PARISH NEWS - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija

Nr. 18 (3070) May 3, 2015
5th Sunday of Easter - B
Today's reading from the Gospel of John is part of
Jesus' discourse at the Last Supper. John tells the story of
Jesus' Last Supper differently from the other Evangelists. In
John's Gospel, the Last Supper begins with Jesus washing
his disciples' feet. Jesus then provides them with a series of
instructions. In these chapters of John's Gospel, Jesus
instructs his disciples about the importance of following his
example of love and service, about the gift they will receive
when Jesus sends them the Holy Spirit, and about their
relationship with Jesus and with the world. The Last Supper
discourse concludes with Jesus' prayer for his disciples.
Today's Gospel reading is taken from middle of the
Last Supper discourse. Jesus speaks about his relationship
to his disciples. In his metaphor of the vine and the
branches, Jesus is referencing the Hebrew Scriptures. In the
Hebrew Scriptures, Israel is the vineyard, and Yahweh
himself tends the vineyard. One of the primary themes of
John's Gospel is to show Jesus to be the fulfillment of God's
promises to Israel.
In this passage, Jesus teaches his disciples that his relationship with them will not end
after his death; he will remain with them always. This unity between Jesus and his disciples is
the basis for their ability to continue to do the work that he began. Similarly, Jesus' presence
with us through the Gift of the Holy Spirit enables us to continue the work of love and
reconciliation that he began.
Jesus also teaches his disciples about the importance of the words he has taught them.
Just as Jesus will remain in the disciples, so too will his words. We come to know Jesus
through the Scriptures, the living Word of God. Our commitment to be Christ's disciples is
sustained through God's Word. This commitment is also strengthened by our life of prayer
and nourished by the Eucharist. Through the Eucharist, Jesus dwells in us, remains with us,
and transforms us so that we might bear fruit in his name.
We observe many people who act in ways that show their commitment to serve their
neighbor. Christians and non-Christians feed the hungry, care for the sick, shelter the
homeless, and give alms to the poor. These actions become acts of Christian discipleship
when they are motivated by our relationship with Jesus. Whatever the immediate results,
Jesus promises us that these actions will bear fruit when we undertake them in his name.
Sunday Missal
pg. 413;
Sunday’s Mass intentions are for :
8 a.m. †Paul Boccongelle
9 a.m. for Brough, Cerniauskas and Pranckevicius deceased family members (S.Brough)
11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners;
†Jurgis Simaitis
for Pleinys and Vysniauskas deceased family members
for Survila deceased family members
†Ieva Kalinauskas
(Prakapas family);
in thanksgiving – for Vytautas Birstonas 95 anniversary
for living and deceased Mothers and Grandmothers
†Antanas Petrauskas (1 anniv.)
†Milda Ziluckis
†Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas
(by bequest).
May 3
First communion
May 24
May 30
June 7
June 7, 2 p.m.
Cemetery day
June 12 - 14
Camp Kretinga
work weekend
Camp Kretinga
English speaking
July 12 - 25
Lithuanian speaking
July 26 – August 8
Family Camp
August 9 - 14
Camp Romuva
August 16 - 22
invites all
to a “Labour”
June 12 - 14th.
Guaranteed: a place
to sleep and
deliciousfood. For
more information,
call: Ruth
or Wally Multiple
3 d. - Children
10 d. - “a chorus of men”
17 d. Congregation
24 d. - Occasional
31 d. - Children
MONDAY (May 4): 7 p.m. Novena; †Petras
Jukna (L.Flenniken); for deceased friends
TUESDAY (May 5): 7 p.m. Novena; for living
and deceased benefactors;
†Anele Caplikas
( V. Z a l e c k a i t e ) ; † T a d a s K r a s a u s k a s
(O.Krasauskas); †Antanas Petrauskas (1 anniv.)
7 p.m. Novena;
†Justinas Raskauskas and his parents Maryte and
Bronius (Grazina and family); †Jonas Leveris and
Viktoras and Maryte Buda (Grazina and family);
THURSDAY (May 7): 7 p.m. Novena; †Jonas
and Juozas Nevulis (O.Dirmantas); †Eugenijus
Spudas (R.A.Kalendra);
FRIDAY (May 8): 7 p.m. Novena; †Monika
Povilaitis (G.D.Rocca); †Paulina and Antanas
Simkus (family); requesting the grace of health
for Adele Satkus (family);
SATURDAY (May 2): 9 a.m. Novena; †Sigita
Ausrotas (A.Levis); 5 p.m. “Vilnius Manor”
†Pranas Krilavicius (E.Krilavicius);
SUNDAY (May 3): 8 a.m. †Stasys and Stase
Simoliunas (N.Liacas); 9 a.m. †Catherine Titus
(L.A.Ehlers); 11 a.m. for living and deceased
parishioners; Novena; †Irena Jurkys (35 anniv.)
(B.Tamosiunas); †Stefanija Ceponis (family);
†Laimutis Duda (J.Duda); †Ona and Vincas
Narusevicius (family); †Martynas, Tekle, Stasys
Peciulis (M.Grambis); †Mother and
Grandmothers (Gitana); †Fr.Arvydas Zygas (Ruta
Girdauskas; †Povilas and Verute Dunderas
(family); †Anicetas ir Elena Prialgauskas (by
April 26 - $3,978.95
Kay Zabas donated $500
for Parish repairs
In memory of Jonas and Birute Danaitis the
family donated $500 for Parish repairs
In memory Michael Brough Sigita Brough
donated $100 for flowers
May God reward you abundantly
for your generosity.
The Museum-Archives of the Lithuanian Canadian Community
is preparing an exhibit on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of
the passing of John Govedas. All are invited to commemorate the
life of the musician, composer and friend, by visiting the exhibit,
“A Glimpse into the Life of John Govedas,” on May 3rd and 10th
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; May 5th to 7th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Next Sunday, 10 May,
on MOTHER'S Day,
Scouts “Vytis” will sell roses.
In memoriam
She is survived by her
daughters Angele Ambrozaitis and Vida Proctor,
sons Antanas Narusevicius and Jonas Narusevicius
and their families.
Sincere condolences to her family.
Please remember her in your prayers.
Pope: history and service, two traits of Christian identity
“History and service.” In his homily on Thursday
morning, Pope Francis spoke about these “two traits of
Christian identity.”
Beginning with “history,” Pope Francis said Saint Paul, Saint
Peter, and the other disciples “did not proclaim a Jesus without a
history: They proclaimed Jesus in the history of the people, a people
God led through the centuries in order to arrive… at the fullness of
time.” God enters into history and into the journey with His people:
“The Christian is a man or woman of history, because he does not
pertain to himself alone – he is inserted into a people, a people that is
on a journey. One cannot imagine a Christian selfishness, no, this
won’t fly. The Christian is not a spiritual man or woman in a
laboratory, [the Christian] is a spiritual man or woman inserted into
a people, which has a long history and which continues to journey
until the Lord returns.”
It is a “history of grace, but also a history of sin”:
“So many sinners, so many crimes! Today, Paul mentions King
David, a saint – but before he became a saint, he was a great sinner.
A great sinner. Our history must take up both saints and sinners. My
own personal history, the history of each one of us, must take up our
sin, our own proper sin, and the grace of the Lord that is with us,
accompanying us in our sin in order to forgive and accompanying us
in grace. There is no Christian identity without history.”
The second trait of Christian identity is service. “Jesus washes the
feet of the disciples, inviting them to do as He has done: to serve”:
“Christian identity is service, not selfishness. ‘But Father, we are all
selfish.’ Ah, really? It is a sin, a habit we have to break away from.
Ask for forgiveness, that the Lord will convert us. We are called to
service. Being Christian is not about appearance, or even about
social conduct, it’s not a little make-up for the soul, because it should
be a little more beautiful. To be Christian is to do what Jesus did:
Pope Francis called us to ask ourselves, “In my heart, what
more can I do? Do I have other people serve me, do I use others, the
community, the parish, my family, my friends? Or do I serve, am I at
the service of others?” (Vatican Radio)
Lord, I am Your child, I love You,
I want to get to know You and will always be friends with you.
Help me to Love you, deepen my faith
Grant me the hope that one day I will see you in heaven.”
During the last seven months, with the guidance of their teachers, 10 children journeyed towards the great
Mystery attending catechetical lessons with great dedication, Daily, they learned to get closer to God and our
Saviour Jesus Christ, trusting and waiting for His help, which we receive through the sacraments. They learned to
love God more earnestly, to share their joys and sorrows with Him.
Today, May 3rd, is special because accompanied by parents, grandparents, god-parents, brothers and sisters
they have gathered with great excitement to receive their First Communion at our Parish. Let us rejoice, Christ
comes into their hearts!
With Holy Communion we are united with Jesus – it nurtures grace and unites us as members of the universal
Church. In Holy Communion Jesus becomes food for our souls. God's grace present in us at the same time leads
us to reconciliation and produces good fruit. And now all may unite with Jesus in Holy Communion. Remember,
Jesus is waiting for you every day. Your friendship with Jesus will deepen your faith strengthening you in body and
soul. Rejoice in the Lord's love and His abundant gifts and when the need arises, you will discover new channels of
grace. Today we would like to recall the alphabet of LOVE. We wish you, communicants and parents, to reflect on
them and believe that you receive God's abundant graces.
Joseph Bacevicius
Flora Bacevicius
Justinas Fedorenka
Kamile Karosaite
Ieva Kartavicius
Matas Navickas
Zivile Patkaciunas
Ugne Stankevicius
Lile Vadauskas
Lina Vadauskas
Respect Everyone. Remember that Christ dwells in each of us. Be mindful of him/her, your brother/sister.
Think good thoughts about everyone. Try to find something good even in the worst situation. Speak good things about others. Do not speak ill of anyone. Correct what wrong your words might cause
Speak the language of love with everyone. Do not raise your voice. Don’t swear, do not create problems for others,
be good.
Forgive all. Do not carry grudges. Be the first one to stretch out your hand in reconciliation.
Always show concern for your neighbour. Do unto others as you would have done to yourself. Do not remember
the wrongdoings done to you; remember what wrongs you have done to others.
Relieve the pain of your suffering with action. Willingly rush to help out, advise and comfort with sincerity.
Work honestly. The fruits of your work is enjoyed by others as you enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Help your neighbour. Help the poor, the sick and the marginalized. Give of yourself. Notice those who need your
help in your surroundings.
Pray for everyone, even your enemies. Remember all those who daily in any small way help to form you into the
child of God that you are.
We also would like to thank all the parish catechists who generously gave of themselves throughout the year.
They prepared them with great love.
Thank you!
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*Taikomos kai kurios sąlygos ir apribojimai. Siūlomi produktai ir jų ypatybės gali pasikeisti arba būti atšaukti, bet kuriuo metu, be įspėjimo.
Yorke Chapel
2357 Bloor Street West
Butler Chapel
4933 Dundas Street West
Peel Chapel 2180
Hurontario Street
Neweduk-Erin Mills Chapel
1981 Dundas St. West
PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable
to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO
write the charitable purpose: Donation to
Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish
Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan
Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable
purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”,
Monastery, Oncology centre Klaipeda,
Franciscan High School Kretinga...
Office hours:
I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone.: (416) 533 0621
Associate Pastor:
Fax.: (416) 533 7247
Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras
Kasparavicius, OFM; Email:
Parish economist:
Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM;
Serving Priests:
Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius,
Church of the Resurrection
1 Resurrection Rd., Toronto, ON.
Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas;
Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika,