RIND Technical Seminars - Press Institute of India

RIND Technical Seminars
For three decades and more, the Research Institute for Newspaper Development, better
known as RIND, has become synonymous with workshops that are conducted for the
benefit of technical staff in news publishing houses, equipping them with knowledge
relating to developments in the field of newspaper production and publishing, as well as the
skills necessary to function effectively. In recent years, PII-RIND (RIND amalgamated with
the Press Institute of India in 1990) has expanded its focus to include developments in other
areas – the Internet, social media and mobile. The overall objective has been to better
empower the technical staff working in the news publishing industry.
PII-RIND will now conduct a series of seminars each year, with the first one scheduled in
April at the RIND Premises in Taramani, Chennai, 10 am to 5 pm, details as under:
On Wednesday, 22nd April
The subject, useful for production executives and pressmen from newspapers, will include
the following sessions:
10.00 am:
Standard operating procedures for newsprint reel handling
by Mohanraj P., AGM - Production, The Hindu
11.30 am:
Web tension
by V.S. Narayanan, General Manager - Technical, Dinamalar
02.00 pm:
Press start-up and ink-water balance
by Dr Rajeswari, Head, Department of Printing Technology, Anna University
03.30 pm:
Rollers and blankets in web-offset press
by Sekar Subramani, DGM - Production, The Times of India (BCCL)
(There will be breaks for refreshments between sessions; lunch between 1 pm and 2 pm.)
The participation fee is Rs 2500. Payment can be made by DD/ payable-at-par cheque
favouring Press Institute of India and mailed to the Director, Press Institute of India, Second
Main Road, Taramani CPT Campus, Chennai 600113. For more details, please contact
Geetha at 044-22542323/ 2344 or rindgeetha@gmail.com.
Other seminars in 2015 will focus on:
 Press maintenance
 Press consumables
 Picture editing and colour correction