\ I PRESTON UNIVERSITV » * 1 1 * ' COURSE OUTLINE SUMMER QUARTER 2011 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT EMBA PROGRAM Chapter No. Sr. No. 1.1 1 2 3 2. 3. Chapter Headinq Final Exam Q. No. 1 2 3 ! ' m • * 4 4. 4 „ t 5. 6. 7. 8. 9\ 10. 11. • 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 6 7 8 9 "10 11 - 4 •• ! ! | Managers and their Competences How Managers Learn , . Concepts and Components of Management Development Management Education and Training Programmes: , An Overview " • Future Perspectives of Management Development Self-Development Methods Experiential and Action Learning Group Work and Discussion Methods Simulation Methods Case Method - • • Lectures and Presentation Methods * Recommended Text Book: ' Management Development: A Guide for the Profession Edited by Joseph Prokopenko; Allama Iqbal Open University pi—T.-ZJ- ,v: — 7 . ^ 1 - r- , a - = - j . , - . j j - T ? r ^ J S = T - L : " — .. - i. —.rvr: - - a , l I ••••••• / ••- a r, :J • r • •• : - - =-^=—• i • — • — DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS • Internal Sessional Evaluation External Eval. • • Assignments/ Project Quizzes 10 10 Class Parti. Mid-Term Total Terminal Attendance Test Sessional Exam Final Evaluation 50 50 100 5 . 25 Final Examination Question Paper J Required; 7 Review Questions out of 11 • •51 :'I-WLM lliioicrvlii PRESTON •TERMINAL UNIVERSITY ' EXAMINATION I s l a m a b a d - Koliat - Peshawar - L a h o r e StutSent N a m e : , Course Code: Course Title: Program: Quarter: ; Reg. No:_. MG 4489 Human Resource Development Executive MBA/MB A(Evening) Winter 2011 This is a t h r e e - h o u r examination and consists of review questions only. You m a y a t t e m p t not more t h a n seven review questions. Q.l What should be the personal traits of a manager? Q.2 Which factors influence learning? Explain each briefly. i Q.3 Management Development is a continuous process. Explain. Q.4 Who provide.management development? Explain each. Q,5 How much should be invested in management education and development? 1 I Q.6 • a What do you understand by your higher self and lower self? • * * . • * Q.7 What are the methods of experiential learning? 1 Q.8 What are elements of group training? * I Q.9 What criteria is seen for a successful simulation? • Q.10 What are trainer's roles in case method? • Q.l 1 What are the elements of lecturing process? TERMINAL UNIVERSITY E TIOIN I s l a m a b a d - Koliat - P e s h a w a r - L a h o r e Reg. No: Student Name: Course Code: Course Title: Program: Quarter: M G 4489 Human Resource Development Executive MBA / MBA (Evening) Summer 2011 a three-hour examination and consists of review questions only, ay a t t e m p t not more than seven review questions. Q-l What are the main career stages at which Management Development may be provided? Explain briefly the development needs at these stages. Q.2 Discuss and explain briefly the factors which influence learning. Q.3 Career Planning is an important component of total management development process and involves a set of inter-linked activities. What are those? Explain. Q-4 Discuss various profiles of leading institutions and programs. Q.5 What is total development perspective of management development? Explain. Q.6 What are the modes of managing? Name all and explain any four. Q.7 What are the different approaches to experiential learning? Discuss. Q.8 What are the elements of group training? Q-9 Define Simulation and explain the criteria of successful simulation. Q.10 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Case method? Elaborate. Q.ll I low to deliver an effective lecture? Explain. { I f f tun Illiberally PRESTON • UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION Kohat - Peshawar - Lahore Reg. No: Student Name: : Course Code: Course Title: Program: Quarter: TERMINAL m MG 4489 flu man Resource Development Executive MBA / MBA (Evening) Spring 2011 This is a three-hour examination and consists of review questions only. You may a t t e m p t not more than seven review questions. Q.l Explain the concept of modeling and management standards. How are these relevant for I HID? Q.2 Discuss and explain briefly the factors which influence learning. Q.3 Define the concepts and components of management development. • Q.4 Discuss various profiles of institutions and programs. • Q.5 • "Expenditure on management development and training is an investment". Explain and discuss how? * * Q.6 What do you understand by higher self and lower sell? Explain. Q.7 What are various methods of experiential learning? Explain each. Q.8 I low do you define Groups and their objectives? Explain. Q.9 Discuss the different aspects of Simulation. Q. 10 What are advantages and disadvantages of Case methods? Explain. Q. 11 What are the elements of Lecturing Process? Explain. • PRESTON ' . UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION TERMINAL Islamabad - Kohat - Westenitr - Lahore •• : • . .. ; Rtfg- No! Student Nfimet Course Code: Course Title: Program: Quarter: • MG 4489 Hitman Resource Development Executive MBA/MBA (Evening) Fall 2010 This is a thvee-hour examination and consists of review questions only. You m a y a t t e m p t not m o r e t h a n seven review questions. Q. 1 What should be the personal traits of a manager? Explain. • • Q.2 _ Which factors influence the learner to learn? Explain in detail any five factors. _ Q.3 t • • • • Define the concepts and components of Management development. • • i * • * Q.4 Discuss various profiles of leading institutions and programs. Q.S Write a detailed note on Management Development as a continuous process. Q.6 What are the methods of managing? Name all and explain any three. • • • * * Q.7 Briefly explain the different approaches and methods to experiential learning. 3-8 What are the elements of group training? Explain in detail. • 3-9 ^Discuss the different aspects of simulation. 5-10 Define the case method and describe the process of case method. 11 Explain the major elements of lecturing process. • .. ; t • PRESTON ' . TERMINAL EXAMINATION • p i UNIVERSITY Ns^^S^ Kohat/f*' Course Code: Course Title: Program: Quarter: --Islamabad Lahore Peshawar ~ MG 4489 Human Resource Development Executive MBA7MBA (Evening) Summer 2010 T h i s is a t h r e e - h o u r examination a m i consists of review questions only. Y o u m a y a t t e m p t n o t m o r e t h a n tieven review questions. • Q. 1 What should the personal traits of a manager? Explain briefly. Q.2 Which factors influence the leasing? Explain in detail. • • Q.3 Q.4 * What challenges are needed to be presented in the on-the-job leasing process? What is the major difference between management education and training institution. .•••••••< . • Q.5 What are the modes of managing? Name all and explain any four. ' Q.6 Discuss t h e methods of self-development. 1 Q.7 Define experimental leasing and different approaches. . Q.S H o w do you define groups and their objectives? Q.9 Q.10 Discuss t h e different steps of simulation. What are advantages and disadvantages of case methods? Q.l I H o w t o deliver effective presentation? Elaborate. * Faisalabad
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