wing the stepps below. For CCS v5.5, upload - - Start CCS S v5.5. In CC CS, select Prroject >> Im mport Legaccy CCSv3.3 project andd load the generaated project from the sub bfolder "DA AC with SPI ((C code)" off the schemaatic folder. In the dialog window, w click k on Next annd then Finiish to transfeer the CCS vv3.3 project to CCS v5.1. The T project name n will bee displayed iin the Projecct Explorer ppanel. Right clicck on the pro oject name in n the Projectt Explorer paanel, and select Build Prroject from the pop-up p menu u to build thiis example. Select Vieew >> Target Configurrations to oppen the targeet configurattion dialog w window and link th he correspon nding user defined confiiguration (.cccxml file) too this projectt. Click the project nam me in the Projject Explorerr panel to seet it as the cuurrent project, and n >> Debug g to upload program p to thhe target. Affter the progrram is uploaaded, select Run CCS will stop at the main() m functiion. Select R Run >> Freee Run to runn the program m. With the code runnin ng, connect the t RS-232 cable c betweeen the DSP bboard and thhe computer, and use PSIM's DSP D Oscillosscope featuree to display the variabless inside the D DSP. At the same time, use a lab digitaal oscilloscop pe to observ ve the SPI sig gnals and thee D/A outpuuts. - 16 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target The figurres below sh how the oscillloscope wav veforms of th the SPI chip select signaal SPISTE, thhe SPI clock sig gnal SPICLK K, and D/A outputs o VouttA and VoutB B. The figurre on the low wer right shoows the DSP Osccilloscope sccreen with th he two sine siignals from inside the D DSP, which vvalidate the aanalog output waveforms. SP PICL SPIST TE SP PIDOU SPIC CL (a) Chip select signall SPISTE vs. SPI clock SPICLK (b) SP PI clock SPIICLK vs. SP PI output VoutB VouttA o VouttA and VouttB (c) D/A outputs 4.2 (d) Tw wo sine wavveforms insidde DSP External E A/D D Converter Using MC CP3204 MCP320 04 is an A/D converter frrom Microch hip Technoloogy Inc. It haas four inputt channels, aand it receives a conversion n command and returns the t result in the same coommand. The informatioon that PSIM needs from thee manufacturrer datasheett is listed below: - The T SPI clock k frequency is up to 1MH Hz The T serial interface timing diagram of MCP3204,, as shown bbelow, indicaates that the SPI cllock type is rising edge with w delay, and a the time interval bettween two coonversion co ommands is 500ns. - 17 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target There is no n device iniitial comman nd nor start cconversion ccommand. There are no interruptt port and sy ynchronizatioon port. d comman nd is used to start converrsion and gett the result. The samee receiving data The receiv ving data co ommand of Channel C 0 is 0x06,0x00,00x00, and thhe command of Channel 2 is 0x06,0x8 80,0x00. Th he result will be placed inn the last 12 bits of the command d. rcuit Schem matic xample, two analog voltaage signals are a convertedd by MCP32204, and are sent to DSP P via files of this example aree in the foldeer "exampless\F2833x Taarget\ADC w with SPI" forr and "examplles\F2803x Target\ADC T with SPI" fo for F2803x. dware circuitt diagram forr the F2833x x Target is shhown below w. dware circuitt diagram forr the F2803x x Target is shhown below w. - 18 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target In this ex xample, insteead of using only the SPISTE signall, it will use SPISTE as w well as GPIO O32 and GPIO30, together wiith the decod der chip 74H HCT138, to ggenerate the chip select ssignal for thee A/D converterr. The correesponding PSIM schemaatic for F283 335 target is shown below. The correesponding PSIM schemaatic for the F2803x F Targget is shown below. - 19 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target Note thatt since two GPIO G pins arre used to geenerate the cchip select siignal, nodes CS0 and CS S1 of the SPI Conffiguration bllock and the SPI Device are connecteed. 4.2.2 Deffining SPI Element E Parrameters Parameteers of the SP PI blocks are set as follow ws: - SPI Confiiguration Two chip p select pins are used in this examplee. - SPI Port: GPIO16-19 9 PIO32 Chip Seleect Pin0: GP Chip Seleect Pin1: GP PIO30 Chip Seleect Pin2 and Pin3: "Not used" SPI Bufferr Size: 32. In I this examp ple, the miniimum is 4. SPI Devicce MCP3204 4 ng to the dataasheet inform mation of MCP2304, M thee parameterss are definedd as below: Accordin - Chip Select Pins: 000 01. It means that GPIO322 = 1 and GP PIO30 = 0. Communiication Speed (MHz): 2.8 Clock Typ pe: "Rising edge e with deelay" Command d Word Leng gth: 8 bits Sync. Acttive Mode: Do D not care SPI Initial Command:: No initial command. c Hardwaree Interrupt Mode: M Do no ot care Interrupt Timing: "No o interrupt" Command d Gaps (ns): 0 Conversio on Sequencee: None SPI Input MCP3204 Channel C 0 ng to the dataasheet inform mation of MCP3204, M thee parameterss are definedd as below: Accordin - Device Na ame: "MCP3204" Start Conv version Com mmand: Non ne Receiving g Data Comm mand: 0x06, 0x00, 0x000 - 20 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target - Data Bit Position: P y= =x1[3..0]x2[7 7..0] Input Ran nge: 3.3V Scale Factor: 1 ADC Mod de: DC Initial Vallue: 0 SPI Input MCP3204 Channel C 2 The defin nitions are th he same as for fo Channel 0, 0 except thaat the Receivving Data Coommand is 0x06,0x8 80,0x00. 4.2.3 Ru unning the Code C The proccess to generrate, compilee, and run thee code is sim milar to whatt is describedd in Section 4.1.3. Below arre some oscilloscope wav veforms from m lab experiiments. SPIC CL SPISTE SPID DIN SPIC CL (a) Signaal SPISTE vs. v SPI clock k SPICLK (b) SP I clock SPIC CLK vs. A/D D output SPICL S SPIDOU S K vs. A/D co onversion co ommand (c) SPI clock SPICLK - 21 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target 4.3 External E A/D D Converter with Interrrupt Usingg TLV1548 TLV1548 8 is an 8-chaannel A/D co onverter from m Texas Insttruments. It receives a conversion command d to start con nversion, and d it generatees an interruppt when connversion com mpletes. Thenn it receives the next chaannel conversion commaand and sendds the result ffrom the preevious conveersion in s the same command sequence. The inforrmation that PSIM needss from the manufacturer m r datasheet iss listed below w: - The T SPI clock k frequency is up to 2MH Hz The T command d word lengtth is found to be 14 bits (either 10 orr 12 bits wouuld not workk). The T serial interface timing diagram of TLV1548, as shown below, indicaates that the SPI cllock type is rising edge with w delay, and a the time interval bettween two coonversion co ommands is 0ns. - There is no n synchroniization signaal. For the faast conversio on mode, thee command i s 0x2400. The hardw ware interrup pt is triggereed at the risinng edge of E EOC (end off conversion)). Since therre is only on ne 10-bit AD DC unit in TL LV1548, if thhere are mulltiple input channels, conversion needs to be done one chhannel at a tiime. mple only uses Channel 0 and Channnel 2, and thee conversionn order is This exam TLV1548 8_CH0, TLV V1548_CH2. The conveersion comm mand is 0x00 000 for Channnel 0; and is 0x1000 forr Channel 2.. atic 4.3.1 Cirrcuit Schema In this ex xample, two analog voltaage signals are a convertedd by TLV15548, and are sent to DSP via SPI. The files of this example aree in the foldeer "exampless\F2833x Taarget\ADC (interrupt) with SPI" 3x and "exam mples\F2803 3x Target\AD DC (interruppt) with SPI"" for F2803xx. for F2833 The hard dware circuitt diagram forr the F2833x x Target is shhown below w. - 22 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target The hard dware circuitt diagram forr the F2803x x Target is shhown below w. This exam mple uses th he SPISTE pin as well ass GPIO30 annd GPIO32 tto generate thhe chip selecct signal. TLV1548 gen nerates interrrupt through h Port GPIO115. The correesponding PSIM schemaatic for the F2833x F targeet is shown bbelow. - 23 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target The correesponding PSIM schemaatic for the F2803x F Targget is shown below. In the sch hematic, nod des CS0 and CS1 of the SPI Configuuration blockk and the SP PI Device bloock are connected. Again, it is implied th hat SPISTE, SPICLK, SP PIDIN, and SPIDOUT ppins are connnected between the SPI Con nfiguration block b and thee SPI Devicee, and no extternal connection is needded. The interrrupt output of the SPI device TLV1548 is conneected to the D0 pin of thhe digital inpput block, an nd D0 is defiined as GPIO O15. When TL LV1548 receeives the starrt conversion n command, it will start the conversiion on Channnel 0. Once thee conversion is complete, TLV1548 will w generatee an interruppt. DSP will respond to tthis interrupt,, and send an nother comm mand. TLV1548 will starrt the converrsion on Chaannel 2, and will send back k the converrsion result of o Channel 0. 0 4.3.2 Def efining SPI Element E Parrameters Parameteers of the SP PI blocks are set as follow ws: - SPI Confiiguration p select pins are used in this examplee. Two chip - 24 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target - SPI Port: GPIO16-19 9 PIO32 Chip Seleect Pin0: GP Chip Seleect Pin1: GP PIO30 Chip Seleect Pin2 and 3: "Not useed" SPI Buffeer Size: 32 SPI Devicce TLV1548 8 Accordin ng to the dataasheet inform mation of TL LV1548, thee parameters are defined as below: - Chip Select Pins: 001 11. That is, GPIO32 G = 1 and GPIO300 = 1. Communiication Speed (MHz): 2 Clock Typ pe: "Rising edge e with deelay" Command d Word Leng gth: 14 bits Sync. Acttive Mode: Do D not care SPI Initiall Command:: 0x2400 Hardwaree Interrupt Mode: M "Risin ng edge" Interrupt Timing: "M Multiple interrrupt in seriees" d Gap (ns): 0 Command Conversio on Sequence: "TLV1548 8_CH0,TLV V1548_CH2"" SPI Input TLV1548 Channel C 0 ng to the dataasheet inform mation of TL LV1548, thee parameters are defined as below: Accordin - Device Na ame: "TLV1 1548" Start Conv version Com mmand: 0x0 0000 Receiving g Data Comm mand: 0x080 00. This is aalso the convversion comm mand of Chaannel 2. Data Bit Position: P y= =x0[13..4] Input Ran nge: 3.3 Scale Factor: 1 de: DC ADC Mod Initial Vallue: 0 SPI Input TLV1548 Channel C 2 he same as for f Channel 0, 0 except thaat there is noo Start Conversion Comm mand. The parameters are th The Receeive Data Co ommand of Channel C 0 iss also the connversion com mmand of Chhannel 2. Allso, the Receive Data D Comm mand is 0x200 00, and this is a dummy command. 4.3.3 Geenerating an nd Running Code on DS SP The proccess to generrate, compilee, and run thee code is sim milar to whatt is describedd in Section 4.1.3. Below arre some oscilloscope wav veforms from m lab experiiments. - 25 - Powe ersim Inc. Usin ng SPI in F2 2833x/F28033x Target SPISTE SPIS STE SPIC CL (a) Signal SPIST TE vs. SPI clock SPICLK K SPIC CL (b) D Detailed view w of SPISTE vs. SPICLK K SPICL SP PICL (b) SPI clock SPIICLK vs. A//D result (d) SP PI clock SPIICLK vs. conversion com mmand - 26 - Powe ersim Inc.
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