Pest Animal Factsheet possums Environmentally, possums cause major damage to native forests by browsing on trees and regenerating plants. Possums are also known to eat native birds’ eggs, chicks and native land snails. Pest Classification Possums have “wild animal” status under the Wild Animal Control Act (1977). Figure 1 - Possum Introduction Originally introduced to New Zealand in the late 1800s to establish a fur trade, the Australian Brushtail possum has become New Zealand’s most noted pest animal. The possum has caused large scale environmental and economic damage to most parts of the country. Possums are widespread throughout Southland and Stewart Island, but are absent from many offshore islands. Possums are territorial with overlapping home ranges of one to two hectares. Possums produce up to two young a year. New areas are colonised mainly through young possums looking to find a home range. What is the problem? Possums cause both economic and environmental damage in Southland. Possums are a vector for Bovine Tb in Southland. Disease transmission occurs when infected possums contact stock-feed or are sniffed and licked by livestock. Possums eat large amounts of pasture, stock feed, crops and damage forest plantings and horticultural crops. Possums also have Suppression animal status on mainland Southland and Stewart Island. Possums are an Exclusion animal on offshore and inland islands. Strategy Rules 1. Land occupiers within the 5% Residual Trap Catch (RTC) area, depicted on the attached map, shall control Possums on land they occupy, at their own expense, to at or below 5% RTC. 2. Land occupiers in the 10% RTC area, depicted on the attached map, shall control Possums on land they occupy, at their own expense, to at or below 10% RTC. 3. No person shall keep in captivity, sell, offer for sale, propagate, transport or release any Possums within the Southland region including offshore and inland islands. Note: Residual Trap Catch (RTC) is a nationally standardised possum monitoring method using lines of leg-hold traps. The %RTC represents the percentage of traps which captured a possum. E.g. 5 possums caught from 100 trap nights would be a 5% RTC. Pest Animal Factsheet Control Environment Southland Regional Pest Management Strategy requires that land occupiers assist with maintaining low possum numbers. Environment Southland staff can provide advice and information regarding these control options for possums: • trapping • poisoning • night-shooting • repellents • commercial pest controllers Trapping - traps for controlling possums are available from farm supply stores. Traps fall into three categories - kill traps, leg-hold traps and live capture traps. Fresh apple, orange or kiwifruit are effective baits for possums. Their scent can be further enhanced by sprinkling with cinnamon or curry powder. To achieve the best results, the trap should be set close to suitable feeding or nest sites, near possum pad runs or trees that possums are known to frequent. When trapping large areas of possum habitat traps should be placed at 20 -100 metre intervals on lines 100 metres apart. This ensures that a trap is within each possum’s home range. • Kill Traps Environment Southland lends out “Timms” and “Possum Master” kill traps to control small numbers of possums. Both of these traps are very effective and easy to use. Kill traps set with fruit baits pose little or no threat to domestic cats. Poultry should be kept away. An ideal bait size is about one quarter of an apple. Possums are most active in the first four hours after dark. If there is a concern about pets coming into contact with a trap, traps can be set early in the evening and released prior to bedtime with pets kept shut in during this time. • Leg-hold Traps Leg-hold traps have proven to be one of the most cost-effective methods of trapping possums in areas where you wish to control a large area, for example a bush remnant on your property. • Cage Traps Cage traps are an option in residential or built up areas. If you catch non target animals, they can easily be released. Notes: 1) The law requires (Animals Protection Act) that traps and snares are checked every 24 hours after setting to prevent unnecessary suffering or pain to any animal caught. This does not apply to kill type devices, but is still advised. 2) The use of gin traps will be prohibited by law from January 2008. Poison - there are several poisons available from rural supply stores that are effective for possum control. The poisons available for general public use are: • Pestoff (Brodifacoum) – second generation anticoagulant poison that is suitable for bait station use. Pestoff is a slow acting poison. • No Possums (Cholecalciferol) - a calcium elevating poison that causes heart failure. Used in a bait station it has a very long field life. • Pindone – a first generation poison that generally requires large quantities of bait to be supplied continually. These possum baits must be used in bait stations. Bait stations help to confine the bait to the target species and should be placed at 100-150 metre intervals through areas of possum habitat. Bait stations are also available on loan from Environment Southland. For Pestoff and Pindone, fill the bait stations initially, and then pulse feed at three weekly intervals thereafter. This allows possums that have been poisoned to die before more bait is made available. Pest Animal Factsheet All poisons must be used and stored in accordance with label instructions. Poisoning in urban or built up areas is not recommended. Ensure poison warning signs are displayed. Night-shooting - night-shooting is an effective means of controlling small possum populations. If shooting is used, a .22 rifle and shotgun are the preferred firearms. All the necessary precautions must be taken when using firearms. Repellents - repellents may deter possums from damaging young trees, but do not provide total protection. Repellents are not practical for Tb control or protecting native forests. Repellents give short-term protection to treated plants, however, killing possums is the most effective means of control. Garden shops, tree nurseries or farm supply shops supply commercial repellent preparations. If using repellents on a small scale, an egg “home brew” described below can be considered: Egg mix 4 eggs, 100 ml water-based paint, 900 ml water. Beat eggs then mix in waterbased paint, then add water. Pour through strainer into spray applicator. This mix does not persist as well as commercial egg preparations and usually has to be reapplied at three-weekly intervals. Commercial Pest Controllers - pofessional pest destruction firms can be used to carry out possum control work. Contact Environment Southland for information and contractor details, or see the Yellow Pages under Pest Control. Advice & Information To find out more information contact: Biosecurity Officer Environment Southland Private Bag 90116, Invercargill Phone 03 211 5115 Toll free 0800 76 88 45 Fax 03 211 5252 E-mail Website Pest Animal Factsheet Figure 2 – Possum Residual Trap Catch Areas
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