United Communities of Hernando County, Inc. P. O. Box 6544 Spring Hill, Fl 34611 352-686-1851 phone e-mail: unitedcommunities@excite.com Website: www.uchc97.org MAY 2015 UCHC NEEDS SUPPORT MAKE AN IMPACT OUR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO ALL THE RESIDENTS OF HERNANDO The General Membership Meeting of United Communities of Hernando County to be held on Monday, May 25 2015, at seven o’clock in the evening; at Oak Hill Hospital, in Building 5, the H2U Partners Club, has been cancelled. Please be sure to post this cancellation of the meeting to your members. ***The H2U Partners Club is located in the back parking lot of Oak Hill Hospital to the left side. The meeting for May 25, 2015 is cancelled due to the fact that it falls on Memorial Day. We apologize for the cancellation and look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting after summer on September 28, 2015. We Wish everybody a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing everybody in September. ALWAYS REMEMBER ALL RESIDENTS OF HERNANDO COUNTY ARE WELCOME to come to the meeting and participate. Please encourage your neighbor to come to UCHC meetings, a wealth of information is always available that can be helpful to the all. We greatly need your support and attendance especially at the monthly meetings. We are a non-political organization working to help and to inform and improve the quality for all the residents of Hernando County. SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS Nina Vaznelis, Esq. Antonina Vaznelis, P.A. 8235 River Country Drive Spring Hill, FL 34607 352-597-7363
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