Pacific Science Review, vol.16, A, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1~8 Advances of FRP-Based Smart Components and Structures Yung William SASY CHAN * and Zhi Zhou** Abstract: Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites are widely used in civil industry since a couple of decades. This paper is an object of understanding smart components and structures based on FRP. Basic principles of the intelligent structures made of FRP and Optical Fiber sensors are introduced. Some significant up-to-date smart elements used as reinforcing and health monitoring of structures are also mentioned in details. Moreover, certain applications of smart FRP systems in civil engineering are enunciated briefly. The results show that smart bars based on FRP are very useful and could replace conventional steel. Additionally, FRP-OF-OFBG is one of the most advanced techniques for local and global monitoring. However, interface strain for externally reinforcing systems needs specific characterization to overcome debonding effects. Finally, problems analysis of existing applications based on carbon fiber composite are point out, following by some possibilities of new design smart FRP. Keywords: Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP), Optical fiber, Smart sensor, Smart structure, Structural health monitoring. (electrical strain gage, accelerometer, etc.) have been installed for integrity evaluation of Bridges, dams, buildings, and so on [4-5]. However, these techniques present some limitations in application like durability and high cost. Moreover, due to new trends of smart materials, standard transducers have been replaced by intelligent sensors. Nowadays, most detectors are based on smart materials like Piezoelectric, Shape Memory Alloys (SMA), electro-magneto-rheological fluid, and fiber optic [6-8].Hence, all smart structures up-to-date are based on the properties of the smart materials employed for the design. In other words, sensors performances and quality depend on the advantages and disadvantages of the materials utilized. The concept of intelligent structure is based on safety and economic improvement concerns, weight and time saving, sensing, and auto-control. For these reasons, many attempts of actuating and/or sensing systems have been introduced by researches. For example, a smart aggregate-based active-sensing system was introduced to evaluate damages severity of concrete shear wall. As a result, fragility of PZT patch when directly embedded into concrete could be overcome [9]. Smart self-healing Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams with super-elastic SMA and fiber optic sensors for temporary repair cracks have been demonstrated in [10]. Self-repair of fissures by INTRODUCTION Since recent decades, Smart structures and components have been becoming an interesting area to monitor civil engineering infrastructures [1-2]. Indeed, all structures or/and parts with an integration of sensors and/or actuators systems are classified as “Intelligent structures”. They are able to provide a self-structural health monitoring and/or an actuating response without human intervention. Moreover, new and existing large infrastructures are built everywhere, which are suffering of different deterioration. Thus, smart systems facilitate Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) tasks from construction to service phase [3]. Traditional methods using conventional sensors have been applied to detect the keys parameters of structures in the past decades. Many sensors * PhD Candidate School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China E-mail : ** Professor School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China E-mail : 1 Yung William SASY CHA AN * and Zhi Zhou**: Advances of FRP--based Smart Components and Structurres mechannical performannces. Fig.1 illusstrates the basic principples of smart sysstem based on FRP F and Opticaal Fiber sensors (OF FS). Consequeently, a brieef introduuction of comm mon used fiber optic o sensors andd FRP m materials are giveen. embeedding SMA wires into con ncrete were also a developed, but theermal or electrrical actuation is needded as activationn [11]. Long-teerm monitoringg of concrete bridge by using many typ pes of Fiber Opptic (FO)) sensors has beeen proposed in n some literaturres. Fiberr Bragg Gratingg (FBG) sensorss are bonded at the surfaace or integratedd into concrete with w stainless stteel or eppoxy resin encaapsulation techn niques were fouund in [12]. Moreover, proof p ABS encclosures were ussed for Tsing T Ma Bridge, in order to protect FBG sennsor from m moisture andd dust [13]. Nevertheless, N these methhods seem to bee inconvenient for durable heaalth moniitoring due to fragility fr of Glasss fiber, difficultties of sensors s installaation, and corrrosion effects of certaain materials. C Composites fibeer reinforced po olymer (FRP) like l carboon fiber have beeen used in aero ospace since maany decaddes ago for airccraft frame prod duction. They own o goodd mechanical prooperties such ass high tensile strress, high young moduluus in fiber direcction, lightweigght, and so s on [14]. Its applications in Civil Engineerring begaan just in the early e 1980sfor rehabilitation and a repaiir of damaged structures. s They y could also usee as reinfforcing elementts for new prrojects to replaace convventional materiaal like steel bar [15]. Furtherm more, they have been usedd to package Fiber Optic senssors with a good strainn sensitivity sim milar to the bare b OFB BG. Therefore, many m researcheers have been doone in order to obtain sm mart component based on FRP and a Opticcal fiber sensors. In spite of effforts done, furtther progrress are still needed for su uccessful damaage detecction, long-term m monitoring, best b accuracy, and a so onn. Inn this paper, the basic priinciples of sm mart compponents are presented p with h further detaails, following by a brieff description of some optical fibber sensoors. In additiion, some sig gnificant existting advaances smart FRP P systems and th heir applicationss in civil engineering arre individually described. d Finally, brieff discussion annd proposals are a established in orderr to face challennges of current systems. s Fig 1. Schematic proccess of smart co omponent basedd on FRP andd optical fiber seensors. Fiber Optic Sensingg Opttical fiber sensoors are very pro omising tools foor sensingg due to theeir potential advantages a likke immunnity to electrom magnetic, high sensitivity, highh corrosiion resistance, small in sizee, non-electricaal devicess and so on [16]]. BASIC C PRINCIPL LES F Fig 2. Some fibeer optic sensors principles The principles of the smart com T mponents are rellied to: (1) ( the sensingg principles of the optical fibber sensoors used, and (2) the propertiees of the FRP for In aaddition, they reespond to a chaange in intensityy, phase, frequency, polaarization, waveelength or modee, 2 Pacific Science Review, vol.16, A, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1~8 when exposed to environmental effects [17]. Many kinds of sensors have been deployed in literatures, including Bragg Grating, distributed sensing (BOTDA, OTDR), Fabry-Perot Interferometry, Long gage Grating, SOFO, etc. Among them, Fiber Bragg grating (FBG), distributed optical fiber and FabryPerot (FP) show great interest in civil engineering applications. Sensing principle of each sensors mentioned above, following by a brief comparison are given in Fig.2 and Table 1 respectively. EXISTING SMART FRP COMPONENTS AND STRUCTURES Smart FRP Anchorage Systems Anchorage is one of key components playing important role for structural integrity. In such system, axial stress and interfacial stress developed along the component need accurate and real-time measurement. However, it is quite difficult to evaluate these stress level due to sensors installation difficulties. Consequently, two (02) kinds of smart systems could overcome these problems. One is distributed smart FRP anchor rod and the second is smart FRP anchorage, based on FBG and OF. Table 1. Comparison between some fiber optic sensors Type of sensors Typ e FBG QD FP Poi nt BOTDA D Measure ment type ε t d ε t p ε t Resolu tion High High Interrogati on technique Wavelengt h Phase Low Frequency (0.5 m) Note: D: Distributed; QD: Quasi-distributed; ε: Strain t: Temperature; d: Displacement; p; Pressure BOTDA: Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis. Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Fig 3. Schematic of configuration and fabrication process of the distributed FRP anchor rod [20] FRP materials are composed of matrix (epoxy resin) and fiber (Aramid, Carbon, Glass, and Basalt). They have high corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties almost similar to those of conventional steel along the fiber direction. Various successful applications were found to replace conventional methods for reinforcing, retrofitting, and repairing [18-19]. Therefore, it is obvious to say that mechanical properties of FRP are strong enough for optical fiber protection, and obtaining smart reliable sensing component. Fig 4. Strain sensitivity comparison between bare OF and built-in OF. 3 Yung William SASY CHAN * and Zhi Zhou**: Advances of FRP-based Smart Components and Structures Distributed Based Smart FRP Anchor Rod The smart FRP anchor rod is made of distributed optical fiber sensor (BOTDA) and FRP. The manufacturing process is shown in Fig.3. In order to monitor full-scale axial strain, built-in OF sensors was adopted as sensing part. Calibration tests on bare OF and smart FRP sensors are done for strain sensitivity comparison. By using the data from [20] and Origin software, strain sensitivity comparison curves were depicted in Fig.4.According to the graph and linear fitting results, a very small difference value (0.002 MHz/µε) is notified between the strain sensitivity of bare OF and FRP anchor rod. Therefore, we can conclude that the FRP do not change too much the sensitivity of the optical fiber sensor. Smart FRP Bars FRP bars were introduced to replace conventional steel bars for reinforced concrete (RC) structures. For structural safety improvement, advances on smart FRP bars were produced in Harbin Institute Technology (HIT). Many sorts of intelligent bars could be found in literature reviews. However, the most significant are cited with further details here. Smart Basalt-FRP Bars (BFRP bars) The system consists of built-in OFS, embedded into B-FRP during fabrication process by pultrusion, like depicted in Fig.3. Moreover, based on data from [22], strain sensitivity of bare OF and BFRP are shown in Fig.7 and Fig.8. According to the results, a Fig 5. Smart FRP anchorage in reference [21]. Smart FRP Anchorage Based on FBG Anchorage based on FRP-FBG was developed in order to measure accurately its axial strain states. Height (08) FBG sensors were embedded along the FRP rod [21]. The design is shown in the Fig.5. Using data from reference [21], stress-strain relationship of FRP rod (Fig.6) is established. Results show a correlation coefficient of 0.999 and young’s modulus of 51.85 GPa. Fig 7. Strain sensitivity of bare OF Fig 8. Strain sensitivity of Smart BFRP bar Fig 6. Stress-strain relationship of FRP rod. 4 Pacific Science Review, vol.16, A, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1~8 good coefficient correlation and slightly difference exists between bare OF (R2 = 0.99988) and smart FRP system (R2 = 0.99986). Hence, smart bar has the strain sensitivity similar to the bare OF. Zhou et al [23] have also conducted similar studies of smart bars based on CFRP-OFBG and GFRP-OFBG. The strain sensing coefficient of each smart bar is 1.21 pm/µε and 1.19 pm/µε respectively. The coefficient of correlation are 0.9999 and 0.99982 respectively too. From these results, we can confirm that a good linearity is obtained for every type of FRP composites used. OFBG has been used to monitor losses in prestressed RC beams [25]. However, it could only detect losses at local point of structure. As an advance sensing technique for force losses, smart FRP-OF-FBG bars allow full-scale measurement along its length [26]. By using the method described by Zhou et al [24], a smart steel strand was applied to replace conventional steel strand. The sensing principles of the smart strand are based on the Brillouin techniques (frequency shift) and Fiber Bragg grating (wavelength shift). Therefore, we could obtain local and global measurement of force losses (see Fig.9 for sensing configuration). Moreover, a simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature have been demonstrated in [27], by using one multi-signal optical fiber sensor. The smart steel strands consist of one FRP bar surrounded by six (06) steel wires. A series of prestressed RC beam tests were carried out to verify the performance of the smart steel. Load cell was applied to compare the values acquired from intelligent system. The results show that the monitored values from smart steel strand agree well with those from load cell with a relative variance less than 8%. Moreover, a slight relative error less than 0.25% between FBG and BOTDA sensors is noticed, which indicates a great cooperating capability. Smart FRP-OF-FBG Bars Full-scale measurement can be realized by combining “point sensors” and “distributed sensors”. The smart FRP bars presented here is a result of a hybrid distributed OF sensors and FBGs aligned in a single optical fiber, embedded into FRP [24]. The sensing configuration of the smart bar is described in Fig.9. Table 2 shows the linearity of sensor data and measurement accuracy. We can notify from results that a slight decrease of linearity between bare OFFBG and FRP-OF-FBG exists. Smart Externally FRP Systems Nowadays, infrastructures, especially bridges are suffering of deterioration due to material ageing in all over the World. New constructions require high investment and time-consuming. Therefore, repairing techniques by using FRP composites are suitable in order to minimize financial and time-consuming. Many systems for strengthening and repairing based on FRP have been adopted in literatures. However, some interesting issues are presented here. Fig 9. Schematic sensing configuration of BOTDA/R-FBG system (a) light switch method and (b) coupler method [24] Smart Embroidery FRP Sheet FRP sheets are strongly used for column, columnbeam joints, and masonry wall strengthening. However, sudden failures could occur during lifespan of the system, and lead to serious damage. Thus, a need of adequate monitoring is required. For this purpose, embroidery method could solve the problem of FBG sensors fixation at designated position [28]. The embroidery smart sheet is got from an Table 2. Linearity (R2)of sensor [24] Sensor Bare-OF-FBG FRP-OF-FBG FBG 1.0000 0.9995 BOTDA 0.9992 0.9995 BOTDA-FBG 0.9999 0.9996 The practical application of smart FRP bars was mainly for prestress losses monitoring. Smart FRP5 Yung William SASY CHAN * and Zhi Zhou**: Advances of FRP-based Smart Components and Structures embroidery machine, by fixing the fiber optical sensors accurately at the carbon fiber as show in the Fig.10. DISCUSSION & PROPOSALS Based on the existing smart components cited above, their advantages and disadvantages are discussed in this part. Hence, the following remarks and proposals are addressed: (a) Up to date, Smart FRP-OF-FBG sensing principle is the most convenient technique for global and local monitoring. Smart bars based on this sensing technique are promising tools for health monitoring of prestressed reinforced concrete structures. However, further studies are need in order to improve the existing methods, as well as ameliorate the measurement range of the smart bar to detect damages until total rupture. (b) The embedded techniques of OFS into FRP do not affect the mechanical properties of systems. Additionally, fabrication process (pultrusion, wetlay-up, hand lay-up, etc.) causes easy integration of optical sensors. (c) Two (02) similar smart anchorage systems were described. For that one, which using 8 FBG sensors, a combined OF-FBG in a single optical fiber might be good solution in order to reduce the cost of the sensors, as well as improve its durability. (d) Surface bonded OFBG technique for smart NSM strips is not reliable for long survivability of sensors. New issues overcoming these disadvantages should be adopted. (e) The embroidery techniques seem good issues to fix FBG at designed position into FRP sheet. However, for large sheet, the smart system cost expensively due to the number of FBG embedded in. According to these remarks mentioned, FRP based smart components and structures are still in progress and need further development. Instead to only detect damages on structures (prestress loss, strain, etc.), a careful care on the survivability of the components is also better to realize. For example, Takeda, S-I. [30] used FBGs to measure the swelling strain and coefficient of moisture expansion of CFRP laminates in order to determine their suitability for practical use. In addition, FRP materials as protective layers of OFS are very sensitive in harsh environment. Above the Transition temperature (Tg), mechanical performance of the epoxy matrix will change, which in turn, change the whole properties of the composite. Smart NSM CFRP Strip Near Surface Mounted (NSM) is one of externally strengthening systems. Prestressing method makes the possibility to use the whole tensile strength of the CFRP strips. However, brittle properties of the material could lead to global structural failure. Consequently, accurate and real-time monitoring of the prestress forces methods are needed. Here, the authors developed surface bonded OFBG sensors on CFRP strips for stress monitoring objective [29]. The configuration of the smart system is shown in Fig.11. For comparison, strain gauge is also bonded at the opposite face of the strip. According to the results, it was concluded that the OFBG sensors integrated into the NSM CFRP strips could measure the prestress loss, as well as detect damages during loading process. Furthermore, the strain values gathered from FBG sensors agree well with those from Strain gages. Fig 10. Production of embroidery smart FRP sheet based on FBG [28]. Fig 11. 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