TUFF eNUFF Obstacle Course Challenge benefiting The Prevention Council June 6, 2015 - BOCES Campus, Henning Rd., Saratoga Springs, NY SPONSOR PAC K E T SPONSORSHIP FORM Organization Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ (as you wish it to appear in marketing materials) Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 Phone: _________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________ Website: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Type (please indicate): Check Credit Card Check Amount: $____________________________ (Please make checks payable to: The Prevention Council) Credit Card Type (please indicate): Mastercard Check Number: _________________ Visa Name on Credit Card:_______________________________________________________ Credit Card Number:________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________ Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Please mail, e-mail or fax this form to: The Prevention Council, 125 High Rock - Ste 200, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 E-Mail Address: finance@preventioncouncil.org Fax Number: 518-581-1240 Obstacle Course Challenge Saturday, June 6, 2015 BOCES Campus • Saratoga Springs, NY Questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call Kate at 518-581-1230, ext. 3612. For marketing purposes, all sponsor logos should be emailed to finance@preventioncouncil.org no later than April 10, 2015 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The Prevention Council is a 501c3 corporation; contributions are tax deductible, tax ID # 14-1626662 PreventionCouncil.org • 518-581-1230 ext. 3612 PreventionCouncil.org 518-581-1230 ext. 3612 TUFF eNUFF Obstacle Course Challenge June 6, 2015 - BOCES Campus, Henning Rd., Saratoga Springs, NY SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Thank you for supporting The Prevention Council and its mission to help youth navigate life’s challenges by promoting a safe, healthy and drug free Saratoga County. Join us for our 4th Annual “TUFF eNUFF” Obstacle Course Challenge SATURDAY JUNE 6, 2015 BOCES Campus, Henning Rd., Saratoga Springs, NY “Raise The Bar” ($2,000 Level) A unique, familyfriendly event! To benefit The Prevention Council of Saratoga County “Move Mountains” ($1,000 Level) TUFF eNUFF is a mud-filled course with obstacles for participants to crawl under, hurdle over, wade through, and work together toward success! • A fun, muddy adventure for both families and athletes • Mirrors the Prevention Council’s mission of helping youth navigate life’s challenges • Two challenging courses – One for kids; One for teens/adults Your sponsorship will enable us to provide high quality programs that impact the lives of your children, your family, your employees and your neighbors. In 2014: Over 450 participants and 1000+ attendees overall Costumes, teams and enthusiasm encouraged • Y our organization’s name and logo will be prominently displayed on our TUFF eNUFF giveaway item, given to all registered participants. • Y our banner will be prominently displayed at the event where all runners, volunteers and spectators gather for the start and the finish. • Your organization’s name and logo will appear in all marketing materials. • Your organization’s name will be put on our agency website as a major TUFF eNUFF sponsor. • Your organization’s name will be mentioned in all publicity announcements. • Your company’s promotional materials will be put in all registrants’ bags • Y our organization’s name and logo will be displayed on our TUFF eNUFF giveaway item, given to all registered participants. • Your organization’s name and logo will appear in all marketing materials. • Your organization’s name will be put on our agency website as a TUFF eNUFF sponsor. • Your organization’s name will be mentioned in numerous publicity announcements. • Your company’s promotional materials will be put in all registrants’ bags “Climb to New Heights” ($500) • Y our organization’s name will appear in all marketing materials. • Y our organization’s name will be listed on our agency website as a TUFF eNUFF sponsor. • Y our company’s promotional materials will be put in all registrants’ bags. “Jump in with Both Feet” ($250 Level) • Y our organization’s name will appear in our marketing materials. • Y our company’s promotional materials will be put in all registrants’ bags. “To the Finish Line!” ($100 Level) • Your company’s promotional materials will be put in all registrants’ bags. • Your company’s name will appear in our event program.
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