Google Glass Workshop Do you want to know what Google Glass can do for your organization? CGI specialists demonstrate the possible daily applications of the Glass. Law enforcement agents receiving current location information of suspects, or inspectors retrieving information on parked vehicles while walking down the street - Google Glass adds a new dimension to many activities, including in the field of safety and security. ON THE RETINA THE WORKSHOP Google Glass information is projected onto the retina while the wearer is still able to see the surroundings. The Glass is operated using head movements, eye movements and voice commands. So the user can quickly obtain information while their hands remain free to work. CGI TAKES YOU INTO THE WORLD OF GOOGLE GLASS: This opens up a whole new range of possibilities, especially for outdoor work and those involving direct contact with customers or citizens. For a lot of law enforcement and security work, timely information is crucial. With Google Glass, information is retrieved quickly and projected directly on the retina. Users can also provide information to the Glass, for example taking a picture just by winking an eye. What is Google Glass? Try it Get inspired What can you do with it? Create (app) ideas for your employees and citizens Make policies for your organization, understand legal and privacy issues ABOUT CGI EXPLORE THE OPPORTUNITIES What Google Glass can do for your organization? During the demo, CGI specialists will provide insight into the possible applications of the Glass. The pre-requisite conditions for the proper use of Google Glass will also be discussed, for example, privacy concerns. INTERESTED TO KNOW MORE? Contact Chris Bannink at or +31-6-10983883 Founded in 1976, CGI is a global IT and business process services provider delivering high-quality business consulting, systems integration and managed services. With 68,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI has an industry-leading track record of delivering 95% of projects on-time and on-budget, aligning our teams with clients’ business strategies to achieve top-to-bottom line results. For more information, please contact us at or visit © 2014 CGI GROUP INC.
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