How to use WEYE FEYE™ File Tethering XSories 9, rue de la Négresse 64200 Biarritz - FRANCE | | Phone + 33 (0) 5 59 43 86 00 | File Tethering to access photos and videos on PC and Mac A ddressing the needs of professional photographers, the WeyeFeye introduces a new development: the file tethering to access your content directly from a computer. Tethering, akin to the “Personal / Portable Hotspot” on mobile phones, allows to connect from a PC or Mac either to the DSLR or to the smartphone/tablet. By doing so, you can view instantly the photos/videos taken by the DSLR, and start processing them with the software Note : WEYEFEYE™ supports two tethering modes: • Tethering from iOS/Android device • Tethering from DSLR Only one mode can be used at the same time. available on your computer. This is a real plus for studio photography, for instance! TETHERING FROM IOS/ANDROID DEVICE With WeyeFeye File Tethering, the photos can be transferred to PC instantly after shooting. It’s a fantastic tool to view images in real time and perfectly evaluate composition, focus and lighting. SOME LEADS FOR THE USE OF THIS TOOL: • D ownload and install the app on your computer • Reconnect your DSLR to WeyeFeye • Connect your Mac/PC to the WeyeFeye’s hotspot • Start the WeyeFeye Tethering Mode on your computer, chose the folder to save files, select tethering mode for mobile device, press «Start» XSories 9, rue de la Négresse 64200 Biarritz - FRANCE | | Phone + 33 (0) 5 59 43 86 00 | • In your iOS/Android app, select the file type you need in the Settings. ANDROID : iOS : Note: You can not use mobile device to controll the DSLR when tethering from DSLR. Once you finished a shot, the iOS/ Android App will switch to the review mode and the JPEG/RAW file will be uploaded to the computer at the same time. TETHERING FROM DSLR Without controlling the camera through a mobile device, the WeyeFeye also supports tethering from the DSLR directly. After shooting with the DSLR, the photos will be transfered to the computer directly. You can see the images in real-time. Note: You can not use mobile device to controll the DSLR when tethering from DSLR. • D ownload and install our Mac/PC app in your computer • Reconnect your DSLR to WeyeFeye • Connect your computer to the hotspot created by the Weye Feye. XSories 9, rue de la Négresse 64200 Biarritz - FRANCE | | Phone + 33 (0) 5 59 43 86 00 | • Start the WeyeFeye Tethering on your computer, setup the saving folder, select Tethering from DSLR and press Start. • Take a shot with the DSLR, the file will be transferred to Mac/PC simultaneously. LIGHTROOM Here are some hints for setting up Lightroom: • • • • • Go to: File Auto Import Auto Import Settings Check the box «Enable Auto Import» and navigate to the same folder you chose for the WeyeFeye Tethering in the software before. • Then create a final destination folder for the Lightroom images, create custom file names, keywords, define pre-sets, etc. ENJOY IT! To download the Weye Feye App, please visit: Contact XSories: XSories9, rue de la Négresse 64200 Biarritz T : +33(0) 5 59 43 86 00 Presse Contact UK: Little Red Rooster Ltd. Henry Griffiths/Nicola Goodman Phone +44 (0)1189018828 Presse Contact US: Carrie Pendolino
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