BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA REQUEST DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT: BCC DISTRICT: April 7, 2015 Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board Paul Lawson Potential Acquisition of Property Adjacent to County Jail Corrections All STATEMENT OF ISSUE: The Department of Corrections requests direction with regard to the potential purchase of 6.4 acres located along James Lee Boulevard East adjacent to the County Jail in Crestview to allow for future jail expansion. BACKGROUND: 6.4 acres of property located adjacent to the County Jail is available for purchase for $425,000.00 with additional shared closing costs. This property would provide space for future jail expansion. We recommend that $450,000.00 be allocated now or in FY16 to acquire the property. OPTIONS: 1. Decline 2. Purchase the property immediately with contingency funds 3. Commit to fund and purchase the property in FY16 (October 2015) RECOMMENDATIONS: Request Board direction regarding the purchase of 6.4 acres of property adjacent to the County Jail for future expansion. RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: John Hofstad, County Administrator Packet Pg. 652 OMB Approval No. 2502.:-0255 A. Settlement Statement (HUD-1) 1.0FHA 4.0VA c. Note: 2.0 RHS 5. 0 3. DConv. Unins. 6. File Number: 7. Loan Number: 8. Mortgage Insurance Case Number: SAMPLE-CRESruEW Conv. Ins. This form is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked "(p.o.c.)" were paid outside the closing; they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included in the totals. D. Name and Address of Borrower: E. Name and Address of Seller: COUNTY CONNIE ROPER 1300 JAMES LEE BLVD CRESTVIEW, FL 32539 PRESCOTT M.R. ROPER 1300 JAMES LEE BLVD CRESTVIEW, FL 32539 G. Property Location: 1300 JAMES LEE BLVD CRESruEW, FL 32539 OKALOOSACounty, Florida H. SettlementAgent Lighthouse Land Title Company 902B Palm Blvd S Niceville, Fl 32578 F. Name and Address of Lender: 59-3638337 I. Settlement Date: April 15, 2015 Ph. Place of Settlement: 902B Palm Blvd S Niceville, Fl 32578 J. K. Summary of Seller's transaction 400. Gross Amount Due to Seller: Summary of Borrower's transaction 100. Gross Amount Due from Borrower: 101. Contract sales orice 102. Personal orooe"'' 103. Settlement Charaes to Borrower (Line 1400) 104. 105. Adiustments for items oaid bv Seller in advance 106. Citv!rown Taxes to 107. Countv Taxes to 108. Assessments to 109. 110. 111. 112. 425,000.00 2,746.78 427,746.78 120. Gross Amount Due from Borrower 303. Cash [8J From D To Borrower 425,000.00 420. Gross Amount Due to Seller 425,000.00 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 200. Amounts Paid bv or in Behalf of Borrower 201. Deoosit or earnest monev 202. Princioal amount of new loanfs) 203. Existina loanfs) taken subiect to 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. Adiustments for items unpaid bv Seller to 210. Citv!rown Taxes 01/01/15 to 04/16/15 211. CountvTaxes 212. Assessments to 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. Total Paid by/for Borrower 300. Cash at Settlement from/to Borrower 301. Gross amount due from Borrower (line 120) 302. Less amount paid by/for Borrower (line 220) 401. Contract sales orice 402. Personal orooertv 403. 404. 405. Adiustments for items paid bv Seller in advance 406. Citv!rown Taxes to 407. Countv Taxes to 408. Assessments to 409. 410. 411. 412. 866.51 866.51 ( Reductions in Amount Due Seller: Excess deoosit (see instructions) Settlement charaes to Seller fline 1400) Existina 1oan(s) taken subrect to Payoff First Mortgage to REGIONS 505. Pav11ff Second Mortaaae 506. 507. 508. 509. Adiustments for items unpaid bv Seller 510. Citv!rown Taxes to 511. CountvTaxes 01/01/15 to 04/16/15 512. Assessments to 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 427,746.78 866.51) 520. Total Reduction Amount Due Seller 600. Cash at settlement to/from Seller 601. Gross amount due to Seller (line 420) 602. Less reductions due Seller (line 520) 426,880.27 603. Cash ~To *Paid outside of closing by borrower(B), seller(S), lender(L), or th1rd-party{T) D The undersigned hereby acknowledge receipt of a completed copy of this statement & any attachments referred 31,487.15 100,000.00 866.51 132,353.66 ( From Seller 425,000.00 132,353.66 292,646.34 to herein Sel Ier Borrower CONNIE ROPER COUNTY PRESCOTT M.R. ROPER The Public Reporting Burdon for this collectlon of Information Is estimated at 35 minutes per response for collectlng, reviewing, and reporting the data. This agency may not collect th ls Information, and you aro not required to complete this form, unless It displays a currently valid OMB control number. No conflden~allty Is assured; this disclosure Is mandatory. This Is designed to provide the parties to a RESPA covered transaction with lnforma~on during the settlement process. HUD-1 Page 1 of 3 (SAMPLE-CRESruEW.PFD/SAMPLE-CRESruEW/5) Packet Pg. 653 L. Settlement Charaes $ 25,500.00 Division of commission (line 700) as follows: 700. Total Real Estate Broker Fees l7n'1 II:: ' l k i::nn nn tn ("':()I r"l\flH Paid From Borrower's Funds at Settlement •I •~•rTr-'"' I 702.$ to 703. Commission naid at settlement 704. 705. 800. Items Pavable in Connection with Loan 25 500.00 801. Our oric ination charae 802. Your credit or charge (points) for the specific interest rate chosen 803. Your adiusted oriaination charaes 804. Annraisal fee to 805. Credit Reoort to 806. Tax service to 807. Flood certification to 808. 809. 810. 811. 900. Items Reauired bv Lender to Be Paid in Advance 901. Oailv interest charaes from to 902. Mortoaae insurance oremium for months to lfrom GFE#1) (from GFE #2) I from GFE #Al lfrom GFE #3) lfrom GFE #3\ lfrom GFE #3) I from GFE #3) ffrom GFE#3) I from GFE #3) lfrom GFE #3) (from GFE #3) $ $ = $/da" vears to 903. Homeowner's insurance for 904. 905. 1000. Reserves Deposited with Lender .. @ $ "" 1003. Mortnane insurance 1004. Prooertv taxes Countv Taxes 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1100. Title Charges lfrom GFE #10) lfrom GFE #3) "" = "" $ $ (from GFE #9) $ < $ per ner ner < $ $ $ $ ner ner lfrom GFE #4\ Title services and lender's title insurance < 450.00 Settlement or c!osinn fee to Unhthouse Land Title Comnan" lfrom GFE #51 Owner's title insurance to Old RerJublic National Title Co < Lender's title insurance to Old Renublic National Title Co < Lender's title nolicv limit 425,000.00 $ Owner's title nolicv limit to Ur1hthouse Land Title Comnanv Anent's nortion of the total title insurance nremium Underwriter's oortion of the total title insurance nremium to Old Reoublic National Title Co to Unhthouse Land Title Comnanv $ 75.00 Preliminarv Search Fee $ to Old Renub!ic National Title Surcharoe Fee $ $ $ 1200. Government Recording and Transfer Charges to Recorder's Office 1201. Government recordina charaes 18.50 1202. Deed < 1203. Transfer taxes 1204. Citv/Countv tax/stamns Mortnane 1205. State tax/stamos 1206. 0.00 'from GFE#11\ lfrom GFE#11l (from GFE#11) 1001. Initial deposit for your escrow account 1002. Homeowner's insurance 1101. 1102. 1103. 1104. 1105. 1106. 1107. 1108. 1109. 1110. 1111. 1112. 1113. Paid From Seller's Funds at Settlement < I from GFE #7) Other I from GFE #8\ Releases ~ • $ 2,975.00 525.00 2 200.00 $ $ 1 540.00 660.00 3.28 18.50 < < 2,975.00 $ 1207. 1300. Additional Settlement Charges 1301. Reauired services that ,,,...,u can shoo for 1302. 2014 taxes !March amount) to Okaloosa CountvTax Collector 1303. 1304. 1305. 1400. Total Settlement Charges (enter on lines 103, Section J and 502, Section K) lfrom GFE#6) $ $ $ $ 3,012.15 2,746.78 31,487.15 •Paid outside of closing by borrower(B), seller(S), lendor(l), or thlrd~party(T) By signing page 1 of th ls statement, the signatories acknowledge receipt of a completed copy of page 2 & 3 of this throe poge statement. Lighthouse Land Title Company, Settlement Agent HUD-1 Page 2 of 3 (SAMPLE-CREST~EW.PFD/SAMPLE-CRESTVIEW/1) Packet Pg. 654 Packet Pg. 655 Packet Pg. 656 Packet Pg. 657 Packet Pg. 658 Packet Pg. 659
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