greek federation of private employees Ag. Konstantinou & Psaron 2 - 104 37, Athens Tel: (+3010) 5239001, 5239766 Fax: (+3010) 5231619 E-mail: Affiliate of UNI - GSEE Ms. Andrea Kocsis Deputy Chairwoman Ver.di Paula-Thiede-Ufer 10 D - 10179 Berlin Germany OIYE Solidarity w/ ver.di members in Deutsche Post Dear colleagues, On behalf of the 120,000 employees we represent in Greek Federation of Private Employees (OIYE), I write to you to express our solidarity with the ver.di members on strike in Deutsche PostDHL at this time. We have read with great concern of the aggressive details of Deutsche Post’s plans to strip away as many as 10,000 parcel workers from the existing collective agreement in Deutsche Post and reduce their pay by as much as €3,500 per year. Unilaterally moving those workers, in breach of the existing agreements with their union, is a cynical ploy to cut costs at the workers’ expense and undermines the spirit of co-determination which is at the heart of the German industrial model. In a larger European postal sector that is still grappling with the fallout of liberalization and unfair competition, the situation in Deutsche Post is especially concerning. We know that other posts look to Germany in developing their own plans for the future, and the model Deutsche Post is proposing is one that must not succeed in Germany or be replicated elsewhere. And so I commit to you that OIYE and its members will stand in solidarity with all the ver.di members fighting back against DP-DHL’s race to the bottom. Yours in solidarity, Thanos Vasilopoulos General Secretary
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