Wandering Seminar Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems Wroclaw University of Technology Wroclaw, 23–26 April 2015 http://prac.im.pwr.wroc.pl/~wandering/ Abstracts of talks April 20, 2015 Mini-course, Friday–Sunday, April 24–26 Smooth dynamics and their measures of large entropy J´ erˆ ome Buzzi (Universit´ e Paris-Sud) Entropy is a classical and fundamental invariant in dynamics. For low dimensional smooth dynamics (and other interesting classes), positive entropy yields hyperbolicity in the sense of Pesin, and even, as recently discovered, a symbolic dynamics (Sarig, strengthened in a joint work with Boyle). This yields ”complete classification” (Hochman): measures maximizing the entropy (in some generalized sense) are determined by their entropy and period and in turn determine all aperiodic invariant probability measures. After reviewing some basics of countable state Markov shifts and hyperbolic dynamics, we will explain (some of) the proofs of these recent results. As much as time permits, we will try and discuss some results in smooth dynamics about these ”entropy-period” invariants. Lectures: 1. Overwiew 2. Countable state Markov shifts: Gurevich entropy; mme; almost Borel universality (Hochman) 3. Some basics of uniform and Pesin hyperbolicity 4. Existence of mme: smoothness; hyperbolicty; counter-examples 5. Surface diffeomorphisms: symbolic covers (Sarig) and almost Borel classification Eventual additional topics: - variation of the entropy: continuity properties and local constancy (geometric structures) - partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with central dimension 1 Introductory lecture, Thursday, April 23 Dominik Kwietniak This talk is intended to introduce/refresh some prerequisites for the minicourse presented by J´erˆome Buzzi. We will cover the following topics: • Shifts of finite type (vertex-shifts, topological entropy, mem) • Anosov diffeomorphisms, example of coding for a two dimensional (linear) hyperbolic toral automorphism, structural stability in this case • Entropy 1 Talks (Friday–Sunday, April 24–26) in alphabetical order Entropies of hyperbolic groups Andrzej Bi´ s Hyperbolic groups in the Gromovs sense play an important role in geometric group theory. To every hyperbolic group one can associate its boundary which has a very rich topological, quasi-conformal and dynamical structure. A hyperbolic group acts on the boundary of its Cayley graph. In the talk some upper and lower estimations of the topological entropy of a hyperbolic group acting on its ideal boundary will be provided. Also, some applications to dynamics of foliated spaces will be presented. The talk is based on the joint paper with Pawe Walczak. Structure theorems for Host-Kra factors of finitely generated abelian actions Yonatan Gutman The factors introduced by Host & Kra (and by Ziegler using a different framework) for an ergodic system are higher order analogues of the classical Kronecker factor. An important fact is that they are characteristic for various non-conventional ergodic averages including the one used by Furstenberg in order to establish Szemeredi’s theorem. A key structural result implies that these factors are (uniquely ergodic) inverse limits of nilsystems - in particular (just as in the Kronecker case) belong to topological category. We propose a new way of ”passing from the measurable to the topological” which has the advantage of working for finitely generated abelian ergodic actions. The main tools are the Camarena-Szegedy concept of cocycle and a generalization of the Host-Kra-Maass structure theorem in a recent joint work with Freddie Manners and Peter Varju. As an application one finds characteristic factors for various non-conventional ergodic averages in the context of finitely generated abelian ergodic actions. Non-Shannon inequalities and entropy regions Michal Kupsa For a joining of multiple stationary processes (or measure-theoretical dynamical systems), we consider join entropies of all the subcollection of the processes. A finite-dimensional vector of real non-negative numbers arises in this way. The question we try to answer is how the set of all such vectors look like. There are usual constraints on the set following from non-negativity, monotonicity, subadditivity and conditional subadditivity of the entropy. These constraints completely determines the set when the number of processes is at most three. Surprisingly, another type of constraints appeared when four or more processes are considered. These constrains are expressed via linear inequalities, called non-Shannon. Some of inequalities of this type will be presented in this talk. 2 Around the specification property Dominik Kwietniak A dynamical system is intrinsically ergodic if it has a unique measure of maximal entropy. Bowen introduced the specification property and proved that for expansive systems it implies intrinsic ergodicity. Pfister and Sullivan generalized Bowen’s specification and defined the g-almost product property, later renamed the almost specification property by Thompson. It was an open question whether every almost specified shift space is intrinsically ergodic. I am going to present the example showing that the answer is negative, along with some other results about almost specified dynamical systems. Time permits I will discuss some results on intrinsic ergodicity of subordinate shift spaces. The talk is based on a joint work with Piotr Oprocha (AGH Krak´ow) and MichalRams (IM PAN Warszawa). Generic Points and the Besicovitch Pseudometric Martha L¸ acka Let MT (X) denote the simplex of invariant measures of the dynamical system (X, T ). For any point x ∈ X and any positive integer n denote by m(x, n) the measure 1/n(δ(x) + . . . + δ(T n−1 (x))) and by ω ˆ (x) the set of all accumulation points of the sequence {m(x, n)}n∈N with respect to the weak-* topology. During the talk we will show that if a dynamical system has the asymptotic average shadowing property, then for every compact connected and non-empty set V ⊂ MT (X) there exists x ∈ X such that ω ˆ (x) is equal to V . In particular it means that every invariant measure has a generic point. In the proof we will use the Besicovitch pseudometric. The talk is based on the joined work with Dominik Kwietniak and Piotr Oprocha. On multi-recurrence and families of sets of integers Piotr Oprocha In 1970s Furstenberg observed that there are tight connections between recurrence in dynamics and properites of sets of integers. A classical application of this approach is Multiple Recurrence Theorem which can be used to provide ”dynamical” proof of van der Waerden theorem, and at he same time can be derived from this theorem (in this sense both theorems are equivalent). We say that a point x ∈ X is multi-recurrent if it satisfies the conclusion of the topological multiple recurrence theorem, that is for any d ∈ N there is a strictly increasing sequence ink {nk }∞ x → x as k → ∞ for every i = 1, 2, . . . , d. k=1 in N with T In this talk we will characterize some properties of multi-recurrent points and their relations to families of sets of integers. Periodic orbits for real planar polynomial vector fields of degree n having n invariant straight lines Ana Rodrigues In this talk, we will study the existence and non-existence of periodic orbits and limit cycles for planar polynomial differential systems of degree n having n real invariant straight lines taking into account their multiplicities. This is joint work with Jaume Llibre. 3 Integrability and non-integrability in second order dynamical systems on homogenous spaces Maciej P. Wojtkowski Lecture 1 First and second order equations on Lie groups. Euler equations. Physical example: the rigid body dynamics. Lecture 2 Non-standard proof of the integrability of the rigid body dynamics, and how it can be generalized. Special automorphism of Lie groups and reversibility in dynamics. Lecture 3 The special class of reversible second order dynamical systems on Lie groups. Integrability and partial integrability. Presence and absence of first integrals. Positive Lyapunov exponents. Real analytic dynamical systems with invariant measures with C ∞ densities and no real analytic density. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following partner organisations: 4
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