2015 Countdown Dates - Prairie High School

Graduation Philosophy
The graduation ceremony is the culminating formal activity sponsored by the Battle Ground School
District for family and friends to honor and recognize students collectively as a class and as individuals for their accomplishments while at Prairie High School. This ceremony is designed to formally
honor individuals and pull together some meaningful moments of shared history before these young
men and women take their next step toward adulthood. Earning a high school diploma will stand out
as one of the most important accomplishments in each of these students' lives. Therefore, to make this
memory special for all students, the tone of the ceremony will be one of dignity and respect. There will
be many opportunities to celebrate informally with family and friends at a later time. The Prairie High
School staff, the superintendent, and board of directors hope that you enjoy our graduation ceremony
to honor the graduating class of 2015.
April 22
If you are were unable to attend the senior class meeting, make
sure to stop by the Career Lab to pick up your Senior
Countdown, check the status of your High School & Beyond Plan
and pick up the Grad Party Information Packet.
April 23 – May 29
Seniors are encouraged to submit personal pictures of themselves
with or without friends since they have started school
(Kindergarten to 12th grade). You can email them to
phsseniorpictures@battlegroundps.org. If you do not have a
digital copy of the picture to email, you may submit them to Mrs.
Havig’s box in the Main Office or ASB Office. The Senior Video
will be shown at the Senior Brunch on graduation day.
April 24
End of 12-week grading period.
April 27 – May 22
Provide proof of all scholarship offers (including those you do
not accept) to Christina in the Counseling Center. (Students who
have been awarded scholarships are listed in the graduation
program if given to the Counseling Center by the May 22
April 28 & April 29
Jostens will distribute announcements during lunch.
April 30
Girls may start signing up for the Senior Tea (Mother-Daughter)
in the Counseling Center.
By May 8, girls should submit two photos for a slide show to
office@cherrygrovefriends.org; the organizers of the tea are
asking for a baby picture as well as a graduation or other recent
photo for a slide show by May 8.
Boys may start signing up for the Senior BBQ (Father-Son) in the
Counseling Center. Both events are May 27.
April 30
If you were unable to pick up your announcements from Jostens,
you can pick them up in the Counseling Center before school,
during lunch or after school.
“Career & Technical Education Awards Ceremony”
May 4 – May 8
Teachers will identify any seniors in danger of failing and place
them on contract. Copies will be given to the appropriate
counselor. Teachers will call the parents of seniors who are
failing their class.
May 8
Last day for senior girls to submit two photos, a baby picture and
office@cherrygrovefriends.org for a slideshow at the Senior
May 8
Deadline to contact Career Lab for completion status of High
School & Beyond Plan.
May 11
Senior fine list published.
May 11 – May 29
Teachers will contact parents of seniors who will fail a class.
Contracts need to be given to the correct alpha counselor.
May 11 – June 5
You may buy tickets in the ASB Office for the June 11 Senior
Brunch being held at WSU-Vancouver. Brunch will run from
11:00am to 1:00pm. Cost is $12.00 per person. The last day to
purchase a ticket will be Friday, June 5. Brunch is for senior
students only. Students will need to provide their own
May 15 – May 29
Prom Tickets go on sale for $25/person ($30 w/out ASB)
May 18 – June 5
Remember to ask Christina in the Counseling Center to send your
final high school transcript to the college you have decided to
attend. Transcript requests made after school is out for the
summer cannot be processed until August. Be proactive!
May 19
Jostens will distribute caps and gowns during lunches. After May
19, you may pick them up in the Counseling Center.
May 19
Last day for senior girls to sign up for Senior Tea (MotherDaughter) being held on May 27. Sign up in the counseling
May 22
Beginning today, you may sign up for extra graduation tickets in
the Counseling Center. Admission to graduation will be by ticket
only. Each graduating senior will be given 8 tickets today. If you
have not completed your High School & Beyond Plan, your
tickets will be on hold until you have been cleared by the Career
Lab. Failure to complete your High School & Beyond Plan will
result in your not walking at graduation and not receiving your
diploma. There will be a limited number of extra tickets. Last day
to sign up for extra tickets will be Friday, May 29.
May 22
Last day for senior boys to sign up for the Senior BBQ (FatherSon) being held on May 27. Sign up in the counseling center.
May 22
Last day to check out library materials.
May 22
Pick up graduation tickets in the Counseling Center. Admission
to graduation will be by ticket only. Each graduating senior will
be given 8 tickets. If you will not need all 8 tickets, please return
your extra tickets to the Counseling Center so that they may be
given to someone who needs them. Tickets may not be sold.
Anyone doing so will be subject to discipline.
The Main Office will post an updated list of all fines and fees still
owed by seniors. (Seniors need to have fines paid in full in
order to receive their diploma and official transcript.)
May 22
Last day to provide proof of scholarship information (including
those you don’t accept) to Christina in the Counseling Center for
inclusion in the graduation program. Let Christina know the
college you will be attending. If you miss the deadline, your
awards will not be recognized.
May 22
Make sure you have notified your counselor if you are not
walking at graduation.
May 25
Memorial Day – No School.
May 27
Senior BBQ (Father-Son) from 10:30am to 1:30pm at the Brush
Prairie Baptist Church next door.
Senior Tea (Mother-Daughter). Students are dismissed at
10:30am. Tea is 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Cherry Grove Friends
Students are dismissed for the remainder of the day.
May 28
ASL Variety Show at 6:30pm in the Auditorium.
May 29
Deadline for High School & Beyond Plan.
May 29
All correspondence or online courses need to have tests
completed. This includes Homelink and credit recovery course
May 29
Last day to sign up for extra graduation tickets.
May 29
Last day for seniors to submit photos for the senior video to
May 31
Baccalaureate will be in the Prairie Auditorium at 3:00pm.
Seniors need to arrive at 2:30pm in caps and gowns. No tickets
are required; and all are welcome.
June TBD
“Above the Influence” assembly.
June 1
Reserve seating for handicapped/elderly guest plus one family
member by calling Janet McCarthy at 885-5012. Deadline for
requests is Friday, June 5 at 2:30pm.
June 1 – June 4
Prom ticket price INCREASES to $30/person ($35 w/out ASB)
June 2
Senior Awards Ceremony at 6:30pm in the Main Gym. Students
will not wear cap and gown, but please dress nicely. You can
invite family and friends.
June 3
Any extra graduation tickets will be distributed to seniors who
have signed up in the Counseling Center and have no fees and
June 3
“Senior Car Show” during lunch.
June 4
If you are a senior who needs to take the Algebra EOC, you need
to be here for this test at 8:00am. All other students will begin
classes at 11:30am.
June 5
If you are a senior that needs to take the Biology EOC, you need
to be here for this test at 8:00am. All other students will begin
classes at 11:30am.
June 5
Last day to purchase tickets in the ASB Office for the Senior
Brunch. Cost: $12/person
June 5
Deadline to request handicap/elderly seating (885-5012).
June 6
Junior/Senior Prom will be from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. No
admission after 10:00pm. The prom is being held at the World
Forestry Center.
June 8
If you are a senior who needs to take the Geometry EOC, you
need to be here for this test at 8:00am. All other students will
begin classes at 11:30am.
June 9
Seniors attend all day. Senior finals in periods 4, 5 & 6.
June 9
All APEX tests and coursework need to be completed by 8pm.
June 10
Senior finals in periods 1, 2 & 3.
June 10
All library books must be returned by 2:30pm today.
June 10
All graduating seniors must have completed all their
requirements by 2:30pm in order to walk in the graduation
ceremony on June 11. All tests, academics, behavior,
textbooks, library books, and fines must be cleared before
you can get your diploma. No senior will receive a diploma
or official transcript until all obligations to the school are
cleared. All Running Start students’ diplomas will be held
until the school office re-opens in August as necessary for
credit verification.
June 10 & June 11
Seniors – you remain a student at Prairie High School. Any
behavior issues that take place from now until graduation could
jeopardize your participation in the graduation ceremony.
June 11
Speech practice for Valedictorians with Stephanie Watts.
June 11
Graduation practice will begin promptly at 8:00am at Prairie
High School. Every senior who will walk in the graduation
ceremony MUST ATTEND PRACTICE. Please contact
Stephanie Watts prior to June 5 if you have a conflict. If you miss
practice but are participating in graduation, you will be at the end
of the line if you haven’t had prior contact with Mrs. Watts. (Do
not bring your cap and gown to practice.)
Seniors who are attending the grad party are reminded to
bring your clear zip lock bag to practice today. Senior
parents will collect, tag and inspect your bag prior to
transporting them to the grad party site.
June 11
Senior brunch at WSU - Vancouver 11:00am to 1:00pm. You
must provide your own transportation.
June 11
Graduation in the Battle Ground High School gymnasium at
7:00pm. ADMISSION IS BY TICKET ONLY. All seniors are
to report to the East Gym at Battle Ground High School by
Photographs of each student receiving his/her diploma will be
taken at graduation by the staff of Grad Images. You can preregister at www.gradimages.com and click on Pre-event Email
Registration. This will assure that you will get notified as soon as
proofs are available. Proofs will be available to view on-line at
www.gradimages.com. For your convenience, you will be able to
order directly on-line. (If you pre-register, you get $5 off orders
of $25 or more.)
Graduates who have completed all necessary requirements and
met all obligations will receive their diploma at graduation.
June 11
Seniors who are attending the grad party are invited for
refreshments in the BGHS East Gym following graduation. The
party bus leaves Battle Ground High School parking lot at
10:00pm. Please check in no later than 9:30pm. If students must
leave their vehicles while at the party, they should leave them in
the Prairie High School parking lot before the graduation
ceremony. The graduation party parents will provide security at
Prairie. Please arrange to be picked up around 5:30am at Prairie
on June 12.
If you have any questions concerning graduation, feel free to contact
your alpha counselor at 885-5002 or email them.
Mrs. Syverson
Mrs. Roggenkamp
Ms. Linquist
Mr. Rhodes
If you have questions concerning senior awards night, please email
If you have questions regarding anything else for graduation, please email
Stephanie Watts at watts.stephanie@battlegroundps.org.
Immediately following graduation ceremony on Thursday June 11th, Grads can participate in one
last celebration as a group with a night of food, fun and entertainment. This is a drug and alcohol
free, all night party and it is going to be a BLAST!!!! You don’t want to miss out!!
Tickets will start to go on sale the week of April 13th and you will want to be one of the first to
sign up because you can choose which bus to ride on to the venue and you get an extra early bird
discount incentive of only $50 per ticket, with costs increasing to $75 a ticket as the venue date
gets closer. A payment plan is available if needed so sign up EARLY and save money! Guarantee a
safe and sober evening of fun. The forms necessary will be available on Skyward and in the ASB
office to pickup starting April 1st. Questions can be directed to mnlindsay5@gmail.com. Donations
are also being accepted for use toward scholarships or grad prizes and are tax deductible.
11:00PM-5:00AM @ Big Al’s
Includes pizza and unlimited soft drinks, espresso and smoothie bar
Cosmic bowling with shoe rental
Xbox Kinect Lounge
2 Billiards Tables
3 Dart Boards
Mechanical Bull
TWO special shows – a Game show with $300 in cash prizes and an amazing Hypnotist
Unlimited Arcade Play & Casino
Prizes… and MUCH, MUCH MORE!!
All tickets sales will be during lunch. There will be a table set up outside the ASB
Office. Cash or Check payable to “PHS 2015 Grad Night”.
Monday April 13
Thursday April 16
Tues April 21
Friday April 24
Monday April 27
Wednesday April 29
Monday May 4
Thursday May 7
Tuesday May 12
Friday May 15
Wednesday May 20
Friday May 22
Thursday June 11 during the Graduation Practice
Tuesday May 26
Thursday May 28
Monday June 1
Wednesday June 3
Friday June 5