File - pps 535, career counseling mr. ruiz

PPS 535, Seminar in Career and Vocational Guidance
Room: COE 1404
Tuesdays, 4:00 – 6:45pm
Instructor: Mr. Dan Ruiz
Telephone: 310.233.4059
Office Hours: By appointment
Brown, Duane (2012). Career Information, Career Counseling, and Career Development. 10th edition.
Course Description
The purpose of this course is for the candidate to develop knowledge and skills in counseling individuals for career/lifestyle
development. The Course is designed to provide the candidate with knowledge of how to use career concepts, knowledge of the
world of work, career theories, career decision-making models and sources of information for career exploration. Included in the
course is baseline information regarding the California Community Colleges, California State Universities, and the Universities of
California. An overview of the state and federal financial aid programs is presented in addition to discussion of regional and selected
universities serving special populations.
University Statement of Academic Integrity
In this course, it is expected that you will maintain academic integrity and do all of your own work. Any form of cheating, whether in
class or outside of class, is completely prohibited and will result in appropriate disciplinary action, including receiving an ‘F’ on the
relevant assignment/quiz/exam, receiving an ‘F’ in the course, and/or further disciplinary action determined by the University. You
are expected to read the relevant section of the University Catalog for a complete statement on academic integrity.
Americans with Disabilities Act
It is the policy of California State University Dominguez Hills to comply with the Section 504 Regulations (now, Americans with
Disabilities Act) adopted by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The Disabled Student Services (DSS) office is located
in Welsh Hall, room D-180, Phone: (310) 243-3660.
Learning Outcomes
To demonstrate knowledge of career concepts in the world of work and baseline competencies for employment in the U.S.
To apply knowledge/skill of the application of career theories to career/lifestyle development.
To synthesize career planning, educational planning, financial planning for education and decision-making using the
theories and information base of the discipline.
To incorporate knowledge of local, state, and selective colleges and universities and their admission policies into career
counseling for k-12 students.
To use knowledge of the career needs of minority groups and special populations in career exploration and planning
To apply knowledge of non-collegiate careers and their entry requirements to the needs of students who will not be
attending college immediately after high school.
To apply knowledge/skill towards appropriate academic advising to students attending public institutions of higher
Attendance Policy
This course depends upon active class participation and punctuality to create an environment conducive to learning. Students are
expected to attend each class session. Please make the appropriate adjustments to your personal schedule, or consider taking this
specific course the following semester. Attendance will be recorded. Attendance is worth 10% of your grade and will be reduced
based on the amount of class sessions you do not attend.
PPS 535
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Course Responsibilities and Requirements
1) Attend each class session.
2) To maintain an active learning environment, please turn off electronic devices that may disrupt the others in
class (i.e. cell phones, electronic games, etc.). Please quietly walk out of the classroom if you must answer, or
make telephone calls.
3) Collaboration and communication among peers in the classroom are expected in this course.
4) All assignments are required on the assigned due date. Assignments submitted after the due date will incur a
5% point deduction penalty per day until submitted.
5) Please come to each class session prepared.
Grading Policy
Based on numerical point system, grades will be assigned as follows:
95 to 100 B+ 86 to 89
B- 80 to 82
73 to 75
A90 to 94
83 to 85
C+ 76 to 79
C70 to 72
69 to 70
0 to 68
Course Assignments and Projects
a) Outside Reading Assignment.
One goal of the counseling program is have graduate professionals who base their practices on professional
literature and stay updated on professional practices in their field. The purpose of this outside reading
assignment is to expose you to scholarly literature on career development and counseling and to the journals in
which such literature is published. Thus, you are required to read articles relevant to career development and
counseling, and summarize each article. A maximum of five (5) article summaries is required.
In order to receive credit for the readings, you should read an article relevant to career development and
counseling from a journal in the field (see the list below). Summarize (in your own words) the article in twothree paragraphs (half a page) and turn in the summary at the beginning of class. Please see the course timeline
for due dates. Relevant journals include, but are not limited to:
Career Development Quarterly
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Career Assessment
Journal of Career Development
Journal of Counseling and Development
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Journal of Employment Counseling
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
b) Career Intervention Theory Research Paper.
Select a career intervention theory that will guide the implementation of your career counseling process.
Conduct a literature review of at least five sources (the textbook can be one source). In addition to the literature
review, explain why the career theory you selected is the most appropriate for the population you plan to serve.
Discuss the opportunities and the constraints the theory places on the population you plan to serve.
5-7 pages; APA format Due: March 17th
c) Interview a Professional Who Provides Career Counseling Services.
Interview a career counselor or some other type of professional who works to provide career and vocational
guidance to adolescents or adults. In the school setting these individuals may have titles such as:
(Career) Counselor
Career Technician
Work Experience Coordinator
ROP Coordinator
Use the information you gained from the interview to write a summary of the questions you asked, answers you
received, and a reflection of what you learned from this experience and if it has influenced your career choice.
PPS 535
California State University, Dominguez Hills
4-5 pages; APA format
Due: May 12th
d) Career Exploration Workshop/Intervention Design & Presentation.
You will pair up with another student in this course (two students). You will create a career exploration
workshop/intervention and the assessment tool/technique that could be delivered to the special population you
and your partner agree upon (ex. Elementary, middle, high school, college students, veterans, AB540, students
with learning disabilities, etc.) The workshop/intervention and the assessment tool/technique used should be
appropriate to the age group you selected and your presentation must be interactive. You will also write up a
proposal or lesson plan for the workshop/intervention. Please include the following: a) Description of the special
population, b) description of the career issues for this population, and c) description of one or more appropriate
strategies/assessment tools for use with this population. This presentation should be between 25-30 minutes
(not to exceed 30 minutes). This time frame includes facilitation, dialogue, exercise, and an opportunity for the
class to ask questions.
Proposal/Lesson Plan: 3-5 pages, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins all around.
Please bring enough copies for each student in class.
e) Group Research and Presentation of Career Counseling for Specific Populations.
At the beginning of this course you will choose a particular career counseling population for which you must
research and develop a group presentation. A sign-up list will be circulated through the class with pre-selected
populations by your professor. Write your name with two specific populations you are interested in serving.
Groups and group members will be selected by your professor. This research and presentation must address:
1) Description of the specific population you are serving through this research presentation. Include
potential obstacles and advantages in working with this specific population.
2) Career counseling issues specific to this population. What problems/concerns/goals does this specific
population present?
3) Career counseling assessment tools appropriate for this population. Include exercises, homework, tests,
inventories, online resources, etc. Please bring in these items (if possible) you can share with the class
during your presentation.
4) Career counseling techniques/interventions appropriate for this population. Which career counseling
theory did you select that best serves as a foundation for serving this population? What tools will you
use in sessions to help this population achieve their career counseling goals? Are there opportunities for
academic advisement or internship support for this specific population?
Your group will have 45- 60 minutes to present your findings utilizing PowerPoint (or Prezi) and
demonstrating professional presentation skills. Your group will also provide a professional-looking typed
handout for classmates summarizing the four components above for future reference. You are required to
reference a minimum of three outside references. Online resources are permitted. Your textbook may not
serve as one of the three references, but you may certainly still reference the textbook. Your handout
should include a bibliography of all resources used in APA style.
Presentation: Electronic file brought to class on flash drive AND printed copy of slides for the professor.
Handout: 4-6 pages. Please bring enough copies for each student in class.
NOTE: This is a SHARED project, SHARED grade and thus the workload must be SHARED. If any group
member feels the work distribution on the project is unequal at any point and for any reason, talk to the
group to resolve it immediately.
PPS 535
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Course Points
Outside Readings
Career Theory Research Paper
Design Career Workshop/Intervention
Interview a Career Counselor
Group Research Presentation
15% (3% each)
30 pts (6 pts each)
40 pts
40 pts
30 pts
40 pts
20 pts
200 points
(Instructor reserves the right to make changes to assignments, due dates, meeting locations)
Week 1 /
Jan 20
Week 2 /
Jan 27
Chapter 1 and 2
Week 3 /
Feb 3
Week 4 /
Feb 10
Week 5 /
Feb 17
Week 6 /
Feb 24
Week 7 /
Mar 3
Week 8 /
Mar 10
Week 9 /
Mar 17
Week 10 /
Mar 24
Week 11 /
Mar 31
Week 12 /
Apr 7
Week 13 /
Apr 14
Week 14 /
Apr 21
Chapter 3 and 4
Week 15 /
Apr 28
Week 16 /
May 5
Week 17 /
May 12
PPS 535
Class Introduction
Overview of course
What is Career Counseling?
Intro to career development; trait
and factor and developmental
Theories cont.; Ethical Issues
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Chapter 6
Multiculturalism and Career
Working with special needs clients
Chapter 7
Assessment and career counseling
Chapter 8 and 9
Using information; career
exploration centers
Preparing for work; job search
Chapter 5
Chapter 10 and 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
K-12 comprehensive career
development program
Postsecondary education and
career development
Article Review #2
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Article Review #3
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Career Counseling Theory Paper DUE
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Chapter 14
Private practice
Chapter 15
Bridging academic advising and
career exploration
Program evaluation and evidencebased practice
Chapter 16
Article Review #1
Chapter 17 and 18
Current trends
Article Review #4
Career Workshop Presentation ( 2 pairs)
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Article Review #5
Career Workshop Presentation (2 pairs)
Group Research Presentation
(two groups)
Group Research Presentation
(two groups)
Career Specialist Interview Reflection DUE
California State University, Dominguez Hills