PROETHANOL2G PROJECT FOCUS ON THE EFFECTIVE INTEGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH THE COMBINED USE OF BIOLOGY AND ENGINEERING FOR THE PRODUCTION OF SECOND GENERATION (2G) BIOETHANOL, FROM THE MOST REPRESENTATIVES EUROPEAN (WHEAT STRAW) AND BRAZILIAN (SUGARCANE BAGASSE AND STRAW) FEEDSTOCKS. PROETHANOL2G - Integration of Biology and Engineering into an Economical and Energy-Efficient 2G Bioethanol Biorefinery (FP7-251151) FP7-ENERGY-2009-BRAZIL | Collaborative project ABOUT PROETHANOL2G The European Union has set a 10% mandatory target for the share of renewables (including biofuels) in the transportation sector by 2020. To achieve this goal, the deployment of sustainable biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass in Europe is mandatory and urgent in order to prevent further competition between food vs. energy of the current first-generation biofuels already in the market. This new generation of biofuels still needs intensive efforts on R&D to fulfill significant GHG reductions in the production chain and to represent an alternative to food-crops derived fuels. Additionally, the use of agricultural residues, industrial or domestic wastes will improve significantly the environmental performance of 2G biofuels. The effective combination of pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation using adapted and robust strains displaying new phenotype features, is a clear objective of this proposal since is the key to the economic viability of lignocellulosic ethanol production. At t h e e n d o f t h e p ro j e c t , PROETHANOL2G aims to get a meaningful technological process integration of: ProEthanol2G bases its conceptual 2G bioethanol biorefinery on the IBUS technology, originally developed by Børge Holm Christensen (HOLM), and presently operating at INBICON’s demo plant in Kalundborg, Denmark. i) For Europe: energy-efficient production of bioethanol and electricity from 100% of wheat straw. ii) For Brazil: energy-efficient production of bioethanol, sugar and electricity from 100% of sugarcane crop, including bagasse and straw. ProEthanol2G is an European Collaborative Project under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) within the theme “ENERGY.2009.3.2.3: Second Generation Biofuels - EU-Brazil Coordinated Call”. The project focus on the effective integration and development of advanced technologies through the combined use of Biology and Engineering for the production of second generation (2G) bioethanol, from the most representatives European (wheat straw) and Brazilian (sugarcane bagasse and straw) feedstocks. The research activities are concentrated in the following areas: i) Feedstock pretreatment ii) Bioconversion technologies for second generation bioethanol iii) Low-temperature distillation iv) Conversion technologies (using the bioprocess-derived materials) for electricity and other added-value materials (e.g. lignin-based products v) Full process integration and sustainability assessment BioElectrochemical System (BES) Value Added Products Workpackages The European ProEthanol2G Project is organized in eight Work Packages (WPs): WP1 - Project Management WP2 - Feedstock thermochemical pretreatments WP3 - Biomass conversion technologies for 2G bioethanol WP4 - Novel low temperature distillation process for 2G bioethanol and enzyme recovery WP5 - Conversion technologies for bioprocess materials WP6 - Integrated assessment of natural resources value chains WP7 - Sustainability, Impacts and Feasibility WP8 - Dissemination activities focused on EU and Brazil WP3 - Biomass Conversion technologies for 2G bioethanol // Leader: ULUND WP3 has two main objectives: 1) to reduce enzyme costs through the coordinated research carried out by the Brazilian Consor tium. 2) to obtain novel robust microbial factories for efficient fermentation of hexoses and pentoses by selecting industrially relevant phenotypes through metabolic engineering, breeding and/or evolutionar y engineering; strain improvement work is based on hydrolysates obtained from feedstock pre treatment. The new developed strains are integrated in simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation of pentoses and hexoses. Partners involved: LNEG, DTU, ULUND, CIEMAT, INBICON Technologies for upgrading and economic use of solid residues (lignins) and process wastewaters are being developed. Partners involved: LNEG, UGent, GV WP6 - Integrated assessment // Leader: EPFL The RTD Work Packages include: WP2 - Feedstock thermochemical pretreatments // Leader: DTU The main goal is to develop pretreatment processes (with focus in hydrothermal treatments) for the production of easily accessible cellulosic fibres for enzymatic hydrolysis (and ethanol fermentation), with high yields of water-soluble polymeric hemicellulose's components and low fermentation inhibitors. The substrates to be investigated are wheat straw and sugar cane bagasse/straw. At lab scale the following new approaches are investigated: 1) hydrothermal pretreatment using the mini-IBUS 2) novel strategies of biomass deconstruction (ionic liquids and supercritical fluids) Demonstration activities through large scale experiments are carried out by Inbicon A/S. All pre-treated biomass is assessed by enzymatic hydrolysis and SSF assays at standard conditions. Partners involved: LNEG, DTU, INBICON WP4 - Low temperature distillation process // Leader: HOLM The main objective is to introduce a novel vacuum distillation system working at low temperatures in the stripper to allow the recovery of active enzymes. Also, ProEthanol2G has realistic plans for the implementation of the novel distillation system in Brazil. Partners involved: LNEG, INBICON, HOLM WP5 - Conversion technologies for bioprocess materials // Leader: LNEG This WP aims to contribute for 100% utilization of plant feedstock with the most cost and energy efficient 2G bioethanol biorefinery minimizing CO2 emissions. The aim of this WP is to value the feedstock from a biorefinery point of view. Data from previous WPs will generate engineering flow charts, and the most consistent mix of biorefinery products (2G bioethanol and co-products) is assessed by optimizing the value of natural resources such as biomass, feedstock, water and energy subject to economic, social and environment constraints. Pa r t n e r s i nvo l ve d : I N B I CO N , FRAUNHOFER, EPFL WP7 - Sustainability, Impacts and Feasibility // Leaders: FRAUNHOFER WP7 deals with the sustainability assessment of 2G Bioethanol Biorefinery (incl. by- or co-products and energy) operating with wheat straw and sugarcane crop.The whole process chains (cultivation, fertilisation, harvesting, transport, transformation) are considered and their impac t on sustainable development is evaluated. Overviews on the sustainability of the bioethanol production will be elaborated. The assessment is integrative, therefore including social, economic and ecological aspects. Par tners involved: INBICON, FRAUNHOFER, EPFL, HOLM LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P Francisco Gírio // DTU - Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Zsófia Kádár // ULUND - Lunds Universitet Marie-Françoise Gorwa-Grauslund // CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas Mercedes Ballesteros Perdices // INBICON - Inbicon A/S Hanne Risbjerg Sørensen // FRAUNHOFER - Fraunhofer UMSICHT Markus Hiebel // UGENT - Universiteit Gent Korneel Rabaey // GV - Greenvalue SA Jairo H. Lora // EPFL - École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Edgard Gnansounou // HOLM - Holm Christensen Biosystemer APS Børge Holm Christensen // The Brazilian Consortium includes the following institutions: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Coordinator of Brazilian Consortium Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INT) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB) BIOMM Technology (BIOMM) Instituto Virtual Internacional de Mudanças Globais, COPPE/UFRJ (IVIG) Blue Sugars Corp. (Blue Sugars) Brazilian Project Coordinator: Elba Bon // COORDINATOR LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P. Unidade de Bioenergia Estrada do Paço do Lumiar 22 1649-038 Lisboa // Portugal PROJECT COORDINATOR Francisco Gírio Tel: + 351 210924721 // ASSISTANT PROJECT COORDINATOR César Fonseca Tel: + 351 210924717 //
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