TECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT / BIDDERS QUALIFICATION REPORT NIT No: EE (EWD-I) / TC/G-55/ 2014-15 / 336 • Dated: 09-03-2015. Education Works Division —I, Karachi. 1. Name of Procuring Agency. Executive Engineer, Education Works Division-I Works & Services Department Karachi. NIT No: EE (EWD-1) / TC/G-55/ 2014-15 / 336 Dated: 09-03-2015. 2. Tender Reference No. 3. Tender Description / Name of Work Item. 4. • 5. Method of Procurement. Providing of Furniture / Electronic Item for Schools Under LDP Phase — III ( i ) Furniture for Secondary School ( ii ) Computer Furniture. Single Stage — One Envelope Procedure. Name of Firm / Bidder. M/S. A.A Engineer. 6. .' N.T.N. Available 7. Registration with P.E.C. Registered. 8. Relevant Experience. Available 9. , Turnover of at Least Last Three Years. 10. Funds / Budget. Available Available 11. 02 % Earnest Money. Available 12. Tender Fee / Cost of Bidding Document. Deposited. II' /1 INEER EX , TIV EDUCA ON ORKS DIVISION — I WORKSf SERVICES DEPARTMENT KARACHI. TECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT / BIDDERS QUALIFICATION REPORT NIT No: EE (EWD-I) / TC/G-55/ 2014-15 / 336 Dated: 09-03-2015. Education Works Division —I, Karachi. • I. Name of Procuring Agency. 2. Tender Reference No. 3. Tender Description / Name of Work Item. 4. Method of Procurement. Executive Engineer, Education Works Division-I Works & Services Department Karachi. NIT No: EE (EWD-I) / TC/G-55/ 2014-15 / 336 Dated: 09-03-2015. Providing of Furniture / Electronic Item for Schools Under LOP Phase — III ( i ) Furniture for Secondary School ( ii ) Computer Furniture. Single Stage — One Envelope Procedure. 5. Name of Firm / Bidder. M/S. Fasial Builders. 6. . N.T.N. Available 7. Registration with P.E.C. Registered. 8. Relevant Experience. Available 9. . Turnover of at Least Last Three Years. 10. Funds / Budget. Available Available I1. 02 % Earnest Money. Available 12. Tender Fee / Cost of Bidding Document. Deposited. VE ENGINEER EDUCAT ON W S DIVISION —1 WORKS SE. CES DEPARTMENT RACK!. OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, EDUCATION WORKS DIVISION-I, WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLOT NO: JM/3/379 JIGAR MURADABADI ROAD, NEW TOWN, KARACHI. NO: EEAEWD-1)/TC/G-55/2014-15 r& s-. 20, KARACHI DATED: To. The Director (CB) Sindh Public Procurement Regularity Authority. Karachi. SUBJECT: NIT. NO.EE/EWD-If MG-55/2014-15/ 336 Dated: 09-03-2015. Kindly find enclosed herewith the Contract Evaluation form with letter of award of contract schedule of price & Agreement are sent ( 02 ) herewith for your information & past on SPPRA website. EX I, RE ENGINEER MEC? l ON W MKS DIVISION -I. WORKS S VICES DEPARINIENT KARACHI. \ 1)11 1'1 1:1,1C PROCUREMENT REGULATORY AUTHORITY CONTRACT EVALUATION FORM TO BE FILLED IN BY ALL PROCURING AGENCIES FOR PURL IC CONTRACTS OF WORKS, SERVICES & GOODS ••■ I) NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION / DEPTT. Extatipe. Entp,",“ eiGazt.4-4 4U 0440) il40-" 2) PROVINCIAL / LOCAL GOVT./ OTHER f 3) TITLE OF CONTRACT 1 4) TENDER NUMBER 4.6 jEle.3vek.;11. tr2 ban:. 4rn.■••■11- n." -ft sonti,r %lac. xistAarery_..t. sa Nit:tia tai tsar 5) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT 6) FORUM THAT APPROVED THE SCHEME 7) TENDER ESTIMATED VALUE P. AZ 8) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE (For civil works only) 9) ESTIMATED el 3 M CleZ/8va. RIOD (AS PER CONTRACT) 10) TENDER OPE I I) NUMBER OF TE (Attach list of buyers) On) 02- - 03- 2o)C 0 3 /sit t • 12) NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED P. , A/6 S. 0 13) NUMBER OF BIDDERS PRESENT AT 2 ce OPENING OF BIDS ce 14) BID EVALUATION REPORT (Enclose a copy) LAS `1,{5 4° • 15) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SUCCESSFUL dom. 1.4Sie4-4 4.111 16) CONTRACT AWARD PRICE 17) RANKING OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER IN EVALUATIO (i.e. I', 214, 34 EVALUATION BID). Mil A-A. s EtTirnia 18) METHOD OF PROCUREMENT USED: - (Tick one) a) SINGLE STAGE — ONE ENVELOPE PROCEDURE b) SINGLE STAGE — TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE c) TWO STAGE BIDDING PROCEDURE .d) Domestic/ Local TWO STAGE—TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE PLEASE SPECIFY IF ANY OTHER METHOD OF PROCUREMENT WAS ADOPTED it EMERGENCY. DIRECT CONTRACTING ETC. WITH BRIEF REASONS: 1/3 &iQca E7"2" 1-, Ertl 19) APPROVING AUTHORITY FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT t.ti"l4-2 kailatfivo , 20) WHETHER THE PROCUREMENT WAS INCLUDED IN ANNUAL PROCUREMEN AN? Yes No 21) ADVERTISEMENT: ,z4 Yes SPPRA Website (If yes, give date and SPPRA Identification No.) i) No News Papers (If yes, give na ii) Yes f newspapers and dates) No Int. 22) NATURE OF CO 23) WHETHER QUALIFICATION CR WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDER (If yes, enclose a copy) ENTS? 24) WHETHER BID EVALUATION CRITERIA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDER DOCU (If yes, enclose a copy) Yes Yes fliNo 25) WHETHER APPROVAL OF COMPETENT AUTHOR! METHOD OTHER THAN OPEN COMPETITIVE BID Yes 26) WAS BID SECURITY OBTAINED FROM ALL THE BIDDERS? Yes • VNo 27) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BID WAS LOWEST EVALUATED BID / BEST EVALUATED BID (in case of Consultancies) Yes 28) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS TECHNICALLY COMPLIANT? Yes I I rviNo 29) WHETHER NAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR QUOTED PRICES WERE THE TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS? Yes RD OUT AT ivfl1. 30) WHETHER EVALUATION REPORT GIVEN TO BIDDERS BEFORE THE AWARD OF CONTRACT? (Attach copy of the bid evaluation report) Yes I 2/3 • • 31) ANY COMPLAINTS RECEIVED (if yes, result thereof) Yes No 32) ANY DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE TENDER NOTICE / DOCUMENTS (If yes, give details) Yes No 33) WAS THE EXTENSION MADE IN RESPONSE TIME? (If yes, give reasons) Yes No 34) DEVIATION F (If yes, give dem V TION CRITERIA Yes No 35) WAS IT ASSURED BY THE PROCl7if1 BLACK LISTED? NCY THAT THE 36) WAS A VISIT MADE BY ANY Or•• ICERJO SUPPLIER'S PREMISES IN CONNECTION WIT BE ASCERTAINED REGARDING FINANCING (If yes, enclose a copy) SELECT Fl M IS NOT Yes No FL E PROCURING AGENCY TO THE REMENT? IF SO, DETAILS TO ROAD: 37) WERE PROPER SAFEGUARDS PROVIDED ON M THE CONTRACT (BANK GUARANTEE ETC.)? 38) SPECIAL CONDITIONS, IF ANY (If yes, give Brief Description) 39)0a to of Award of Con ct: 1c) —14 t—c Signature & Official Stamp of Authorized Officer FOR OFFICE USE ONLY EXELU I Educat NE ENGINEER r s Division:1 racht SPPRA, Block. No.8, Si,idh Secretariat No.4-A, Court Road, Karachi Tele: 021-9205356; 021-9205369 & Fax: 021-9206291 =al Save Reset 3/3 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER EDUCATION WORKS DIVISION-I WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLOT NO: J M/3/3,9 JIGAR MI. RADABADI ROAD. NEW TOM N.. h tit HI NO:EETEN D-Itritt-5511014-15 6j3 KARACHI DA I ED: 3 O.. 20Lc 4, 0y ' FO. M/S: Husnain Associates. 2nd Flour A-31 Block - to Aaaulshannt•Itibal Lilac lo uwenuneni Contractor. it SIECI:- PROVIDING OF FURNITURE ELECTRONIC IXEM FOR SCHOOLS FURNITURE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. PIIASE- II RcIclsuc • , ,ut UNDER LDP Dated ppho.itli II I enact Na I k • ( I 1011 2On-1i You, helms mezusona1 rates quilted in the ahine cited teaks for the nears shoun againw each hate been found west and hereto ao.xpiat PART-A Rs:- 66-.0011 it Quoted Amount You arc advised to please oan the Supplies under the instruction Supcimion of the ASSISlani Engineer . Education Work, huh-Do two Lyuri loan Kaman The lime alkatod for completion of wart as provided in the tender is I 03 ninths %uch should please tie Anal. adhatyl to elahoratcd or not diem Or an> It may please he noted that where ever the no mus:home of an, item it not Oinographical mom in the hcheduk of Price 01 the tender that will he read strictly as per sanctioned connate I he work should be et ecuted Owls in accordance with the specifications and approved design and in confinnuty with the schedule of progress appended 10 the contract agreement In Ore nein of you failure tit comply with these at/Manua you will he liable to pay compensation to the Government as per terms and conditions of contrast apeman ui You arc requested to suppis the tory of patina shop deed revuotation deed ,A lino and pow! ,•r .ittorney the name of any patina 01 employee id the huh whom you Julbeille lo sign NW receive pir. Multi and ilitUction, Ire respect of the work A true copy of schedule 01 Pncc is appended hcrcwilli lot you guidance and birdier licceSSal) acliiin EKECI UV • ENGINEER EDUCATION ORES DIVISION-I WORAS & SE VICES DEPARTMENT KARACHI Copy Forwarded to: I. The Project Director Lyari Development Package 2- The Additional Assistant Engineer Cyan Development Package Town Karachi. 3- The Assistant Engineer Education Works Sub-Dist 11-)ari .ENGINEER E ticATioN WORKS DIVISION-I WORKS & SFR% ICES DEPARTMENT KARACHI 'HI. EVA I I IX 1 I Nt.INI I It, EDI ( T1QN ORKS 1)15 1510N -I 55 (TRW. W Si It It I N DEP .5Ft I VIE 5. l SIN I OM N. Is \R.\( 11.00R PLO I NO: .151447941G Mt MI RADAIIAIN S.411.5 Int., rt e4 1)a1ett„jc, .,;n rh*Iiieni ill Its: :2?-45 • u 151 „Ai. on account of tender dy talents. No: INF.LIt TAU 1/4 DIVISION - I 191 \I"Wt Wt IRKS & S RV SDEPARTMFNI AR A(TII NAME OF WORK:- I here ender for t 'peci ed it I l'art- RONIC ITEM FOR SCHOOLS UNDER LDP PROVIDING OF FURNITURE E PHASE-Ill. i ) FURNITURE F SECONDARY SCHOOLS. CSCC1111(111 to the I efein 'WIC.: ( ill% CIIII PI lit i hind here in atter refer to as (iocer111111:111 of the work e u 1.-want • eau .ardent willgiVilic It • evilied in each memorandum at ..^)/Those i Below I Pan - I. svi. an, \Noe I m & Wan-I red il Sched es AtNise B AV. The CSI i Ill . • ■ pt..-, sigin dr a Is r poet with the speeiticatimt emorandum Jawing items 01 work to be curried-out according in all i.s in writing mitered in rule-1. here of in clausc-l2 of the annexed Ms and the rates to he paid for shall he as provided in wthcdole -ft here to 5. Cit. Contract Agit-anent. Own t Ilene TMI Description i PROVIDING OF FURNITURE ELECTRONIC ITEM FOR SCHOOLS UNDER LOP PHASE-Ill. i I FURNITURE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. I Estimates Cost 2 Earnest Money Efivloney Deposit I Percentage if any to be deducted From bilk Time allowed for completion of Work:3. Security Rs: 2 % Bid Price Rs: Rs: Rs: ( 03 ) Months .NCINEER F.N int.Cx I ION ritkFi DIVIsIors MAAS R SERVICES DEPARTMENT ARACHI UNDER Magagnig SNG I / We have offered that above rates alter Inking into consideration all the terms and conditions us per 13-1 printed tender. This memorandum shall he based on to ill up and the complete the B-I tender lima so as to complete the agreement. In case of failure the Wu. Which I have read and department will he at liberty to take action against mei us it, per clause of agreement printed in accepted by me. SCHEDULE(.41 SCHEDULEtB)attaehed herew ith Pay order . deposit at call bearing No: branch15.u-achi amount to Rs/ I 4't NII. reCctif . dated: 3- -ir of Cr • lihtm is encloscd herewith as desired al ilepotmt security deposit. CON RA OR SI NATURE SCHEDULE OF PRICE PROVIDING FURNITURE FOR SCHOOL UNDER LYARI DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE REVENUE (FURNITURE) -...NAME OF ARTICLS JRNITURE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS • -for LI--t-Le0tn oviding /Suppling table of size made of wood with drowers ompiete finished size 2x3 Providing /Suppling table of size made of wood with drowers QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT 9 :cell0 I/S a' • / (not) i complete finished. (H.M) size 2x3 2 Duel Desks Providing /Supplying Duel Desks made with wood of 3' wide i/c top seat front back all wood . 2 e) oce 85 2 tCOO .3 re-se. 10 D. Za9 -Iit) tIC j4Arm Chain Providing /Supplying wood chairs with arms complete finished 4 Chair for Teachers Providing /Supply Chair for Tether made good quality of wood with front seat & back with finishing. ( 5 1Centre Table Providing/Supplying centre table with wood & glass complete finished size 2x4 6 aEir-1 4 I D 6 / 2 or 72 e.c; C' 2 1C) .5 e f,c CP 2 .-I 4 IC 4 vett) icy Steel File Cabinet (4 Draws) Providing /Supplying steel file cabinets made of mild steel sheet of 24 guage with 4 drower best quality individual lockable drower with 4 handles and tags pockets frame 24 guage and drawer 24 guage outside finish with hammer silver paint. 7 .5"64cc-, 28 Revolving Chair for Computer Teacher Providing/ Supplying Revolving Chair for Computer Teacher made Stainless steel with foam seat and back of cusion with two sides handles etc. 8 9 Side Racks Providing;Supplying side racks made of wood of size 1x3 Steel Almirah Providing /Supplying iron/ steel almirah of guage 20 with glass 5mm thick having shelves with finishing. 10 Iron Safe Providing /Supplying iron sate made iron sheet of guage 20 i/c drawers and locking arrangement with handles complete t{7 2 (CO t 0 IVO finished TOTAL (i) 4tot, 40 100 2_ex... 44:7 trc 4 %ABOVE/BELOW INEER EXEC EDUCATION WORK DIVISION-I KARACHI SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR 40. Ferree/ 0.111. P.W. D. Net 7934 of 64-35 or 84.36. 1950-ei of 27447, (3.C.M.P. s-ti-37 sad 4/1.)• Dept. No. 313-1137 (P. W. O.) No. S-173, 2.w of 22-2-3o. 0. its (P. W. U.) No. 103$-1 of 722-2-37 elf 22-2-39 12-10- 44 and 2-S-44 644-W 1240-44, end 2-5-44, o3-9.1 ROM 1-1 of 284-49. 1147.W 2 of 1'2-12-30. 2ier/ P W.B. 2 ,or (Kbp.)13. No. 105-1144 —MAO L.P. 1411 tf. cane. FORM 13,-I P6-1 PUBLIC, WORKS DEPARTMEle rit:6771 CIRCL " r Divide er14 A ilemiih-- Placentae° Rate Tender mid Contra. for works General Rates and Directions for the Guidance of Contract*. SPECIAL ACriESiVE I. All work proposed to be executed by contract shall be notified it f the form of invitation to tender posted on a board hung uo to the offi Executive Engineer and signed by the Executive Engineer. _ SPEE.14L AD7-Ei;VE OFFICE SUPEt3INTENDENT Court date * This form will state the work to be carried out, as well as nip Office, City submitting and opening tenders, and the time allowed for car rig out Karachi. work; also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with the tender, and the amount of the security deposit lobe deposited by the succossful (Academes and the percentage, if any to be deducted from hint. It will also state whether a refund of quarry fees, royalities, octroi dues and ground rents will be granted. Copies of the specificatoas, designs and drawings and estimated rates schedule rates and any other documents required in coenecticui with the work shall be signed by the Executive Engineer for the purpose of identification, and shall also be open for inspection by contractors it the office of the Executive Engineer during office hours z. In the event at use tend= bd.:4 szirIttetl by a firm. it 'Oust be signed separaiely by .each ovrtner -here of, or in the event of the absence of :ay partner, it shall be signal on his behalf by a person holding a power-ofarinrilev authorizing him In do 3. Receipts for paimcari made no =aunt of any work, when executed by a firm, shop also be signed by all the partners, euept where the contractors are described in their tender as a firm, in which case the receipt shall be signed in the name of the fues by one of the patters, of by some other persons having authority to give effectual r•ceints Inc rne firm. 4. Any porton woo submit, a teuder shall fill up the usuti printed form stating at what percentagetbove or below the rates specified in Schedule 'B' memorandum showing items of work to be carried out: he is willing to unali inted "0C, :ball der take the work. Only one moor such percectap, on all the saiziar be framed. leaders, which propose any alcerae.on in the works specified in the said form of invitation to tender or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other condi•iona, will no liable to rejection. No printed total of tender shall include a tender for mote than one work, but lf contractors with to tender for two or more works they shall submit a separate :.ruder for each.- Tendert sig.!' have the n one and number of the work to which they refer written outside the envelope. 5. The Executive Engine; or his duly authonsed Assistant shall open tenders in the presence of contractors who have submitted tenders or their representatives who may be present at the time, and he will enter the amounts of the several tenders in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the Identification, sign copies of the.spealmtions and other docorn,:ats mentioned in Rule I. In the event of a tender being rejected the Divisional Officer shall authorize the Treasury Officer concerned to refund the amount of the earnest money for deposited to the contractor making the temler, on his giving a receipt for the returnof the money. 6. Tho Officer competent to dispose of the tenders. shall ban right of rejecting all or any of the tenders. 6 -%7• % 64.".11, 3 et-4t‘ et% 4.4 ki10 ri tar as applicable, and in default thereof to forfeit and ae nont the owns of money mentioned in the said condition' Oa) tee GoVerit- t dated frout. Government Treasury or Receipt NoIn respect of Ma sum of Rs.' rub-Treasory at is herewith forwarded representing thr earnest money i(o) the full value ns which is to be absolutely forfeited to Go.ent•nent snook. ea deposit 'A ccauct to be •r4c.Sed la sorb sod egres Strks ors P•1 I/ Co • • 3 seetrytty denst • to Se lake, the full amount of secttnty deposit specified is the above memorandum, in accordance with Clause I tA) of the said. conditions, otherwise the said sum of Re-.... ........ shall be retained by Government on account of such security deposits as aforesaid ] or (b) the full value of which shall be retained by the Govenrnment on account of the sscurity deposit specified in clause 1 (B) of the conditions 1. n 199 'Dated the 'lE 7cr/ " ( Witnesses m) ();*&• ( Address ) 116,:` narks vet fle) e asy ale esSf• ty dart le Sete takes. "Insane eta. DMIC•Ot befueres bons mind. ""filganin .1of IflOresestotem. mare EDS& A ( Occupation ) lesaase of the .wiciele by WS. ••117•/•••• The above tender is hereby accepted by me on behalf of Sind. 759.M.grittEliketilrEER Division-1 Division (or his duly alithsiektedry vtivoini ton day of Duey the Condition et cortact Clause I.—The person son Terions tender may be accepted ( he: Final ler called the connactot ) shall (A) ( within one day for a ecntr-tt of Rs. 1,000 or. OSS,:a' two day' far a cnntriet of mere than Rs. LOCO mum Rs. 2,000 and .0 on, upto a limit of ten days, for a contract of R. 10,000 or more of the receint by him of the notification of the acceptance of his tender ) deposit with the Executive Engineer it. cash or Govt: Securities endorsed to Executive Engineer (if derailed for more then twelvemooths) a sum sufficient with the amount of the eurneit money deposited by him with his lender to make up the full security deposit specified in the tender, or (B) (tench' Government at the lime of making any payment to him for work done under the contracts to deduct such sum as well (With the earnest money deposited by him. ) amount more percent of all moneys so payable: such deduction to be held by Government by way of secunty deposit): Provided always that in the event of the contract or depositing a Lump sum by. tray of security deposit as contemplated at (A) above, then and in such case, ir the sum so deposited percent or the total estimated cost shall not amount to' of the work it shall be lawful for Government at the lime of making any payment to the contractor • for work done' under the contact to make percett-by.detiortba* s sittbotnt sem from up the full amount of A.Wi tse o nstitio ether sums • of every such payment as last afo 'increment under money payble by the. contractor t terms of his 1.7y the sok of T Ilicjeat pert of contract may be deducted from, o arising th his security deposit, or from the it or from any sams which is due or ,may he o contractor undo this contract and in the event of deposit being seri( aced by reason of any such citxtuction or sale as a ttcsttid the contractor „sisal within ten days thereafter, make good in cash or with Government securities endorsed as aforesaid any sum or sums which :nay hive been deducted from. or raised by sale of his security drriosit or a/Jj - jam thereof. The security. deposit referred to, when paid in casp,raay, at the, cost of the depositor, be converted into itttersikst-bearing sect:flies ierevidrd•I bet tlad, depositor has er• preasly desired this in writing. SINDH PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REGULATORY AUTHORITY CONTRACT EVALUATION FORM TO BE FILLED k / IN BY ALL PROCURING AGENCIES FOR PUBLIC CONTRACTS OF WORKS, SEWVICES & GOODS I) NAME OF TILE ORGANIZATION / DEPTT.ET Fc.;Itur EnTIPY dedit 13444-4:7:(1 -J 2) PROVINCIAL / LOCAL GOVT./ OTHER 3) TITLE OF CONTRACT Ivis4-to •XIA441..1 7 (93e wienso tbrin:i-tiabtleca.t...:41..-,4•4-ce Lee L S )1 ) liy116 o• ..- — 3- t1/41 -4-4-2) . Lb, 4) TENDER NUMBER -7 5) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT 6) FORUM THAT APPROVED THE SCHEME 7) TENDER ESTIMATED VALUE 8) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE (For civil works only) 9) ESTIMATED Cb, PL I - 600. (IA) 0 3 M /r:7M 0 2 - 03-- 10 . 2 : cut, P. a;N bi RIOD (AS PER CONTRACT) 10) TENDER OPE II) NUMBER OF TE (Attach list of buyers) N . 0 '3. Not 12) NUMBER OF BIDS RECE VED 13) NUMBER OF BIDDERS PRESENT AT OPENING OF BIDS 14) BID EVALUATION REPORT (Enclose a copy) 15) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SUCCESSFU • , 0 airy A ss eze;624 16) CONTRACT- AWARD PRICE 17) RANKING OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER IN EVALUATIO (i.e. 2s, 34 EVALUATION BID). /141 n Arl i✓ A.< dat, t4a P-4:1-3 &iv r. A .A Erattatt.•44:4 18) METHOD OF PROCUREMENT USED: - (Tick one) a) SINGLE STAGE - ONE ENVELOPE PROCEDURE b) SINGLE STAGE - TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE c) TWO STAGE BIDDING PROCEDURE d) TWO STAGE - TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE pornestacr Local PLEASE SPECIFY IF ANY OTHER METHOD OF PROCUREMENT WAS ADOPTED i.e. EMERGENCY, DIRECT CONTRACTING ETC. WITH BRIEF REASONS: 1/3 fran f S 19) APPROVING AUTHORITY FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT .E .4 6 b • /Bi ller' sip 64e$,A,4%,/, e 20) WHETHER THE PROCUREMENT WAS INCLUDED IN ANNUAL PROCUREMENTLAN? v 0.4Lif 1.v 121 No III 21) ADVERTISEMENT: ii SPPRA Website (If yes, give date and SPPRA Identification No ) Yes No News Papers (If yes, give na Yes f newspapers and dates) .z No 22) NATURE OF CO 23) WHETHER QUALIFICA p E N C WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDE (If yes, enclose a copy) nolnle/ 1.01 evi Int. II ENTS? 24) WHETHER BID EVALUATION CRITERIA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDER DOCU (If yes, enclose a copy) Yes I MiNo Yes 14 25) WHETHER APPROVAL OF COMPETENT AUTIIORI METHOD OTHER THAN OPEN COMPETITIVE BID 26) WAS BID SECURITY OBTAINED FROM ALL THE BIDDERS? 27) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BID WAS LOWEST EVALUATED BID / BEST EVALUATED BID (in case of Consultancies) 28) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS TECHNICALLY COMPLIANT? I Yes I 11 Yes I Yes No jj 29) WHETHER NAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR QUOTED PRICES WERE R AD OUT AT THE TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS? 1E1No III 30) WHETHER EVALUATION REPORT GIVEN TO BIDDERS BEFORE THE AWARD CONTRACT? (Attach copy of the bid evaluation report) or Yes n 2/3 4 31) ANY COMPLAINTS RECEIVED (If yes, result thereon Yes No 32) ANY DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE TENDER NOTICE / DOCUMENTS (If yes, give details) Yes No 33) WAS THE EXTENSION MADE IN RESPONSE TIME? (If yes, give reasons) Yes No 34) DEVIATION F (If yes, give deta TION CRITERIA Yes No 35) WAS IT ASSURED BY THE PR BLACK LISTED? NCY THAT THE SELECTED F Yes 36) WAS A VISIT MADE BY ANY OF ICER/0 AI SUPPLIER'S PREMISES IN CONNECTION WITH BE ASCERTAINED REGARDING FINANCING (If yes, enclose a copy) 37) WERE PROPER SAFEGUARDS PROVIDED ON M ILI THE CONTRACT (BANK GUARANTEE ETC.)? IS NOT No Fl PROCURING AGENCY TO THE UREMENT? IF SO, D to AILS TO ROAD: VANCE P ENT IN 38) SPECIAL CONDITIONS, IF ANY (If yes, give Brief Description) 39) Date of Award of Con c : Signature & Official Stamp of Authorized Officer ENGINEtH Ett FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Karachi SPPRA, Block. No.8, Sindh Secretariat No.4-A, Court Road, Karachi Tele: 021-9205356; 021-9205369 & Fax: 021-9206291 Savo- Reset 3/3 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER EMI 11 ION ORICS DIVISION-I WORKS & SERVICES DEPAR I \IICS1 PLOT NO: alf3/379 X. KARACHI tR MURADABADI ROAD. \ %\ stkElitEW D-1)//11.7G-55:20I 44 5: g 2.4 Is SU SI % I ED: 30 2 0/1 • cc To MIS: Husnain Associat es. 2nd Floor A-31 Block • In A•Gulshan-e-Itibal Karachi Government Contractor, SUBJECT:- PROVIDING OF FURNITURE ELECTRONIC ITEM FOR SCHOOLS UNDER LDP PHASE- III (ii) COMPUTER FURNITURE. Reference • Lard E1 I•20 lid 5 Your Apprinalt)1Talder No Your below mentioned rates %gutted m the abuse cited tender tor the items shown againd each lust been taunt, lowed and baths acceptal %1IT.A it Quoted Amount 1000000 u Its:- Ou MC 3,11.154111 to please .tart the 'supplies under the 10strudioll. Supers IMOD of the 100.513111 l tigincer Edo:awn %%arks suts•Dooton Lsari fowsn Isauxhi the time allowed lot tomtits-min 01 wort as Trosided in the tender w I 03 ihtonths which should please be smells adhered to 1%poprophical II Inas please be noted that shoe Ctiff the 00(1/4101.11.11LITC 01 ans item is not fully elaborated or errors in the Schedule of Price ot the tender that will be read strictly a) per sanctioned estimate not .lean or 1111 The work should he executed strictly in accordance oath the specifications and approved design and in amtonitils. with the schedule of mows> ;wended 10 the contract ilgTC1:11111111 In the esent of you failure to comply with these :onditions sou will be liable to pay C011111015011011 to the Government as per tams and conditions of anitrael agreement You are rcqucacd to supTh the sups at Tama ship dere capitalism deed of firm and puma of MIOMC) In :tie tune Of an patina at empknee ot the turn whom sou authorize to sign NW recent aryments and untrualons In tespest -I the work A nue caps at schedule of Trice is appended herewith kir sou guidance and limiter necessars action I \I I 111\ I I N1.l's1t.R \µ)N-1 111(1/4", .1, t \ KAI. tit r' Slt I MIX I Copy Forwarded to: I- The Project Director Lyari Development Package. 2- The Additional Assistant Engineer Lynn Development Package. 3- The Assistant Engineer Education Works Sub-DivisionsLynn Fowl Karachi. Sj.K. ENGINEER FDIC 897 WORKS DIVISION-1 WOR KS I It VIt 'US DEPARTMENT %RAI DI 9 a EMICUMESSCINFIEN, EDI ( %%mks DIV IsLON -I WORKS & sER WAS DEP:MUNIFS I FLOOR PLOT NO: Jmarru.Dt ;AD t RADA DA DI ROAD. NEW TOW N. KARACHI. A.V.S 44-gtAss44,6* .e*ayment of RE Dated: on account of tender fit No: Ole 4 rev A PROVIDING OF FU ) COMPUTER FU r the executi tor the Cover Stied in the under-titten el ... an-.A GINEER 8.01VISION • ES H DIEPARTMENT ARA C SCHOOLS UNDER LDP Ai. 'IS ndh ( h iv n belbre ) and here in after refer lo as Gin emment of the work in. the time specified in each memorandum at 1000441, iciadovi. C meats. EVI UCA ORKS NAME OF WORK:- a NI )Ahoel Below tAbove r Helms t Pan - ratred in Schedule "Jr Memorandum showing items of work to he carried-out according in all . specs with the speciti anon designs drawing instructions in writing relent:if in rule-I. here of in clause- I2 of the annexed • ons of Contract Agreement. Then materials and the tales to he paid for shall lit as provided in schedule -A here to :- PROVIDING OF FURNITURE FOR SCHOOLS UNDER LDP PHASE-Ill. ii ) COMPUTER FURNITURE. I Estimates Cost R$: 2 "/. Bid Price 2 Earnest Money Rs: Rs: Rs: 3. Security Depositi/c EINIoney 4 Percentage if any, to be deducted From hills 5 Time allowed ibr completion of Work:- I 03 ) Months EX INFER EDUCA. ON WORKS DIVISION WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTMENT KARACHI CONTRACTORS UNDER TAKING I ; We have offered that above nuts after taking into consideration all the terms and conditions as per 11.1 printed tender. This memonindum shall he based on to till up and the complete the 8-1 tender form so as to complete the agreement. In case of failure the department will be at liberty to take action against me/us as per clause of agreement primed in B-I form. Which I have read and ataxpted by me. SCHEIN:LEI A ) ML SCHEDULEffl) attached herewith Pay order / deposit at call hearing No: branch Karachi amount to Rs: a3 4 dalettattleti or H — is enclosed herewith as desired on account of security deposit. CONTRA 4 NATURE SCHEDULE OF PRICE PROVIDING COMPUTER ELECTRONICS ITEMS LYARI DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE REVENUE IF .::=" NAME OF ARTICLS j J (i) COMPUTER Computer Pentium IV i/c Server Providing /Supplying Computer Pentium IV i/c server for Computer Lab. --DO-- hp Monitor 18" with 4GB H.disk, 168 Ram, DVD room 8 gyga 3 processor 2 Printer QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT 2 25C00 go 0 rA, •16 SOO CX30 5—40 0."0 , Providing /Supplying desk jet Printer Best quality 0 B --DO- Hp printer laser jet 2 4 f icor, 5' °too 3 U.P.S. Providing /Supplying Uninterruptible Power Supply good 6 / 0000 ‘ 000) quality alongwith Battery 4 ntertidConnection Providing Internet Connection alongwith required cables with 0 a good company I 0 cv croo TOTAL:- ABOVE/4114W - SIGNATURE OF CO RA GINEER EXE C EDUCATION WORKS DIVISION-I KARACHI sue tKsp.i D. No. 105-11-94 —50.0110 L.P. eta is. coot. 0.1t. P.N. D. Noe. 29311 of 64-35 56.1 of 8446, 1950-W of 27-9.37, O.C.M.P. sod Mott. No. 313-1137 .4 1-11-31 2-VO or 22-2-3o. ( P. W. 0.1 No. 0. R. (P. W. a) No. 1031-1 of 22-247 nr 72-2-39 12-10- 44 Plod 2-S-44 6'4-er 124044, and 2-5-44, o5-W 10.111/11-1 of 211.349 .1,47.W 2 of 12-12-50. P W.H. Ite jttr i FORM 11-I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CIRCI, DI VISE° 44 411c liteksK..:,14,A-1, t t4. :7# 41 Percentage Rate Tender and co. for worts rt.\ General Rides and Directions for the Guidance of Comrade- airitIrwes SPECIAL I. All work proposed to be executed by contract shall be ng le te MOO I ADHESIVE form of invitation to tender posted on a board hung up in the o,ttte of GTExecutive Engineer and signed by the Executive Engmcer. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT Office, City Court Karachi This form will state the stark to be carried out, as well as the date 6:Stamp submitting and opening tenders, and the time allowed for carrying out the work; also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with the tender, and the amount of the security deposit to be deposited by the successful tenderers and the percentage, if any to be deducted from bills. It will also state whether a refund of quarry fees, royalities, octroi dues and ground rents will be granted. Copies of the specificatotts, designs and drawings and estimated rates schedule rates and any other documents required in cocnectioe with the work shall be signed by the Executive Engineer for the purpose of identification, and shall also be open for inspection by contracton it the office of the Executive Engineer during office hours 2. In the event of the Leerier bang submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by ,each tvertner there of, or in the event of the absence of toy partner, it shall be signed on his behalf by a person bolding a power-ofattorney au:hociring him to do sn. 3. Receipts for ca,meart made no aczount of any work, when executed by a firm, sha)l also be signed by all the partners, except when the contractors are described in rhtsr render as a firm, in whirls case the receipt shall be signed in the name of the funs by one of the partners, of by some other persons leaving authority to give trreCDTRI rretv)tli for me firm. 4. Any peca) who submits a tender shall fin up the laud printed form stating at Wiled percentageabove or below the rates spa.-ified is Schedule!? memorandum showing items of work to be carried out: he is willing to unPsmated rata der take the work. Only one rate of such percentage, on all the &s hi ms masball be framed. lenders, which propose any altecstdon in die works specified in the said form of invitation to tender or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other condisions, will DO liable to rejection. No printed torts of tender shall include a tender for more than one work. but if contractors wish to tender for two or more works they shall submit a separate meder for at Teadms shall have the n tole and aurnher of the work to which they refer mitten outside the envelope. 5. The Executive Engineer or his duly authorised Assistant shall open tenders in the presence of contractors who have submitted tenders nr their representatives who may be present at the time, and he will enter the amounts of the several iendcrs in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the Identification, sign copies of the sectIfimtions and other duCOILLZOIS mentioned in Rute I. In the event of c tender being rejected the Divisional Officer shall authorize the Treasury Officer concerned to refund the amount of the earnest money for deposited to the contractor nuking the tattier, on his giving a receipt for the returner the money. 6. Tho Officer competent to dispose of the tenders shall ban rightof se reissuing all or any of tho tenders. tX7V Er NGINEER Karachi 3 lo tar as applicable, and in default thereof to forfeit and out to Government the muss of money mentioned in the Said conditions dated from Government Treasury or ontscm•os to 114 Receipt No. 00041141111111 in lespect of the sum of Rs.' sub-Treasury at mod Ara is herewith forwarded representing the earnest money ((0) the full vatfue 411 0 .vhich is to be absolutely forfeited to Coyeelt•.K nt stiouk call deposit SWIM gell 00 • II ti tastily espesn • is & tato. the full amount of secunty deposit speciftea in the above memorandum, in accordance with Clause I ;A) of the said- conditions, otherwise the said sum of Rs.. shall be retained by Goevrnment on account of such security deposite as aforesaid j Of (b) the full value of which shall be retained by the Govennintent on account of the s ecurity deposit specified clause 1 (B) cf the cocdition. •6 LI' spy orb amml,. ty *past b so a. taxa Dated the "Montore arse mew-tor ordonnt■ buStisa Mese 'Swain of day of 199 Witnesses •••/ ••Scrika out (b) mit OP canto. ca.:. aaaet. ( Addrra ) ( Occupation ) The above tender is hereby accepted by We on behalf of the governor of Sind. I ,4,±c „ k_i , cv • i. I I y xecutive engineer cagnetemi of On otSoets by whew megna4. Division (or his duly truth Z ed A ecivan Demo the day of r GINEER Division-1 Condition of Coon act a say dwarts. ?ersatz — whose tender may be acts u ( het rtnalter called Clause 1.—The, red Verso - ns the contractor) shall (A) ( within one day for a ct.ntrnct of 1,000 or. 055, ar two days fora contract of more than Rs. 1.00t ... onto R. 1,000 and .o on, upto a limit of ten days, for a contract of lb. 10,000 or more of the receint les him of the notification of the acceptance cf his render) deposit with the Executive Ungineer it, cash or Govt: Securities endorsed to Executive Engineer (if dermsit ed for more then twelvemonths) a sum sufficient with the amount Of the curliest money deposited by him with his tender to make up the full security deposit specified in the tender, or (B) (remit Government at the time of making any payment to him for work dotse under the contracts to deduct such sum as well (With the earnest money deposited by him. ) amount more percent 'of all moneys so payable: such deduction to be held by Government by way of secunty deposit): Provided always that in the event of the contract or depositing a Lump sum by. tray of security deposit as contemplated at (A) above, then and in such can, if the sum so deposited shall not amount to percent of the total estimated cost of the work it shall be lawful for Government at the time of making any payment to the contractor • for work done under the contract to make up We full amount of pc:cc:at-by deductoug s sufficient stun from every such payment as last afor 't.b AJ Cisasirefisstion r sums 'of money payble by the contractor to ument under t ram of his contract may be deducted from, or p the. side of a cot part of his security deposit, or from the .intcr T th -, or from any ome sttnis which is due or, may ntractor under and in the event of his . s this contract deposit being refl• need by reason of any such deduction or sale as aficesaid the contractor ,shal within ten den thereafter, make good in cash or with Government securities endorsed as aforesaid any sum or sums which hiay hive been deducted from. _An noised by sale of his security dr,osit or any ',not thereof. The security. deposit referred to, when paid in cash,rnay, et. the cost of the depositor, be converted into intemst-bearing securities provided chat depositor has es pre:31y desired this in writing. _:!NEER 1..•:;chL, • OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, EDUCATION WORKS DIVISION-I, WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLOT NO: JM/3/379 JIGAR MURADABADI ROAD, NEW TOWN. KARACHI. NO: EE.I(EWD-IyTOG-55/2014-15 ZS KARACHI DATED: To, The Director (CB) Sindh Public Procurement Regularity Authority. Karachi. SUBJECT: NIT. NOIE/EWD-I/TC/G-55/2014-15/ 336 Dated 09-03-2015. The Bid Evaluation Report in ( Original) and minutes of the meeting attendance sheet Bidders / Technical evaluation form are sent ( 02 ) herewith for hosting on SPPRA website. ERECUTIV .ENGINEER EDUCAT •N ''RKS DIVISION - I WORKS & VICES DEPARTMENT KARACHI 6 (3 Bid Evaluation Report 1.Name of Procuring Agency: Executive Engineer Education Works Division —I Karachi. 2.Tender Reference No: EE( EWD-I) /TC/G-55 /2014-15/ 336 Karachi Dated: 09-03-2015. 3.Tender Description/Name of work/item: Providing of Furniture / Electronic Item for Schools Under LDP Phase-Ill. ii Computer Furniture. 4. Method of Procurement: Single Stage one Envelope Procedure. 5. Tender Published: Print & Electronic Media (SPPRA) ID No. & News papers names with dates) 6.Total Bid documents Sold; 03 Nos. 7.Total Bids Received: 03 Nos. (Provide details in separate form) N/A 8.Technical Bid Opening date: (if applicable) N/A 9.No. of Bid technically qualified (if applicable): 02 Nos. 10.Bid(s) Rejected: 02-04-2015. 11.Financial Bid Opening date: 12.Bid Evaluation Report: S No Name of Firm or Bidder Cost offered by the Bidder 0 1 2 Ranking in terms of cost 3 Compariso n with Estimated cost 4 ist I. M/S Hasnain Associates. 1000000 2. M/S. Fasial Builders. 1018000 21x1 Lowest 3. M/S. A.A Engineer. 1031000 3I'd Lowest Lowest 1000000 1000000 1000000 Reasons for acceptance/ rejection Remarks 5 6 Qualifiedas Recommend for per evaluation award of work criteria Qualified Rejected due to Higher Rates. Qualified Rejected due to Higher Rates. el SSAIN E ENG EXEGUTW EduEMS Ii111+11ff tklifignp3 ALI.1133X3 0 RAFT KHAN MOOR-UL-ISLAM EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SUPEREEENDING ENGINEER HEALTH INSTITUTIONS WORKS & SERVICE DEPARTMENT , e erRfeirouT,44 caRATION KARACW Superintending Works & Services Department Govt. of Sind Karachi cmvetin eer H. I : KMC . . `I Bid Evaluation Report 1.Name of Procuring Agency: Executive Engineer Education Works Division —1 Karachi. 2.Tender Reference No: EE( EWD-11 ITC/G-55 /2014-15/ 336 Karachi Dated: 09-03-2015. 3.Tender Description/Name of work/item: Providing of Furniture / Electronic Item for Schools Under LDP Phase-111. i Furniture for Secondary Schools. 4. Method of Procurement: Single Stage one Envelope Procedure. 5.Tender Published: Print & Electronic Media (SPPRA) ID No. & News papers names with dates) 6. Total Bid documents Sold. 03 Nos. 7.Total Bids Received: 03 Nos. 8.Technical Bid Opening date: (if applicable) N/A 9.No. ofBid technically qualified (if applicable): 10.Bid(s) Rejected: (Provide details in separate form) N/A 02 Nos. 11.Financial Bid Opening date: 02-04-2015. 12.Bid Evaluation Report: S No Name of Firm or Bidder Cost offered by the Bidder 0 1 2 Ranking in terms of cost 3 Compariso n with Estimated cost 4 Reasons for acceptance/ rejection 5 Qualified as per evaluation criteria Remarks 6 1. MIS Hasnain Associates. 667000 131 Lowest 667000 Recommend for award of work 2. M/S. Fasial Builders. 672000 2nd Lowest 667000 Qualified Rejected due to Higher Rates. 3. M/S. A.A Engineer. 677000 314 Lowest 667000 Qualified Rejected due to Higher Rates. r &SIM ISSAIN EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Egged • N WOINtialiali R PUCatliSni i A Division-I Karachi, NOOR-UL-ISIAM SUPERITENDING ENGINEER WORKS & SERVICES DEPARPW- -TA IQ WI KHAN EXECUTIVE ENGINEER HEALTH INSTITUTIONS METRE:Li:JAN CORPORATION 1 guperisding En inteleRCHI Works es Services D artment Govt. of Sind Karachi Creceilve to sneer H. I : En ATTENDENCE SHEET The tender invited vide this office letter No:EE/(EWD-I)/TC-/G-55/2014-15/ 336 .Pated: 09-03-2015. have been issued upto 02-04-2015. and opened On 02-04-2015. by me in the presence of following contractors/representative all the participants shown below have satisfactorily agreed with proceeding of issuance and opening of tenders without any objection. I SIGNATURE NAME OF AGENCY S.No. 1. M/S 444-frisiv, <4( terCJ aer 2. M/S INa 3. M/S 4. M/S 5. M/S 6. M/S z - EXE Educati ❑ Wor 7. M/S 8. M/S 9. M/S 10. M/S 11. M/S 12. M/S 13. M/S 14. M/S 15. M/S 16. M/S 17. M/S is. M/S NGINEER TECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT / BIDDERS QUALIFICATION REPOERT NIT No: EE (EWD-I) / TC/G-55/ 2014-15 / 336 Dated: 09-03-2015. — Education Works Division I, Karachi. I. Name of Procuring Agency, 2. Tender Reference No. 3. Tender Description / Name of Work Item. 4. Method of Procurement. Providing of Furniture / Electronic Item for Schools Under LDP Phase — III ( i ) Furniture for Secondary School ( ii ) Computer Furniture. Single Stage — One Envelope Procedure. 5. Name of Firm / Bidder. M/S. Hasnain Associates. 6. N.T.N. Available 7. Registration with P.E.C. Registered. 8. Relevant Experience. Available 9. Available 10. Turnover of at Least Last Three Years. Funds / Budget. Available 11. 02 % Earnest Money. Available 12. Tender Fee / Cost of Bidding Document. Deposited. Executive Engineer, Education Works Division-I Works & Services Department Karachi. NIT No: EE (EWD-I) / TC/G-55/ 2014-15 / 336 Dated: 09-03-2015. EXEC GINEER EDUCAT N WORKS DIVISION — I WORKS &4 SEl VICES DEPARTMENT RACHI. MINI "I LS OF THE MEETING SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 02-04-2015 AT THE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, EDUCATION WORKS DIVISION— I WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SINDH KARACHI FOR OPENING OF TENDERS. 1. PROVIDING OF FURNITURE / ELECTRONIC ITEM FOR SCHOOLS UNDER LDP PHASE-Ill. ( i ) FURNITURE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL. ( ) COMPUTER FURNITURE. NIT NO. NO: EE/EWD-1/(W&S)/TC/G-55/2014-15/ 336 / Karachi. Dated: 09-03-2015. The tenders for the above said works were invited by the Executive Engineer, Education Works Division —I Works & Services Department Government of Sindh Karachi vide NIT No. referred above. In this respect a meeting regarding opening of tender held on 02-04-2015. At the Office of the Executive Engineer, Education. Works Division — I Karachi, situated at Plot No: JM/3/379 Jigar Muradabadi Road, New Town Karachi, under the Chairmanship of Chairman Procurement Committee / Superintending Engineer, Works & Services Department Government of Sindh Karachi following / members attended: I. Mr. Noor-ul-Islam, Chairman Procurement Committee / Superintending Engineer. Works & Services Department Government of Sindh Karachi. 2. Mr. Tariq Rafi Khan, Member Procurement Committee / Executive Engineer. Health Institution Karachi Municipal Corporation. 3. Mr. Asim Hussain, Member Procurement Committee / Executive Engineer, Education Works Division-I, Works & Services Department. Government of Sindh Karachi. 1 E E EDUCATI WORKS & ENGINEER KS DIVISION — I ICES DEPARTMENT RACHI.
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