The Prince of Peace POST LEARNING FOR LIFE ~ CENTERED ON CHRIST Our Mission Statement: The mission of Prince of Peace Lutheran School Association is to establish a lifetime educational ministry for children and their families based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, focusing on academic excellence and service to our community. March 19, 2015 A weekly newsletter for Prince of Peace Lutheran School (Preschool – 8th ) ☺ Blessed Every Day ☺ “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24 Be it known to all who enter, that Christ is the reason for this school; the unseen but ever present teacher in its classes, the model of its faculty, and the inspiration of its students. FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR Dear Parents and Friends of Prince of Peace students, I recently came across a list of the Top Ten Reasons offered by a certain school as to why a family should enroll their children at their school. Borrowing that idea, for now, I would like to share with you the top three reasons as to why it is good to enroll your children at Prince of Peace. Reason # 3 – Prince of Peace is a safe and a Christcentered school! Reason # 2 – Prince of Peace is blessed with gifted and dedicated teachers! Reason #1 – The kids love our school! Now, to be sure, I have ordered those reasons 321. In reality, they are all tied for the number One position! They are of equal importance. And, they are connected to one another and flow from one another and are a part of each other. We are so blessed! So, if you are talking with someone about where their children are going to school and where your children are going to school, you might just share these reasons for them to consider enrolling their children at Prince of Peace. Children do flourish here! In Christ ~ Pastor Dave SOFTBALL COACH NEEDED It feels like spring, and looks like it COULD be a great year for softball! We need a volunteer softball th th coach for our 4 – 6 Grade Girls’ Softball Team. Games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays – usually at 5:30 pm – with practices after school. If you are interested, please contact the POP Office asap (2511477.) We participate in the Parochial Athletic Association (PAA) for sports along with other area Christian schools. It’s a great opportunity for our students to learn team effort, good sportsmanship, improve skills, and get some exercise. If you have the skills and enjoy working with God’s great kids, please give this some prayerful consideration☺. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIONS… SPREAD THE WORD…KINDERGARTEN OPENINGS REMAIN FOR NEXT YEAR! Children need to be five years old by 9/1/15. We have a wonderful Kindergarten program to share…thank you for helping us get the word out☺. PRESCHOOL: A GREAT PLACE TO START THREE GREAT LOCATIONS…FOUR GREAT TEACHERS…A QUALITY START FOR CHILDREN 33 months and up, including two new Kindergarten Readiness classes☺. Please contact the POP Office (2511477) or the Preschool Director, Mrs. Essington, at 2518416. IMPORTANT NOTE about MCA TESTING PARENTS, PLEASE NOTE: MCA TESTING will be done in March and April for Grades 3 – 8. It is crucial that your student(s) be here during the testing week (unless they are too sick, of course). All MCA testing MUST be done ONLINE this year, so we need to stagger the weeks for testing up in the Computer Lab. Please take note of the following dates: rd 3 Grade: Week of March 23rd th 4 Grade: Week of March 30th th 5/6 Grades: Week of April 13 th 7/8 Grades: Week of April 20 th Grades 1 and 2 will be doing the Iowa Basics the week of April 13 . Kindergarten has separate testing. Thank you for making sure they get plenty of extra rest during this testing and a good breakfast each am. K3 TO SING at LOVE of CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH THIS SUNDAY nd A reminder to all K3 parents that we’ll be singing this Sunday, March 22 at Love of Christ Lutheran Church during their 10:45 worship service. If possible, please have your students wear one of your POP logo wear shirts to church on Sunday. Many thanks in advance for helping us express our appreciation to this association congregation for their ongoing support to our school ☺. ANNUAL POP FUNDRAISER – LEGACY BENEFIT DINNER Do you have a specialty dessert or baked good? Can you create wonderful things with wood? Are you a business owner or have a connection with a business that could bless our Live or Silent Auction with an item, a basket of goodies or something special? Would you be interested in donating artwork or gift cards? We would love to hear from you as we are in the process of finalizing our items for the auctions. Please contact Bobbi Trisko at 3202670504 or . Please plan on turning in donations by March 31. Tickets went home this past Monday with each K8 family, and on varying days this week with our preschoolers. We ask that you purchase some for yourselves, and try to sell others to grandparents, etc. We’ve kept tickets to a bare minimum of $12 each to be affordable for all. On April 13, ticket prices will rise th to $20 each. Only a few tickets will be available at the door on April 19 . We’re very excited about our all new format for this year’s auction/dinner, and look forward to having th you all join us on Sunday, April 19 ! Child care will be provided for a free will offering. Please read the letter you received over very carefully. There are deadlines to get the tickets back to the POP Office, and the closing date for ticket sales. Thank you for your willingness to participate in this fundraiser for our school. Please be aware that we ask parents to help with this fundraiser and the fall Marathon for NonPublic Education as the proceeds from these two fundraisers help keep tuition costs down for you all. “Celebrating God’s Abundant Goodness!” What: Prince of Peace Lutheran School Annual Benefit When: S unday, April 19, 2015 Where: Prince of Peace Lutheran School Gym Time: 11:30 a.m. – about 3:00 p.m. Child Care: W ill be available for pre-registered children (free will offering – lunch served to children) ➥ Food: Creative Catering from Rice, MN serving Buffet Dinner of Swedish meatballs, chicken breast, dressing, mashed potatoes, candied carrots, salad, roll, dessert and beverage for only $12. (if purchased by April 12; $20 each beginning April 13) ➥ Entertainment: Holy Cross Lutheran Church Men’s Choir and POP Students ➥ Live/Silent Auctions: Scaled Down to top 100 favored items (e.g., lawn mower, freezer, grill) “They will celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness.” (Psalm 145:7) SPRING TRACK MEETS & PHYSICAL FITNESS… Presidential Fitness Testing for Grades 3 – 8: April 15 Mayer, MN Track Meet for Grades 5 – 8: May 1 Sauk Rapids Track Meet for Grades 4 – 6: May 15 Alexandria Track Meet for Grades 4 – 8: May 26 (Twin Cities Field Trip for Grades 5 – 8: May 12 CHAPEL February mission project: Kids Fighting Hunger ~ Offering for 3/18/15: $49.75 Chapel offerings for March will be donated to ” Kids Fighting Hunger”. “Kids Fighting Hunger” is a local organization that was started in 2003 to meet the needs of hungry people in many various places. Since that time, this organization has shipped meals to more than 60 countries. Volunteers gather to pack meals, but money is needed to have all of the supplies to put these meals together. We at Prince of Peace can help with this need. There will be a blue bowl in each classroom to collect our gifts. The bowl is a reminder that God has blessed us with many things to eat. We can be a blessing to others by sharing what we can. As always, additional gifts are collected each Wednesday at our Chapel services. Thanks for doing what you can. CLASSROOM CORNERS From our Fifth and Sixth Grade Classroom: Happy Spring Greetings to all! Praise and thanks to God for the beautiful weather that we have been enjoying! In Religion we have been studying the ministry of Jesus by reading the stories of His parables and miracles. The love that Jesus has for His children is so apparent in all that we read! The question remainswhat is our ministry? One student shared that he reads Bible stories to his two brothers because they are too young to read and understand on their ownmay God bless his ministry and the ministry of us all! We have been busy learning many new things in Math and even had a Pi Day celebration! We have been reviewing, practicing, and learning new skills in preparation for the MCA tests. We have learned about the Branches of Government, the War of 1812, the Louisiana Purchase, the Industrial Revolution, and will soon focus our attention on the Civil War during our History classes. With each thing learned, we look at how what happened long ago still has long reaching effects on us today. History really never ends; it is an ongoing journey. We have started our Presidential Fitness practice for our testing in midApril. This serves as a great st warmup for our track season which begins on May 1 with our first meet followed by meets on the 15th and 26th. We pray that this beautiful weather continues! We continue to enjoy our BEAR Friend time with the Kindergartners each Friday! An upcoming event for us will be to dye Easter eggs together and read books about the glorious resurrection of Jesus on Easter! Blessings to you all during this Lenten season of reflection and the upcoming Easter celebration of Christ's resurrection! ~ Mrs. Clitty and Grades 56 From our Holy Cross Campus Preschool: Hello from Holy Cross Preschool! We are so excited for spring! We have really enjoyed the beautiful weather the Lord has provided. We have been learning about Dr. Seuss and rhyming. We did some fun activities for the week. We dressed up like Thing 1 and Thing 2, we made green eggs and ham for snack and the MWF class also had blue Jello and red gummy fish when we read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. We made the Cat in the Hat for art and we did many rhyming games and activities. We also learned about wind and the fact that we can’t see it but we can feel it and see what it does. This started a discussion about how God is the same. We can’t see Him, but we can feel His love for us and see all the amazing things He does! During Jesus Time we learned about Zacchaeus. The preschoolers enjoyed acting out the story and singing the song. This week we are learning about Palm Sunday. We made palm branches out of newspaper and we had a parade while we sang, Ho Ho Hosanna. We will continue with the rest of the Easter story in the coming weeks. God’s blessings! ~ Mrs. Essington HAPPY BIRTHDAY and M ay Jesus bless you … th This coming week: 3/19: Jaida T., Preschool; 3/22: Anthony Z., Preschool; 3/24: Terry Y., 4 Grade From the Community Great River Regional Library SUMMER READING PROGRAM for children ages 0 – 12: Read to the Rhythm Monday, June 8 thru Saturday, August 8. More information at . Two parenting classes being offered at Resource Training and Solutions: 123 Magic: This Saturday class addresses the difficult task of child discipline with humor, keen insight and proven experience. You will also learn: *how to control obnoxious behavior *the six kinds of testing and manipulation and how to handle them *what to do about such issues as chores, homework, messy rooms, and lying Offered on Saturday, March 21 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm; register: Other parenting course: CHILD which explores the groundbreaking work of worldrenowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck. In this class, you’ll learn: The secret to helping your child be more successful in school, athletics, etc. Offered on Monday, March 30 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Metro Bus UGo Free Summer Youth Pass Metro Bus is once again offering the UGo Free Summer Youth Pass for kids under 17 this summer. Kids under 17 can ride free when their parents/guardian register them for a pass. Contact: . STAR: Students, Technology and Robots ~ St. Cloud Technical and Community College…an effort to familiarize middle school students with the many facets of manufacturing. During this week long camp, students build a remote controlled robot, learn about machine tool technology, welding/fabrication, energy/electronics/mechatronics. Fee is $125 with scholarships available. For more information or to register, contact Tom Garberick at SCTCC: 3203085213. Prince of Peace Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, Privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origins in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs and other school administered programs.
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