ries t is in M e c n e id v o r P Newsletter g in is a r d n u F ts h ig Info & Ins Providence Ministries, PO Box 6269, Holyoke MA 01041 Phone: 413-536-9109 Fax: 413-536-1137 pmn3@comcast.net - www.provministries.com Winter - 2014 Helping those in Need Broderick House SRO Kate’s Kitchen Loreto House Margaret’s Pantry St. Jude’s Clothing Mother Mary’s Used Furniture Store PMN EDITORS CHRISTINE BURNS MARY JANE DUPONT M other Nature is surely having her way this winter! So much snow, so much cold, so much ice - it’s no wonder that needy families are having a hard time just putting food on the table. Here at PMN we work hard day after day to ensure that no matter what the season, or what the weather, that we have food on the table at Kate’s Kitchen. We really feel blessed to have a community that is so supportive and willing to step up and help, whether it’s donating toys for our Toys for Kids holiday campaign, food drives for our Panty, or clothing and blanket drives for our St. Jude’s Clothing Center. Welcome to New England Did you know that with your help, and that of local farms, restaurants and others businesses, last year Kate’s Kitchen served more than 57,000 hot nutritious meals to those in need? WOW! We thank you for your on-going, never wavering support. We could never do it without you. Special points of Interest….. Get well soon. We wish Loreto House manager, Jeff Langlois a speedy recovery after his surgery. Jeff slipped on the ice, and broke his ankle and leg. He is home resting comfortably. Hungry for the Run Hungry for the Run will return this spring and will benefit Kate’s Kitchen and the Holyoke Career Closet. Stay tuned for more details. ∗ Feinstein Challenge ∗ Annual Meeting ∗ Woman’s Golf Tournament ∗ “Toys for Kids” ∗ Dance to Stop Hunger ∗ Community News ∗ Valley Gives Feinstein Challenge For the 17th year in a row, PMN is once again accepting the Feinstein Challenge. One million dollars will be divided to anti-hunger agencies throughout the country, and we hope to be a part of this fundraising effort. All donations received from March 1st through April 30th are eligible for a match from the challenge. Won’t you send in your donation today so we may capitalize on this offer? Page 2 Providence Ministries Dance to Stop Hunger On Saturday, March 15 at 2:00 pm, students from the Massachusetts Academy of Ballet and members of MABETA (Massachusetts Academy of Ballet Educational Training Association) will give a benefit performance to raise money for Kate’s Kitchen The “Dance to Stop Hunger” event at the Massachusetts Academy of Ballet studio, 4 Open Square Way, Studio 403, Holyoke is free and open to the public. Light refreshments following the performance. Checks and cash donations accepted at the door. This in-studio event marks the sixth consecutive year Academy dancers have performed on behalf of Kate’s Soup Kitchen. For more information about the 2014 Dance to Stop Hunger event: massacademyofballet.com or call 536-6200. Community News Marcotte Ford, the prefect Fusion of Business and Benevolence Marcotte Ford held a lottery tree raffle to benefit Kate’s Kitchen. The lucky winner was Glen Gagnon. Jackie Filomeno sold the tickets to their employees and customers who were very happy to support Kate's Kitchen. They raised $550.00 to help feed the needy in our community. Fighting Poverty with Fashion! Providence Ministries Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting Our 25th Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday April 8, 2014; details on time and place to be announced at a later date. Invitations will be sent out during the month of March and the general community is encouraged to attend. That evening we will present the Sr. Agnes Broderick, SP Justice & Peace Award. Please be sure to join us for this festive event. For more information please contact our main office at 413-536-9109. Blessed Sacrament school kids come through again! The middle school kids at BS held a clothing drive and collected a van full of gently used clothing for the Ministries. When schools and other organizations find that they have students or clients without seasonally appropriate clothing they call us. We distribute hundreds of pieces of clothing each year at no cost to the community. Thanks to these young people who are already showing their commitment to charity and their community. We’re thrilled to announce that Cinderelli’s Consignment Boutique has a new owner. Former volunteer, Diane Olsen has taken over the reigns at Cinderelli’s. Although it’s no longer a Ministries project, the store will remain a community partner. Diane will continue to accept donations and consignments to benefit the Ministries. Consigners will also have the option to have a portion of their sales come directly to us. In the first month, we accepted 11 bags of clothing and $242 in cash from that venture. We are very grateful for Diane’s generosity and wish her the best of luck moving forward and encourage you to support Cinderelli’s as well. Providence Ministries Page 3 “Toys for Kids” ou Thank Y Once again the community has shown overwhelming support for our Toys for Kids program! Providence Ministries would like to thank all who have donated. All gifts went to families in Holyoke. Special thanks to the Western Massachusetts Realtors Association, Marcotte Ford, The Gap, the Newman Center at UMass Amherst, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Blessed Sacrament Middle School, St. Anne’s Parish, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and the many individuals who contributed to help out 158 Holyoke families with 394 children. It’s a blessing to provide hope to so many families at Christmas time. Annual Postal Workers, Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Save the Date Saturday May 10th We rocked Valley Gives Day! We received a total of $2,950.05 in donations and received one golden tickets award for $1,200 for a grand total of $4,150.05. Our board member, Lauren Tabin made an early morning donation and she was chosen as our golden ticket winner. Thanks Lauren! All money raised this year will benefit our new foodWorks project at Kate’s Kitchen. We’re thankful for all who helped with the effort. Those of you who liked and shared on Facebook or simply sent out e-mails, Thank you! We are looking for businesses/groups/organizations willing to prepare or sponsor a meal at Kate’s Kitchen for $250/meal or a table for $50. Sponsor‐ ships would include a sign of recogni‐ tion promoting your day at the kitchen and acknowledgement on our Face‐ book page and other social media ven‐ ues. Please call PMN’s office at 413‐536‐9109 for more information and to set up Your Day! Eighteenth Annual Women’s Golf Tournament Monday, June 30th Wyckoff Country Club FORE! Save the date for our 18 Annual Women’s Golf Tournament. The event will be held at Wyckoff Country Club in Holyoke on June 30th. If you or someone you know is interested in golfing, sponsoring the event, or donating a raffle or auction prize, please contact Christine or Mary Jane at (413) 536-9109. This dynamic golf outing features a buffet lunch, silent auction, raffle and goody bags for all golfers, so don’t let the snow fool you - golf is just around the corner. th NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID HOLYOKE, MA PERMIT NO. 141 P.M.N. P.O. BOX 6269 HOLYOKE, MA 01041 A Point to Ponder “Poverty is the worst form of violence.” - Mahatma Gandhi SAVE THE DATES March 1 - April 30 Take the Feinstein Challenge March 15th - “Dance to Stop Hunger” April 8th - PMN Annual Meeting May 10th - “Stamp Out Hunger” Postal Food Drive June 30th - PMN Women’s Golf Tournament at Wyckoff Country Club KATE’S KITCHEN PMN WISH LIST Garlic & Onion Powder, Black Pepper, Paprika, Adobo, Sazon, Sufrito, Sugar, MARGARET’S PANTRY Potato Peelers, Paring Knives Meals-In- A- Can, Tuna, Soups, Peanut Butter, Canned Meats, Hamburger & Tuna LORETO HOUSE Helper, Canned Vegetables & Shower Stall Liners - 54 x 78 Beans, Pasta, Tomato Sauce, Fitted Twin Sheets, Twin Cereals, Baking Mixes Comforters, Blankets, Bath GENERAL NEEDS Towels, Wash Cloths Murphy’s Oil Soap, Fabuloso Privacy Window Treatments Floor Cleaner, Spray Bottles, Sizes 65-72-85 & 92 Sponges
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