F CUS ON PRINCETON Chamber News and Community Information VOL. 18, NO. 6 Published By Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce PRINCETON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 705 2nd St. N., Princeton, MN 55371 Phone: (763) 389-1764 Fax: (763) 631-1764 www.princetonmnchamber.org Email: pacc@sherbtel.net Chamber boarD of DIreCTorS - 2015 PRESIDENT David Haugen Princeton Agencies 763-389-3650 VICE PRESIDENT Troy Minske Rum River Automotive 763-389-3811 TREASURER Tim Siercks Minuteman Press 763-389-1220 VICE TREASURER Amber Wilkinson Peoples Bank of Commerce 763-389-4350 DIRECTORS Nikki Elton Nikki’s 763-389-0653 Julie Espe Princeton Public Schools 763-389-6190 Gary Fulton Rum River Promotions 763-389-5838 Sandy Miller Cartwright Realty, Inc. 763-389-2323 Sherry Newman Art n’ Sew 612-209-5534 Curt Van Oort State Farm 763-389-2452 Collin Orth ABRA Auto Body & Glass 763-633-2272 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Karen Michels June 2015 RUM RIVER PRINCETON AMBASSADOR CORONATION miranda Janssen D&S Trucking Ray’s Auto Body becky Case Hierlinger’s Shoes Berry Law Offices brittney Witt Marv’s True Value hailee brooks Trent’s Used Cars Hy-Tech Automotive Carina Schneider Princeton Book & Bible CJ (Colby Janez) Sedam State Farm Insurance - Curt Van Oort Julia Petron Zimmerman Cafe & Bowl Sunday, June 7 2:30 p.m. Princeton High School Auditorium The public is welcome. Page 2 June 2015 Chamber of Commerce Chamber Showcase! Welcome to the Princeton Chamber of Commerce Chamber Showcase! We randomly draw from our Chamber Members and feature a few each month so the Princeton Area Community can learn more about them. Thank you for supporting our members through your time, talents, donations, and purchasing power! Reynolds Balloon & Party 807 3rd Street North Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-4613 reynoldsballoon@gmail.com www.reynoldsballoon.com OWNER: Genny Reynolds TELL US ABOUT WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL Mission: Always find a way to say yes! It’s not a party without balloons. Sterling Pointe Senior Living 1250 Northland Drive Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-8655 martha.eslschlager@twsl.com www.sterlingpointeseniorliving.com TELL US ABOUT WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL Mission: To enrich the lives of those we serve. Princeton School District 706 1st Street Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-2422 julia.espe@ISD477.org www.princeton.k12.mn.us Dr. Julia Espe, Superintendent TELL US ABOUT WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL Mission: We believe in growth! Students, staff, community. How many years have you been in business? Many! How many years have you been in business? 18 Years How long have you been a Princeton Chamber of Commerce Member? 20 Years - 6 years Board of Directors President & Vice President What services or products do you offer? Signs and banners, balloons and party supplies, decor rental, wedding What type of referrals help you grow? Event decorating and planning is our specialty. In what ways do you give back to the Princeton Community? We are very committed to our community. We donate gift How many years have you been in business? Opened August 1, 2011 How long have you been a Princeton Chamber of Commerce Member? Since 2011 What services or products do you offer? Health care, assisted living, housing with services for a senior population. What type of referrals help you grow? We work with other community senior service providers and work with referrals from a wide variety of businesses How long have you been a Princeton Chamber of Commerce Member? Long time What services or products do you offer? Comprehensive education for district students ages Pre-K to 12th grade. Along with its high quality curricular and academic programs the district also offers a variety of extracurricular and co-curricular activities for students learning opportunities for district residents of all ages are offered through the district’s community education program. What type of referrals help you grow? Parent satisfaction, improved academic achievement, positive conversations, quality and variety of programs. certificates to benefits and fundraisers. We volunteer our time to non profit and civic organizations as well as comunity events. We would like to see all businesses succeed and together create community pride. What is a little known fact about your organization? When we started our business we primarily used balloons for wedding decorating but now they are a small part of our decorating. We have diversified into lights, draping, back drops, centerpieces and chair covers. What are your hours? We are very flexible because we work from home. If we answer the phone we are open. and individuals. In what ways do you give back to the Princeton Community? We host a variety of senior-focused events in our community and support events and functions in the greater community. What are your hours? We are ALWAYS open...we staff our community and provide care 24/7. In what ways do you give back to the Princeton Community? Through our Community Education programs we provide early childhood education, youth activity programs, parenting classes and community activities for youth and adults. What is a little known fact about your organization? We are a nationally known PBIS district. Tiger Pride. Anything else you want the Princeton Community to know about you or your business/organization? We are committed to providing the best opportunities for our students and community members. Chamber members: would you like to be featured? Visit our website: www.princetonmnchamber.org and click on the MEMBER section to find the CHAMBER SHOWCASE form. Complete the form and mail, fax or scan and email it to us. We will randomly draw from those submitted. June 2015 Page 3 Central Minnesota Housing Partnership DISTINGUISheD SerVICe aWarDS DINNer June Homeownership Month Offers: free home STreTCh homebuyer education Workshops •Budgeting & spending plans • Shopping for a home • Different mortgage products • Home inspections • The closing process • Home maintenance reGISTer ToDaY! St. Cloud – June 2 & 4 • hill City – June 9 & 10 Cambridge – June 18 Participants receive an official Homebuyer Education Certificate of Completion. *Pre-registration is required. Dear Friends: Rum River Festival time is almost here! We know you have someone who has done an outstanding service for your organization or for the community, maybe an extra deed, who deserves special recognition. Everyone wants to know who that special person is. The Distinguished Service Awards Dinner held at the Princeton Civic Center is the perfect place to honor this person. We hope you can arrange to attend this important event. The Dinner this year is Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Social Hour starts at 6 p.m. The Dinner will start at 7 p.m., with the program following. Please contact the Chamber of Commerce office if you have any questions at 763389-1764 or 763-355-4040 or send an email to pacc@sherbtel.net Suzy Albrecht • Program Coordinator • 320-258-0681 • suzy@cmhp.net September 5-6, 2015 at Princeton airport Join us in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII at our annual aviation expo at the Princeton Airport on Labor Day weekend, September 5-6, 2015. Commemorative Air Force Among the many aircraft that will be on display, the Commemorative Air Force will be offering rides in their unique aircraft including their North American B-25, Vultee BT-13, Ryan PT-22 and their Stinson L-5. www.flightexpo.org Coupons 1/2 off given for Weekly daily donations prize specials drawings 31540 125th St., Princeton (Next to Marvs True Value) Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm www.thriftwithatwist.org • 763-389-1674 Donations accepted and appreciated. Due to limited space please call ahead regarding large items. All proceeds benefit HIS Givers, a 501(c)(3) which has assisted over 6,800 families MARK YOUR CALENDARS For sponsorship and ride information please contact Sharon at 763-568-3360 RUM RIVER JUNE 6-14, 2015 Pick from topics such as: Budgeting 101, Preparing for Emergencies, Computer skills, Managing meals, etc.! Details and registration information are available at Thrift with a Twist. Page 4 June 2015 18TH ANNUAL RUM RIVER FESTIVAL RUM RIVER 5K Family Run/Walk JUNE 6-14, 2015 Sunday, June 6 Wednesday-Friday, Little Miss Princeton & Jr. Ambassa- June 10-12 dor Pageant 1 p.m. $3 at Princeton High City-Wide Garage Sale and BusinessSchool PAC Wide Sidewalk Sales Sunday, June 7 Thursday, June 11 Princeton Ambassador Coronation, 2:30 Rum River Festival Parade with 11 bands plus PHS Band & Choir performing before p.m. $6 at Princeton High School PAC the parade street-side at the District Of- Monday, June 8 Festival Medallion Hunt begins. Clues posted on Chamber website and announced on WQPM Radio 1300. Tuesday, June 9 For additional information and registration forms go to: www.princeton MNchamber.org fice at 5:30 p.m. Parade begins at 6 p.m. Friday, June 12 Wednesday, June 10 Distinguished Service Award Dinner, 6 p.m. at the Civic Building contact Chamber for tickets. Saturday, June 13 a.m. at Mark Park Saturday, June 13 Street Fair/Games/Food! Sunday, June 15 Lions Club Fly-In Pancake Breakfast! Rum River Festival Sponsors: Glenn Metalcraft, Inc. Sterling Pointe Senior Living Bremer Bank Connexus Energy Dr. Philip Lingle Fairview Northland Medical Center InLine Packaging LLC United States Distilled Products Williams Dingmann Family Funeral Home Brian Leyh Agency Edward Jones Investments - Scott Liestman WALKERS ALSO WELCOME grounds 7 p.m. 7 a.m.-12:30 p.m. City of Princeton Plastic Products Company WQPM - The Big Q Register at 7:30 am Princeton Speedway Races at the Fair- Tuesday in the Park, 7 p.m. at the Depot. Rum River 5K Run/Walk start time 8 The Everett Smithson Band with FREE Harmonicas and lessons. Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 AM K-bob Cafe Marv’s True Value Neighbors on the Rum Princeton Insurance Agency Sherburne State Bank State Farm Insurance - Curt Van Oort The Bank of Elk River Thrift With a Twist Walmart REGISTER AT WWW.ZAPEVENT.COM June 2015 Page 5 The weather is getting warmer, which means The Princeton Splash Park is Open for the Season!! Come join us and “Make a Splash in Princeton” 2015 Public hours are 11:00am – 6:00 pm June 5th through August 9th. August 9th-September 7th the park will be open from 11:00am-5:00pm. Cost is $4.00 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND – TUESDAYS AFTER HOURS – 6:00pm-8:00pm June, July through August 4th and 5:00pm-7:00pm August 11th-September 1st Weather permitting! TUESDAYS AFTER HOURS just $1.00!! Private Parties are available for 2 hours before the park opens and for the 2 hours after the park closes – Just contact the splash park – e-mail splashpark@princetonmn.org or our website www. princetonmn.org – click on Splash Park or Call 612-631-2022 for information. Congratulations to our Princeton Business Expo Winner Barbara Riebe. Barbara’s family will have free Splash Park admission for the month of August 2015. Congratulations to the ECFE Expo Winner Kari Hoodie. Kari’s family will have free Splash Park admission for the month of June 2015. June Special: June 22 - FREE ADMISSION TO THE PRINCETON SPLASH PARK 11 am-6 pm courtesy of the Princeton Jaycee’s. JUNE SCHEDULE June 9 Everett Smithson Band with Free Harmonicas and lessons Summer Music Series 2015 Tuesdays in the Park June 23 Choo Choo Bob Show PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 7:00-8:30 p.m. music All events held at the Mille Lacs County Depot Museum 101 So. 10th Ave., Princeton Princeton June flare Specials! Paws Up 4 You all Chuck It Toys and Life Vests 10% off Check out Facebook for Monthly Contest... you could win awesome prizes! Nikki’s - hair, Skin & Nail Care 410 So. Rum River Dr. 763-389-0653 25% off all hair and Skin Care Products (Excluding Essential Oils) family Pathways Wilson Sports memorial Day may 25, 2015 25-75% off Storewide Sale 20% off in-stock apparel 605 S. Rum River Dr. • 763-631-5022 including clearance for the month of may Page 6 June 2015 Civic betterment Club We had our May club meeting at the Milaca Elim Home so past president Judy Barnes could attend. Judy has been recovering from hip surgery. Thank you Judy for the sweet treats! Congratulations to our scholarship recipient Haley Sandin. Haley was chosen for her many hours of community service activities. Look for us at the Rum River Festival wearing our new burgundy vest. We are looking forward to selling our Rada Knives and a great summer. Blood Drives for the American Legion and Auxiliary June 2, 2015 August 31, 2015 December 17, 2015 12:30-6:30 p.m. at Trinity Crossing Princeton, MN redcrossblood.org Read to the Rhythm 2015 Summer Reading Programs at Princeton Area Library CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER: From Wed., June 10 thru Fri., July 31 Each child will receive an age appropriate reading record. Children may earn incentives as they record their reading throughout the summer. OPENING SUMMER READING KICKOFF: Wednesday, June 10 • 1 pm Princeton Area Library with the Teddy Bear Band! ‘Who’ are you? Let our talented staff create promotional print pieces for your business. Let your market know about your business, with: •Business Cards •Brochures •Flyers and more! Pick up a startup kit. Read or listen to a library item. Rate the item you read or listen to and give a short review of the item. Ages 12-16. Weekly drawings for prizes! MARV’S Princeton (763) 389-3201 MON. - FRI. 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. SAT. & SUN. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. FULL SERVICE • SMALL ENGINE DEPARTMENT • PARTS YOUR BUILDING MATERIALS HEADQUARTERS Houses • Garages • Additions • Decks • Landscaping TOWN & COUNTRY FREE ESTIMATES (763) 389-1222 SPECIAL EVENTS: Get Your Groove On! 6/18 1:00 pm Teen Book Club – 7/9 1:00 pm Catch the Beat – 7/25 2:15 pm FOR MORE INFORMATION ON BOTH PROGRAMS VISIT THE PRINCETON AREA LIBRARY Please call today for questions and estimates. PRINCETON AGES 12-16: From Wed., June 10 thru Fri., July 31 Lumber • Paint • Hardware • Lawn & Garden • Plumbing • Electrical marvstruevalue.com glennmetalcraft.com June 2015 Page 7 Princeton Community Table FINANCIAL FOCUS: Hoping to build some camaraderie between churches and in the entire community, as well as address the economic struggles facing the people of Princeton, Trinity Lutheran Church and Christ Our Light Cathlic Church have joined forces to host a free monthly dinner called, “Princeton Community Table” (PCT). A similar meal is offered at the “Green” Church in Zimmerman (St. John Lutheran) on the 3rd Thursday of the month. A group of about 10 members from the two churches sat down to start planning in January and how hosted two meals. They happen the 4th Thursday of the month from 5-7 p.m. at Trinity Crossing which is across the street from Trinity Lutheran Church. All members of the Princeton community are invited to partake, especially those who are in need of a hot, home cooked meal. Who might this be? Many people! Those who find their funds are running out at the end of the month and need a meal, those who are home alone and are lonely, the guy (or gal) whose spouse is out of town and hates to cook, the working parent who needs a break from cooking or someone who simply wants to come and be in community with others for a few hours in a welcoming environment. People who come to eat don’t need to be members of either church (but they could be!), there is no required cost, no one needs to bring anything. Just show up and eat. Among the Princeton schools, an average of 30% of the students are on free and reduced lunch. Even though only providing one meal month might not seem to make a dent, the group believes anything can help. So far anywhere from 70-100 people have been served at each meal. PCT has served as a great way for members of the two churches to connect and work on a project that is central to their mission. Princeton area businesses can join in this effort by attending a meal, encouraging employees to attend and/or signing on to financially sponsor a meal. For more information about volunteering or to help sponsor a monthly meal, please contact the group at princetontable@gmail.com or call Molly Weyrens at Christ Our Light, 763-389-2115 ext. 4. Also, please spread the word about Princeton Community Table and/or please be offering to drive a neighbor or friend to the meal. Many times it is a lack of transportation options that keeps people away. “Step-by-Step” Approach Can Ease Estate-Planning Process Article 10–May 18, 2015 Like many people, you may enjoy investing. After all, it can be invigorating to put away money for your future, follow the performance of your investments and track the progress you’re making toward your long-term goals, such as a comfortable retirement. However, you might be less excited about doing estate planning, dreading the perceived time, effort and cost. Yet, you can make the entire process more manageable by breaking it up into specific tasks. What are these tasks? Everyone’s needs are different, but here are a few suggestions that may be applicable to your situation: • Purchase life insurance. If something were to happen to you, would your family be able to stay in the house? Would your children be able to go to college? You should have sufficient life insurance to take care of these and other essential needs. You might hear about various “formulas” for how much insurance you should purchase, but you may be better off by working with a financial professional — someone who can evaluate your assets, goals and family situation, and then recommend an appropriate level of coverage. • Draw up your will. For most people, a will is probably the most essential estateplanning document. Regardless of the size of your estate, you need a will to ensure that your assets and personal belongings will be distributed according to your wishes. If you die intestate (without a will), your belongings will be distributed to your “heirs” as defined by state laws — and these distributions may not be at all what you had in mind. • Consider a living trust. Depending on your situation, you may need to go beyond a will when drawing up your estate plans. For example, you might want to create a living trust, which can allow your assets to go directly to your heirs, avoiding the public, time-consuming and expensive process of probate. A living trust offers other benefits, too, so you may want to consult with a legal professional to learn more about this estate-planning tool. • Check beneficiary designations. The beneficiary designations on your insurance policies and retirement accounts, such as your IRA and 401(k), are powerful and can even supersede the instructions left in your will. So it’s in your best interests to make sure you’ve got the right people listed as your beneficiaries. Over time, you may need to update these designations to reflect changes in your family situation. • Make final arrangements. Whenever you pass away, it will be a stressful time for your loved ones. To ease their burden, consider establishing a “payable-on-death” account at your bank, and then funding this account to pay for your funeral and related expenses. • Share your plans. The most comprehensive estate plan in the world may not be of much value if nobody knows of its existence. Share your plans with your loved ones and heirs. It’s important that everyone knows their roles in carrying out your wishes. When dealing with any estate-planning issues, you’ll want to consult with your legal and tax professionals. And by taking a step-bystep approach, you can keep the process moving forward — without feeling that you’re being overwhelmed. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Helping your business succeed • Fax/Photo • Delicatessen • ATM • Dry Cleaning • Bakery • Money Orders • Floral • Pharmacy with • Copies Drive-Up Window • Full Carry-Out Service • In-Store Cake Decorating 202 Rum River Drive South • Princeton • 763-389-2020 24-Hour Banking: 1-800-908-BANk • Bremer.com OPEN 24 HOURS 1100 7th Ave. South, Princeton 389-1350 Member FDIC Page 8 June 2015 SHOP LOCAL – SUPPORT PRINCETON Help support local businesses to ensure a strong community! Skip the Chamber Luncheon and bring your friends and families to the 1st FREE SUMMER EVENT for TUESDAYS in the PARK at the Train Depot at 7 pm Sponsored by the Princeton Rotary Club featuring the “Everett Smithson Band” with Blues for Kids harmonica lessons 2015 JUNE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 7 Princeton Ambassador Coronation 2:30 pm @ PHS PAC R U M FREE Hot Dogs 2 & Burgers 11:30-12:30 @ Rum River Automotive Red Cross Blood Drive 12:30-6:30 pm @ Trinity Crossing R I V E R 8 WEDNESDAY 3 4 F E S T I V A L 10 9 J U N E 11 Citywide Garage Sales Citywide Garage Sales Rum River Festival PHS Band & Choir 5:30 pm Medallion Hunt Begins @ District Office Clues @ PUE office/online, PAVC Mtg. 8 am @ K-Bob Distinguished Service Tuesdays in the Park @ Awards Dinner 6 pm @ The Princeton Parade 6 pm WQPM Radio & PACC Downtown The Depot Civic Building website/facebook 14 15 16 17 18 Princeton Lion’s Club Breakfast 7 am-12:30 pm FREE Hot Dogs & Burgers @ Princeton Airport 11:30-12:30 @ Rum River PACC Board Mtg City EDA Mtg Girl Scout Recycling City Planning Mtg Automotive 4 pm @ Council Chamber 6 pm @ Council Chamber @ ShopKo Parking Lot 7pm @ Council Chamber 21 22 PAVC Mtg 8 am @ K-Bob Cafe 28 29 Take a Tour and See all that Sterling Pointe has to offer! Complimentary lunch included with tour! 23 DTC Mtg 11 am @ K-Bob Cafe Tuesdays in the Park 7 pm @ The Depot “Choo Choo Bob” 24 30 POOL & SPA HEADQUARTERS Chemicals • Filters • Accessories Have our in-store computer laboratory complete a chemical analysis printout of your pool or spa water. Take the guesswork out of your water treatments. See us for details. ...because the journey matters Assisted Living & Memory Care 1250 Northland Dr. Princeton, MN 55371 Across from the Hospital Hours: 8-8 Monday through Friday Sat. 8-5 Sun. 10-5 FRIDAY Rental, Garden Center and JCPenney Catalog Merchant 706 South Rum River Drive, Princeton 763-389-1733 25 Princeton Communty Table Meal 5- 7 pm @ Trinity Crossing City Council Mtg 7 pm @ Council Chamber SATURDAY 5 PACC Board Mtg Friends of the Library Mtg 4 pm @ Council Chamber 10 am @ Comm Rm For information on how your business can sponsor a Tuesdays in the Park event contact the Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce at PACC@sherbtel.net or call 763-389-1764. 763-389-8655 THURSDAY 6 - 1 4 6 Little Miss Princeton & Jr. Ambassador Pageant 1 pm @ PHS PAC 12 Citywide Garage Sales FOCUS deadline 19 13 SEE EVENTS BELOW: 20 Summer Butterfly Tour 10am-Noon @ SNWR 26 27 EVENTS FOR JUNE 13TH: 5K Run/Walk 8am @ Mark Park Farmer’s Market 8:30 am Downtown Street Fair 9am-4pm Downtown Sherburne NWR Wildflower Tour 10 am-Noon Drive-In Movie begins at Dusk @ Central MN Art Co-op Girl Scout Recycling @ ShopKo Parking Lot Want your Events on the Calendar HERE & ONLINE? Email your group or organization information to pacc@sherbtel.net or visit our website at www.princetonmnchamber.org GET CONNECTED!
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