. Precious Blood Cathedral 778 Queen Street East, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6A 2B1 Tel: 705-256-8474 / Fax: 705-945-8287 www.preciousbloodssm.com / Email: pbcathedral@on.aibn.com Journey Email: jointhejourney@shaw.ca Pastor: Rev. Father Hamish Currie The Resurrection of the Lord Assistant Pastor: Fr. Ignatius Xavier Parish Secretary: Lisa Wyer Office hours: 8:30AM-12:30PM Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 8:30 PM Weekday Masses: 8:00 A.M. No Mass on Wednesdays Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 4:15 to 4:45 P.M. Baptism: Usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please make arrangements one month in advance by contacting the Parish Office. April 5, 2015 Pastor’s Pen Similar to Mary of Magdala when faced with an empty tomb, we grieve, often live in sadness, and fear our hope is gone. However, also like Mary, in the midst of our grief we are gifted with a recognition of Jesus in a word and being called by name. The angel at the tomb says that Jesus has gone ahead to Galilee; back to our home, back to where we live our lives. Life can be terribly difficult, but in the Resurrection we know that Jesus is with us, in our sadness and grief, in our fear and in our new beginnings. Jesus, the Risen One, goes before us (to Galilee) and beside us (on the Emmaus Road). Marriages: Please make marriage arrangements six months in advance by contacting the Parish office. Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Papal Blessing: Please allow at least 6 months for Papal Blessing to arrive after the request has been made. Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me. Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Diocesan Order of Women: Dorothy Yadivisiak Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, CWL President: Louise McGuire, 705-254-7869 Christ in hearts of all that love me, Liturgical Music/Choir: Shana Speakman, 705-206-3077 Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. (St. Patrick’s Breastplate, 5th century) Bulletin Announcements Email your to pbcathedral@on.aibn.com before 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday Happy Easter! Fr. Hamish Page 2 Precious Blood Cathedral Scripture Readings: April 6 – April 12 Monday Acts 2.14, 22-33; Matthew 28.8-15 Tuesday Acts 2.36-41; John 20.11-18 Wednesday Acts 3.1-10; Luke 24.13-35 Thursday Acts 3.11-26; Luke 24.35-48 Friday Acts 4.1-12; John 21.1-14 Saturday & Sunday Acts 4.32-35; 1 John 5.1-6; John 20.19-31 Monday, April 6 No Mass Tuesday, April 7 8:00 A.M. ł Cecile Ambeault by John & Donna Dunlop Wednesday, April 8 No Mass Thursday, April 9 8:00 A.M. For Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life Friday, April 10 No Intentions 8:00 A. M. Saturday, April 11 5:00 P.M. ł Vincent Caicco by Franca & Family Intentions of Barbarita Watson by Ann Harrison Sunday, April 12 9:00 A.M. ł Cornelius Nan by Jean Schuurhuis ł Gloria Sica by the Dolcetti Family 11:00 A.M. Intentions of Parishioners 8:30 P.M. ł Sharon Husk by her husband Clarence & Family Altar flowers this week donated in memory of Cesare Gioia by Louise, children, grand children & great children. “Clean out the old yeast so that you may be a new batch.” 1 Cor 5.7 Are you being cleansed of the old yeast in your life? Are you discerning the call to priesthood? Contact you Pastor or Fr. Pat Woods at the Office of Vocations 705-674-2727 ext250 or pwoods@diocesecentre.com and check out www.beapriest.ca PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELGIOUS LIFE. Congratulations to the children who celebrated their First Reconciliation on March 24: Isabella Fata Ava Provenzano Angelina Brassard Brody Bernatchez Kaylie Precepa Lennon Turco REMINDER Please do not leave valuables visible in your car and lock your vehicle. Sunday, March 29 Building/Journey Fund YTD $6420 $928,075 Thank you for your continued generosity! Precious Blood Cathedral Page 3 April 11/12 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers Saturday 5:00 PM Maria Esposito Anne Marie Dupuis Ralph Esposito Michelle Inch Louise Adams Bernard Lysiak Neil Conway John Slobodecki Sunday 9:00 AM Susan Colizza Bernie Doran Louise McGuire Clare Lennox Denise Colizza Rudy Wheatley Brian Lidstone Sunday 11:00 AM Gary Dumanski Marie Bruno Jean Scott Laura Castellarin Michelle Inch Sunday 8:30 PM Catherine Mansfield John Stadnyk Greeters Phyllis Delaney Edna Miskiw Donna Bos Ted & Norma Wall Bambi Alexander Phil Bellerose Kathleen Carlson Tony Pino “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” John 20 Sick and Shut In This week at Precious Blood Cathedral Tues. Apr. 7 7:00pm CWL General Meeting in the Boardroom Thurs. Apr. 9 7:00pm Choir Practice March 29 Wanted: Greeters When: For all masses Qualifications: Happy smile Commitment: 15 min. before mass Contact: Parish Office Please remember in your prayers, all the sick and shut in especially Margaret Nicholson, Mae Roberts, Bernice Corcoran, Gerald Nolan & Ted Kobinski 2015 Journey Lottery Winner Martin Furac When making a contribution to The Journey, please remember to make cheque payable to Precious Blood Cathedral. Thank you for your support. Page 4 Precious Blood Cathedral Knights of Columbus 11608 Pasta & Meatball Supper: Our monthly supper is growing in attendance. A special thank you to all who have attended & helping make this event a success. Monies raised at this supper is dedicated to the Journey. The next supper will be held on Tuesday, April 7 at the Grand Gardens on Dennis Street from 5pm7pm. Adults $9.99/Children $5.99. Knights and Friends Reunion Stag to be held on Thursday, April 30, at the Grand Gardens on Dennis Street from 7pm-Midnight. Pasta and meatballs will be served. Tickets are $15.00 and are available from Otto Volpe, 705-949-4409, or John Komhyr, 705-253-5521. Proceeds to the Alzheimer’s Society. Catholic Women’s League Membership Dues: Thank you to all those who have paid their dues. We still have about 5 who have not submitted their dues. Please remit to continue receiving The League Magazine. The dues for this year is still $25 however, the fee will increase to $25 for the year 2016. Thank you for your support. General Meeting: Tuesday April 7 at 7 pm in the Board Room. Topics for discussion: Final plans for attending the Diocesan Convention; Parish manual of policy and procedure. Join us and bring a friend. Verdi Luncheon: Monday April 13.The following food items are required: 8 loaves of sandwiches (Egg Salad – Chicken Salad – Meat and Pickle –Salmon) and a loaf of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. Do not cut the sandwiches. Also needed are 6 pans of assorted squares, cookies, or cupcakes. Please remember if you use icing, apply a little extra because they like them that way. If you are able to help please call Louise at 2547869. PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL Tour of the Major Shrines of Europe has been arranged for the Fall of 2015. Led by Father Hamish Currie, we will pray and have mass at all the major Shrines including Rome, Assisi, Florence, Monte Carlo, Avignon, Lourdes, Madrid, Toledo, Avila and Fatima. September 26-October 11, 2015 from Sault Ste. Marie. AllInclusive (including all travel, tours, superior accommodation, breakfast and dinner) $3690. Per person (airport taxes $583). For further information check the website www.preciousbloodssm.com or call parish office 705-256-8474. Precious Blood Cathedral Page 5 In the Community ARCH Hospice: Have you lost a loved one? ARCH Hospice Adult Grief Support Group. All are welcome. Free of charge, eight-week sessions, small, personal group sizes, warm atmosphere with friendly, trained volunteers & professionals. Pre-registration is required. 2015 sessions are Jan 14-March 4; March 25-May 13; June 3-July 29; Aug 19-Oct 14; Oct 28-Dec 16. Call Shaunagh Gravelines, Support Care Coordinator at 705-942-1556 ext 224 or email graveliness@archhospice.ca THE NORTHLAND BARBERSHOP CHORUS: Presents their 51st Annual Show, “Vintage Vinyl”. Featuring hit songs from 1957-1967: Vinyl Recording’s Golden Era. Saturday, April 11, 2015, 7:30 p.m. Kiwanis Community Theatre Centre. All Tickets are non-reserved @ $25.00* CDN Funds, available from: Hess Jewellers, Sault Theatre/STARS (Soo, Michigan), Theatre Centre Box Office* (Station Mall). *Box Office adds a $3 surcharge/ ticket. Total price if purchased at Mall Box Office outlet is $28 SHALOM PLACE offers: Reconnecting With Your Inner Child. A workshop providing attentive time for acceptance and healing of the child within who may be wounded from life struggles from the past. Spend a day to engage the gifts of your inner child and to experience renewed freedom in your life. Saturday, April 18, 2015, 9 am to 3 pm, St. Jerome’s Parish Hall and Church. Suggested Offering: $40 (includes lunch and snacks). Facilitated by: Sister Bonnie Chesser, CSJ (North Bay, ON). PRE-REGISTER by calling 705-254-4690 or email shalomssm@shaw.ca Silent Auction: Central United Church, 160 Spring St., Sault Ste. Marie will be holding their 32nd Annual Silent Auction on Thurs. Apr. 16 and Fri. Apr. 17 from 10am-8pm. Numerous bid items will be available plus a large flea market, bake table, chuckwagon, and clothes closet. The flea market will also be open Sat. Apr. 18 from 9-12 noon with discounted prices. Come check us out. The National March for Life Rally in Ottawa is May 13- 15, 2015. We are now taking registrations for those who wish to attend the Rally. In order to reserve rooms for our stay in Ottawa we need to know by April 19 th who will be going. We will leave the Sault May 13th @ 6am and will return, arriving home around 7pm May 15th. A registration fee is $50.00 per person. If you are interested or know of anyone who would like to attend the Rally, please contact Claudette @ 705-945-8798. Life is Precious Ministry is once again announcing a dedication of 40 Days of Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctity of Life…the unborn, disabled, elderly and terminally ill. The Adoration Chapel is located at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 114 MacDonald Avenue. Adoration Chapel hours are 6am to Midnight 7 days a week. The “40 days of Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctity of Life” will begin April 1st and end May 10th. We invite parishioners who are interested in participating in this vigil, to simply sign the log book labelled 40 Days of Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration, which will be kept next to the Chapel’s regular Adoration log book. You can choose to attend one hour a week for the duration of the vigil period, 1 hour daily or simply 1 hour only. If you plan to take an hour please be sure to sign into the correct log book. This vigil is not intended to interfere with regular adorers of the Eucharist. If you require further information, please call Claudette @ 945-8798. Life is Precious Ministry is also looking for members of other parishes, who would be interested in joining our ministry. Easter Week Easter Sunday, we read from the Acts of the Apostles to hear Peter's preaching about the Resurrection. The Letter to the Colossians reminds us “You have died and your lives are hidden with Christ in God.” The Gospel is from John's Gospel and gives us the first story of that Easter morning - Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb and runs to Peter and the “disciple Jesus loved” to tell them. They run to the tomb and discover for themselves that it is empty. The first reading for Easter Week is from the Acts of the Apostles. We hear Peter's preaching the Good News and experience the first deeds of the Apostles, which parallel the acts of Jesus, including the conflicts he experienced and his power to heal. The Gospels this week are all resurrection appearances. These wonderful stories contain some common elements. They appear designed to make it clear that this was not a group of disciples who dreamed up the resurrection, because they were hoping for it so much. In fact, they found it difficult to believe. The Jesus they saw and experienced was not a “ghost.” Instead, he had a body. Monday, is the story of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, as well as the “cover-up story” and pay off of the guards. Tuesday, we read of Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene, through the eyes of John's Gospel. Jesus missions her to announce the Good News to his brothers. On Wednesday we are treated to Luke's marvelous story of Jesus' appearance to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They were sad, because they had hoped the story would have turned out differently. Jesus tells them why he had to first suffer and die in order to enter into his glory. As they stopped to eat, “he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” Thursday Jesus appears in the room where the disciples are gathered. “Peace be with you” he says and then eats with them and shows them his wounds. On Friday, we have the powerful appearance in John's Gospel at the Sea of Tiberias. Peter decided to return to fishing. Jesus appears and re-missions him. On Saturday, the week concludes with the summary of appearances in what appears to be an addition to the end of Mark's Gospel. On the Second Sunday of Easter, as we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, we get a picture into how the early community lived their life of faith by sharing everything in common. In John's Gospel, Jesus appears to the Apostles, hiding in fear, and gives them the gift of his Spirit, calling them to forgive sins. We are reminded that the gospel is written, that we might come to believe in our Lord and have life in his name.
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