2015 Spring Newsletter

Spring 2015
“Dave and I were sitting on a couch together and as soon as the counselor said that the test was positive, I blacked out...”
My mind was racing...
We can’t keep this baby...
How could this happen?
This would be such a struggle
Where will we live?
Can I be a good mom?
We aren’t ready!
This is not a good time...
I need to focus on my health!
“Once I came back to reality, I knew there was a decision that had to be made,
and I was determined that we were not going to keep this baby.”
Justine and Dave had really just begun their relationship and were both starting the journey of sobriety together
when Justine missed her period. They went online and found the Pregnancy Clinic and texted in to make an appointment.
When they came in for counseling, Justine was shocked to find out that she was pregnant. Scheduled to come back the next
day for an ultrasound, she spent all night wrestling with the thoughts and fears that were whispering to her, “You can’t do this.
You can’t have this baby. An abortion is your only option.”
“I was a mess. I was crying all night and couldn’t sleep. I prayed and prayed, ‘God, I can’t have this baby, but please
give me the right answer’. When we came to the Pregnancy Clinic for our ultrasound, this tiny baby appeared on the screen
and the sonographer pointed out her tiny flickering heart. All of a sudden, the room filled with the incredible sound of my
baby’s heartbeat. In that moment, I had this overwhelming feeling of love. I knew she was my baby and was meant to be
mine. In that moment, I knew God had given me my answer and He was walking with me.”
Kaylee Ann was born in early summer: healthy, happy, and beautiful. “The help from the
Pregnancy Clinic didn’t just stop with my sonogram, in fact, our relationship was so strong that I brought
Kaylee back to meet our counselor after she was born. I can’t imagine not having Kaylee in my life,
I can’t imagine the alternative. If it wasn’t for the Pregnancy Clinic, my daughter would not be here
today. They provided me with the opportunity to meet the love of my life, and I am so grateful.”
How can we afford this?
The Pregnancy Clinic Ministry is a faith-based, medical non-profit, serving those facing pregnancy-related and sexual health issues by
offering physical, emotional, and spiritual support, and empowering them to make healthy and life-affirming decisions.
Pamela’s Post
As each new year begins and we work on assessing the previous year we ask ourselves,
“What has our impact been? What’s the value and what does it all mean?”
That impact means different things to different people. A recent Community Impact Report
we developed for our National and State legislature focused on what they “count” as important, i.e.
what was the value to their constituents. It showed thousands of individuals served, prenatal vitamins
dispensed, STD/HIV tests conducted, educational classes attended, NO Federal or State dollars
accepted and over half a million dollars in services given free to our community.
When we dig deeper and focus on counting what we deeply value, we see over a thousand Gospel
presentations and spiritual discussions, more than 400 women who changed their minds from abortion. Resulting in an
additional 400+ babies served and cared for and brought to life. Invaluable.
We don’t separate mother and baby and count individually, but that’s exactly what the true numbers really are,
not only more than women spared from the pain of abortion, but another 400 “clients”, their preborn babies, spared from
abortion and given LIFE. Will you rejoice with us as we celebrate this record breaking number of lives impacted?
These are the results we share with you in our Vision. This is why you pray for and support the ministry and why
your generous financial gifts are so deeply needed, so that next year, the impact can be even greater.
Standing with you in partnership for the Gospel and LIFE,
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
A Foundation
934 West Street: a place of
Help, Hope, & Healing
Total number of clients in our Annapolis
office grew with a 20% increase in
women who were seeking an abortion
or vulnerable to abortion.
This impact is even greater as the
number of babies lives saved more
than doubled from 35 lives saved in
2013 to 72 in 2014!
We need your help in this amazing
work. Join us as we save and change
even more lives!
Building a Foundation of Hope with the
purchase of the house at 934 West Street,
directly across from Planned Parenthood.
Raised thus far
(Thank you!)
Remaining to
be debt free
Bay Area
Church Pledge
Remaining to
be raised
Standing in the Light
by Kaely Linker, Development Communications Manager
I think of her most Tuesday mornings, especially when the weather is bad.
I imagine her boots pacing the slushy sidewalk in front of the Annapolis Planned
Parenthood, praying for the women who might look down out of the waiting room
window and see her below. Ellen, our sidewalk counselor, waits and stands and prays
to have the chance to speak to someone going to Planned Parenthood and send them
instead for an ultrasound at our office across the street. She waits for the chance to
intervene, the last line of defense in the war against these women.
“My very first thought was, ‘there is no way I can keep this baby’. My mind
was made up: I was going to have an abortion.” Victoria couldn’t sleep. Her abortion
was scheduled for the following morning, and she wasn’t sure if she’d made the right
decision. But she was facing so much pressure and felt like abortion was her only
option. She finally drifted off, but awoke terrified from the brutal nightmares of life and
death that had plagued her ever since she’d made her decision.
The next morning, shaken but determined, Victoria headed to Planned
Parenthood for a medical abortion. She got her paperwork and sat down, but staring
at her forms, didn’t feel she could go through with it. As she was leaving, she noticed
a pink sandwich sign which faces West Street advertising “Free Pre-Abortion
Ultrasounds”. Intrigued, she stopped to talk to Ellen, who was pacing and praying
as usual, and Ellen joyfully walked with her across the street for counseling and an
ultrasound. “After hearing my baby’s heartbeat, I just kept thinking, what if I hadn’t
heard it... maybe I would never have heard it.”
“I felt like Joy [my counselor] saved my baby’s life. I changed my mind, but
[my counselor] made me feel like I was supposed to have this baby and I could do it.”
Victoria (pictured at left) is due to have that precious baby girl this spring.
Unfortunately, Ellen can see the faces looking down from the waiting room that
never come down out of the darkness and into the light.
It reminds me so much of how, as creatures of sin, we hide from the one thing
that can save, restore, and heal us. When God called out to us in our sin for the very
first time, we hid in the garden, ashamed of who we had become. We can’t fathom the
healing grace that Christ has for us in our bitter place of sin and brokenness, and these
women cannot fathom the future of wholeness, beauty, and love that He has in mind for
them and their child.
It is our job then, as people who have been healed from our brokenness and
called into the light to reach out our hands to those who are on the brink of these
choices, those who hide in the darkness of fear, and offer them a better way. Not just
the light of life for their children, but also, the light of eternal life which ultimately gives us
the only hope that is lasting.
As a partner with the Pregnancy Clinic Ministry, you have answered that
call. Maybe you are a counselor, who in the privacy of the counseling room offers
that treasure to a trembling woman. Maybe a sidewalk counselor or one of The 100,
standing and pointing the way to light. Or maybe you’re a partner who writes a check
to keep the lights on and make a way for women, searching through the internet, to find
us first. All of us can be prayer warriors, interceding for these lives that reach out from
the darkness looking for something real to give them hope. We need your help, but
together, we can reach back and offer them the light of Christ.
Give the Gift of Hope
Gifts Given In Honor
Anthony & Nikki Barnes by Mike & Shellie Wilson
Joyce Dale
by The Weber Team
Kayla Floyd by Kristine Floyd
Keith & Karima Freeman by Mike & Shellie Wilson
Matt Martelli by Tony Martelli
Your gift In Honor or In Memory
of someone can become a gift of
life. Simply send your gift with the
information and we will send a card to
the person or family you designate.
Gifts Given In Honor
Gifts Given In Memory
Kyle & Joana Nathan by Mike & Shellie Wilson David Angel Flynn by John & Norma Flynn
Arienne Peeples
by Denny Byrne D.C. Horton
by Mike & Shellie Wilson
Josh Shirlen
by Denny Byrne Felix Solares
by Arturo & Melissa Solares
Mary Beth Wilson by Mike & Shellie Wilson William A. “Sonny Walker,II by Darlene Walker
Suzy Wilson by Mike & Shellie Wilson Jim Wilson
by Mike & Shellie Wilson
Mike Xenakis
by Dr. & Mrs. William Xenakis Virginia Wilson by Mike & Shellie Wilson
For more information on how to pray for us,
participate in our events, receive our e-newsletters,
volunteer, or to partner with us, check out:
or Facebook.com/pregnancyclinicministry
4341 Northview Drive • Bowie, MD 20716
Return Services Requested
Upcoming Events
Bump, Set, Spike For Life! This year is the 25th Annual Spike for Life!!
Join us every Spring for a great tournament for all levels of play! Come and play volleyball and
make a difference for LIFE! www.pregnancyclinicministry.org/Spike
May 2nd, 2015
May 9th, 2015
Dust off your boots and pull out your bandannas: Spring is coming and so is
our First Annual Ride for Life Motorcycle Fundraiser: a 90 mile Motorcycle ride to raise money to
save babies! Join us for a gorgeous ride, delicious meals, and a fun after party!
Early this summer, we will begin a new class of our Post-Abortion Bible study that can help you
overcome the pain and guilt of previous abortion(s). Our services are free, confidential, sensitive,
and caring. Our trained counselors have been where you’ve been and offer love and support
through your healing journey. Please contact us for support: www.pregnancyclinicministry.org/PAS
SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 You don’t have to be an athlete. You don’t have to have run a 5k before.
Women and their precious babies need you --perhaps you were born for such a time as this!
Save the date to join our staff, volunteers and others who value life as you run the 5k or enjoy a
fun walk on September 19th, 2015!
More information about all our events can be found online: www.pregnancyclinicministry.org