What Is Hypnosis? L

What Is Hypnosis?
Discover How Hypnosis Can Work For You
As we grow older our minds become like
a hard lump of clay. Our thinking and
habits have become solid and inflexible.
However add water and we can now
shape the clay into something interesting
like a vase, cup, or plate. Hypnosis is
like the water . A way to help your mind
become flexible to new ideas and ways
of thinking.
L Unlike diets that require ongoing vigilance and willpower to stick to,
hypnosis is about reducing the need to use your will power by aligning
thoughts and feelings towards one common goal of losing weight. When
this happens there is no internal conflict in your mind, and therefore less
need to exercise your willpower hundreds of times a day to say no.
Keeping to your healthy eating plan now becomes a whole lot easier.
So How Does This Help Me
With Weight Loss?
With hypnosis we can help the mind
change how it associates food with old
habits and ways of thinking. Examples:
Food As A Reward.
To Relieve Boredom/Stress
To Feel Good e.g It Tastes Nice
To Be Good, e.g Always Eat
What Is On Your Plate.
We can also help change bad habits.
Serving Big Portions
Not Eating Breakfast
Eating What Your Partner Eats
Buying Takaways Too Often
Eating Too Fast
Snacking Between Meals
Tailored To You
Some people eat large portions, some people are emotional eaters, and
some people grazers. There are many reasons that contribute to a person’s
weight and your lifestyle is different from everyone else’s. Our first 90
minute session gives us plenty of time to ask you questions about your
specific situation and discover what will work best for you.
I Don’t Know Much About Hypnosis.
The hypnosis process only requires you to have an open mind to
something new. During our initial consultation we will explain hypnosis to
you, and even have a practice before we begin, to ensure you are
completely comfortable and ready before we begin your hypnosis session.
How Much Weight Will I Lose?
Our focus is on changing behaviours rather than weight loss. Too many
people link success and good feelings to the daily weight change on the
scale rather on what really matters, which is each week consistently making
good healthy decisions.
We want for you to be able to create a long term lifestyle, without feeling
deprived, or out of control, allowing you to consistently lose weight and
maintain that weight loss for many years to come.
Lifestyle Hypnosis, 409 Lake Road, Takapuna Auckland Tel
0800 497 667
Is Hypnosis Safe?
At our offices hypnosis is
safe, and relaxing. During the
session you can:
Hear each word the
hypnotist is speaking.
everything that
In Complete control
and are aware of
what is happening.
We offer a free initial 20
minute consultation, so if after
this time you are unsure
hypnosis is for you, there is no
further obligation
Can I Be Hypnotized?
Everyone can use hypnosis.
and it is only fear and
misconceptions that prevent
people from having a hypnosis
At our offices we spend plenty
of time getting you relaxed
and comfortable before we
begin your session.
We Can Help In These Areas
Removing Unhealthy Foods And Drinks From Your Diet.
Common examples are, lollies, takeaways, sugars, chocolate, cakes biscuits, ice cream,
savories, carbohydrates, breads, alcohol, and fizzy/energy drinks.
Self Confidence /Self Belief.
Have you been on plenty of diets before and afraid once again you will fail. Then we
need to build up your own self confidence that you can achieve your goal weight.
Emotional Eating.
Do you eat when stress, bored, anxious or lonely? Then we look to make feel selfreliant, strong and content at these times to see your way through them without
Organisation. Do you need to put time aside time for yourself for exercise or
preparing healthy meals? Here we focus on how to fit your healthy lifestyle around
work, family, and friends
Exercise. Want to exercise but just not doing it. Then we focus on your
motivational triggers, energy and just getting started.
Portion Sizes. Common eating habits to change are, stopping snacking between
meals, serving smaller quantities, eating your food more slowly, and leaving food on
the plate.
Other People. Is anyone influencing your eating behaviours, friends, family or
partner? Are you able to say no? When making suggestions for food choices are you
giving your input. Here we ensure you are assertive about your weight loss plans.
Lifestyle Hypnosis, 409 Lake Road, Takapuna Auckland Tel
0800 497 667
Our Weight Loss Programs
Cherri Clinic
For people who have a problem with 1 particular food or drink. Common examples would be
compulsions or addictions for chocolate, or diet coke, or lollies.
409 Lake Road Takapuna
$245 Includes 2 Hypnosis Sessions Spaced a week a part.
0800 497 667
Know what you need to do, but just not doing it. This is your kick start into healthy living. We
aim to remove unhealthy foods, cut down on snacking and portion sizes, get into exercise and
build self-confidence over these 3 sessions spaced a week apart.
Opening Hours
Monday 8.30am-7.30pm
$345 (Includes 3 Hypnosis Sessions Paced A week apart and 2 Hypnosis Recordings
For Home Use)
Tuesday 8.30am-7.30pm
Wednesday 8.30am-7.30pm
Thursday Closed
Friday 8.30am-4.00pm
Saturday 8.30am-4.00pm
Your first session is for 90
minutes and includes a free 30
minute consultation. Follow up
This program has been extremely popular over the last 2 years and has been reported through a
number of media outlets. Hypno-Band involves mimicking a gastric banding surgery while in
hypnosis to help reduce portion sizes. This program includes everything in our Kick Start
Program plus the Hypno-Band experience. We are licensed Hypno-Band practitioners and you
can see more about this procedure in the media at hypnoband.co.nz.
$585.00 (Includes 4 Hypnosis Sessions Spaced a Week Apart, 2 Hypnosis Tracks
sessions are for 60 minutes.
Payment Method:
Cash, Eftpos, Visa
48 Hours notice is needed for
all cancellations.
6 Month Full Support Program
Is a 6 month course designed for people who are serious about both losing weight and keeping
it off, and know they need help. Designed to create healthy lifetime habits and ensure they are
maintained to consistently lose weight. While weight loss is the primary focus, we can also
include any area of your life you want to improve upon from work family and self-confidence.
$1285 Unlimited sessions over 6 months. 4 Hypnosis recordings for home use and our E-mail
healthy habit program reinforcing your changes 3 times a week
Any Street
West, Townsville,
409 Lake
State 54321
Road, Tel
Fax 555.543.5433
Tel 0800 497 667
Lifestyle Hypnosis, 409 Lake Road, Takapuna Auckland Tel 0800 497 667