DEAR MADAM AND GENTLEMEN, we are Varna Regional Administration, public administration in Bulgaria. We are interested in new EU funding programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020. We find some calls and Varna regional administration is ready to apply. Most of the EU funded projects are collaborative projects with at least 3 organisations from different EU Member States or Associated countries. We looking find organisations that would like to participate in the proposals like partner. If you want to participate with us in cooperative project or projects, we will be ready to sing documents for cooperation. FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: SCIENCE WITH AND FOR SOCIETY CALL FOR DEVELOPING GOVERNANCE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF RESPONSIBLE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Topic: Innovative approach to release and disseminate research results and measure their impact H2020-GARRl-2015-1 s/241 O-garri-4-2015.html Varna Regional Administration can make type of action: Coordination and Support Action . The European Commission promotes a culture of openly sharing information among researchers, innovative industries and citizens. This is opportunity for build up "Open Public Register type of database for dissemination of research results ". SOCIETAL CHALLENGES CALL OVERCOMING THE CRISIS: NEW IDEAS, STRATEGIES AND GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES FOR EUROPE Topic: Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector H2020-EUR0-6-2015 s/2093-euro-6-2015.html Varna Regional Administration can make type of action: Coordination and Support Action. Our goal is to modernize public administration in special Varna Regional Administration by implementation in the public sector emerging technologies. This will improve effectiveness and efficiency of public administrations and will transforming public administrations processes. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES CALL NEW FORMS OF INNOVATION Topic: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0 INS0-4-2015 s/2475-inso-4-2015.html Varna Regional Administration can make type of action: Coordination and Support Action. This challenge is in the context of open innovation and science 2.0, to assist universities to become open innovation centres for their region in cooperation with I I ' ~ companies, realising the ERA priorities, and to enable public administrations to drive innovation in and through the public sector. The Innovation leadership programme and platforms, notably the online platforms, will enable public administrations and researchers to drive innovation with newly acquired skills relating to creativity, critical thinking, idea generation, visualisation and entrepreneurship. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES CALL NEW FORMS OF INNOVATION Topic: Social innovation Community INS0-5-2015 s/2476-inso-5-2015.html Varna Regional Administration can make type of action: Coordination and Support Action. The specific challenge of this activity is to stimulate and support the establishment of a 'Social Innovation Community' of researchers, social innovators, end users (citizens) and policy-makers. Activities will include the organisation of brokerage events to enhance the networking of on-going research; information and awareness activities through the gathering of researchers and various stakeholders, including civil society organisations, citizens' groups, private actors, policy-makers, user groups and other networks; the organisation of events aimed at identifying priorities for collaboration and research gaps and needs, and enhancing the quality, quantity and visibility of future actions in the area of social innovation; SOCIETAL CHALLENGES CALL NEW FORMS OF INNOVATION Topic: ICT-enabled open government INS0-1-2015 s/2477-inso-1-2015.html Varna Regional Administration can make type of action : Coordination and Support Action . Public administrations need to address the new challenges posed by the evolution of society. The activities should aim at encouraging networking of relevant stakeholders and teams working in these areas and to support constituency building. The activities will include the mobilisation of developers and civil servants (through events, hackatons, etc.) and awareness raising among end users in order to increase take-up of relevant newly developed eGovernment applications. Expected impact: Stimulating the creation, delivery and use of new services on a variety of devices, utilising new web technologies, coupled with open public data; More personalised public services that better suit the needs of users; Reducing the administrative burden of citizens and businesses (e.g. collecting information from citizens only once); Increased transparency of and trust in public administrations. CALL FOR INTEGRATING SOCIETY IN SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Topic: Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafes engaging citizens in science ISSl-1-2015 s/241 9-issi-1-2015.html Varna Regional Administration can make type of action: Coordination and Support Action. This topic will organise public outreach exhibitions and participatory events throughout the whole of Europe to engage citizens in science, drawing on the experience and capacity of science museums, Higher Education Institutions, science shops, scientific centres of excellence and i'nnovation hubs, cities of scientific culture, secondary schools, higher education centres, Non-Governmental Organisations and civil society organizations, local public authorities and other relevant stakeholders. We also inform you that we have the assurance of the Technical University of Varna will participate jointly with us and will make a research and innovation actions. and Contact us by email: possible. I believe that we together can We waiting your answer as soon realize a successful project. Than oul STOYAN PASEV Governor of Varna Regio
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