Terms and conditions For more information and FAQ’s please go to www.beaconbusinessand leisure.co.nz 1. APPLICATION AND PAYMENT 1.1 A written application must be submitted along with payment of the application fee in full before a site will be confirmed as secured. 1.2The deadline for early-bird bookings and payment is 22nd May 2015. Providing payment in full has been returned before this date, the application fee payable shall be discounted by 5%. 1.3The Show Committee reserves the right to accept or decline any application. 1.4The show committee reserves the right to remove any objectionable material, or unsafe equipment from the exhibitor’s exhibit. The Show Committee further reserves the right to exclude from the Show any product or service that it deems in its sole discretion to be inappropriate to the theme of the Show or detrimental to the Show Committee’s reputation. 1.5Cancellations Policy: (a)No refund of the application fee will be issued by the Show Committee unless it first receives written confirmation of the cancellation from the applicant. (b)Cancellations confirmed on or before 22nd May 2015 will result in a full refund of the application fee. (c)Cancellations confirmed between 23 May to 19 June 2015 (inclusive) will result in a refund of 50% of the application fee. (d)Cancellations confirmed on or after 20 June 2015 will result in no refund of the application fee. 1.6 Payment of the Application Fee: (a)Online Payment of the application fee can be made to: EBOP Business and Leisure Show Inc, ANZ Whakatane 06 0489 0237467 00 (b) Eftpos, Mastercard and Visa payment can be made at Radio 1XX, corner McAlister St & The Strand Whakatane. Please return completed application form with payment. (c)Cheques should be made out to EBOP Business and Leisure Show Inc and posted to: PROevents, P. O Box 3191, Ohope 3121 2. POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELLATION 2.1If the Show Committee finds it necessary or expedient to cancel the Show, it may do so by giving written notice to the exhibitors of such postponement or cancellation. 2.2The written notice must be served on the each exhibitor in any number of the following ways: (a) By writing to the exhibitor’s email address as detailed in the exhibitor’s application form; or (b) By mail to the exhibitor’s postal address as detailed in the exhibitor’s application form; or (c) By advertisement in the Public Notices section of the Whakatane Beacon newspaper. 2.3The Show Committee will not be liable to the exhibitor for any compensation whatsoever as a result of the cancellation or postponement of the Show. 2.4No refund of any monies paid will be made to the exhibitor in the event of the Show being cancelled or postponed. 3.INSURANCE AND SECURITY 3.1The Show Committee will not be liable for loss or damage to the exhibitor’s property while it is on the Show Facilities. 3.2The Eastern Bay of Plenty Business and Leisure show Inc. maintains Public Liability Insurance which covers the Show Facilities. 3.3 Exhibitors are advised to arrange their own insurance cover for their property on the Show Facilities, and the Exhibitor acknowledges that they are solely responsible for any loss or damage suffered to their property while it is on the Show Facilities. 3.4 Exhibitor badges must be worn at all times including during set-up and breakdown. 3.5 The Show Committee will provide after-hours security patrols to monitor the Show Facilities both inside and outside the Hall. 3.6The Hall will be securely locked at the end of the set up and after shut down at the end of each show day. 3.7 Each Exhibitor is responsible for any additional security they require in respect of an exhibit site situated outside of the Hall (excluding patrols provided by the Show Committee). 3.8 Each Exhibitor will be responsible for the replacement, repair or reinstatement of any damage caused to the Show Facilities by them, their agents and/or employees or their representatives. The costs of any such replacement, repair or reinstatement shall be the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. 4.HEALTH & SAFETY 4.1 Exhibitors must be cognisant with the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and related and relevant legislation and must comply with its provisions. All Exhibitors must examine their displays for hazards and take steps to eliminate, protect and mitigate potential injury to the greatest extent practicable. 4.2Exhibitors with displays that allow members of the public to move or examine items must ensure items cannot cause injury, and if moved, can be put back in the same safe situation.| 4.3If any equipment with potential risk to health and safety is being demonstrated, Exhibitors must ensure that there is a barrier and sufficient space between the equipment and members of the public. 4.4 If any equipment with potential risk to health and safety is being demonstrated, Exhibitors must provide their own safety equipment (ie, fire extinguisher) to ensure public and hall safety. 4.5Prior to commencing site set up, Exhibitors must submit a list of identified hazards posed by their site along with remedies to eliminate, isolate or minimise those hazards. Permission for an exhibitor to commence site set up Is dependent on this information being provided in full and being accepted by the Show Committee. 4.6Exhibitors must ensure that no part of their display, including but not limited to equipment, signage and storage facilities, extends outside of their allocated site boundaries. Items external to site boundaries may be removed by the Show Committee at the Show Committee’s sole and absolute discretion. 4.7 Exhibitors must not demonstrate noisy equipment in the Hall. 4.8Exhibitors must tape all electrical cords to the floor. 4.9 Exhibitors must not permit any children under 15 years of age to be on site during the set up and breakdown of the exhibitions. 5. FOOD & BEVERAGES 5.1 Exhibitors intending to serve any food and/or beverages at any time during the Show must apply to the Show Committee for approval and may not serve any food or beverage until | such time as their application is approved in writing. 5.2 Exhibitors intending to cook food on site during the Show must apply to the Show Committee for approval and must not cook food on site until such time as their application is approved in writing. 5.3 All Exhibitors intending to cook on site and/or serve food or beverages = must hold a current Food Registration Certificate issued by a Local Authority in compliance with the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 and the Health (Registration of Premises) Regulations 1966. Food Registration Certificates must be displayed. 5.4All Exhibitors intending to cook on site and/or serve food and/or beverages must comply with all Whakatane District Council health requirements and hygiene regulations. 5.5 An inspection by the Whakatane District Council’s (“Council”) Environmental Health Officer may be made prior to the commencement of the Show. If an inspection has not occurred prior to the commencement of the Show, the Exhibitor may be subject to an on site inspection and, if remedial work is required to be done by the Council, the Exhibitor shall be prohibited from further involvement in the Show until such time as the Council has conducted an inspection and has confirmed that all remedial works have been completed to its satisfaction. 5.6If an Exhibitor is prohibited from involvement in the Show in accordance with clause 5.5, all fees paid by the Exhibitor will be forfeited and no compensation will be payable to the Exhibitor. 5.7 Any Exhibitor intending to provide alcoholic beverages at the Show must comply with Section 76 of the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 and make application to the Council for a Licence to operate. To ensure that sufficient time is allowed to complete the application process, operators (where possible) should make an application at least three months prior to the Show. 5.8Exhibitors must provide the Show Committee with a copy of the liquor licence prior to the commencement of the Show. A failure to do so will result in the Exhibitor being prohibited from providing alcohol at the Show with no right to compensation. 6. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 6.1 Exhibitors may begin setting up their displays after 10.00am on Thursday 27th August 2015 and the hall will be open until 4pm that day for set up purposes. On Friday 28th August, the hall will be open from 9.00am and all displays must be completed by 11.00am. The Show will be opened to members of the public at midday. 6.2 Exhibitors are required to have show equipment pre-booked (lights and power) with the Show Committee prior to the close date for applications. Requests for equipment after this date will incur a $95.00 service charge in addition to the fees from the equipment installer. 6.3 Exhibitors must park their vehicles in the Short Street Car Park to the west of the Hall on show days. Failure to do so will result in a fine of $50.00. 6.4 The Exhibitor agrees to observe the designated hours of the show. 6.5 Exhibitors may only sell or display promotional material on their allocated site. 6.6 Exhibitors must not undertake fundraising including raffles, auctions and similar activities. The Show Committee may prohibit an activity at its sole and absolute discretion. 6.7 Rubbish is to be put in the bins provided and there will be a rubbish pick up at the end of each day. 6.8 Pedestrian areas must be kept free and clear for pedestrian use only. 2015 Celebrating Living & Working in the Eastern Bay of Plenty Friday 28th August Saturday 29th August Sunday 30th August 12PM — 5pm 9am — 4pm 9am — 3pm Whakatane war memorial Centre Free Entry to the Public Sponsors Photo Credit: BullsEye Productions Stall Sizes and Rates inside Booked before size 22/5/15 Booked after 22/5/15 2x2 $306 $321 2x3 $381 $399 4x2 $603 $632 4.8 x 3 $752 $788 4.8 x 4.8 $938 $983 REGISTRATION Contact person: _ Business Name: _ Address: _ Phone: _ Email: _ STAND PLACEMENT outside The Beacon Business and Leisure Show is Proudly Local The Business and Leisure Show is focused on creating opportunities for local businesses to prosper within the Eastern Bay. We promote and encourage people to ‘Buy Local’ and keep money within our local economy. By participating at the show you’ll also have the chance to network, get to know and support other local businesses and help strengthen the economic base of our community. The Beacon Business and Leisure Show is a cost-effective way of developing leads and making sales. With free entry to the public, this is your chance to showcase your products and services to the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Eligible areas Booked before size 22/5/15 Booked after 22/5/15 A10x10 $588 $616 A5x4 $115 $121 B10x10 $309 $324 B8x15 $309 $324 B5x4 $115 $121 C5x4 $115 $121 List in order of preference as your first choice may not be available. All associated costs are on this form and floor plans are available on request from the Event Manager. 1. 2. Lights @ $39ea To secure site, full payment and a completed registration must be made by 20th June 2015. Outside Power 10 amps @ $150ea tv Brackets @ $55ea Eftpos, Mastercard and Visa payment can be made at Radio 1XX, corner McAlister St & The Strand Whakatane. Please return completed registration form with payment. Cheques should be made out to ‘EBOP Business and Leisure Show Inc’ and posted to: PROevents P. O Box 3191 Ohope 3121 CONTACT: Jo Finlay P 027 555 3733 Eproeventsnz@gmail.com This event is owned and operated by the Eastern Bay of Plenty Business and Leisure show Incorporated society. The show committee reserves the right to accept or decline any application. Exhibitor’s preference will be considered when assigning stands, however final determination of stand locations will be made by the show committee in the best interest of the show. x $ No. req $ No. req $ No. req $ No. req $ Inside Power 4 way multi box amp @ $79ea Payment Details 3. Stall size Online Payment can be made to: EBOP Business and Leisure Show Inc, ANZ Whakatane 06 0489 0237467 00 www.beaconbusinessandleisure.co.nz Subtotal $ GST $ TOTAL $ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE that I have read the Terms & Conditions for the Beacon Business & Leisure Show and ACCEPT them as stated on this form. Signed: Date:
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