Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Financial Statement = Auditor's Report Form 4 Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Section 78) Instructions: All candidates must complete Boxes A and B. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses beyond the nomination fee must complete Boxes C, D, Schedule 1, and Schedule 2 as appropriate. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses in excess of $10,000 must also attach an Auditor's Report. All surplus funds (after any refund to the candidate or his or her spouse) shall be paid immediately over to the clerk who was responsible for the conduct of the election. YYYY MM DD YYYY MM DD Forthecampaignperiodfrom(daycandidatefilednomination) 120 1 4Jo llo 31to12 0 1 411 213 II [] Primary filing reflecting finances to December 31 (or 45th day after voting day in a by-election) [] Supplementary filing including finances after December 31 (or 45th day after voting day in a by-election) BoxA: Name of Candidate andOffice,, : ", ' Candidate's name as shown on the ballot Last Name Merulla , Sam Name of office for which the candidate sought election Ward name or no. (if any) City Councillor 4 - Hamilton East I Ward Given Name(s) Name of Municipality Hamilton Spending limit issued by clerk $ 25,206.20 [] I did not accept any contributions or incur any expenses other than the nomination fee. (Complete BoxAand B only) I, Sam Merulla , a candidate in the municl Hamilton , hereby declare that to the best of my of these financial statements and attached supporting schedules are true and correct. Declared before (clerk or commissioner) in the municipality of Hamilton on (yyyy/mm/dd) ÿ [ Signature of Clerk or Commissioner lÿvÿ 0f 0ÿ0 late Expÿ ÿne 12, 2015. Date1Filed in |he Clerk s Office (yyyy/mm/dd) 9503P (2013/11) © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2013 Disponible en franc,.ais Page 1 of 10 =,i=_._ÿ_, Box C: Statement of Campaign Income and Expenses LOAN Name of bank or recognized lending institution Amount borrowed $ INCOME Total amount of all contributions (From line 1A in Schedule 1) Refund of nomination filing fee Sign deposit refund Revenue from fund-raising events not deemed a contribution (From Part III of Schedule 2) Interest earned by campaign bank account +$ +$ +$ 38,047.50 +$ +$ Other (provide full details) +$ +$ +$ 1. 2. 3. =$ 38,047.50 cl +$ 100.00 of Schedule 1) + $ 747.50 Advertising Brochures/flyers Signs (including sign deposit) Meetings hosted Office expenses incurred until voting day Phone and/or Internet expenses incurred until voting day Salaries, benefits, honoraria, professional fees incurred until voting day Bank charges incurred until voting day Interest charged on loan until voting day +$ 1,166.73 +$ 11,985.27 +$ +$ +$ +$ 1,847.55 Total Campaign Income (Do not include loan) EXPENSES (Note: include the value of contributions of goods and services) Expenses subject to spending limit Nomination filing fee Inventory from previous campaign used in this campaign (list details in Table 5 +$ +$ +$ 1,378.70 4,006.25 13.03 Other (provide full details) 1. + 2. + 3. + Total Expenses subject to spending limit Expenses not subject to spending limit Accounting and audit Cost of fund-raising events/activities (list details in Part IV of Schedule 2) Voting day party/appreciation notices Office expenses incurred after voting day Phone and/or Internet expenses incurred after voting day Salaries, benefits, honoraria, professional fees incurred after voting day Bank charges incurred after voting day Interest charged on loan after voting day Expenses related to recount Expenses related to controverted election Expenses related to compliance audit Expenses related to candidate's disability (provide full details) $ $ $ $ +$ +$ +$ 21,245.03 C2 500.00 6,221.79 +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ 1. + 2. + 3. + 75.18 $ $ $ Other (provide full details) 1. + 2. + 3. + Total Expenses not subject to spending limit 6,796.97 c3 28,042.00 C4 Total Campaign Expenses (C2 + C3) 9503P (2013/11) © Queen's Printer for Ontado, 2013 $ $ $ $ Disponible en franq, ais vage z of 10 Box D: Calculation of Surplus or Deficit ,- • " Excess (deficiency) of income over expenses (Income - Total Expenses) (Cl - C4) +$ Eligible deficit carried forward by the candidate from the last election - $ Total (D1 - D2) =$ 10,005.50 -$ = $ 10,000.00 5.50 D3 If there is a surplus, deduct any refund of candidate's or spouse's contributions to the campaign Surplus (or deficit) for the campaign 10,005.50 D1 D2 If line D3 shows a surplus, the amount must be paid in trust, at the time the financial statements are filed, to the municipal clerk who was responsible for the conduct of the election. Amount of $ 5.50 9503P (2013/11) paid to municipal clerk in the municipality of Hamilton © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2013 Disponible en franrÿtais Page 3 of 10 Schedule t - Contributions Part I - Summary of Contributions Contribution from candidate (include the value of inventory listed in Table 5) Contribution from spouse +$ +$ 10,847.50 +$ 50.00 +$ 27,150.00 Total value of contributions not exceeding $100 per contributor • Include ticket revenue, contributions in money, goods and services where the total contribution from a contributor is $100 or less (do not include contributions from candidate or spouse). Total value of contributions exceeding $100 per contributor (from line 1B; list details in Tables 1 - 4) • include ticket revenue, contributions in money, goods and services where the total contribution from a contributor exceeds $100 (do not include contributions from candidate or spouse). Less: Contributions returned or payable to the contributor Contributions paid or payable to the clerk, including contributions from anonymous sources exceeding $10 -$ -$ Total Amount of Contributions (Record in Box C) =$ 38,047.50 tA Part II - List of Contributions from Each Single Contributor Totalling more than $t00 Table 1: Monetary contributions from individuals other than candidate or spouse Name See attachment. Full Address Amount $ See attachment. 9,400.00 9503P (2013111) Page 4 of 10 [] Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Total Table 2: Monetary contributions from corporations or unions Name (Legal and Carrying on Full Address President or Authorized Business As) Business Manager Representative See attachment. See attachment. See attachment. F 9,400.00 Amount $ See attachment. [] Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Table 3: Contributions in goods or services from individuals other than candidate or spouse (Note: must also be recorded as expenses in Box C) Name Full Address Description of Goods 17,750.00 Total 17,750.00 Value $ or Services 9503P (2013111) Page 5 of 10 [] Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment 9503P (2013/11) Total I Page 6 of 10 Table 4: Contributions in goods or services from corporations or unions (Note: must also be recorded as expenses in Box C) Name of Full Address President or Authorized Description of Value $ Corporation(Legal and Business Manager Representative Goods or Services Carrying on Business As) [] Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment .Total Total Part II Contributions (Add Totals from Tables !--4) (Record in Part I - Summary) $ 27,150.00 IB Part III - Inventory Table 5: Inventory of Campaign Goods and Materials from Previous Campaign used in this Campaign (Note: value must be recorded as a contribution from the candidate and as an expense) Description Date Acquired Supplier Current Market Quantity Total Value $ (yyyy/mm/dd) Signs Lakefront 2010/07/23 Signs that were discarded Graphix Technology 2.99 250 747.50 Lakefront 2010/07/23 9503P (2013/11) Value $ Graphix Technology 0.00 50 0.00 Page 7 of 10 [] Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment 9503P (2013/11) Total I 74"7.50 Page 8 of 10 Schedule 2 - Fundraising Events and Activities Fundraising Event/Activity Complete a separate schedule for each event or activity held [] Additional schedule(s) attached Description of fundraising event/activity Date of event/activity (yyyy/mm/dd) Part I - Ticket Revenue Admission charge (per person) (If there are a range of ticket prices, attach complete breakdown of all ticket sales) +$ Number of tickets sold x 2A 2B = $ Total Ticket Revenue (2A X 2B) (Include in Schedule 1) Part II - Other revenue deemed a contribution (provide details (e.g. revenue from goods sold in excess of fair market value)) 1. + $ 2. + $ 3. + $ 4. + $ 5. + $ = $ Total Part II Revenue (include in Schedule 1) Part lU - Other revenue not deemed a contribution (provide details (e.g. contributions of $10 or less; market value of goods or services sold)) 1. + $ 2. + $ 3. + $ 4. +$ 5. +$ = $ Total Part III Revenue (include in Box C) Part IV - Expenses related to fundraising event or activity (provide details) 1. + $ 2. + $ 3. + $ 4. +$ 5. +$ 6. +$ 7. + $ 8. +$ Total Part IV Expenses (include in Box C) 9503P (2013/11) = $ Page 9 of 10 Auditor's Report Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Section 78) A candidate who has received contributions or incurred expenses in excess of $10,000 must attach an auditor's report. Professional Designation of Auditor CPA, CA Municipality Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Hamilton 2015/02/12 Contact Information Last Name First Name Licence Number Pettinelli Gene 8963 Address Suite/Unit No. Street No. Street Name 6th FI One James Street South City/Town Province Postal Code Hamilton ON L8P 4R5 Telephone No. (including area code) Fax No. Email Address 905 522-6555 905 522-6574 ext.223 The report must be done in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and must: • set out the scope of the examination • provide an opinion as to the completeness and accuracy of the financial statement and whether it is free of material misstatement [] Report is attached Personal information, if any, collected on this form is obtained under the authority of sections 78 and 95 of the Municipal Elections Act, 9ÿRÿ(2bJradn!" section 88 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (and despite anything in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Page lO of 1 o .... ." .......... J 1 I ,kÿ.l--a ...:II-- ............ tÿ I I ,1 mm • • MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS OTHER THAN THE CANDIDATE OR THE CANDIDATE'S SPOUSE TOTALING MORE THAN $I00 Name Elisa Fmcassi Louisa Spÿlacci Sundra Spallacei Rudi Spallacci Gwenn Victor Richard Pollock Assunta Burns Dun Daly Keiflÿ Munt David Surwatuk Thomas Weisz Sasha Weisz Dr Janet Weisz Gerald Asa Riceardo Persi Samuel Aquino Marten Spedalieri Bob Slattery Pat Almonte David Ippolito Joel Ippolito Gina Piedimonte Paul Miller Nicholas Zaffiro Address 1087 Old Mohawk Rd, Anc;tster ON L9G 3K9 27 Rousseaux St, Ancaster ON L9G 2W6 63 Rousseanx St, Anca.ster ON L9G 2W6 338 Mountain Brow Blvd, Hamilton ON L8T IA6 647 Armour Rd, Peterborungh, ON K9HIZ3 40H-32 King St W, Stoney Creek, ON L8G IH5 14 Peppertree Cres, Ancaster ON L9G 4L8 731 Fiddlers Green Rd, Ancaster ON L9G 3L 1 16 Freelund Crt, Hamilton ON L8S 3R5 7 Lake Pointe PI, Hamilton ON L8E 4P8 78 Mayfair Cres, Hamilton ON L8S 4E7 78 Mayfair Cres, Hamilton ON L8S 4E7 23 Lantern Lane, Dundas ON L9H 6N9 23 Lantern Lane, Dundas ON L9H 6N9 35 Elmhurst dr, Hamilton ON L8T IC5 248 North Service Rd, Grimbsy ON L3M 4E8 142 Watercrest Dr, Winona ON L8E 5C7 97 King St E, Stoney Creek ON L8G ICI 251 Albright Rd, Hamilton ON L8K 6P9 22 Chancery Drive, Ancÿster ON L9G 4L7 I I Oak Knoll Dr, Hamilton ON L8S 4C2 105 Templemead Dr, Hamilton ON L8W3G4 16 Gadngcr Cres, Binbrook ON LOR ICO I 1 Foÿythe Place, Hamilton ON L8S ,IE5 Amount 750.(g) 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 700.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 200.(ÿ0 200.00 200,00 200.00 150.00 I00.00 9,400.00 MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CORPORATIONS OR UNIONS Nan'ÿ Cole Carriers Corp. Spallaccl & Sons Limited Spallacci Construction Ltd UFCW Local 102 Sumlra Inc, 1766479 Ontario Ltd Global Organizing Strategies S.T.E+U. Local 777 Ancaster Self Storaga Dundas Self Storage Hamilton Pmfessicr,al Ftm Fighters 7865309 Canada Inc. Royal LÿPnge State Realty Baresa Kitchem Aldo Desantis Realty lv.,e LIUNA Local 837 Dean D, Paquette Professional Corporation Urban Core Developments Hamilton Cab Vrancor Hospitality Corporation DCR Holdings Inc, T. Valeri Comtmctlon Ltd Carpenters Hamihon-Niagara Jairÿ Stepheson Assÿtate Haranga*s/852850 Ontario Inc. Carstar AutonXÿive Canada Inc. Vrancor Hospitality Corporation 1892474 Ontario Ltd 794803 Ontario Inc. ATU - Local 107 Hamilton-Brantford Ontario Building & ComtmOlon Trades Counci! IBEa, V Local 105 Spencer Creek Estates Ltd Adisco Limited Your Hair Salon Addrÿ 89 Glow Ave, Hamilton ON LSH 3V7 85 Laming Drive, Unit Q, Hamilton ON LSW 2Z9 85 Lancing Drive, Unit Q, Hamilton ON LSW 2Z9 149 Mahÿ St E, Hamilton ON LSN IG4 14 Como PI, Hamilton ON L9B 2W5 4675 Qucÿn St, Niagara Falls ON L2E 2L6 149 Main St E, Hamilton ON L8N IG4 149 Main St E, Hamilton ON LSN IG4 1147 Garner Rd W, Amaster ON LgG 310 1147 Garter Rd W, Ancaster ON LgG 310 9 Weds Lane, Dundas ON LgH 5E3 143 Main St E. Hamthon ON I.SN IG4 115 Highway 8, Stoney Creek ON L80 ICI 9 Hillyard St, Hamilton ON LSL 6B2 10÷301 Froilhed Rd, Stoney Creek ON LSE 5Ml 44 Hugh3on St S, Hamilton ON LSN 2A7 21 King St W, Suite 305, Hamilton ON L8P 4W7 1147 Garner Rd W, Am'aster ON LgG 3K9 430 Cannon St E. Hamilton ON L8L 2C8 366 King St W, Hamilton ON LSP tB3 c/o 120 King St W, Suite 780, Hamilton ON LSP 4V2 2140 King St E, Hamilton ON L8K t W6 1342 Stone Church Rd E, Hamilton ON L8W 2C8 8 Main St E, Suite 208, Hamilton ON L8N IE8 380 Van Wagner's Beach Rd, Hamilton ON L8rt 3L8 1460 Stone Chuv,:h Rd E, Hamilton ON LSW 3V3 366 King St W, Hamilton ON L8P 1 B3 65 Lancing Dri',% Hamilton ON LSW 2Z9 629 Safari Rd RRI, Millgrove ON LORIV0 1005 King St E, Hamilton ON L8M IC6 1104 Feraÿl Axe E. Hamilton ON LST IR9 RR. #2, 685 Nebo Rd, Harmon ON L0R IP0 188 Queen Street South, Hamilton ON LSP 2S7 161 Rebecca St, Hamilton ON LSR IB9 1530 Barton St. E., Hamilton ON L8H 2X6 Pres.hlent or Business Manager Philip Fracassl Rudi, Frank& Loren Spalinoci Addano Spallaoei Dominic Musltano Sandra Sergio Tony Losak Dominic Mnaitano Gwen Victor Marlo Nesci Lan Medeiÿs L Henry Watson Melissa Felic¢ Tony Chinrdla Nick Haresa Aldo Desantis Joseph Maminelll Dean Paquette Sergio Manchia Ron Vankleef Darko Vranich Risa Freeman Ted Vakd Garry Baverstock Jairnc Stcphenson Alex Tsangarnkis Sam Mercanti Darko Vranich Javld Mh'za Paramjit Singh Eric Tuck Tony Dimaria Phil Brown N, Ramaciefi Tony DiSilvestro Liansi Tan Authorized Representative P, Fracassi/D. Bmnowieki Frank Spallaoei Frank Spallacci Lydia Orsurkÿ/Gv,'enn Vktor Sandra Serglo Dominic MusitarÿGv,ÿena Victor Dominic Musitarÿ Dominic Musitano/Gwenn Vktor Sergio Marÿhin Lea Medaims Jim Rankin/L Henry Watson Meliÿsa Felic= Joe Fen'ante Teresa Clarezio AIdo Desantis M. Bastos/R. Persl Dean Paquette Sergio Manchla Jagtar Singh Chahal/Ron Vankleef Darko Vranloh Rha Freeman Ted Valeri Matthew Crcary/Garry Bavemtock Jahne Step]lemon Alex Tsangarakis Michael Macaloso/MaryJane Marshall Darko Vranlch Javid MirTa Paramjlt Singh Eric Tuck/Paul Doucette Joseph Beattle./Tony Dimaria Tony Oliviero/ÿil Brown N, Raraacieri Tony DiSilvestro Liansi Tan Amount 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.(ÿO 750.00 700.00 500+00 500.00 500+00 500.00 500.00 500.09 500.00 500.00 450.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 250.,00 250.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 17,750A'10 PM T 905 522 6555 F 905 522 6574 6th Floor, One James Street South Hamilton ON L8P 4R5 February 12, 2015 Independent Auditor's Report To Sam Merulla, Candidate and Rose Caterini, City Clerk, We have audited the accompanying campaign period financial statements (the "financial statements") of Sam Merulla (the "Candidate"), which comprise the statement of campaign income and expenses, calculation of surplus or deficit and all related schedules for the period January 3, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The financial statements have been prepared by the Candidate in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the "Act"). Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements The Candidate is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the Act and for such internal controls as the Candidate determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. PETTINELLI ÿ/ÿASTROLUISILLP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS l T 905 522 6555 F 905 522 6574 6th Floor, One James Street South Hamilton ON L8P 4R5 Independent Auditor's Report, continued Basis for Qualified Opinion Due to the nature of the types of transactions inherent in an election campaign, the completeness of campaign income and expenses is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our verification of campaign income and expenses was limited to the amounts recorded in the accounting records of the Candidate and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to the statement of campaign income and expenses, calculation of surplus or deficit and all related schedules for the period January 3, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the campaign income, expenses and surplus for the period January 3, 2014 to December 31, 2014 in accordance with the Act. Basis of Accounting and Restriction on Distribution Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to the Note to the financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial statements have been prepared to assist the Candidate to meet the requirements of the Act. As a result, the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Our Report is intended solely for the use of the Candidate and the municipality of Hamilton and should not be distributed to parties other than the Candidate and the municipality of Hamilton. Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants Hamilton, Ontario Note to Financial Statements The campaign period financial statements (the "financial statements") have been prepared in accordance with the Election Campaign Finances provisions contained in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the "Act"). The financial statements have been prepared to assist Sam Merulla (the "Candidate") to meet the requirements of the Act. The financial statements are intended solely for the use of the Candidate and the municipality of Hamilton. As a result, the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose.
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