PRATUM NEWS MAY 18, 2015 SPRING MUSIC PROGRAM Tuesday, MAY 19 All students need to arrive by 6:45 pm Parents please be encouraging your students to practice at home any speaking parts that have been assigned to them. SEE YOU THERE! DVDs will be available to order for $5 Refreshments will be served in honor of All Our Fabulous Volunteers!!! TRACK MEET ON FRIDAY FOR THE BIG ROOM! All Big Room students will attend the Silver Falls Middle School Track Meet this Friday. Please pick up your child between 2:30 & 3:00 at the football stadium at the old high school in Silverton. SEE Attached info & permission slip LAST Chili DOG lunch IS THIS WEDNESDAY! $2.00, CASH ONLY. A special treat will be included :) COMING EVENTS 5/19 Music Program @ 7pm 5/20 Last Chili DOG Lunch 5/22 Big Room to District Track Meet (Pick up students at Silverton H.S.) NO SCHOOL NEXT MONDAY. Enjoy your MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY and thank a veteran! NO—FRIDAY HOT LUNCH BRING A SACK LUNCH Because the Big Room will be gone to the Middle School track meet & the Little and Middle Room will be attending Central Howell’s track Meet, all students need to bring a SACK LUNCH! LR & MR Central Howell Track Meet (9:30am to 2:00pm) 5/25 MEMORIAL DAY—NO SCHOOL 5/27 WE ARE GOING TO THE ZOO! 6/5 8th grade GRADUATION!! 6/11 End of the Year BBQ & FUN DAY 6/12 Last Day—dismissal at NOON!! Parent Club Minutes on the back Parent Club: No June meeting will be held. Questions, comments & suggestions can be directed to John Gilliam at or 503-873-8090 Pratum Parent Club meeting May 8 th , 2015 : Pratum Principal: Dustin Hoehne President: John Gilliam Vice President: Michelle Wade Secretary: Alison Seeber Treasurer: Stephanie Mantie Minutes from 4-10-15 meeting reviewed and approved (M2ndP). Treasurer reported a current balance of $18,339.60 in the Parent Club account, with the upcoming all school trip to the zoo already paid. There was a special guest presentation from Andy Bellando about a district video project. Papers describing the Nature and details of the project were handed out to those at the meeting. The district is requesting donations from the parent clubs of all schools in the district as well as participation of students in video project. Both are OPTIONAL for each school. John G. offered to match (from his funds) up to a $250 donation from parent club. After discussion and consideration Pratum Parent Club decided to take full advantage of John G.'s offer, so PPC will donate $250 and John G. will donate $250 for a total contribution of $500 to the district's video project through the PPC (M2ndP). For more information about this Silver Falls School District (SFSD) video project called “'We Are One' Anthem”, contact the SFSD office by phone at 503-873-5303 or email IGNITE Motion Pictures: or Andy Bellando at . Discussed last month's Pancake Feed: ~Stephanie M. estimated a current total of approximately $9000 PROFIT from the pancake feed. Exact figures are not available yet. Last year's total profit was around $7-8000, so there was an increase. Incentives for ticket sales was the largest line item expense, but very necessary. ~ The commissioned painting and prints yielded a profit of $75 so far. Not all the prints have been sold, so any prints that are sold from this point on will be pure profit for PPC. ~ PPC agreed that the silent auction worked well and was a good size. Profit from silent auction was $1200. ~Unfortunately, classroom baskets did not produce significant profit. All agreed that classroom contributions in the future would sell better for less expense if they are creative class projects unique to that classroom. Hopefully this will be more possible for teachers and students to accomplish if they have more notice. ~It was suggested that next year we might have the school district do the printing of the tickets because it is less expensive and easier to customize, though not as nice looking. End of year party, to be 6-11-15, was discussed. We must find out from Ben J. what is happening with the hired activity equipment, but dunk tank is already reserved. PPC approved hiring a balloon artist for 2 hours that day at $50/hour (M2ndP). The balloon artist will spend some time in the little room before the party starts, then be outside and available to all during the party. Liz McNealy will coordinate and delegate what is to be done for the lunch, even though she will not be there. Most jobs were designated to those who volunteered at the meeting. We will need to know #s of those who will be eating by Friday, June 5th. Pratum Parent Club's official annual meeting to elect officers will be the first meeting of each school year in September after the school's open house. We need to schedule a school clean up day, probably for sometime this summer. Date/time TBA. PPC will pay for expenses such as bark chips and anything else needed for clean up (M2ndP). There will be NO JUNE PRATUM PARENT CLUB MEETING! The next Parent Club meeting shall be after the open house of the next school year, September 2015 (details TBA). Meeting closed.
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